21-01 - Organization and Establishment – Canadian Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service
Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)
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1. This order is applicable to the Canadian Cadet Organizations (CCO) and to the Cadet Organization Administration and Training Service (COATS), a sub-component of the Reserve Force. It amplifies QR(Cadets), Vice Chief of the Defence Staff (VCDS) Group Order 2004-1 and Canadian Forces Military Personnel Instruction (CF Mil Pers Instr) 20/04, Administrative Policy of Class “A”, Class “B” and Class “C” Reserve Service. Policy and procedures on organizations and establishments are set out in A-AE-219-001/AG-001 (CFP 219-1), Canadian Forces Organization and Establishment Policy and Procedures. This CATO is effective on receipt.
Canadian Cadet Organizations
2. In accordance with Section 46 of the National Defence Act, cadets are organized into four organizations: Sea, Army and Air Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers.
3. Cadet corps/sqn authorized under QR(Cadets) shall be included in the appropriate cadet organization and shall be subject to the authority and command of cadet instructors and other officers from time to time carrying out duties and responsibilities in respect of cadet organizations, as may be prescribed in orders and instructions issued by the Chief of Defence Staff.
4. Cadet corps/sqns are not part of the Canadian Forces (CF) – however, for the purposes of training and administration they are assigned to regional commanders of the CF, issued a Department ID (formerly called UIC), and assigned a support unit to assist with administration and support services.
5. The guiding principles of CATO 21-02, CCO/COATS Personnel Establishment, Human Resources Control and Establishment Changes shall apply in the composition of sections and positions under the Dept ID of a cadet corps/sqn. Staffing priorities and authorized number of paid days for personnel on strength of a cadet corps/sqn are addressed in CATO 21-03, Cadet Corps/Sqn Establishments, Staffing Priorities and Authorized Number of Paid Days.
6. The policies on the supervision, administration and training of Junior Canadian Rangers are contained in Junior Canadian Rangers Administrative and Training Orders (JCRATOs).
Canadian Forces
7. In accordance with the NDA, the Canadian Forces (CF) consists of those units and other elements organized by or under authority of the Minister. The Act prescribes that a unit or other element organized under authority of the Act shall be embodied in a component of the CF. The organizational blocks of the CF are the:
- Element. The element is the basic organizational building block of the CF. Elements other than units, formations and commands simply retain the generic designation “element”;
- Unit. A unit is an element of the CF and is defined in the NDA as “an individual body of the CF that is organized as such pursuant to Section 17 (of the NDA), with the personnel and materiel thereof”; and
- Detachment. A detachment (det) is an integral part of a unit, which is geographically separated from its parent organization.
Reserve Force Sub-Component – Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service (COATS)
8. QR&O article 2.034 (c) provides that COATS, is a sub-component of the Reserve Force, consisting of officers and NCMs who, by the terms of their enrolment or transfer, have undertaken as their primary duty the supervision, administration and training of cadets or Junior Canadian Rangers who are members of the cadet organizations referred to in section 46 of the National Defence Act.
9. The organizational blocks of the COATS Sub-Component of the Reserve Force are as follows:
- Element. NDHQ Cadet Staff Establishment (NCSE), Cadet Summer Training Centres (CSTC), Regional Cadet Support Unit (RCSU), Regional Cadet Instructor School (RCIS), Regional Cadet Sailing School (RCSS), Regional Cadet Land Training School (RCLTS), and Regional Gliding Schools (RGS) are elements of the CF;
- Unit. RCSUs are the only units within COATS that have been formalized by Canadian Forces Organization Orders (CFOO’s); and
- Detachment. Only RCSU Atlantic, RCSU Central and RCSU Northern have authorized detachments.
Command and Control
10. The Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) exercises control over the CCO and the COATS through VCDS who provides direction to regional commanders.
11. Except for NCSE, which, as NDHQ Staff, does not come under command of a regional commander, members of COATS are responsible to their respective regional commander, through the RCSU CO for the effective and efficient operation of cadet activities within their assigned areas of responsibilities.
12. The Commanding Officer (CO) of a Regional Cadet Support Unit (RCSU) is responsible, through the applicable Region Commander, for the command and management of all CCO/COATS establishments and related human resources in his/her region.
13. An establishment includes a collection of all military and civilian positions within an authorized organizational structure of the Department of National Defence (DND). For the CF, personnel establishments are allocated to authorized organizational elements and are contained in the Automated Establishment Reports (AER).
14. Regular Force and Civilian positions are accountable for the Defence Plan and other purposes in peacetime and most are accountable under a wartime or mobilization directive. They are included in the comprehensive Military and Civilian Position Report (MCPR) created by using HRMS.
COATS Establishment
15. COATS is divided into the following establishments:
- regional establishments: cadet corps/sqns, CSTCs, RCSUs, RCIS, RCSS, RCLTS, detachments and RGS. The following are excluded:
(1) sailing centres, expedition, gliding centres. Notwithstanding that Dept ID have been allocated to some Gliding/Sailing Centres for logistic purposes (establishing a Distribution Account), they are not considered elements of the CF and each Centre should be identified as a Section of the applicable RGS, RCSS or RCLTS; and - national establishment: NCSE (NDHQ).
Personnel Establishment
16. The Personnel Establishment is a section of the CF establishment document, which summarizes the authorized positions in an organization. Military positions are listed by rank, military occupation and environment while indeterminate civilian positions are listed by classification and level.
17. The Automated Establishment Report (AER) is a report that lists all of the sections and positions that make up a Dept ID. AERs are accessed through the HRMS PMP Module. AERs include all assigned military (both regular and reserve) and civilian positions.
18. The Unit Manning Report. This report is available to all staff pers who have a DWAN computer through the DHRIM Output Products Home Page, provided that they have the requirement to access the site and are allocated a secure log-in access code. This report lists all of the personnel who are posted or otherwise assigned to a given organization, plus the positions that the personnel are posted to (or accounted for against).
19. Regional Commanders/CO RCSUs, with the assistance of Organization and Establishment Representatives (O&E Rep), are responsible to ensure that their AERs and Unit Manning Reports are maintained up-to-date
20. The policy on the composition and manning of personnel establishment and on management procedures are contained in CATO 21-02, CCO/COATS Personnel Establishments, Human Resources Control and Establishment Changes.
O&E Rep
21. Each RCSU should designate an O&E Rep. VCDS RM has been designated O&E Rep for the VCDS, D Cdts 6-2-4 has been designated O&E Rep for D Cdts & JCR, and each Regional Commander’s HQ has a designated O&E Rep.
22. The role of the O&E Rep at the RCSU level will be to provide subject matter expert advice to CO/Section Heads with respect to O&E policy, to identify impacts of O&E policy changes, to provide general oversight and management of O&E structure for their RCSU and subordinate organizations including oversight and management over all military and civilian positions.
23. O&E reps are responsible to ensure that all O&E issues such as establishment changes that have a financial impact upon the organization are coordinated in advance with the Comptroller staff in order to ensure a single, coordinated resource allocation plan is developed and maintained.
24. O&E Reps should have delegated authority to adjust cosmetic details concerning both military and civilian sections and positions as requested by the CO/Section Head. O&E Reps will coordinate with the Regional HR Coord for civilian changes, always ensuring that the change will not impact upon a position’s classification level.
OPI: D Cdts 6
Date: Feb 10
Amendment: Original (Ch 2/10)
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