2020-4 Organization and Establishments – Corps and Squadrons
Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group Order (CJCR Gp O)
1. Identification
Date of Issue: 2021-12-14
Date of Verification: n/a
Application: This is an order that applies to all COATS members and Civilian Instructors.
- CATO 21-03, Cadet Corps/Squadron Establishments, Staffing Priorities and Authorized Number of Paid Days
- CANCDTGEN 008/19, Amendment to CATO 21-03, Cadet Corps/Squadron Establishments, Staffing Priorities and Authorized Number of Paid Days
Approval Authority: This order is issued under the authority of the Comd CJCR.
Office of Primary Interest (OPI): DCOS Sp
Enquiries: J1 CJCR HQ
2. Abbreviations
Abbreviations | Complete Word or Phrase |
2Lt | Second Lieutenant |
A/SLt | Acting Sub-Lieutenant |
CAF | Canadian Armed Forces |
Capt | Captain |
CATO | Cadet Administration and Training Order |
CCO | Canadian Cadet Organizations |
CJCR | Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers |
CI | Civilian Instructor |
CIC | Cadet Instructors Cadre |
CO | Commanding Officer |
COATS | Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service |
COATS GSO | COATS General Service Officer |
Lt | Lieutenant |
Lt(N) | Lieutenant(N) |
OCdt | Officer Cadet |
NCdt | Naval Cadet |
RCSU | Regional Cadet Support Unit |
SLt | Sub-Lieutenant |
3. Definitions
Duty. See QR&O 9.04, Training and Duty.
Establishment. Positional structure (hierarchy, roles and responsibilities) of an approved organization
Organization. A Command, a Formation or a Unit formed by virtue of the National Defence Act article 17(1), or a detachment of one of the above elements, such as a CTC or a Cadet Corps/Squadron.
Supervisor. A member of the CAF assigned in accordance with orders issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff, in particular a COATS member when on paid duty, or a CI when receiving pay.
4. Organization
4.1 Corps/Squadrons are not CAF units as defined in Article 17 of the National Defence Act, however for the purposes of training and administration they are assigned to the CJCR as detachments of their parent RCSU, issued a Department Identifier, and assigned a support base to assist with administration and support services.
5. Establishment
5.1 The number and rank of positions allocated to a corps/squadron is based on its official cadet population. If the cadet strength changes, the number of positions may be reduced or increased.
5.2 The number of authorized COATS positions, by rank, based on the official corps/squadron population, are as follows:
Official Corps/Squadron Population |
Number of Authorized COATS Positions by Rank | ||
Capt/Lt(N) | OCdt/NCdt – Lt/SLt | Total | |
< 30 | 2 | 3 | 5 |
30 – 59 | 2 | 4 | 6 |
60 – 89 | 2 | 5 | 7 |
90 – 119 | 3 | 5 | 8 |
120 – 149 | 4 | 5 | 9 |
150 – 179 | 4 | 6 | 10 |
180 – 209 | 5 | 6 | 11 |
210 – 239 | 5 | 7 | 12 |
240 – 269 | 6 | 7 | 13 |
270 – 299 | 6 | 8 | 14 |
> 300 | 7 | 8 | 15 |
5.3 The two Capt/Lt(N) positions initially allocated to each corps/squadron are assigned to the CO and Training Officer positions. Subsequent Capt/Lt(N) positions will be assigned by the applicable RCSU with the recommendation of the corps/squadron CO.
5.4 The rank level of each position will be determined in accordance with CATO 21-02, CCO/COATS Personnel Establishments, Human Resource Control and Establishment Changes.
5.5 With the exception of the CO position, which can only be filled by a CIC Officer or COATS GSO, COATS members may occupy any position. When staffing all other positions, COATS members will be provided equal opportunity to occupy the position.
5.6 In accordance with CF Mil Pers Instr 20/04, Administrative Policy of Class “A”, Class “B” and Class “C” Reserve Service, members may be over ranked by only one rank, in an established position.
6. Number of Paid Days per Established Position
6.1 The maximum number of days which may be paid per established position in a given training year, regardless of the number of incumbents in a given position, is as follows:
- CO position: up to 35 days; and
- all other positions: up to 25 days per established position.
6.2 In order to be paid for duty, a COATS member or CI must be posted against one of the corps/squadron positions.
6.3 If a member is posted to a position at some point during the training year, they are entitled to receive all remaining days allocated for the position which have not already been paid out to the previous incumbent. The total number of paid days may not exceed the established position’s allocation of days regardless of the number of individuals who were posted to the position during the training year.
6.4 As Reserve Force members, COATS members will be paid in accordance with Compensation and Benefits Instructions, Chapter 204, Pay of Officers & Non-Commissioned Members.
6.5 Allocated paid days are to be used to pay members and CIs held against corps/squadron positions for duty performed in support of corps/squadron administration, supervision and training requirements.
6.6 In addition to the paid days at paragraph 6.1, a COATS member directed to perform any duty or attend any training other than those at paragraph 6.5 by the RCSU/CJCR HQ will be paid for each day of duty. This includes providing instruction and support at RCSU Cadet Training Sites, Regionally Directed Activities, Nationally Directed Activities, for COATS or other CAF courses, and participation in a conference, seminar, working group, etc.
7. Management of Allocated Days
7.1 Corps/Squadron COs are to distribute the paid days allocated to each established position throughout the training year in order to meet the administration, supervision, and training requirements at the corps/squadron.
8. Paid Days – Additional Support
8.1 A corps/squadron is allocated additional paid days in order to support administration, supervision, and training requirements referred to as “Additional Support”. A COATS member, Primary Reserve member, or CI may be employed and paid using the additional days as long as:
- they meet the requirement to perform the task; and
- they are not on the strength of that corps/squadron.
8.2 Each corps/squadron will be authorized the equivalent of one additional day for each established position.
9. Publication
Frequency of Publication
9.1 Annual or more frequent review and updates, as required.
Errors/Omissions or Suggestions
9.2 Users of CJCR Gp Orders are encouraged to identify any errors, omissions or suggested orders to the attention of CJCR HQ J1 Policy.
10. References
Source References
- Compensation and Benefits Instruction for the Canadian Forces 204.51, Pay – Conditions of Payment
- DAOD 2020-3, Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service
- National Defence Act
- QR&O 9.04, Training and Duty
- QR (Cadets) 2.11, Maximum Numbers – Cadet Instructors and Cadets
- QR (Cadets) 7.01, Pay and Allowances – Cadet Instructors
- QR (Cadets) 7.02, Pay and Allowances – Civilian Instructors
- CBI 204.51, Chapter 4, Section 5, Reserve Force on Other than Class C Reserve Service - Officers and Non-Commissioned Members
- CF Mil Pers Instr 20/04, Administrative Policy of Class “A”, Class “B” and Class “C” Reserve Service
Related References
- CATO 21-02, CCO/COATS Personnel Establishments, Human Resources Control and Establishment Changes
- CJCR Gp Order 5001-0, Supervision
- CJCR Gp Order 5511-1, Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service Promotion Policy
- CJCR Gp Order 5530-1, Civilian Instructor Management
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