Scenario: Inclusion and Styles of Dress
Group Size: 4-15
Lieutenant-Colonel (LCol) Dupuis, the commander of a unit has been in the military for over 20 years. “I have seen many changes in the culture and expectations of our service,” they think to themself, “but one of the most challenging aspects of my job is to foster an inclusive and respectful workplace for all my personnel, both military and civilian.”
Recently, LCol Dupuis has noticed that one of their civilian employees, Alex, who works as a graphic designer in their public affairs office, has been wearing ripped jeans to work almost every day. This has caused some discomfort and confusion among the military staff, who are required to follow strict dress codes and standards of appearance, even on casual Fridays when they do not have to wear a uniform. Some of them have expressed their dismay and frustration, saying that Alex is being disrespectful and unprofessional, and that he should be reprimanded or fired. Others have said that they don't care what Alex wears, as long as he does his job well and doesn't interfere with their work.
LCol Dupuis has been thinking about how to address this situation in a way that respects both Alex's individuality and creativity, and the military's values and traditions. “I don't want to alienate or offend Alex,” thinks LCol Dupuis. “He is a talented and valuable member of my team. I also don't want to ignore or dismiss the concerns of my military staff, who are also dedicated and loyal to our mission. I want to create a dialogue and understanding between them, so that they can work together harmoniously and effectively.” LCol Dupuis considers how this issue should be dealt with, if at all.
- Principles: Respect the Dignity of all Persons
- Values: Loyalty, Excellence
- Cultural themes: Identity, Leadership, Teamwork
- Misconduct types: General Misconduct
- GBA Plus themes: Culture
- Audience: Defence Team
Facilitator’s Guide
Learning Objectives
- Discuss the ethical principle of Respect the dignity of all persons in this scenario.
- Discuss the ethical values of loyalty and excellence in this scenario.
Facilitation Questions
- What is the ethical dilemma in this scenario?
- Open group discussion.
- The ethical dilemma in this scenario is that LCol Dupuis must balance the different expectations and perspectives of their civilian and military staff regarding boundaries and norms in the workplace, specifically related to workplace attire and professionalism.
- On one hand, LCol Dupuis wants to respect Alex's personal style and creative expression, which may not conform to the traditional norms of the military culture.
- On the other hand, LCol Dupuis wants to maintain the cohesion and morale of their military staff, who may feel that Alex's overly casual clothing is too far outside the norms and a sign of disrespect and disregard for the Department of National Defence (DND)/Canadian Armed Forces’ (CAF) standards. LCol Dupuis wonders how to resolve this conflict in a way that fosters a positive and inclusive work environment for everyone.
- What considerations are at play with respect to the DND and CAF code of values and ethics?
- Open group discussion
- Respect the dignity of all persons: LCol Dupuis and the whole team must be respectful towards Alex, regardless of clothing choices.
- Leadership: LCol Dupuis must show leadership in determining what acceptable dress is within the public service and differentiating those with the CAF dress regulations and specific unit direction (e.g. re: Friday dress regulations). They must communicate these regulations to the team and use emotional intelligence when dealing with teammates who have shown discomfort regarding Alex’s dress.
- What possible courses of action could LCol Dupuis take in this scenario? Which is the best option? Why?
- Option 1: Act. LCol Dupuis should speak to Alex and tell him that he should present himself more professionally while at work. If Alex changes the way they dress to be more in line with the military norms, while wearing civilian clothing, the team will be pleased with the result. Alex, however, may then feel stifled by having to conform to such strict boundaries of dress in an environment that to them feels old-fashioned and non-inclusive.
- Option 2: Ignore the incident. LCol Dupuis does not want to upset Alex. What is important to LCol Dupuis is the great work that Alex does. Their team members may feel that they are a weak leader though and does not uphold Defence Team boundaries and norms. LCol Dupuis could hold a meeting with the whole team, to discuss the ethics and values of the CAF and DND, and how they differ.
- Option 3: Seek advice. LCol Dupuis could reach out to the civilian human resources team to learn more about dress code for Government of Canada public servants. This will help them understand if Alex’s dress is a problem or if it fits within the prescribed standards. This option will help to take a better inform decision before any further steps to resolve the situation.
*Note to Facilitators: It is important to remember that there can, indeed, be differing dress regulations for CAF members and DND employees.
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