16-04 – Procedures for Medication Management at a CSTC
Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)
1. Canadian Forces Health Services (CFHS) has a standard approach to the provision of medications at Cadet Summer Training Centres (CSTC). Clear instructions are communicated to the cadet and his/her family regarding which medications may be brought to the CSTC, how they will be stored, and how the provision of medication will be managed.
2. It must be clearly understood that both the designated supervisor of the cadet and the on-site medical team are responsible for the appropriate custody and provision of access to required medications.
3. The aim of this CATO is to provide appropriate access to the required medication while ensuring the safety of all cadets.
4. The cadet may bring the following classes of medications to the CSTC:
- dispensed medications – the medication should be packaged in a way that complies with all required label regulations. If possible, it should be blister packed for ease of administration and verification; and
- prescribed and Over The Counter (OTC) medications also the natural health products must be accompanied by a form (Annex C), signed by the parent/guardian or physician, confirming that it is required treatment for the cadet as per Annex C. This Annex C must be provided to the parent/guardian, if available, during the CF 51 screening process for CSTCs. It must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian just prior to the cadet leaving for the cadet camp. The cadet must bring this form along with his/her medication. The medication should be in the original package which must comply with all required label regulations.
5. Natural health products, health food products or similar products that do not have a drug identification number or are not classified as a medication will not be allowed at the CSTC.
6. All medications brought to the CSTC will be taken into custody by the on-site medical team with the exception of those medications detailed at paragraphs 8 and 9 below. At the intake of the CSTC in accordance with Annex A, Appendix 1, the medication sheets will be initiated for all prescription and OTC medications for each cadet. Once the sheet is completed for the cadet, the medications will be placed in a zip-lock bag with the name of the cadet and his division/company/flight. All medications will be secured and made available to the cadet by the cadet’s supervisor at the prescribed time, interval or frequency. The procedure is that the cadets will report to the supervisors to receive his/her medication bag, he/she will select and self administer the medication(s) and sign medication sheet for verification. After the distribution of medication, the supervisor will inspect the sheet for any cadet who did not report for his/her medication administration, and the supervisor will then ensure the cadet reports immediately to take his/her medication.
7. For increased safety, the medical personnel will provide instruction on the medication sheet and the above procedures detailed at Annex A to all cadet’s supervisors at the commencement of the training. The medical clinic will verify this procedure at least twice a week.
8. There are some exceptions: the cadet will retain some medications for self-administration, i.e. topical preparations, acne medications, lotions, creams, oral contraceptives, etc., and some medications that needs to be taken outside normal hours or for training/visit/exchange outside the CSTC. In these cases, the cadet will sign a statement as per Annex B stating that they will secure the medications in an assigned area and will not share medications with any other cadet.
9. A cadet may have, on their person, only medication(s) that would be required for a condition in which a delay of therapy would be harmful. Examples would include epinephrine for anaphylaxis (via Epipen or equivalent), and inhalers, such as salbutamol, for asthma.
10. If a cadet presents himself/herself at the CSTC with a condition that is assessed by the on-site medical team as being amenable to treatment with an OTC medication within the CSTC kit and scale of issue, then this medication will be initiated by a health care provider authorized to do so. Access to the medication will be granted as per paragraph 6.
11. If the cadet presents a prescription from a Physician or Dentist, the medication shall be dispensed by a licensed pharmacist or physician. Access to the medication will be granted as described in paragraph 6 above.
12. It is recommended that cadets and parents / guardians be advised through the CSTC Joining Instructions that prescription medication be blister packed, if possible, prior to arrival at the CSTC.
13. In certain instances, in accordance with paragraph 8, the on-site medical team will determine if the cadet is capable of compliance and security of his/her particular medication. The medical personnel will ensure that the cadet meets legal age requirements and that a secure storage area for medications is available. Personnel will also ensure that it is clearly understood that no medications will be shared with any other cadet as per Annex B of this order.
Annex A
Standard Operating Procedures
Annex A - Appendix 1
Cadet Summer Training Centre Medication Log (Sample)
Annex B
Annex C
OTC (Over the Counter)/Prescribed Medication Administration
OPI: D Cdts 5
Date: May 10
Amendment: Ch 10/10 (Original)
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