25-05 – Personal Relationships

Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)

CATOs are gradually being replaced by CJCR Gp Orders and CJCR Group Instructions and are therefore no longer being updated or amended. There has been no content change to CATOs since 2015 and the “date modified” appearing at the bottom of this page is simply an indicator of the last time the page was reviewed, not changed. CATOs that are published on Canada.ca are considered current policy and will be removed when they are superseded.


1. This order describes the policy regarding personal relationships within the Canadian Cadet Organizations (CCO) and should be read in conjunction with Defence Administrative Orders and Directives (DAOD) 5019-1 on Personal Relationships and Fraternization.

Definition – Staff

2. Staff means Canadian Forces (CF) members, DND civilian employees, contractors, volunteers and Civilian Instructors employed in support of cadets.


3. DND is committed to:

  1. respecting the inherent right of staff members and cadets to form a personal relationship of their choosing;
  2. respecting the privacy of the personal relationships of staff members and cadets; and
  3. providing fair and unbiased treatment to persons in the care or under the protection of staff members and preventing the exploitation of vulnerable persons.

Prohibited Relationships

4. In order to avoid potential, real or perceived conflicts of interest, relationships of an emotional, romantic or sexual nature between a staff member and a cadet, are not permitted.

Acceptable Relationships

5. In order to ensure the proper application of the DAOD referenced above, the following shall apply:

  1. an acceptable personal relationship includes:
    (1) a family relationship between a staff member and a cadet or between cadets provided the chain of command is duly notified,
    (2) an emotional, romantic, sexual or family relationship, including marriage, a common-law partnership or civil union, between two staff members, or
    (3) a consensual relationship between two cadets.

Role of The Chain Of Command

6. In keeping with professional military values, leaders and the chain of command have a responsibility to uphold standards of conduct in relation to personal relationships through personal example.

Personal Conduct

7. Staff members or cadets in an acceptable personal relationship shall refrain from conduct that may be considered inappropriate in a military context at corps/squadrons or CSTCs or during any training, cadet activity or cadet related event in which they are involved.  For example, a staff member or cadet while in uniform, in public with another person shall not:

  1. hold hands;
  2. kiss, except in greeting and farewell; and
  3. caress or embrace in a romantic manner.

8. Military staff member in a personal relationship with another staff member (military or civilian) shall follow the provisions of DAOD 5019-1 on Personal Relationships and Fraternization.

9. Staff members and cadets shall notify their chain of command of any personal relationship that could compromise the objectives of this order.

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OPI: D Cdts 6

Date:  Apr 12

Amendment:  Ch 4/12

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