24-07 Annex B – Courses Requiring Course Reports
Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)
1. The following current courses require the completion of a CF 377, Course Report:
- Training Officer Qualification – Interim (TOQI);
- Captain Qualification (CQ);
- Commanding Officer Course (COC);
- Range Safety Officer (RSO) Course (Small Bore / Large Bore);
- Basic Canoe Instructor Course (BCI);
- Canoe Trip Leader Course (CTL);
- Moving Water Leader Course (MWL); and
2. The following updated courses will require the completion of a CF 377, Course Report:
- Basic Officer Training Course (BOTC);
- Occupational Training Course (OTC);
- Environmental Training Courses (Sea / Land / Air) (S / L / A ETC);
- Intermediate Officer Training Course (IOTC);
- Training Officer Course (TOC);
- Commanding Officer Course (COC);
- Range Safety Officer Course (Biathlon) (RSO (B));
- Range Safety Officer Course (C7) (RSO (C7));
- Range Safety Officer Course (C11/12) (RSO (C 11/12));
- Cold Weather Leader (CWL);
- Abseil Instructor (AI);
- Flat Water Canoe Instructor (FWCI);
- Moving Water Canoe Instructor (MWCI);
- Expedition Leader Course (ELC) ;
- Expedition Team Leader Course (ETLC) ;
- Mountain Bike Instructor (MBI);
- Tender Officer-in-Charge Course (TOIC);
- ORCA Officer-in-Charge Course (ORCA OIC) ;
- Naval Field Gun Safety Course (NFGSC);
- E-Learning Facilitator (eLF);
- Senior Instructor Course (SIC);
- Senior Officer Training Course (SOTC);
- Leadership and Command Programme (LCP); and
- Unit Cadet Conflict Management Advisor (UCCMA).
3. The following updated courses will not require the completion of a CF 377, Course Report; these course will only receive a CF 289, Certificate of Military Achievement:
- Administration Officer Course (AOC);
- Supply Officer Course (SOC);
- Orienteering Instructor (OI);
- Range Safety Officer (Air Rifle) (RSO(AR));
- Biathlon Coach (Level I) (BC(I));
- Biathlon Coach (Level II) (BC (II));
- Biathlon Competition Official (BCO);
- Marksmanship Coach (Level I) (MC(I));
- Marksmanship Coach (Level II) (MC(II));
- Marksmanship Competition Official (MCO);
- White Sail Coach (WSC) ;
- Bronze Sail Coach (BSC) ;
- Racing Sail Coach (RSC) ;
- Sailing Learning Facilitator (SLF) ;
- Sailing Evaluator (SE) ;
- Safety Boat Operator (SBO) ;
- Racing Sail Coach (RSC) ;
- Powerboat Operator (PBO) ;
- Powerboat Instructor (PB Instr) ;
- PCOC Instructor (PCOC Instr) ;
- Small Craft Rescue Instructor (SCRI);
- Restricted Operator’s Certificate (Maritime) (ROC(M)) ; and
- Whaler Instructor (WI).
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