5520-1 Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service - Succession Planning

Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group Order (CJCR Gp O)

On this page

  1. Identification
  2. Abbreviations
  3. Definitions
  4. Policy
  5. CJCR Gp SP Cycle
  6. Personnel Management Board
  7. CJCR Gp SP Process
  8. COATS Officers and NCMs
  9. Assessing Potential
  10. Publication
  11. References
  12. Annexes

1. Identification

Date of Issue: 2020-07-23

Date of Verification: n/a

Application: This order applies to all COATS members. 

Supersession: n/a

Approval Authority: This order is issued under the authority of the Comd CJCR Gp.

Office of Primary Interest (OPI): CJCR Gp COS

Enquiries: CJCR Gp Fmn PM Cell

2. Abbreviations

Abbreviation Complete Word or Phrase
CJCR Gp Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Group
COATS Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service
Fmn The Formation (the organization)
PMB Personnel management board
PM Personnel management
SP succession planning

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3. Definitions

Appointment. The designation, by the approving authority, of a member to a specific position resulting from a succession planning decision. May involve a promotion. Horizon is 1-3 years.

Assignment. The designation of a member to a short service position where REO is not required. May involve a promotion.

Fmn personnel management cell. Cell at Fmn HQ, reporting to the DComd, to provide administrative support for the succession planning process at all levels. Until it is created, this function will be covered by Fmn COS.

Extended service. All Class B Reserve service of 180 days or longer.

Short service. All Class A Reserve service and all Class B Reserve service seasonal or less than 180 days.

Personnel management board (PMB). A board convened at unit/formation level up to twice yearly to develop a succession planning list for recommendation to the CO/Comd.

Position list. List of positions identified by developmental period (DP)/rank/type of service with the associated fill method, employing/approving authorities and duration for each.

Rotation plot. A matrix to synchronize, over time, appointment/rotation to key positions across the Fmn.

Succession planning list. Generated by the PMB at both unit and formation levels, identifies members earmarked to occupy key positions through appointment and those as high potential individuals for succession management. It includes individual career development plan.

Succession management. A formation-driven process focused on the organization, to identify and develop COATS members with high potential to lead the institution at selected levels within the Fmn. Horizon is 3-5 years.

Succession planning. An integrated, systematic approach to identify, recruit, assess, develop, select and retain talented COATS personnel to perform in command, leadership and key staff appointments across the Fmn.

Unit level. In the context of succession planning, unit level refers to RCSU and Fmn HQ, the six units in the CJCR Gp.

Unit level PMB. Refers to PMB run at unit level, i.e. RCSU (R-PMB) and Fmn HQ (HQ-PMB).

Individual career development plan. Refers to a plan for career development that is specific to one individual who is on the SP list. Will be discussed and developed between the member and their supervisor. Template to be issued.

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4. Policy

4.1 Under the authority of Ref A, the Comd CJCR Gp is committed, through SP, to objectively and comprehensively assess the potential of COATS personnel to perform in command, leadership and key staff positions across the Fmn, to include Fmn HQ, RCSUs, CTCs and other training establishments. Its objective is organizational capacity building and success. SP develops COATS members for institutional leadership (leading the institution), by providing opportunities that challenge them to think critically, adapt to change and display innovation. It must also deliver leadership aligned with the broader strategic intent of the CAF. SP helps ensure that those identified are afforded appropriate opportunities and experiences, to prepare for complex strategic or operational challenges that will confront them in the future.

4.2 The CJCR Gp SP is intended as a management tool that will permit the effective, consistent, uniform and transparent approach to developing potential of COATS members, with a view to establishing and maintaining a SP list of individuals available for a range of appointments within the Fmn. Its execution is achieved through assignments or appointments, promotions and career development plans, with priority to key positions for Class B extended service (180 days or more) and selected positions for Class A/B short service (e.g. Area Elemental Advisor). The SP provides enough flexibility to ensure it evolves with time. Using SP, the Comd CJCR Gp will:

  1. manage the development and promotion of COATS personnel for the benefit of the institution;
  2. select COATS personnel for key/senior position/appointments over 1–3 year horizon; and
  3. assess and develop selected COATS personnel for long-term strategic leadership in the Fmn over 3–5 years.

4.3 SP applies to all Maj/LCdr and above, as well as MWO/CPO 2 and above, and a limited number of selected Capt/Lt(N) positions. SP does not guarantee an appointment or promotion for a member. During the nomination process, the chain of command will consider a series of factors (e.g. location, experience, availability, elemental affiliation, if necessary, etc) and assess Fmn requirements when selecting members for an appointment. All Fmn SP plans / activities will be reviewed through a GBA+ lens to identify and eliminate unintended barriers to equality in the workforce. The SP list is a pool of members to draw from; it is not a promotion list. It ensures the organization has a pool of identified members with the necessary competencies and attributes ready to be selected to take-on and perform in highly demanding institutional positions.


4.4 SP involves two inter-linked components:

  1. PM focuses on personnel and their careers, identifying high potential members and providing them with the necessary employment and training to develop key competencies and experience. It relies on CAF personnel reporting, ranking boards and promotion policy.
  2. Succession management is focused on the organization, to identify COATS members with high potential to lead the institution at selected levels within the Fmn. It is a shared responsibility between the formation and unit levels, as defined in the position list table (see Annex A).

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5. CJCR Gp SP Cycle

5.1 The CJCR Gp SP cycle is an annual process aligned with the CAF personnel reporting system. It relies on four mutually supporting steps. The cycle is conducted at unit and formation levels and is by design asynchronous in execution. Each step considers the unique characteristics of both the COATS sub-component and Reserve Force service:

  1. Step 1 – Identify key and/or critical positions. Review/update position list and review the rotation plot.
  2. Step 2 – Identify and manage high potential members. Through CAF personnel reporting, the chain of command is responsible to ensure members are identified, briefed, mentored, evaluated, and reported for SP purposes.
  3. Step 3 – Create succession planning list. PMBs develop their SP list of high potential members for appointments and for succession management. The intent is to identify members for future key/senior positions at both unit and formation levels, with a priority focus on vacancies identified on the rotation plot.
  4. Step 4 – Nominate and implement. Using the SP list, implementation is achieved through a combination of assignment, nomination/selection, appointment, promotion, training, education and PD opportunities. The SP list remains valid until reviewed the following year. The chain of command is responsible to implement in coordination with the Fmn PM cell.

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6. Personnel Management Board

6.1 The purpose of the Personnel Management Boards (PMBs) is to evaluate members who have been recommended for succession planning and to create the SP list. PMBs are convened at formation and unit levels as follows:

  1. Formation level;
    (1) N-PMB (officers). Chaired by DComd, membership is RCSU COs, Fmn COS, secretary from Fmn PM cell. Recommend to Comd.
    (2) N-PMB (NCMs). Co-chaired by DComd and FCWO, membership is RCWOs and Fmn HQ CWO, secretary from Fmn PM cell. Recommend to Comd.
  2. Unit level;
    (1) R-PMB (officers). Chaired by CO, membership is DCO, RCSU COS, and secretary from J1. Can be combined with ranking board.
    (2) HQ-PMB (officers). Chaired by Fmn COS, membership is DCOSs and secretary from Fmn HQ J1. Usually combined with ranking board.
    (3) R-PMB (NCMs). Co-chaired by CO and RCWO, membership is CTC CWOs, RCSU senior NCM, secretary from J1.

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7. CJCR Gp SP Process


7.1 The SP process (the four steps) is conducted over a period of up to 18 months. It begins in Jan with the identification of key positions and ends with implementation (i.e. personnel rotation/move) two summers away. This means that two offset cycles will run concurrently. The SP process identifies talent at all levels of the Formation for future appointments and for succession management. It identifies and recommends members who have the potential and motivation to advance within the CJCR Gp, to ensure that they are monitored and mentored.

Step 1 (By Jan of previous year)

7.2 Step 1 identifies positions and defines which position will be succession planned (position list) and identifies those that will become vacant during the year (rotation plot). The position list (see Annex A) categorizes all positions and indicates the fill method, duration and authority to approve hiring for each. The position list is reviewed and updated by the N-PMB in Q3 of the previous year for which it will apply. The rotation plot (see Annex B) identifies the succession planned positions that will rotate the incumbent or become vacant during the year. The Fmn PM cell will update the rotation plot based on anticipated rotation and/or vacancies. Both are submitted to Comd CJCR Gp for approval and promulgation annually.

Step 2 (completed by end of Mar of previous year)

7.3 Step 2 identifies high potential members. This is a chain of command responsibility to identify, brief, mentor, evaluate, and report on high potential members and provide advice for SP purposes. It is conducted during the reporting year. This includes discussion on individual career plan development and action for members identified on the SP list. This is administratively supported by the Fmn PM cell and RCSU/HQ J1s on behalf of the Comd/COs.

Step 3 (Previous year)

7.4 During Step 3, PMBs are convened to develop their SP list of high potential members for appointments and for succession management (see Annex C). The intent is to identify members for future key/senior positions at both unit and formation levels, with a priority focus on vacancies identified on the rotation plot. During this step, individual career plans for each member are reviewed/updated and annotated on the SP list to ensure members gain the appropriate competencies, experience and training. These are integrated with PM and will be achieved through either assignment or appointment, with some options to move between Class B and Class A services, and may include promotion. This step requires engagement with members to discuss their specific development plan and career progression. The SP list is grouped by rank for selected Capt/Lt(N), all Maj/LCdr and above, and all MWO/CPO 2 and above, and is inclusive of all types of service.

Unit level (Apr-Aug)

7.5 Starting at unit level, at the end of the reporting year, the chain of command lists members by rank with regards to potential. It identifies top performer/high potential individuals for both Class B and Class A service personnel that should be considered for SP at the unit level PMB. A unit level PMB is held to create the unit level SP list, which has two parts. Part I supports the execution of the unit level SP process, i.e. to fill those positions under CO’s authority as identified on the position list (Annex A). Part II supports the formation level SP process. The SP list should normally include recommended career plan/actions for each member, including recommendation for long-term succession management. A unit level PMB report, with the complete unit level SP list att, will be produced. Only Part II will be forwarded to the N-PMB through the Fmn PM cell. Part I is executable can be implemented right away under unit CO’s authority. Part I will not be discussed further.

Formation level (Aug-Dec)

7.6 The unit level SP list (Part II) from the five RCSUs and Fmn HQ are combined to form the basis for the Fmn SP list. A N-PMB is held to review the Fmn SP list recommendations for key appointments and for long-term succession management, and to approve individual career plan for each member as recommended by unit level PMB.

7.7 The Fmn SP list is then distributed for validation by RCSU/HQ COs, who will discuss with the member to confirm personal preferences for career progression, mobility and, if applicable, their recommended career development plan. Once complete, the RCSU/HQ forwards the revised Fmn SP list, with required annotations to the Fmn PM Cell. This validation is required to finalize the Fmn SP list. The Fmn PM cell monitors and controls this process, and prepares the finalized Fmn SP list from all returns. Once completed, the Fmn PM cell prepares the report along with the finalized Fmn SP list for review by N-PMB members with recommendations to the Comd for approval.

Step 4 (Rotation/movement year/implementing)

7.8 The approved Fmn SP list is distributed to the chain of command through the Fmn PM cell, for action throughout the next reporting year. Execution will be a dynamic process, to account for various situations and may involve completing a nomination/selection process, announcing appointments and/or promotions to support agreed actions on the Fmn SP list.


7.9 For each Fmn succession planned position identified to be filled in the coming year, or should a non-forecasted vacancy occur, the responsible CO will use the Fmn SP list to verify whether there are potential candidates identified for the position. If there is only one candidate listed for this position, the CO will consult with DComd to discuss the action plan before implementing. If there is more than one potential candidate, a nomination/selection process will be conducted to select the individual. If no candidate meets the requirement, a N-PMB will be convened to identify and nominate further potential candidates from the Fmn SP list for the position, and as a last resort, a Reserve Employment Opportunity (REO) may be used. The approving authority for final selection is listed on the position list. The Fmn PM cell, in close cooperation with RCSU/HQ J1s, oversees the administrative actions to support the chain of command, and monitors the process. The above is also applicable to select a member to temporary backfill a succession planned position, or to backfill a vacant Reg F position. The SP lists can also be used to enable lateral movement for career development which should be included in the individual career development plan.


7.10 The Fmn SP list is not a promotion list, but a list of pooled individuals identified and ready to occupy key/senior positions within the Formation. In most cases, there is more than one potential candidate for a position, therefore there is a requirement to have a nomination/selection process. For a position filled through assignment, the CO will ensure a file review is conducted by the employing authority and a recommendation made to the approving authority (see Annex A). For a position filled through appointment, a nomination file for each potential candidate identified for the position will be prepared by the supervisor/CO. The nomination files will be processed through the Fmn PM cell/J1 cell to the employing authority for review and to schedule interviews. The employing authority will make a recommendation to the approving authority and once approved, implementation will take place. The nomination file will be prepared using the DND 4174-E, Selection for Command or Personal Staff Nomination Form, with supporting documents.

Member’s Decision

7.11 Individuals who refuse their individual career plan as per the SP list (i.e. no desire to move, want to remain PT, not interested, etc.) will be informed that their decision will be annotated on the SP list, that no career action will be considered for the current year, and that they can be reconsidered the following year.

7.12 Those who accept, will remain on the SP list available for selection if and when an appropriate position, IAW with their personal career plan, becomes available. At that stage, individuals can still refuse. In those cases, the result will be actioned in accordance with paragraphs 7.9 through 7.10 as required.

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8. COATS Officers and NCMs

8.1 The intent is to consider Class B and Class A COATS officers on the same list, regardless of elemental affiliation. COATS officers on the CISS list are also to be considered. The same will apply to COATS NCMs. Appropriate career plans will be developed based on member’s preference and situation. Movement between Class B and Class A services can be considered, as will cross-Canada moves. All will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Cl A and Short Service/Seasonal Cl B

8.2 Using the CAF personnel reporting system, the chain of command (Area OICs, CTC COs, RCSU DCO and Fmn HQ DCOSs) reports and ranks high potential Class B and Class A short service personnel within their respective AOR. This can be achieved through the RCSU/HQ ranking board. The ranking board will provide a list of Class B and Class A short service personnel representing the top 10% performers for potential nomination for succession planning. The 10% is a guide and could be higher or lower; COs have the flexibility to adjust up or down to ensure those deserving are considered. The list of Class B and Class A short service nominees, including an evaluation report and a completed personal profile (Annex D) for each member, is provided to the unit level PMB. This list is produced without regard for elemental affiliation or type of service, and should include those on the Cadet Instructor Supplementary Staff List.

Class B Full Time

8.3 Class B extended service personnel are ranked annually by RCSU/HQ as per normal processes and recommendations are made to the unit level PMB for high potential/top performer nominees. The lists of nominees for Class B and Class A short service, and Class B extended service are integrated into one list for consideration by the unit level PMB for succession planning purposes. An evaluation report and a completed personal profile (Annex D) for each member is submitted with the list to the unit level PMB. This is done without regard for elemental affiliation.

COATS GSOs/NCMs Particularities

8.4 COATS GSOs/NCMs serving in Class B extended service and Class B and Class A short service roles will be included in the applicable process outlined in para 8.2 or 8.3. This allows for identification of those with high potential. However, currently, promotion for GSOs/NCMs will remain guided by the member’s former MOSID. This will not preclude them from promotion if qualified, or in WSE temporary situations. It may also include movement through appointment.

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9. Assessing Potential

9.1 Criteria/Attributes published at Annex E should be used to assess potential. The chain of command and supervisors at area, RCSU and Fmn HQ levels will ensure that members are advised and mentored, and those with potential, are identified and willing to be considered for succession planning purposes. The chain of command and supervisors provide the launch mechanism for a successful SP process and must ensure those deserving are brought up to PMB level.

9.2 The SP process recognizes that personal/family circumstances are important factors and that the pursuit of meaningful and challenging employment should be available to all members. Accordingly, members will be consulted by the chain of command to determine their interest in pursuing positions of greater challenge and responsibility. Personnel who no longer wish to be considered for SP or those wishing to progress at a slower pace, may request to opt out. This will be identified and annotated on the SP list. They may stay on or be removed from the succession plan at their request or on the RCSU COs recommendation. In all cases, members will be considered the following year, unless the member formally requests not to be considered. At that point, they will not be considered, until they request to be reconsidered. The goal is to achieve best fit between the member’s aspirations, realistic career prospects and organizational requirements.

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10. Publication

Frequency of Publication

10.1 Annual or more frequent review and updates, as required.

Errors/Omissions or Suggestions

10.2 Users of CJCR Gp Orders are encouraged to identify any errors, omissions or suggested orders to the attention of CJCR Gp HQ J1 Policy.

11. References

Source References

Related References

12. Annexes

Annex A

Position List instruction and sample

Annex B

Rotation plot instruction and sample [PDF-424KB] (You are now leaving Canada.ca. Link accessible only on the Cadet365 Sharepoint)

Annex C

Succession planning list instruction and sample [PDF-270KB] (You are now leaving Canada.ca. Link accessible only on the Cadet365 Sharepoint)

Annex D

Personnel profile form

Annex E

Criteria/Attributes for assessing personnel

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Page details

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