Research summary - Collective representation and bargaining for self-employed workers

Official title: Collective representation and bargaining for self-employed workers

Author of report: Sara Slinn (York University)

Why this study

The collective bargaining protection that the Canada Labour Code provides does not cover independent contractors and freelancers. The study enquires into feasible approaches to extend collective representation and/or bargaining rights to these workers.

What we did

The study examines self-employed workers in:

It examines existing practices and policies, and considers ways to enable collective representation and/or bargaining for the self-employed. Methods included a literature review, one-on-one interviews and focus groups.

What we found

The study identified 6 workable options:

The study found that a one-size fits all solution would not provide adequate support for self-employed workers in all 4 sectors. Each sector may use 1 or more of the collective activity options.

What it means

There may be ways to extend collective representation and/or bargaining rights to some self-employed workers.

Contact us

Labour Program, Strategic Policy, Analysis and Workplace Information Directorate, Research and Innovation Division


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