Operation IRIS

International Information

International Operation Name: Operation IRIS

International Mission Name: Operation IRIS

Mandating Organization: Government of Canada

Region Name: Middle East

Location: Iraq

Mission Date: 2 June 2003 - 4 June 2003

Mandate: To deliver reconstruction aid to Iraq.

Mission Notes: After the first Gulf War, more than a decade of UN-approved sanctions, and then the American-led invasion of March 2003, Iraq required considerable reconstruction. On 29 April the Canadian government approved the delivery of aid to the country.

On 2 June, the first Hercules flight of Op IRIS arrived in Baghdad carrying eight passengers and various cargo including a truck and trailer. Three more flights followed. The aircraft were from the Tactical Airlift Detachment supporting Canadian forces deployed on Operation Apollo.


June 3, 2003
Arabian Gulf Region

Captain Paul Anderson, a pilot, and Warrant Officer Colin McDonald, a Flight Engineer, both members of the Tactical Airlift detachment (TAL det) stationed in the Arabian Gulf Region, carry out routine flight checks during their first flight into Baghdad, Iraq, in support of Operation Iris. Operation IRIS is the CF contribution to the humanitarian, reconstruction and stability efforts in Iraq.

On 2 June, a Canadian Forces CC-130 Hercules transport aircraft completed the first Canadian flight to support the reconstruction of Iraq. The aircraft comes from the Tactical Airlift Detachment deployed in the Arabian Gulf area on Operation APOLLO. It transported eight passengers and a load of miscellaneous cargo including a truck and trailer from Kuwait to Baghdad, Iraq.

The mission of the Canadian TAL det is to support coalition forces transporting military personnel, equipment and cargo between destinations in the Arabian Gulf Region and surrounding theatres of operations in support of the on-going war against terrorism.

Photo by: Cpl Henry Wall, NSU photographer Arabian Gulf Region

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