Professional conduct scenarios

The professional conduct scenario-based learning vignettes are tools for enabling meaningful discussions on ethics and professional conduct. They present an opportunity to discuss, apply and learn about our ethical principles and values that are the foundation of our organization.

To learn how to lead a discussion efficiently, build lesson plans, use key questions to guide group discussions and consider functional debrief questions, please consult the Professional conduct scenarios facilitation guide.

For more information on courses related to conduct and culture available to DND employees and CAF members, you can consult the Conduct and culture training and education resources website.

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Name Description Misconduct types GBA Plus themes Cultural themes DND/CAF Ethical Principles DND/CAF Ethical Values GoC Public Service Ethical Values GBA Plus themes
A Different Lunch A person expresses their dissatisfaction with a warrant officer's eating habits due to the unpleasant smell it creates in the office. Hateful Conduct Culture, Race/Ethnicity Leadership, Teamwork, Courage Respect the Dignity of all Persons Courage, Excellence Respect for People, Excellence Defence Team
A discriminatory joke? An inappropriate joke is told at work at the expense of a targeted group, in this case, Indigenous peoples. Hateful Conduct, Racism Indigenous (All), Race/Ethnicity Service, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity, Courage Respect for People, Integrity Defence Team
A Grand Affair Two employees have concerns that their department head is exploiting a policy and abusing his authority. They suspect he is engaged in an extramarital affair with the Major, his married boss. General Misconduct Identity, Leadership Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity, Courage Respect for People, Integrity Defence Team
A negative climate As the new Commanding Officer of a unit, you discover that some members have both witnessed and experienced multiple occasions of demeaning behaviour and sexual harassment. Sexual Misconduct, Harassment Gender, Sex, Sexual Orientation Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the dignity of all persons, Serve Canada before self, Obey and support lawful authority Integrity, Courage Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity Defence Team
A Passing Grade A Major manipulates the test results for a MCpl (Master Corporal) who failed the firefighter's carry because of a personal relationship they share. Abuse of Power Rank Service, Identity, Leadership Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage Stewardship Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Canadian Armed Forces
A Private Affair? During his deployment overseas, a sergeant uncovers a romantic involvement between two officers, one of whom is his superior. General Misconduct Service, Identity Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Loyalty, Integrity, Courage, Stewardship Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Canadian Armed Forces
A Tip or Two An senior ranking military official excessively tips an immigrant taxi driver using an official government-issued taxi voucher. General Misconduct Obey and Support Lawful Authority Stewardship Respect for Democracy, Stewardship Defence Team
Aid to the civil authority: goodwill or goodspeed? While on a response mission to a natural disaster in Canada, a civilian employee is trying to get more overtime hours even though the work slowed down. Income Service Serve Canada before self, Obey and support lawful authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Canadian Armed Forces
All Equal A supervisor discredits the legitimacy of the family status of a woman in a same gender common-law relationship. Hateful Conduct, Abuse of Power, Discrimination, Employment Inequity Sexual Orientation, Marital Status Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Courage Respect for Democracy, Integrity Defence Team
All Maxed Out An employee is upset because her director denied her request to attend a workshop, and she believes it's because she has skipped the monthly team-building lunches that are too expensive for her. Employment Inequity Income, Family Status Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage Stewardship Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Canadian Armed Forces
All Or None During the rescue of Canadian humanitarian workers, a Commander faces a difficult decision due to limited space in the Light Armoured Vehicle. Service, Identity, Leadership Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Courage, Integrity Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Canadian Armed Forces
An 'Off' Year A Warrant Officer is struggling to write a performance appraisal report for a colleague facing personal struggles that impacted their performance and might hinder his promotion. Marital Status Service, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Defence Team
Association with political groups of doubtful persuasion A Master Corporal has alerted his chain of command that some CAF members wear shirts in promoting an organization fighting against illegal immigration and radical Islam. Hateful Conduct, Racism Culture, Race/Ethnicity, Religion Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the dignity of all persons, Serve Canada before self, Obey and support lawful authority Integrity, Courage Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity Defence Team
Better Safe Than Sorry During a meeting in a rural countryside village while on a deployed mission, a member of a Civilian-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) notices nervousness among the people and that children have been withdrawn, causing you to consider continuing the meeting. Culture Service, Identity, Leadership Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity, Courage Respect for People, Integrity, Canadian Armed Forces
Between A Rock And A Hard Place While patrolling a post-conflict area on a mission, a Section Commander encounters armed host country paramilitaries beating civilians, but is unable to take action do to Rules of Engagement. Culture, Geography, Race/Ethnicity Service, Identity Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Courage Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity Canadian Armed Forces
Business Class or Not? Two colleagues are discussing their Director General's travel preferences, noting that he consistently chooses business-class flights, even when the distance is less a few hours long. Income, Rank Service Serve Canada before Self Integrity, Stewardship Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Defence Team
Conference no-show A colleague is intentionally not attending a government subsidized conference, but uses the time for personal enjoyment, and expects you to cover-up. General Misconduct Service, Teamwork Respect the dignity of all persons, Serve Canada before self Integrity Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity Defence Team
Credit where Credit is Due A Navy Lieutenant receives an award for redesigning a trainer, even though he had very little involvement in it, taking credit for the work done by a creative and intelligent young boatswain. Rank Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Excellence Respect for People, Integrity, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Dangerous Liaisons During an international NATO-led mission, a platoon Warrant Officer and the Commander develop a relationship of a sexual nature, affecting the morale of the whole camp. Sexual Misconduct, Abuse of power Rank Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence, Loyalty Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Difficult to Believe A petty officer declines participation in a religious ceremony aimed at fostering camaraderie and group cohesion due to his lack of religious beliefs and discomfort with such activities. Discrimination Religion Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity, Courage Respect for People, Integrity, Canadian Armed Forces
Dinner And A Game During negotiations for print advertising and "give-aways" purchasing, the company official invites you to an opulent dinner and offers front-row hockey tickets, all expenses covered. General Misconduct Service, Leadership Serve Canada before Self Integrity, Loyalty, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Defence Team
Diversity and dignity at work An employee finds out from social media and is concerned that the newest member joining the team is against same gender marriage. Discrimination Sexual Orientation Leadership, Teamwork Respect the dignity of all persons Excellence, Courage, Integrity Respect for People, Integrity, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Double Standard The Cashier at a CF base faces challenges enforcing a policy prohibiting cash advances, particularly when higher-ranking officers use their influence with his supervisor to circumvent the rule. General Misconduct Rank Service, Identity, Leadership Obey and Support Lawful Authority, Serve Canada before Self Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Emotional support and workload An employee with a sick family member, is mostly absent, leaving an increased workload for his colleagues. Income, Family Status Leadership, Teamwork Respect the dignity of all persons, Serve Canada before Self Courage, Excellence, Integrity, Stewardship Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Defence Team
False Promises Your subordinate shares with you that he has been offered a job outside the Canadian Armed Forces and has expressed conflict between receiving a higher salary and the incentives presented to stay. Abuse of Power Income, Family Status Service, Leadership Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity, Loyalty, Stewardship, Excellence, Courage Respect for People, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
For A Few More Bucks During a 5-day conference, a junior supervisor falsely claimed expenses for meals that were initially provided and paid for. He expressed satisfaction at making extra money through this deceptive act. General Misconduct Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Defence Team
Good Intentions During a mission, an aircraft maintenance crew working long hours in a hot environment is allowed to consume more alcohol than is permitted, resulting an accidental injury of a member in the crew. Service, Leadership Obey and support lawful authority, Serve Canada before self Loyalty, Integrity, Courage Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Canadian Armed Forces
Hands Tied An Assistant at a training establishment confides in a colleague about the commandant making unwanted advances. You suggest addressing the issue, but he insists that you refrain from intervening. Abuse of Power, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct Gender, Rank Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Excellence Respect for People, Integrity, Excellence Defence Team
Hit And Miss An Above Water Warfare Officer is perplexed as the Captain wants to falsify the live fire exercise results to secure victory in the fleet gunnery competition. Abuse of Power Language, Rank Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Canadian Armed Forces
I said no Two unit friends confide in each other about experiences in their current relationships involving sexual misconduct and sexual assault. Both individuals are uncertain what to do next. Sexual Misconduct Service, Leadership Respect the dignity of all persons Integrity, Courage Respect for People, Integrity Defence Team
Inappropriate thoughts or know your audience? A commanding officer makes comments in a meeting about a new female colleague’s sexual attractiveness. Sexual Misconduct Gender Leadership, Teamwork Respect the dignity of all persons Excellence, Integrity Respect for People, Integrity, Excellence Defence Team
Integrity And Honesty And Don’t Get Caught An instructor at a small training institution discovers that another instructor utilized a student's connection to receive a personal favor—acquiring new shoes at no expense. Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Serve Canada before Self Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Defence Team
Is This My Business? A clerk is experiencing physical abuse at the hands of her wife, who outranks her and works elsewhere on the base. Despite reporting your suspicions, no action is taken to address the situation. General Misconduct Gender, Marital Status, Rank Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity, Loyalty, Courage Respect for People, Integrity Canadian Armed Forces
Joint Venture Following a strenuous winter training, an NCM accepts a 'joint' from a comrade. When his friends spot it, they warn him about possible repercussions and then he crushes the unused joint. General Misconduct Service, Identity Serve Canada before Self, Obey and support lawful authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage Respect for Democracy, Integrity Canadian Armed Forces
Lending a hand A Reserve Captain voices concern over another Captain manipulating work hours to increase Unemployment Insurance benefits for Master Corporal, who was laid off from her civilian job. General Misconduct Geography, Income Service, Identity, Leadership Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Canadian Armed Forces
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie An Officer of the Watch berates trainees onboard a ship during summer training, using loud and highly sarcastic language, all while his supervisors ignore his behavior. Abuse of Power, Harassment Rank Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Loyalty: at what cost? An MCpl is attempting to make money by introducing his colleagues to a Ponzi scheme. A Cpl raises doubts about the legitimacy of the business, and the MCpl reacts defensively and revengefully. Abuse of Power, Harassment Income, Rank Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Excellence Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Meeting Ms. Right A Procurement Officer, is concerned about the potential conflict of interest that may arise from a personal relationship with an individual working for a contracting company that works with DND. Gender Service Serve Canada before Self Integrity Respect for Democracy, Integrity Defence Team
Members’ Well-Being Ever since the new section head arrived, your supervisor has been acting differently, displaying tension with her boss. It seems there's more to the story than you're aware of. Abuse of Power, Harassment Rank Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for People, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Defence Team
No Easy Way Out A Commander is on patrol in a Lightly Armoured Vehicle (LAV) in a tense area, when the LAV becomes surrounded by hostile civilian protestors, putting yourself and the LAV in danger. Culture, Geography, Race/Ethnicity Service, Identity, Leadership Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority, Serve Canada Before Self Loyalty, Courage Respect for People, Respect for Democracy Canadian Armed Forces
No Harm, No Foul When the national and coalition policy strictly prohibits fraternization, even for service couples residing in the same camp, one of your colleagues is violating this rule. General Misconduct Gender, Marital Status Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Excellence Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
No One Will Ever Know When the lead vehicle of a patrol explodes, resulting in casualties, the security team captures the man responsible for the Improvised Explosive Device. Seeking retribution, they intend to kill him. General Misconduct Culture, Disability, Geography, Race/Ethnicity Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Not My Problem A patrol discovers AK-47s in a village, and the residents argue self-defense. However, a Canada-host nation agreement demands handing detainees to host nation forces, possibly risking their lives. Culture, Geography, Race/Ethnicity Service, Identity, Leadership Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Excellence Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Ordered Not To Share Soldiers providing security at a refugee camp suffer from lack of water and supplies. When a convoy arrives with rations, their commander is ordered not to distribute them to the refugees. Culture, Geography, Race/Ethnicity Service, Identity, Leadership Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Courage Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity Canadian Armed Forces
Out The Back Door A Section Commander safeguarding humanitarian supplies en route from a UNHCR depot to smaller distribution centers, uncovers the diversion of goods to local military groups and the black market. Culture, Geography, Race/Ethnicity Leadership Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Serve Canada before Self Integrity, Courage Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity Canadian Armed Forces
Parenting and personal time off: fairness in workload A scheduler differentiates between a single colleague with no kids and a single mother with two kids, when assigning weekends shift work. Employment Inequity Gender, Family Status Leadership, Teamwork Respect the dignity of all persons Excellence Respect for People, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Playing The Game A non-commissioned member nominated under the Commissioning from the Ranks program faces unfair treatment due to base policy restrictions. General Misconduct Service, Identity, Leadership Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Excellence Respect for People, Integrity, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Politics in social media A Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) member makes political comments on a social network. General Misconduct Service Obey and support lawful authority Integrity Respect for Democracy, Integrity Canadian Armed Forces
Pressure to measure up A sergeant condones and contributes to the criticism of a team member member’s bodily capacities (being overweight). Harassment Leadership, Teamwork Respect the dignity of all persons Integrity, Excellence, Loyalty, Courage Respect for People, Integrity, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Privileged Platform During a course a retired military guest shared an inappropriate opinion regarding women, Indigenous peoples, and racialized peoples, and the Directing Staff failed to provide a rebuttal. Hateful Conduct Gender, Indigenous (All), Race/Ethnicity, Sex Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Courage, Stewardship Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Canadian Armed Forces
Questions To Share A soccer team member is facing an imminent final exam. A teammate found questions on the instructor's desk and shares them as a gesture of team unity, underlining the importance of sticking together. General Misconduct Education Service, Identity, Leadership Serve Canada before Self Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Excellence Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Excellence Defence Team
Reprisal for alert to safety violation A technician discovers that her peers cut corners and did not do all safety checks. Her supervisor hinders her reporting the safety concerns through the Chain of Command. Harassment Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Serve Canada before self, Obey and support lawful authority Integrity, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Rough Start The section head aboard a ship, must decide on the re-engagement of a young sailor whose basic engagement is concluding, despite indications in his file that his behavior has not been exemplary. General Misconduct Age Service, Identity, Leadership Serve Canada Before Self Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Shoot Or Don’t Shoot During a peacekeeping mission, your partner is threatened by a local police officer. You need to decide what action to take considering the United Nations (UN) restrictive Rules of Engagement (ROEs). Service, Leadership, Teamwork Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty Respect for Democracy, Integrity Canadian Armed Forces
Should I Claim Breakfast? After a week-long North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Headquarters (HQ) conference in Brussels an officer wants to claim breakfast separately, although the fee for the hotel included breakfast. General Misconduct Income Service, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Stewardship, Courage Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Defence Team
Should I Take Action? During a briefing at a weekly staff meeting, you find it disconcerting that your friend openly displays disloyalty to his chain of command and demonstrates disrespect for the Administrative Officer. Hateful Conduct Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Excellence Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Sick of the Sick A civilian DND worker, suffering from a severe cold or flu, declines to take sick leave and, as a result, may have inadvertently transmitted the illness to some of her colleagues. Culture Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity and Excellence Integrity and Excellence Respect for People, Integrity, Excellence Defence Team
Sleepless in the Rubble A Captain finds out that some Canadian Armed Forces members on mission to a poverty-stricken nation in the aftermath of a natural calamity are visiting a building that is notorious for prostitution. General Misconduct Gender, Geography Service, Identity, Leadership Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence, Courage Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Social callout A new employee notices an anonymous post on social media accusing a Canadian Armed Forces member of racist comments and discriminatory behaviours towards an ethnic group within your unit. Hateful Conduct, Racism Service, Identity, Teamwork Respect the dignity of all persons Integrity, Courage Integrity, Courage Defence Team
Spicy Assumptions A discussion about what in individual is having for lunch leads to joking of a stereotypical nature about one’s culture, resulting in a discussion about hateful conduct and racism in the workplace. Hateful Conduct Culture, Race/Ethnicity, Religion Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Courage Respect for People Defence Team
Sticks and Stones During a course, a group of reservists encountered graffiti advocating for "death to Muslims," and the only one participant in the group identifying as Muslim, is reluctant to report it. Hateful Conduct, Racism Culture, Religion Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Courage, Integrity Respect for People, Integrity Defence Team
Telling It Like It Is A new instructor at a Training Centre is puzzled by his Commandant's expression of personal views on new government policy and CAF responsibilities during a parade, attended by the public and media. General Misconduct Service, Leadership Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Excellence, Courage Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
The annual merit boards A Warrant Officer is put in an awkward position by his superior officer, when asked to complete his own scoring matrix for the upcoming Unit Ranking Boards. Service, Identity, Leadership Respect the Dignity of all Persons and Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
The Boarding Party During the search of a suspicious vessel, soldiers discover bundles of foreign currency and small bags of white powder. One of them decides to take some money as a souvenir to give to her parents. General Misconduct Rank Service Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Stewardship Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Canadian Armed Forces
The Bug Out A sergeant was stopped by the local police for speeding and avoided a ticket by lying to the officer, claiming he had to join an urgent international operation. General Misconduct Service, Leadership Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Courage Respect for Democracy, Integrity Canadian Armed Forces
The Bum Knee After his light armored vehicle was hit, an injured soldier is completing the CF-98 form. Deceptively, he includes an old personal knee injury in the list of injuries he has recently sustained. General Misconduct Service Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage Respect for Democracy, Integrity Canadian Armed Forces
The Devil You Know As a Patrol Commander supporting host nation police and army checkpoints, you notice that a foreign checkpoint commander, friendly towards coalition forces, has come under scrutiny due to complaints from locals that he is corrupt and exploits his checkpoint for personal gain. Service, Identity, Leadership Respect the Dignity of All Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
The Ethics Kiosk Two captains are engaged in a discussion about their perspectives on the prioritization of the three Defence ethics principles, where one is expected to take precedence over the others. Service Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Respect for People, Respect for Democracy Canadian Armed Forces
The Innocent Discovery Three colleagues are discussing an officer they are familiar with. One of them stumbles upon a confidential document and proceeds to divulge the sensitive information about the officer to the others. Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity, Loyalty Respect for People, Integrity Defence Team
The Insistent Sergeant Your friend repeatedly asks out an employee despite her discomfort and rejection. When you confront him, he dismisses your concerns and believes he will eventually convince her to be with him. Sexual Misconduct Gender Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Courage Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity Defence Team
The joy of giving An officer is put in a difficult position when appointed by her section head as the lead for selecting, sourcing and purchasing a departure gift for a popular leader, and then overturn her decision. Income Service, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the dignity of all persons Loyalty, Integrity, Excellence, Courage Respect for People, Integrity, Excellence Defence Team
The kickback couple An Ordinary Seaman discovers that one of his closest friends is fraudulently getting free rations and quarters, plus separation allowance by lying about his marital status. General Misconduct Rank Service, Identity, Leadership Obey and Support Lawful Authority Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for Democracy, Stewardship, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
The Oil Spill A sergeant unintentionally collides with oil drum, leading to spill. His subordinate proposes reporting to base's environmental officer, but the sergeant hesitates, insisting no report is necessary. Culture, Geography, Race/Ethnicity Service, Identity, Leadership Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Excellence Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
The Staffing Pool A DND manager is hesitant to hire a qualified candidate for an analyst position because she has learned that the candidate is pregnant and will be going on maternity leave for a year in a few months. Discrimination, Harassment Sex Service, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the dignity of all persons, Serve Canada before self, Obey and support lawful authority Integrity, Loyalty, Stewardship, Courage, Excellence Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Defence Team
The unwelcomed visitor While on a course, your roommate returns home after a night out and is confronted by an unwelcome visitor who tries to kiss them and force their way into the room, despite their repeated objections. Sexual Misconduct Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the dignity of all persons, Serve Canada before self, Obey and support lawful authority Integrity, Courage Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity Defence Team
The Video Game Console A junior officer in the Canadian Armed Forces had the chance to attend this year's national technology exhibition. During the visit to various company kiosks, she ended up winning a raffle draw. General Misconduct Income Service Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity Respect for Democracy, Integrity Defence Team
The writing on the wall A Captain becomes aware that their commanding officer made negative comments, in inappropriate environment about their performance, and those comments indicate that they have no chances for promotion. Employment Inequity Leadership, Teamwork Respect the dignity of all persons Integrity, Loyalty Respect for People, Integrity Canadian Armed Forces
They Should Know Better An Adjudant in a hostile theater observes two officers in his chain of command consuming more than one bottle of scotch, despite the CO's prohibition on all alcohol consumption. General Misconduct Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Excellence Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Thinking of Buying or Selling? A military family received a posting on the West coast, and while selling the house the realtor offered them cash incentive and request for a photo in uniform as endorsement for the agency. Income Income Service Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Stewardship Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Defence Team
Time to Leave? A Department of National Defence employee considers transferring due to conflicts with her supervisor, who consistently favors two colleagues due to their friendship. Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity Respect for People, Integrity Defence Team
Time, results and fairness: at NDHQ At National Defence Headquarters a unit comprised of Department of National Defence employees and Canadian Armed Forces members highlight the difference between civilian and military terms of service. Employment Inequity Culture Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Excellence, Stewardship, Integrity, Courage Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Defence Team
To Obey Or Not To Obey During a mission in a country collapsed into civil war, a colleague organizes a rescue mission after discovering Canadian nuns in danger, despite receiving orders from his superior to remain in camp. Service, Identity, Leadership Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Excellence Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
To Report Or Not To Report A claims clerk discovers that a senior supervisor is fraudulently claiming expenses that he has not incurred. When confronted, the supervisor becomes angry and reminds the clerk that he outranks him. Abuse of Power, General Misconduct Income Service, Identity, Leadership Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship, Teamwork Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Defence Team
Too Much Information A female employee faced discomfort as two Master Corporals discussed, in an open-concept office, their intimate matters, including one's vasectomy plans. Sexual Misconduct Sex Service, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity, tewardship, Excellence Defence Team
Too Quick On The Draw Members of a human intelligence team in a foreign region discover a humanitarian worker lying in a pool of blood. Unable to arrest or detain him, your partner fires a shot, ending the situation. General Misconduct Service, Identity, Leadership Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity Canadian Armed Forces
Tough Decision During a collapsed peacekeeping operation, the United Nations has reduced the force. A Commander gives a contingent the option to depart or remain on mission, considering supplies are scarce. Service, Identity Serve Canada Before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Loyalty, Courage, Excellence Respect for Democracy, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
War Stories A solider recounts stories from an early career tour to his platoon, where he and a few others engaged in abusive "games" that were criminal in nature at the expense of the local population. General Misconduct Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for People, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Whatever It Takes! Faced with an urgent project, one must choose between two managers: one with high standards and a blunt communication style, and one who is a great team builder but lacks timeliness in deliveries. Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for People, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Defence Team
Where Is The Rationale? In a demilitarized zone during a ceasefire agreement, a Troop Leader is ordered to return seized weapons to the belligerent parties, a condition raising concerns due to potential misuse. Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Why Reinvent the Wheel? A WO is using his wife's notes to avoid studying for a course, which is unfair to his classmates and violates ethical principles. General Misconduct Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Courage Respect for Democracy, Integrity Canadian Armed Forces
Witness To Abuse After patrol, a commander sees a troubling situation: a host country soldier has his rifle confiscated and is hustled off to a secluded area. Hearing cries for help, the commander tries to intervene. Culture Service, Identity, Leadership Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Loyalty, Courage Respect for People, Respect for Democracy Canadian Armed Forces
Working the system During a sponsored trip where the host country covered expenses, a claimant sought reimbursement for meals. Unconventionally, this was a method to compensate for gift purchases for the hosts. Abuse of Power, General Misconduct Service, Identity, Leadership Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence, Loyalty Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
A case of false reporting Two frustrated section heads in a large directorate have a poor relationship with their director. One of them intentionally gives him false information to sabotage his performance in front of the ADM. General Misconduct Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Serve Canada before Self, Obey, Support Lawful Authority Identity, Loyalty, Courage, Excellence Respect for Democracy Defence Team
A Cybersecurity Employee Faces Bias A Canadian citizen of Russian origin, encounters harassment and discrimination from colleagues. They cast doubt on her loyalty, spreading unfounded rumors of espionage. Harassment, Discrimination Race/Ethnicity Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of All Persons, Serve Canada Before Self Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Excellence Respect for People, Integrity, Excellence Defence Team
A Unit Activity During a unit activity, you observe the Commanding Officer frequently invading the personal space of Junior Members by touching their shoulders, backs, or elbows, and leaning in towards them. Sexual Misconduct, Abuse of Power Rank Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Courage Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity Canadian Armed Forces
Absolute circus On a social media page, members of your unit posted a video that shows two new personnel heavily intoxicated and naked while others laugh at them. Sexual Misconduct Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority, Serve Canada before Sel Integrity, Courage Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity Canadian Armed Forces
Accommodations in the Schoolhouse A dyslexic Sailor second class (S2) seeks accommodations like extra test time. Peers argue it's unfair, claiming it grants S2 an advantage in class rankings. Employment Inequality, Hateful Conduct, Harassment Disability Service, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of All Persons Integrity, Courage, Excellence Respect for People, Integrity, Stewardship Canadian Armed Forces
Age-Based Bias in CAF Leadership Selection A 45-year-old Army officer with 25 years of service aspires to be a company commander but is surprised when told by the commanding officer that they are deemed too old. Discrimination Rank Leadership, Teamwork Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship Respect for People, Integrity, Stewardship Canadian Armed Forces
AI - A Lesson in Academic Integrity A Naval Cadet utilized ChatGPT for a report, resulting in factual errors. The instructor noticed and intended to confront them. Confiding in a friend, the Cadet's actions left the friend feeling betrayed and perplexed. General Misconduct Service, Leadership, Teamwork Serve Canada Before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Defence Team
Avoiding the Obvious A project manager is frustrated and stressed out trying to mitigate a number of personality conflicts among her subordinates but receives no help from her commanding officer. Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Serve Canada before Self Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence spect for People, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Defence Team
AWOL at the Museum A Corporal fabricates an eye appointment as an excuse to secure time off for the purpose of accompanying his child to the museum. General Misconduct Family Status Service, Identity, Leadership Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Courage, Stewardship Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Canadian Armed Forces
Black History Month A sergeant, overseeing the base's Black History Month Event, confronts the challenge of addressing a corporal's behaviour who questions the event's relevance and makes derogatory remarks about Black individuals. Hateful Conduct, Discrimination Race/Ethnicity Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Excellence, Courage Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Careful What You Wish For supervisor is asked to provide a reference for an employee who has faced challenges as they apply for a transfer. Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority, Serve Canada before Self Integrity, Courage, Stewardship Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Defence Team
Conformity and Uniqueness A team leader in a mixed military and civilian organization aims to create unity while honoring individuality and observes that some conform to defense norms, while others express uniqueness. Culture, Rank/level Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Excellence, Courage Respect for People, Excellence Defence Team
Confronting Racism in Disaster Relief While assisting an indigenous community, a Sargeant hears a team member making disrespectful remarks about the indigenous community, suggesting they don't deserve help and should assimilate. Hateful Conduct, Racism, Harassment Indigenous, Rank Leadership Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity, Excellence, Courage Respect for People, Integrity, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Cultural Differences In a multinational mission, a female CAF member experiences sexual harassment from a foreign national. The foreign commander fails to intervene, believing women shouldn't be deployed. Sexual Misconduct, Discrimination Culture, Gender, Geography, Race/Ethnicity Service, Leadership Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity, Courage, Excellence Respect for People, Integrity, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Death by a Thousand Rules A director known as a complete micro-manager is making a good subordinate think a lot about other options: confront her or move onto another job. Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Courage, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for People, Stewardship, Excellence Defence Team, Public Sector
Difficult To Ignore An instructor with a drinking issue arrives at the quarters after hours intoxicated, seeking inappropriate sexual favors. Sexual Misconduct, Abuse of Power, Harassment, General Misconduct Disability Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Excellence Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Equipment Trouble A DND manager overseeing military equipment is worried that the chain of command might deploy faulty equipment to Afghanistan, and she is prepared to escalate the matter to the CDS if needed. General Misconduct Service, Identity Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Facebook Friend While on his Facebook account, a LCol discovers that one of his flight commanders has a consulting company engaged in a contract with DND. He wonders whether he has consulted anyone in DND about this. General Misconduct, Conflict of Interest Service, Identity Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Respect Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Defence Team
Fanning the Flames Few employees are frustrated their desk fans were stolen and one of them decides to send an email to everyone asking for the wayward fans to be returned. General Misconduct Service, Identity, Teamwork Obey and Support Lawful Authority Loyalty, Courage, Excellence, Integrity, Stewardship Respect for Democracy, Excellence Defence Team
Fighting for What? In the school barracks, a female Sailor is uneasy when she comes across an inappropriate poster depicting a naked man. She grapples with speaking up while maintaining camaraderie Gender Service Respect the Dignity of all Persons Courage, Integrity Respect for People Canadian Armed Forces
Get a Change Room An officer was changing into gym clothes in his cubicle instead of using a changing room or bathroom, and a colleague walked in on him at an inopportune time. Sexual Misconduct Gender Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity Respect for People, Integrity Defence Team
Goodbye, School Supplies In August, the administrative assistant of a CF training unit noticed that the supply cabinet was running out of essential items commonly required by children when they return to school in September. General Misconduct Service, Identity Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship Respect for Democracy, Integrity Defence Team
How Much is Enough? The commanding officer of an Army unit wonders if the military should support a fundraising venture for the Soldier On program, even if it’ll cost the Crown a significant amount of money. Rank Serve Canada before self Integrity, Stewardship Integrity, Stewardship Canadian Armed Forces
If You Want It, Ask For It senior manager, when asked about travel expenses by a manager from another NDHQ organization, is urged by her subordinate to provide a detailed breakdown of expenditures for better transparency. Service, Identity, Leadership Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence, Loyalty Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Inclusion and Styles of Dress A graphic designer's consistent wear of ripped jeans at work is causing some discomfort confusion among the military staff who think that he is being disrespectful and unprofessional. General Misconduct Culture Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Loyalty, Excellence Respect for People, Excellence Defence Team
It’s Only a Hotdog A local private company has offered to a Wing Commander to contribute to a family day BBQ, but he is uneasy about the potential conflict of interest. General Misconduct, Conflict of Interest Service Serve Canada Before Self, Obey and Respect Lawful Authority Integrity, Stewardship Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Defence Team
Jacobs Struggle A public servant with dysgraphia experiences feelings of humiliation and anger when a course instructor belittles them due to their challenges with writing. Harassment, Discrimination Disability Service, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity, Excellence Respect for People, Integrity, Excellence Defence Team, Public Sector
Just a Little Token of Our Appreciation On a recruitment tour, a Sergeant was gifted by the hotel management, but the Captain is hesitant to accept it. The Sergeant thinks is a normal since their team is bringing good business to the hotel. General Misconduct, Conflict of Interest Service Serve Canada Before Self, Obey and Respect Lawful Authority Integrity, Stewardship Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Defence Team
Just a Little Too Fast A CF student pilot confides in a colleague, admitting that they didn't notice the flaps didn't fully retract during the solo flight. A colleague is concerned that they won't report the incident. Service, Identity, Teamwork Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Canadian Armed Forces
Leaky Ships Don't Sail A colonel tasked with identifying savings in his organization disagree on recommendations for cost-cutting. The colonel considers going public, but his partner urges him not to. General Misconduct Service, Leadership, Teamwork Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty Respect for Democracy, Integrity Canadian Armed Forces
Mooning the Crowd An officer, amidst a unit baseball game, witnessed a player from the opposing team "mooning" the crowd in disrespect. Feeling angered, they debated reporting the incident despite potential judgment. Sexual Misconduct Service, Leadership Respect the Dignity of All Persons Integrity, Courage, Excellence, Loyalty Respect for People, Integrity Canadian Armed Forces
No ‘Off’ Button While on vacation, a Major is glued to their phone for work, causing their partner and kids to feel neglected. Their boss insisted they bring the device along, causing tension in the family. Family Status, Rank Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Courage, Stewardship Respect for People, Stewardship Defence Team
No Time for Tim Due to an individual's inclination to be abrasive with others and frequently miss deadlines, the manager of the website is reluctant to include him in their project team despite his exceptional skills. General Misconduct Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Serve Canada before Self Stewardship, Integrity, Courage Respect for People, Stewardship Defence Team, Public Sector
No Undo Button An officer who authored a white paper during his university years, expressing criticism of government policy, faces the risk of jeopardizing his promotion due to the paper's presence on the internet. Service Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty Respect for Democracy, Integrity Canadian Armed Forces
Not Everyone Speaks the Same Language The colleagues at NDHQ express their frustration regarding the absence of courses offered in both official languages, as well as the challenging task of finding technical speakers who are bilingual. Language Service, Leadership Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Excellence Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Excellence Defence Team
Office Culture Shock A civilian finance officer, fatigued by the office's vulgarity, confronts a military colleague in frustration, expressing her displeasure with the loud atmosphere. General misconduct Culture Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity, Excellence, Courage Respect for People, Integrity, Excellence Defence Team
Out of the Running During their PER, an officer claims they are being discriminated based on his parental responsibilities, but the commander clarifies that it is due to the officer's history of declining deployments. Discrimination Family Status, Marital Status Service, Leadership Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Stewardship Respect for People, Respect for Democracy Canadian Armed Forces
Painful Posting A Warrant officer is notified at the last minute about an upcoming deployment to Moose Jaw, causing concern on how it will affect their family. Income, Family Status Leadership Respect the Dignity of all Persons Loyalty, Stewardship Respect for People, Stewardship Canadian Armed Forces
Performance Appraisal Report A Captain has been receiving inflated annual PERs due to a close friendship with a former supervisor. The current supervisor fears that it may hinder their ability to fulfill higher-ranking duties. General Misconduct Service, Identity, Leadership Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage Respect for Democracy, Integrity Canadian Armed Forces
Pink Hair on Parade During parade practice, a Private with pink hair faces disapproval from Senior NCMs, prompting threats to revert hair color and posing a dilemma about authenticity versus military expectations. Hateful Conduct, Discrimination, Abuse of Power, Harassment Rank Service, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Excellence, Courage Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Questionable Claim The supervisor of a base orderly room found a travel claim for an officer that coincides with the work already done by another officer and needs to verify the legitimacy of the claim. General Misconduct Gender, Marital Status, Rank Service, Identity Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Courage Respect for Democracy, Integrity Defence Team
Rooting Out the Weak A Master Corporal is aware that his Sergeant, thinks of a subordinate of being weak and is employing bullying and intimidation techniques to force her into leaving her current position. Harassment, Hateful Conduct Culture, Gender Service, Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Defence Team
Socially Transmitted Details A civilian employee becomes aware that a colleague's new romantic partner may have a sexually transmitted infection. General Misconduct Identity Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity Respect for People, Integrity Defence Team
Standing Up for a Transgender Soldier A Corporal notices a transgender recruit feeling unwell on patrol. Despite the sergeant's derogatory remarks, he supports the recruit, recognizing their worth and advocating for respect and support. Sexual Misconduct, Hateful Conduct, Abuse of Power, Discrimination Gender, Rank Service, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of All Persons Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Excellence Respect for People, Integrity, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Tea for Two, but Not For You A Master Corporal is concerned about the Commanding Officer's discrimination against a CWO because of their sexual orientation. Discrimination Sexual Orientation Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Courage, Excellence, Integrity, Stewardship Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
That's NOT What I Call R and R The crew of a ship are unhappy with the Captain's choice of port visits during their deployment. Despite asking for their input, they chose a less popular port where their wife will attend a conference. Leadership, Teamwork Serve Canada before Self Integrity, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
The Boss and Their Beliefs The sergeant becomes aware that their superior is refusing a life-saving medical transplant for their child due to personal convictions. General Misconduct Culture, Religion, Family Status Leadership Respect the Dignity of all Persons Stewardship Respect for People, Stewardship Canadian Armed Forces
The CAF unit departure event A senior officer repeatedly displays behavior and uses language of a sexual nature towards a co-worker, but when you report the misconduct, the other officers take his side. Sexual Misconduct Identity, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the dignity of all persons, Obey and support lawful authority Integrity, Courage Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity Defence Team
The Mountain Inn As a former DND contractor arranges a free gathering for officers and their spouses, a Lieutenant raises questions about whether they are eligible or permitted to attend the upcoming event. General Misconduct, Conflict of Interest Income Leadership Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity Respect for Democracy, Integrity Defence Team
Time Off for Good Behaviour A colleague's plan to take seven days of unauthorized leave is overheard by a Corporal, who is unsure if it's their place to intervene. General Misconduct Service, Identity Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Canadian Armed Forces
Time Will Tell A new full-time, permanent employee at a large DND repair facility becomes aware that their newfound acquaintance has misused the time-clock system, potentially leading to punitive measures. Service, Identity Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage Respect for Democracy, Integrity Defence Team
Tough Training The directing staff urges three officer cadets to refrain from reporting an incident where a platoon leader pushed a struggling teammate for falling behind. Hateful Conduct, Abuse of Power, Harassment, General Misconduct Service, Identity Respect the Dignity of all Persons, Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship Respect for People, Respect for Democracy, Integrity Canadian Armed Forces
Troublesome Transportation A petty officer responsible for overseeing the unit's vehicles, becomes cognizant of the fact that the commanding officer is utilizing the staff car for personal purposes. General Misconduct Service, Identity Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Loyalty, Stewardship, Courage Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Canadian Armed Forces
What Happens in Theatre, Stays in Theatre A Warrant Officer is concerned with the lack of discipline and the excessive drinking at their unit while serving in Afghanistan. General Misconduct Service, Leadership Serve Canada before Self, Obey and Support Lawful Authority Integrity, Courage, Loyalty, Stewardship Respect for Democracy, Integrity, Stewardship Canadian Armed Forces
The Weight of the Words Entering the Junior Ranks mess, a Corporal detects tension as peers mock a colleague's heritage. Conflicted, he debates reporting the hateful conduct, uncertain of the best course of action. Harassment, Racism, Hateful Conduct Race/Ethnicity Service, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Respect the Dignity of all Persons Respect for people, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Unspoken Barriers A respected Black Petty Officer 1st class, with a stellar record, is overlooked for career-advancing training in favor of a less qualified colleague. Suspicions of racial bias arise. Discrimination, Racism Race/Ethnicity Service, Leadership, Teamwork Respect the Dignity of all Persons Integrity, Loyalty, Courage, Stewardship, Excellence Respect for people, Integrity, Stewardship, Excellence Canadian Armed Forces
Only One In Performance Appraisal Report (PAR) Time, two members should receive “Far Exceeds Leadership Expectations” for the rank of MWO, but only one person can be recommended. The choice is made on age and years of productivity. General Misconduct Age Service, Identity Serve Canada before self, Obey and support lawful authority Integrity, Courage, Stewardship Canadian Armed Forces
Ageism in Hiring A DND public servant with 30 years of service, aimed for senior position. The position is given based on the age of applicants. A colleague refrained the employee to speak up based on time left in public service for the employee. Discrimination, Employment Inequity Age Leadership, Teamwork Respect the dignity of all persons, Serve Canada before self, Obey and support lawful I Respect the dignity of all persons, Serve Canada before self, Obey and support lawful Defence Team
Passing the Problem Two Warrant Officers in an Infantry Platoon are discussing who will deserve the most to have a Voluntary Occupational transfer for two members. One with all qualifications, but a bad attitude and another with some qualifications missing and a good attitude. General Misconduct Service, Leadership, Teamwork Serve Canada before self, Obey and support lawful authority Integrity, Loyalty, Stewardship Canadian Armed Forces

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