Detailed content, institution-specific classes of records (CoR) and personal information banks (PIB)

Official title: Info Source: Sources of Federal Government and employee information 2022 to 2023

On this page

Social development

Accessible Canada Initiative (CoR)


Records relating to the implementation and administration of the Accessible Canada Act, including records related to the development and publication of regulations under the Act, and accessibility data and measurement related activities, records that support the appointment of individuals to roles set out in the Act, records the support building capacity and partnerships within the disability community and other sectors through community funded projects, as well as records related to delivering events that promote awareness of accessibility and disability inclusion (e.g., Canadian Congress of Disability Inclusion).

Document types

Memoranda of understanding, letters of agreement, contracts, statements of work, briefing materials, legal opinions, project plans, surveys and statistical and other reports.

Record number


Children and Families (CoR)


Records relate to the general information on the children and families funding component of the Social Development Partnerships Program which is provided to eligible organizations based on calls for proposals with specific eligibility criteria and funding priorities.

Document types

Web content; correspondence; calls for proposal’s documentation, including terms and conditions, applications for funding, funding guide, screening and evaluation tools, contribution agreements, project descriptions, claims, reports, briefing materials, general information related to former projects, and program evaluations.

Record number


Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiative


Records relate to the general information on the Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiative's funding under the Children and Families component of the Social Development Partnerships Program, which is provided to eligible organizations based on calls for proposals, and a solicited call for proposals under the intermediary model with specific eligibility criteria and funding priorities. Funding is for five years from 2019-20 to 2023-24.

Document types

Web content; correspondence; calls for proposals documentation, including terms and conditions, applications for funding, funding guide, screening and evaluation tools, contribution agreements, project descriptions, claims, reports, briefing materials, and program evaluations.

Record number


Canada's Volunteer Awards Information (CoR)


Records related to Canada's Volunteer Awards program. Records may include information on nominators, those who have been nominated for an award, award recipients, applicants to the National Advisory Committee, Regional Reviewers, and statistics and data compiled for program design, delivery, and evaluation purposes.

Document types

Nomination forms (online and hard copy); signed letters written in support of nominations; assessments of nominations; applications and CVs of Advisory Committee applicants; biographies of Advisory Committee members; biographies of award recipients; correspondence; nomination assessments results from the criminal record or background checks, indicating whether nominees are "cleared".


Audio or audiovisual materials, photographs of award recipients.

Record number


Canada's Volunteer Awards (PIB)


This bank describes information that is related to the Canada's Volunteer Awards (C VA) program, which recognizes volunteers and brings national prominence to the contributions individuals, not-for-profit organizations, social enterprises and businesses make to their communities through volunteering. Personal information may include: name; contact information; biographical information; citizenship status; passport information and country of issuance; age; affiliated sector; responses to optional diversity questions; signature; salutation for correspondence; personal opinions of nominators and of authors of letters of support regarding nominees; assessments (using established criteria) made by reviewers of nominations; and results from the criminal record or background checks, indicating whether nominees are "cleared."

Class of individuals

Nominators; nominees; authors of letters of support; volunteers for regional reviewer positions, National Advisory Committee applicants; and contact person for nominated groups, businesses, social enterprises and not-for-profit organizations, Awards recipients' guests, CVA’s past recipients and Stakeholders.


Personal information is used to administer the CVA program and to review and evaluate nominations, select award recipients, recognize and celebrate award recipients, and raise awareness of the program. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 5.(1), subsection 5.(2), section 7 and subsection 9.(1), of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act.

Consistent uses

Information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: reporting to senior management; evaluation and award program delivery, including program promotion, expenses reimbursement, and payment of contracts policy and program analysis. The information may be shared with Privy Council Office with the consent of those involved, to brief the Office of the Prime Minister. The information may be shared with ESDC's Public Affairs and Stakeholder Relations Branch to develop C-VA- related communications materials. The information may be shared with regional reviewers and National Advisory Committee members who will assess and rank nominations and make recommendations to the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development on award recipients. The information will be shared with members of Parliament, media, and the public to celebrate accomplishments and promote CVA awareness.

Information is published on the Internet/intranet. Information is used or disclosed for program-related mail-outs when an individual has signaled interest, and for celebrating and publicly recognizing award recipients and top-ranked candidates.

Retention and disposal standards

Six years.

RDA number

2015/002, 2016/001, and 2018/013

Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Enabling Accessibility (CoR)


Records relate to the funding provided to community and workplace accessibility projects across Canada.

Document types

Web content; correspondence; and calls for proposals documentation, including terms and conditions, applications for funding, funding guide, screening and evaluation tools, project assessments, grants and contribution agreements, project descriptions, claims, reports, briefing materials, general information related to former projects, and program evaluations.

Record number


Pensions and benefits

Old Age Security (CoR)


Records related to the administration and delivery of the Old Age Security (OAS) program, including the administration of the OAS pension, the Guaranteed Income Supplement, the Allowance and the Allowance for the Survivor.


This CoR is a consolidation of the following former CoRs: Old Age Security (ESDC IAP 063); Old Age Security Pensions (ESDC IS 041); Guaranteed Income Supplement (ESDC IS 042); and Allowances Policy (ESDC IS 043).

Document types

Adjudication; administration; advice; agreements and corresponding documents; analysis of decisions; applications, appeals and supporting documentation; assessments; client files; communications and correspondence; directives; entitlement; guidelines; income statements; internal audits; legal opinions; legislation; maintenance of accounts; meeting documents; memorandum; policy and policy development documents; policy and legislative agenda; presentations; procedures; project documents; processing; proposal; publications; recommendations; record of earnings and contributions; records of decisions; reports; research; studies; surveys.

Record number


Old Age Security (PIB)


This bank describes personal information that is related to administration of the Old Age Security (OAS) program, which includes the OAS pension, the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), the Allowance and the Allowance for the Survivor. Personal information about applicants, beneficiaries, persons eligible for the automatic enrolment of the OAS pension and/or the GIS, and/or their spouse/common-law partner and/or their representatives may include: name; contact information; citizenship and immigration information; information about residence and absences from Canada; date and place of birth; date and place of death; sex/gender; marital/relationship information; financial information; medical information; employment information; signature; Social Insurance Number (SIN); client identifier; OAS account number; Canada Pension Plan / Québec Pension Plan history related to participation in the plans (contributions, benefits, provisions); income tax information; information about a survivor's involvement in the death of a spouse/common-law partner; incarceration information.


In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described in this bank must provide their SIN or OAS account number.

Class of individuals

Individuals who may be eligible for automatic enrolment, who have applied for or are currently receiving at least one of the following benefits: the OAS pension, the GIS, the Allowance or the Allowance for the Survivor, their spouse/common-law partner and representatives.


Personal information is collected pursuant to the Old Age Security Act. The personal information is used to determine eligibility for and entitlement to benefits under the Old Age Security Act. The SIN is collected under the authority of Section 18 of the Old Age Security Regulations, and in accordance with Treasury Board Secretariat Directive on the Social Insurance Number, which lists the OAS program as an authorized user of the SIN. The SIN is used to ensure an individual's exact identification and for income verification purposes with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Consistent uses

Personal information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: research, planning, evaluation, and statistics. Information may be exchanged with foreign governments and foreign institutions under the terms of an international social security agreement for the administration and coordination of the OAS program and the foreign pension program of a partner country. Information may be shared in accordance with legislation and/or information sharing agreements within Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) for the administration of the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). This activity is described in ESDC institution-specific PIB: Canada Pension Plan Program (ESDC PPU 146). It may also be shared for investigations and reviews of the OAS program, CPP and the Social Insurance Register. These activities are described in the ESDC institution-specific PIBs: Old Age Security Program Investigations and Reviews (ESDC PPU 336), Canada Pension Plan Program Investigations and Reviews (ESDC PPU 649) and the Social Insurance Number Register (ESDC PPU 390), for the purpose of updating and/or validating client information. This information may be used to determine eligibility and to administer emergency, special and/or supplementary payments and/or benefits for seniors. This information may also be matched with personal information related to other Federal and/or Provincial/Territorial (P/T) government benefit plans to determine eligibility and to administer any emergency, special and/or supplementary payments and/or benefits for seniors.

Information may be shared in accordance with legislation and/or information sharing agreements with the following prescribed federal institutions: the CRA for the administration or enforcement of the Income Tax Act or Part 1 of the Energy Costs Assistance Measures Act. This activity is described in the CRA institution-specific PIB: Individual Returns and Payment Processing (CRA PPU 005). It may also be shared with the Department of Justice or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in relation to war crimes, or crimes against humanity, or extradition for such crimes (no identifiable PIB in place). It may be shared with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) for the administration of VAC programs. This activity is described in the following VAC institution-specific PIBs: War Veterans Allowance (VAC PPU 040); Earnings Loss (VAC PPU 607); Canadian Forces Income Support (VAC PPU 608) and Income Replacement Benefit (VAC PPU 715). Information may be shared in accordance with legislation and/or information sharing agreements with the following institutions: the Department of Justice to administer requests made under Part I of the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act. This activity is described in the following Justice institution-specific PIB: Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance (JUS PPU 125). It may also be shared with the Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada, which supports the Social Security Tribunal in cases of appeals (PIB under development). It may be shared with Public Service and Procurement Canada (PSPC) for the Receiver General to issue payments. This activity is described in the PSPC institution-specific PIB: Receiver General Payments (PWGSC PCU 712), and with Revenu Québec for the administration of taxation laws. Information may be shared in accordance with legislation and/or information sharing agreements with other institutions for the administration of a federal or provincial law or prescribed activity and with P/T governments for the administration of their own social programs and public bodies who have entered into agreements with P/T governments for the administration of P/T programs. Personal information may be disclosed to Statistics Canada for statistical and research purposes.

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Last updated


Old Age Security Program Investigations and Reviews (PIB)


This bank describes information used in support of Old Age Security program investigations and reviews. Personal information may include: name, contact information, biographical information, citizenship status information, criminal check and history, date and place of birth, date and place of death, educational information, employee identification number, employment equity information, employee personnel information, financial information, medical information, other identification numbers, physical attributes, signature, Social Insurance Number and Canada Revenue Agency Business Number. Information may also include opinions and views of, or about, individuals; travel information and photos.


This bank was modified to remove references to CPP investigation information and now includes information previously contained in Loss of Money - Debtors ESDC PPU 031. Individuals who request information described in this bank must provide the Social Insurance Number, Old Age Security program account number, legal authority for those acting on behalf of an account holder or estate, and the Canada Revenue Agency Business Number or a National Integrity Investigation System case number. Personal information may be stored in the following systems or databases: Major Investigation Sensitive Case Information System, National Integrity Investigation System, Quality Monitoring System, and Information Technology Renewal Delivery System.

Class of individuals

Old Age Security program applicants or beneficiaries; representatives acting on behalf of applicants or beneficiaries; appointed holders of a power of attorney; lawyers; employers; employer representatives; accountants; union representatives; trustees; family members, such as spouse or common-law partners and dependants; and informants.


Personal information is used to administer and enforce the Old Age Security program. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsection 44.2 (6) of the Old Age Security Act, and sections 23. (1) and 23. (2) of the Old Age Security Regulations. Some information is obtained through established agreements with other federal government departments. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to sections 28.1, 28.2, 28.3, and 28.4 of the Employment and Social Development Canada Act, and is used for identification purposes.

Consistent uses

Information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: program analysis, development, and evaluation, and reporting to senior management. Information may be shared with the RCMP and with provincial or municipal enforcement agencies for investigative purposes under the Criminal Code. This information is described in RCMP institution-specific PIB Operational Case Records (RCMP PPU 005). Information may be shared with Public Services and Procurement (PSP) Canada for imaging and storage of closed investigation files and for the issuance and management of benefit payments and entitlements. This information is described in the following PSP institution-specific PIBs: Document Imaging Solution (PWGSC PCU 709) and Receiver General Payments (PWGSC PCU 712). Information may be shared with Service Canada's Processing and Payment Services Branch to render decisions on eligibility for and entitlement to Old Age Security benefits described in institution-specific Old Age Security Program (ESDC PPU 116) and with the Internal Integrity and Security Directorate of Service Canada's Integrity Services Branch when employee malfeasance is suspected.

Retention and disposal standards

Records will be retained for six years after the last administrative action, and then destroyed. Records of suspected fraud that have been referred to the RCMP are transferred to Library and Archives Canada as archival records.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Canada Pension Plan (CoR)


Records related to administration and delivery of the Canada Pension Plan including all pensions and benefits (retirement, disability, survivors, death and post-retirement) and provisions (child rearing, pension sharing and division of unadjusted pensionable earnings).


Consolidates the following CoRs: Canada Pension Plan (ESDC IAP 064); Retirement Benefits (ESDC IS 046); Disability Benefits (ESDC IS 045); Survivor Benefits (ESDC IS 047).

Document types

Adjudication; administration; advice; agreements and corresponding documents; analysis of decisions; applications, appeals and supporting documentation; assessments; briefing notes; client files; communications and correspondence; directives; entitlement; guidelines; income statements; internal audits; legal opinions; legislation; medical records; memorandum; policy and policy development documents; policy and legislative agenda; presentations; procedures; project documents; processing; proposal; publications; recommendations; record of earnings and contributions; records of decisions; reports; research; studies; surveys.

Record number


Canada Pension Plan – Record of Earnings (PIB)


This bank describes personal information that is related to the employment and self-employment earnings of individuals and the history of their contributions to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and/or contributors identified as "dual contributors", those who contributed to both the CPP and the Québec Pension Plan (QPP). This bank also includes information related to the issuance and/or replacement of Social Insurance Numbers (SIN) approved by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).The personal information may include: name; name at birth; alternate surname; date of birth; mother's maiden name; language preference; address information; sex/gender; date of death and source of date of death; SIN status information (fraud, under investigation, dormant, expiry date, and alternate); and earnings and contributions information made to the CPP and/or to the QPP.


In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide their name, address and SIN.

Class of individuals

Canada Pension Plan and Québec Pension Plan contributors.


Personal information is collected pursuant to the Canada Pension Plan and its Regulations. The personal information is used to verify the SIN found on CPP applications, to ensure that the contributory earnings posted to the record of earnings are attributed to the correct SIN in order to administer CPP benefits, which includes determining eligibility and entitlement. The SIN is collected under the authority of section 52 of the Canada Pension Plan Regulations, and in accordance with Treasury Board Secretariat Directive on the Social Insurance Number, which lists the CPP as an authorized user of the SIN.

Consistent uses

Personal information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: research, planning, evaluation, and statistics. Information may be exchanged with foreign governments and foreign institutions under the terms of an international social security agreement for the administration and coordination of the CPP and foreign pension program of a partner country. Information may be shared in accordance with legislation and/or information sharing agreements within ESDC for the administration of the CPP and the Old Age Security (OAS) program. These activities are described in ESDC institution-specific PIBs: Canada Pension Plan Program (ESDC PPU 146) and Old Age Security Program (ESDC PPU 116). It may also be shared within ESDC for investigations and reviews of the CPP, the OAS program and the Social Insurance Number Register. These activities are described in the ESDC institution-specific PIBs Canada Pension Plan Program Investigations and Reviews (ESDC PPU 649), Old Age Security Program Investigations and Reviews (ESDC PPU 336) and the Social Insurance Register (ESDC PPU 390), for the purpose of updating and/or validating client information. Information may also be shared in accordance with legislation and/or information sharing agreements with the following prescribed federal institutions: the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for the purpose of administering the CPP and as described in the CRA institution-specific PIB: Appeals Regarding the Canada Pension Plan and the Employment Insurance Act (CRA PPU 130); and Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) for the administration of the Public Service Superannuation Act, the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act. PSPC may also further disclose this information for the administration of long-term disability benefits.

These activities are described in the PSPC institution-specific PIBs: Federal Government employee, pensioners and survivors – Insurance Information (PWGSC PCU 703) and Federal pensions administration (PWGSC PCU 702). It may be shared with the Department of Justice or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in relation to war crimes, or crimes against humanity, or extradition for such crimes (no identifiable PIB in place). It may be shared with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) for the administration of VAC programs. This activity is described in the following VAC institution-specific PIBs: War Veterans Allowance (VAC PPU 040), Earnings Loss (VAC PPU 607), Canadian Forces Income Support (VAC PPU 608) and Income Replacement Benefit (VAC PPU 715). Information may be shared in accordance with legislation and/or information sharing agreements with the following institutions: the Department of Justice to administer requests made under Part I of the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act. This activity is described in the Justice institution-specific PIB: Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance (JUS PPU 125). It may also be shared with the Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada, which supports the Social Security Tribunal in cases of appeals (PIB Under Development).

Information may be shared in accordance with legislation and/or information sharing agreements with Retraite Québec for the administration of the QPP and the coordination of the QPP and CPP, and with Revenu Québec for the administration of taxation laws. Information may be shared in accordance with legislation and/or information sharing agreements with other institutions for the administration of a federal or provincial law or prescribed activity and with Provincial/Territorial (P/T) governments for the administration of their own social programs and public bodies who have entered into agreements with P/T governments for the administration of P/T programs. Personal information may be disclosed to Statistics Canada for statistical and research purposes. The Statistics Canada Personal Information bank is under development.

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Last updated


Canada Pension Plan Program (PIB)


This bank describes personal information that is related to administration of the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), including all pensions and benefits (retirement, disability, survivors, death and post-retirement) and provisions (child rearing, pension sharing and division of unadjusted pensionable earnings). Personal information about the applicants, beneficiaries, persons eligible for the automatic enrolment of the CPP retirement pension, their spouse/common-law partner and/or children and/or their representatives may include: name; contact information; biographical information; information about residence and absences from Canada; date and place of birth; date and place of death; educational information; sex/gender; marital/relationship information; financial information; medical information; employment information in and outside of Canada; information about the individual’s participation in volunteer and educational activities; signature; Social Insurance Number (SIN); client identifier; earnings and contributions information; pension sharing information; information about the estate; information about a representative/third party administrator; information about applications for foreign benefits and receipt of foreign benefits; information about a survivor's involvement in the death of a spouse/common law partner or parent; benefits received or applied for under CPP or Québec Pension Plan (QPP); information about primary caregiver status (i.e., Family Allowance and/or Canada Child Benefit); and information about custody and control.


In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide their name, address and SIN. Individuals may also request to see their files by contacting a Service Canada office.

Class of individuals

Individuals who may be eligible for automatic enrolment, who have applied for or are currently receiving a CPP benefit (including individuals who may be subject to a provision), their spouse/common-law partner, children and representatives.


Personal information is collected pursuant to the Canada Pension Plan and its Regulations. The personal information is used to administer CPP benefits, which includes determining eligibility and entitlement. The SIN is collected under the authority of section 52 of the Canada Pension Plan Regulations and in accordance with the Treasury Board Secretariat Directive on the Social Insurance Number, which names the CPP as an authorized user of the SIN. The SIN is used to ensure an individual's exact identification.

Consistent uses

Personal information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: research, planning, evaluation, and statistics. Information may be exchanged with foreign governments and foreign institutions under the terms of an international social security agreement for the administration and coordination of the CPP and the foreign pension program of a partner country. Information may be shared in accordance with legislation and/or information sharing agreements within Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) for the administration of the Old Age Security (OAS) program. This activity is described in the ESDC institution-specific PIB: Old Age Security Program (ESDC PPU 116). It may also be shared for investigations and reviews of the OAS program, CPP Program and the Social Insurance Register. These activities are described in the ESDC institution specific PIBs Old Age Security Program Investigations and Reviews (ESDC PPU 336), Canada Pension Plan Program Investigations and Reviews (ESDC PPU 649) and Social Insurance Number Register (ESDC PPU 390) for the purpose of updating and/or validating client information. Information may be shared in accordance with legislation and/or information sharing agreements with the following prescribed federal institutions: the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for the administration and enforcement of the Income Tax Act as described in the CRA institution-specific PIBs: Individual Returns and Payment Processing (CRA PPU 005), and Appeals Regarding the Canada Pension Plan and the Employment Insurance Act (CRA PPU 130) and Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) for the administration of the Public Service Superannuation Act, the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act. PSPC may also further disclose this information for the administration of long-term disability benefits. These activities are described in the PSPC institution-specific PIBs: Federal Government employee, pensioners and survivors – Insurance Information (PWGSC PCU703) and Federal pensions administration (PWGSC PCU 702). It may be shared with the Department of Justice or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in relation to war crimes, or crimes against humanity, or extradition for such crimes (no identifiable PIB in place). It may be shared with the Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) for the administration of VAC programs. This activity is described in the following VAC institution-specific PIBs: War Veterans Allowance (VAC PPU 040), Earnings Loss (VAC PPU 607), Canadian Forces Income Support (VAC PPU 608) and Income Replacement Benefit (VAC PPU 715). Information may be used to determine eligibility and administer emergency benefits or payments such as the one-time payment to persons with disabilities to address extraordinary expenses incurred because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Information may be shared in accordance with legislation and/or information sharing agreements with the following institution: the Department of Justice to administer requests made under Part I of the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act. This activity is described in the following Department of Justice institution-specific PIB: Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance (JUS PPU 125). It may also be shared with the Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada, which supports the Social Security Tribunal in cases of appeals (PIB Under Development). It may be shared with PSPC for the Receiver General to issue payments. This activity is described in the PSPC institution-specific PIB: Receiver General Payments (PWGSC PCU 712). It may also be shared with the CRA for the administration of the Canada Child Benefit Program (CRA PPU 063), Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax Credit (CRA PPU 140), and Working Income Tax Benefit (CRA PPU 178). Information may be shared in accordance with legislation and/or information sharing agreements with Retraite Québec for the administration of the QPP and the coordination of the QPP and CPP and with the Revenu Québec for the administration of taxation laws. Information may be shared in accordance with legislation and/or information sharing agreements with other institutions for the administration of a federal or provincial law or prescribed activity and with Provincial/Territorial (P/T) governments for the administration of their own social programs and public bodies who have entered into agreements with P/T governments for the administration of P/T programs. Personal information may be disclosed to Statistics Canada for statistical and research purposes. The Statistics Canada Personal Information bank is under development.

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Last updated


Canada Pension Plan Program Investigations and Reviews (PIB)


This bank describes information used in support of Canada Pension Plan (CPP) investigations and reviews. Personal information may include: name; contact information; signature; spousal/common law, third party administrator signatures; citizenship status; residence information; credit information; criminal checks/history; educational information; educational information of family members; employee identification number; employment equity information; employee personnel information; employer information and earnings; biographical information; third party administrators, family members, spouses or common law partners; address history; information from government institutions (Federal, Provincial, Municipal, Territorial, Foreign); Indigenous Band Membership, First Nation's citizenship; medical information; financial information; insurers; Social Insurance Number SIN; Spousal/common law partner, family members' SINs; date and place of birth; date and place of death; CRA Business Number; physical attributes; and other identification numbers. Other information may include facts or findings about the individual, travel information, employment including earnings and work status and photos.


This bank was modified to remove references to Old Age Security (OAS) investigation information, and now includes information contained in the former bank Loss of Money - Debtors ESDC PPU 031. Individuals who request information described in this bank must provide the Social Insurance Number SIN, legal authority for those acting on behalf of an account holder or estate, and the CRA Business Number or a National Integrity Investigation System (NIIS) case number. Personal information may be stored in the following systems or databases: Major Investigation Sensitive Case Information System, National Integrity Investigation System NIIS, Quality Monitoring System and Information Technology Renewal Delivery System, and the Rules Based Reassessment System.

Class of individuals

CPP applicants or beneficiaries; representatives acting on behalf of the applicant or beneficiaries; appointed holders of a power of attorney; lawyers; employers; employer representatives; accountants; union representatives; trustees; family members; spouses or common-law partners; dependants; and informants.


Personal information is used to administer and enforce the Canada Pension Plan CPP. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 52 of the Canada Pension Plan CPP Regulations and subsection 90.2 (6) of the Canada Pension Plan CPP. Some information is collected through established agreements with other federal government departments. The Social Insurance Number SIN is collected pursuant to the sections 28.1, 28.2, 28.3 and 28.4 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act, and is used for identification purposes.

Consistent uses

Personal information may be used or disclosed for the following purpose: program analysis, development, evaluation, and reporting to senior management. Information may be shared with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and with provincial or municipal police agencies for investigative referrals under the Criminal Code. This information is described in the RCMP institution-specific PIB Operational Case Records (RCMP PPU 005). Information may be shared with the Canada Revenue Agency CRA for the administration of the CPP and the administrative arrangements related to CPP coverage and rulings. This information is described in the CRA institution-specific PIB Canada Pension Plan CPP and Employment Insurance Program (CRA PPU 070). Information may be shared with Public Services and Procurement Canada PSPC for imaging and storage of closed investigation files and for the issuance and management of benefit payments and entitlements. This information is described in the following PSP institution- specific PIBs Document Imaging Solutions (PWGSC PCU 709) and Receiver General Payments (PWGSC PCU 712). Information may be shared with Service Canada's SC's Processing and Payment Services Branch BDSB to render decisions on eligibility for and entitlement to Canada Pension Plan CPP benefits. This information is described in the ESDC institution- specific PIB Canada Pension Plan CPP – Retirement, Disability, Survivors and Death Benefits (Individual) (ESDC PPU 146). Information may be shared with the Internal Integrity and Security Directorate IISD of Service Canada's SC's Integrity Services Branch ISB when employee malfeasance is suspected. Information used in the administration of benefits under an international agreement may be shared with the governments of foreign states.Personal information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: research, planning, evaluation, and statistics. Information may be exchanged with foreign governments and foreign institutions under the terms of an international social security agreement for the administration and coordination of the CPP program and the foreign pension program of a partner country. Information may be shared in accordance with legislation and/or information sharing agreements and/or arrangements within ESDC for the administration of the CPP program.

Retention and disposal standards

Records will be retained for six years after the last administrative action, and then destroyed. Records of investigative material that have been referred to the RCMP are transferred to Library and Archives Canada LAC as archival records.

RDA number


Related record number

ESDC IS 045, ESDC IS 046, ESDC IS 047, and ESDC IAP 059

TBS registration


Bank number


Canada Disability Saving Bonds (CoR)


Records relating to the amount of bonds available to low- and modest- income Canadians. Information relates to individuals who meet eligibility requirements and the administration of the Canada Disability Savings Bonds. Records also relate to repayment to the Government of Canada for bonds maintained for less than 10 years, and to all other money in the Registered Disability Savings Plans, including private contributions, investment income earned, and grants and bonds, that have been in the Registered Disability Savings Plans for more than 10 years and that are paid to the beneficiary or the beneficiary's estate.

Document types

Legislation; policies; procedures; applications; payment history; publications; correspondence; and internal audits.

Record number


Canada Disability Saving Grants (CoR)


Records relate to the matching grants provided to individuals who contribute to a Registered Disability Savings Plan. Information related to individuals who meet eligibility requirements and the administration of the Canada Disability Savings Grants. Records also relate to the repayment of grants to the Government of Canada and to all other money in the Registered Disability Savings Plans, including private contributions, investment income earned, and grants and bonds, that have been in the Registered Disability Savings Plans for more than 10 years and that are paid to the beneficiary or the beneficiary's estate.

Document types

Legislation; policies; procedures; applications; payment history; publications; correspondence; and internal audits.

Record number


Canada Disability Savings Program (PIB)


This bank describes information concerning individuals who are parties to the establishment and operation of a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) and who have made an application for a government grant or bond to be deposited into the Registered Disability Savings Plans or on whose behalf an application has been made by an authorized person. Personal information for the beneficiary of an RDSP may include: name; contact information; date of birth; gender; Social Insurance Number; date of death; language preference; financial information (including contributions, earnings, losses, family income at the time of applying for a grant or bond); signature; and RDSP contract number. In certain cases, the date of death of the beneficiary will be collected. Personal information for the holder of an RDSP may include: name of the individual or agency; date of birth of the individual; gender of the individual; relationship to beneficiary; contact information; signature; Social Insurance Number or business number; language preference; financial information; and RDSP contract number.


Individuals who request information described in this bank must provide their date of birth and gender. Information may be stored in the Canada Disability Savings Program System.

Class of individuals

Beneficiaries of an RDSP; parents of a beneficiary; a representative of an agency; departments or institutions acting as legal representatives of beneficiaries; and holders of RDSPs or individuals who have received the Canada Child Tax Credit for beneficiaries under the age of 18 or are currently receiving the Canada Child Benefit for beneficiaries under the age of 18.


Personal information is used to determine: eligibility for a grant or bond; whether a plan should be registered; payment to the beneficiary of funds in the RDSP; the repayment of grants and bonds within 10 years of the termination or deregistration of a plan, or the death of a beneficiary; the repayment of grants and bonds paid within 10 years of a withdrawal from the RDSP, or if a withdrawal from the RDSP is made while the beneficiary is not approved for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC), the repayment of grants and bonds paid within the 10 years prior to loss of the DTC; and whether to waive, in prescribed circumstances, payments of a grant or bond, (or repayment or an amount or earnings of a grant or bond). Personal information is collected pursuant to the Department of Employment and Social Development Act (DESDA), sections 6, 7, 8, and 15 of the Canada Disability Savings Act and sections 2, 3, and 9 of the Canada Disability Savings Regulations, and pursuant to the Income Tax Act. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to paragraph 8. (a) of the Canada Disability Savings Act, and pursuant to the Canada Disability Savings Regulations and the Income Tax Act.

Consistent uses

Information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: policy analysis, research, and evaluation. Information may be shared with the Canada Revenue Agency, specifically the Registered Plans Directorate and the Benefit Program Directorate for taxation purposes. This information is described in the following CRA institution-specific PIBs Individual Returns and Payment Processing (CRA PPU 005); Canada Child Tax Benefit Data Bank (CRA PPU 063); Losses of Money and Damage Claims by and Against the Crown (CRA PPU 067); and Disability Tax Credit Program (CRA PPU 218). Information may be shared with the Department of Justice Canada for legal advice and representation. This information is described in the institution-specific JUS PIB Civil Proceedings and Legal Services (JUS PPU 010). ESDC may also share information with the Canada Employment Insurance Commission and with the Identity Management Services for accurate identification purposes. This information is described in the institution-specific ESDC PIB Social Insurance Number Register (ESDC PPU 390). Personal information may be disclosed to Statistics Canada for statistical and research purposes. The Statistics Canada Personal Information bank is under development.

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number

The Retention and disposal standards (RDA) number associated with this PIB is currently under development.

Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Last updated


Universal Child Care Benefit (CoR)


Records relate to the application for and payment of monthly benefits to families with children under the age of six. Records are collected and retained by the Canada Revenue Agency. ESDC receives limited personal information from Canada Revenue Agency for purposes related to accounts receivable and evaluations.

Document types

Applications; online My Account data; payment history; direct deposit forms; guidelines and procedures; evaluation reports; accounting information; and internal audits.


The Minister of Employment and Social Development has primary authority and overall responsibility for the Universal Child Care Benefit. The Canada Revenue Agency delivers the Universal Child Care Benefit on behalf of ESDC, according to the terms and conditions outlined in a memorandum of understanding between ESDC and the Canada Revenue Agency for the administration and delivery of the Universal Child Care Benefit.

Record number


Universal Child Care Benefit (PIB)


This bank describes the personal information collected by the Canada Revenue Agency, through the Child Care Benefit Application form, in order for the Canada Revenue Agency to administer the Universal Child Care Benefits on behalf of ESDC. Specific data elements are provided to ESDC as per the Appendix G of the Memorandum of Understanding between ESDC and the Canada Revenue Agency for the evaluation and formation of policy under the Universal Child Care Benefit Act. Personal data elements collected may include: date of birth, marital status, contact information, employment equity information, Social Insurance Number, financial information, Employee personnel information and medical information.

Class of individuals

Children under the age of six and individuals who live with, and have primary responsibility for the care of, a child under the age of six.


Personal information is used for the evaluation and formation of policy under the Universal Child Care Benefit Act. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 4 of the Universal Child Care Benefit Act. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to the Income Tax Act.

Retention and disposal standards

Under development

RDA number

Under development

Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Canadian Benefit for Parents of Young Victims of Crime (CoR)


Records relate to financial support for eligible parents.

Document types

Correspondence; terms and conditions; applications for funding; grant agreements and supporting documentation; policies and procedures; claims; reports; briefing materials; general information related to the Canadian Benefit for Parents of Young Victims of Crime grant; program evaluations; and recipient audits.

Record number


Canadian Benefit for Parents of Young Victims of Crime (PIB)


This bank describes information related to applications for the Canadian Benefit for Parents of Young Victims of Crime (PYVC) grant. Personal information may include: name; contact information; criminal checks/history; date of birth; date of death; employee identification numbers; employee personnel information; financial information; police incident report number; place of death; signature; Social Insurance Number; attestations, certifications or declarations; preferred language of communication; applicant's relationship to the child; whether Employment Insurance or Quebec Parental Insurance Plan benefits are received; date of probable Criminal Code offence; type of Criminal Code offence; date on which a missing child was found; whether the offence occurred in Canada; name of investigating officer; stamp of law enforcement agency; contact information and signature of designated individual (when applicable); declaration of employer; employer's Business Number.


Personal information collected through this program is kept in the Common System for Grants and Contributions (CSGC). The CSGC (ESDC PPU 298) is now included in this PIB.

Class of individuals

Individuals who apply for the PYVC grant; designated individuals when appointed; employers; and law enforcement officers/agencies.


Personal information is used to administer the PYVC grant, determine eligibility for the PYVC grant, and disburse funds under the PYVC grant. The legislative authority for the PYVC program is found under sections 5 and 7 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act.

Consistent uses

The personal information may be shared with the Canada Revenue Agency and Revenu Québec for the administration of their respective taxation acts. This information is described in CRA institution-specific PIB Review and Control CRA PPU 125). Information may be shared with Public Works and Government Services Canada for the issuance and management of benefit payments and entitlements. This information is described in PWGSC institution-specific PIB Receiver General Payments (PWGSC PCU 712). Information may be used by ESDC for policy analysis, research, evaluation, audit, or statistical purposes. The Social Insurance Number may be used by ESDC for the administration and enforcement of the PYVC grant, including for investigative purposes and to collect overpayments.

Retention and disposal standards

Under development

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Social Innovation and Social Finance Strategy – Investment Readiness Program (CoR)


Records relate to general information on the delivery of the Investment and Readiness Program. The program provides funding to eligible organizations for projects that improve the ability of social purpose organizations (for example, non-profits, charities, co-operatives, hybrid social enterprises, and mission focused for-profits) to participate in the social finance market.

Document types

Correspondence; briefing materials; web content; terms and conditions; funding guide; applications for funding; project descriptions; contribution and grant agreements; results reports; program evaluations; and research.

Record number


Learning skills development and employment

Program Integrity (CoR)


Records relate to program integrity for Employment Insurance (including the Social Insurance Number), the Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, the international Mobility Program and grants and contributions. Records relate to the development, maintenance and implementation of activities, programs, applications, systems, and tools to prevent and detect errors, misuse and abuse of program benefits and services. Records also include information related to the conduct of program investigations, reviews and inspections (including authorities for investigators), liaison with law enforcement agencies and other federal government departments, prosecution, major investigation activities and legal issues. Records may include information related to the research, analysis, evaluation, and development of statistical models that help identify cases of high-risk errors, omissions, fraud and abuse. Records may also relate to the quality assessment of investigations, reviews and inspections, for consistent and uniform application of policies and procedures. These assessments help ensure that clients and/or beneficiaries receive the right benefit or service, at the right time, in the right amount and for the intended purpose. Records may also relate to the overall planning, analysis and evaluation of integrity performance and of current and planned integrity policies and programs.


Formerly ESDC IAP 051, 054, 055 and 061.

Document types

Applications, contribution history, payment history, forms, correspondence, questionnaires, investigation reports, records of decisions, documentary evidence, reports, studies, statistics, briefing materials, project plans, business requirements, processes, agreements, audits, evaluations, strategies, directives, policies and legislation.

Record number


Employment Insurance Program Investigation (PIB)


This bank describes information that is used to support Employment Insurance program investigations. Personal information may include: name, contact information, biographical information, citizenship status information, criminal check and history, date of birth, date of death, gender, language, educational information, employee identification number, employee information, financial information, medical information, employment history including reasons for job termination and job search activities, other identification numbers, physical attributes, place of birth, place of death, signature, Social Insurance Number and Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Business Number. Information may also include facts/findings about an individual; travel information and photos.


This bank replaces and includes the information previously contained in the following banks: Combined Overpayment Detection Systems Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) PPU 085; Record of Employment ESDC PPU 385; Report on Hirings ESDC PPU 210; False Claim Detection Program ESDC PPU 108; Business Registration Investigation ESDC PPU 080; Employment Insurance - CPP Retirement Match ESDC PPU 095; Computer Post Audit Program ESDC PPU 090; Automated Earnings Reporting ESDC PPU 215; Returning Canadian Resident Program ESDC PPU 120; and Insured Earnings Match ESDC PPU 115. Individuals who request information described in this bank must provide the Social Insurance Number, National Integrity Investigation System case number, legal authority for those acting on behalf of an account holder or estate, and the CRA Business Number. Personal information may be stored in the following systems or databases: Major Investigation Sensitive Case Information System, National Integrity Investigation System, Group Information Session Planner, Quality Monitoring System, Corporate Client Information Service, Automated Earnings Reporting System, Maintain Hiring Details Application, Combined Overpayment Detection System, Control Indicator System, Records Management Distribution System, National Workload System, and Full Text Screens System.

Class of individuals

Employment Insurance program applicants or claimants; representatives acting on behalf of applicants or claimants; appointed holders of a power of attorney; lawyers; employers; employer representatives; accountants; union representatives; trustees; Canadian residents who have travelled outside of Canada and who are returning to Canada by air; self-employed individuals; taxpayers; new business owners; and informants.


Personal information is used to administer and enforce the Employment Insurance program including investigations to prevent and/or detect fraud. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsections 50(5) and 126(14) of the Employment Insurance Act. Some information is collected through established agreements with other federal government departments. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to sections 28.1, 28.2, 28.3 and 28.4 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act and is used for identification purposes.

Consistent uses

Personal information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: program analysis, development, evaluation, compliance and enforcement, risk management, and reporting to senior management. Compliance and risk management activities may include any authorized automated personal information analysis, personal information matching and knowledge discovery techniques to detect and/or prevent fraud. Personal information may be collected indirectly to support program compliance, as well as to detect and/or prevent fraud. Information may be shared with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and with provincial or municipal police agencies for investigative purposes under the Criminal Code. This information is described in RCMP institution-specific PIB Operational Case Records (RCMP PPU 005). Information may be shared with the CRA for the administration of the Employment Insurance program and the administrative arrangements related to Employment Insurance coverage and rulings. This information is described in CRA institution- specific PIB Canada Pension Plan and Employment Insurance Program (CRA PPU 070). Information may be shared with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to obtain traveller information. This information is described in CBSA institution-specific PIB Traveler Declaration Card (CBSA PPU 018) and Entry / Exit Traveller Processing (CBSA PPU 1202). Information may be shared with Public Services and Procurement (PSP) for imaging and storage of closed investigation files and for the issuance and management of benefit payments and entitlements. This information is described in PSP institution-specific PIBs, Document Imaging Solutions (PWGSC PCU 709) and Receiver General Payments (PWGSC PCU 712). Information may be shared with a third- party service provider to perform data entry tasks (through a service agreement contract). Information may be shared with Service Canada's Benefits Delivery Services Branch to render decisions on eligibility for and entitlement to benefits. This information is described in ESDC institution-specific PIB Benefit and Overpayment File (ESDC PPU 180). Information may be shared with the Internal Integrity and Security Directorate of Service Canada's Integrity Services Branch when employee malfeasance is suspected. Information may be share with ESDC's Skills and Employment Branch to support the delivery of Job Bank services. This information is described in ESDC institution-specific PIB Job Bank (ESDC PPU 711). Information may be shared with provincial government departments and third parties administering programs when data-sharing agreements are in place to conduct research into the labour force, labour market, income support and other related fields. Information may be shared with the Department of Justice to administer the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act. This information is described in JUS institution-specific PIB Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance (JUS PPU 125). Information may be shared with academics, research groups, or private sector firms under specific contract to the Department, or to other government or contracted agencies under terms of memoranda of understanding, for policy formulation, planning, statistics research, and evaluation purposes. Information may be shared with ESDC's Labour Market Information program for analysis, research and evaluation purposes. Personal information may be disclosed to Statistics Canada for statistical and research purposes. The Statistics Canada PIB is under development.

Retention and disposal standards

Records in which discrepancies are identified are retained for 12 years after all administrative actions and then destroyed. Records in which no discrepancies are identified are destroyed immediately.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Social Insurance Number Investigations and Reviews (PIB)


This bank describes information used to support Social Insurance Number investigations. Personal information may include: name, contact information, signature, citizenship status, residence information, employee identification number, employee personnel information, employment equity information, biographical information, criminal check and history, educational information, financial information, medical information, Social Insurance Number, date and place of birth, date and place of death, birth registration, status in Canada, immigration or citizenship document, mother's full name, maiden name, other surnames and names, father's full name, proof-of-identity document, photos, physical attributes, other identification numbers and opinion and views of or about individuals.


This bank replaces and includes the information previously contained in the following banks: Combined Overpayment Detection Systems ESDC PPU 085; Record of Employment ESDC PPU 385; Report on Hirings ESDC PPU 210; False Claim Detection Program ESDC PPU 108; Business Registration Investigation ESDC PPU 080; Employment Insurance – CPP Retirement Match ESDC PPU 095; Computer Post Audit Program ESDC PPU 090; Automated Earnings Reporting ESDC PPU 215; Returning Canadian Resident Program ESDC PPU 120; and Insured Earnings Match ESDC PPU 115. Individuals who request information described in this bank must provide the Social Insurance Number, National Integrity Investigation System case number, legal authority for those acting on behalf of an account holder or estate, and the Canada Revenue Agency Business Number. Personal information may be stored in the following systems or databases: Major Investigation Sensitive Case Information System, National Integrity Investigation System, Group Information Session Planner, Quality Monitoring System, Corporate Client Information Service, Automated Earnings Reporting System, Maintain Hiring Details Application, Combined Overpayment Detection System and Control Indicator System.

Class of individuals

Employment Insurance program applicants or claimants; representatives acting on behalf of applicants or claimants; appointed holders of a power of attorney; lawyers; employers; employer representatives; accountants; union representatives; trustees; Canadian residents who have travelled outside of Canada and who are returning to Canada by air; self-employed individuals; taxpayers; new business owners; and informants.


Personal information is used to administer and enforce the Employment Insurance program. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsections 50(5) and 126(14) of the Employment Insurance Act. Some information is collected through established agreements with other federal government departments. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to sections 28.1, 28.2, 28.3 and 28.4 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act and is used for identification purposes.

Consistent uses

Personal information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: program analysis, development, and evaluation, and reporting to senior management. Information may be shared with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and with provincial or municipal enforcement agencies for investigative purposes under the Criminal Code. This information is described in RCMP institution-specific PIB Operational Case Records (RCMP PPU 005). Information may be shared with the Canada Revenue Agency for the administration of the Employment Insurance program and the administrative arrangements related to Employment Insurance coverage and rulings. This information is described in CRA institution- specific PIB Canada Pension Plan and Employment Insurance Program (CRA PPU 070). Information may be shared with the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) to obtain copies of E-311 forms. This information is described in CBSA institution-specific PIB Traveler Declaration Card (CBSA PPU 018). Information may be shared with Public Services and Procurement Canada for imaging and storage of closed investigation files and for the issuance and management of benefit payments and entitlements. This information is described in PSP institution-specific PIBs, Document Imaging Solutions (PWGSC PCU 709) and Receiver General Payments (PWGSC PCU 712). Information may be shared with a third- party service provider to perform data entry tasks (through a service agreement contract). Information may be shared with Service Canada's Processing and Payment Services Branch to render decisions on eligibility for and entitlement to benefits. This information is described in ESDC institution-specific PIB Benefit and Overpayment File (ESDC PPU 180).

Information may be shared with the Internal Integrity and Security Directorate of Service Canada's Integrity Services Branch when employee malfeasance is suspected.

Information may be shared with ESDC's Skills and Employment Branch to support the delivery of Job Bank services. This information is described in ESDC institution-specific PIB Job Bank (ESDC PPU 711). Information may be shared with provincial government departments and third parties administering programs when data sharing agreements are in place to conduct research into the labour force, labour market, income support and other related fields. Information may be shared with academics, research groups, or private sector firms under specific contract to the Department, or to other government or contracted agencies under terms of memoranda of understanding, for policy formulation, planning, statistics research, and evaluation purposes. Information may be shared with ESDC's Labour Market Information program for analysis, research and evaluation purposes.

Retention and disposal standards

Records in which discrepancies are identified are retained for 12 years after all administrative actions and then destroyed. Records in which no discrepancies are identified are destroyed immediately.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Employment Insurance (CoR)


Records supporting applications for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits and/or the processing of EI claims.

Document types

Record number


Benefit Program: Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) through Service Canada also known as the Employment Insurance Emergency Response Benefit (EI ERB) (CoR)


Records created and information collected relate to the development, administration, delivery, and assessment of the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) through Service Canada also known as the Employment Insurance Emergency Response Benefit (EI ERB).


The Service Canada CERB (EI ERB) began March 15, 2020, and ended October 3, 2020.

Document types

Record number


Employment Insurance Premium Reduction Program (CoR)


Records relate to information employers submit regarding the details of their Short Term Disability Plans in order to determine their eligibility for an EI premium reduction. The Program also retains a history of all reductions and changes to the employers' premium reduction registration.

Document types

Record number


Employment Insurance Premium Reduction Program (PIB)


This bank describes information that is collected for the purposes of administering the Employment Insurance Premium Reduction Program. It may contain:

Class of Individual

Full- or part-time employees of institutions both current and former employees. While personal information identifying individual employees are not collected, information such as the total number of part time employees as well as the total number of full time employees under a given plan are collected.

Other: The Employer representative who may be the individual who signed the EI Premium Reduction application or another individual.


The personal information is used to administer the Premium Reduction Program, determine eligibility for the premium reduction, establish an inventory of premium reduction program outstanding requests, obtain views and opinions on the Premium Reduction Program, provide services for the Premium Reduction Program and to communicate and obtain information related to the employer's eligibility to the EI Premium Reduction Program. The authority to collect the personal information is found under Subsection 69(3) of the EI Act and Section 68 of the EI Regulations. The employer's payroll account number is collected pursuant to paragraph 69(2)(b), 69(3)(b) of the EI Regulations.

Consistent uses

The information can also be shared with the Employment Insurance program for integrity purposes within Employment and Social Development Canada. The personal information collected may be used or disclosed for enforcement, inventory and evaluation. The information may also be shared with the CRA to allow them to adjust EI premiums.

Other Uses and/or Disclosures

The information collected is included with regular program mailings.

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

Related record number

ESDC IAP 061, 062 and 070

TBS registration


Bank number


Last Updated


Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Program (CoR)


Records relate to information on the administration of the Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Program (SUB) program. The information includes an application as well as a copy of the employer's SUB plan, detailing the type of plan (temporary stoppage of work, training, illness injury or quarantine) and the amount paid. EI pay details are sent to the employer via a weekly report if requested.

Document types

Record number


Benefit and Overpayment File (PIB)


This bank contains information related to clients applying for or receiving Employment Insurance benefits that reveals that individuals received amounts to which they were not entitled and that establish an overpayment. It may also contain information from Canada Revenue Agency's Payroll Deductions Accounting and Collection System and Taxation Taxpayer Master Files. Personal information may include: name, Social Insurance Number, date of birth, gender, preferred official language, address, telephone number, job occupation code, reason for no longer working, start date of the claim, end date of the claim, information regarding overpayments, amount and duration of Employment Insurance benefits payable, education information, participation in Employment Insurance Part II programs, incarceration, financial information, income tax exemption level and payment/non-payment information.


This bank is now included in the Employment Insurance Claim Files (ESDC PPU 151) bank.

Class of individuals

Individuals who are receiving or have received Employment Insurance benefits.


Personal information is used to administer the Employment Insurance program to determine whether benefits are payable. The authority to collect the personal information is provided under sections 7, 10, 23, 152.07, and 152.1 of the Employment Insurance Act and section 8 of the Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to subsection 28.1 (1) of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act.

Consistent uses

The accuracy of personal information is validated using personal information under the control of the Canada Revenue Agency. This information is described in CRA institution-specific PIB Review and Control (CRA PPU 125). Information is used for statistical, internal audit, and planning purposes. Selected information is provided to the Canada Revenue Agency and Revenue Quebec for taxation purposes. This information is described in CRA institution-specific PIB Individual Returns and Payment Processing (CRA PPU 005). Information may be shared with Statistics Canada for statistical, analytical; and planning purposes. This information is described in Statistics Canada institution-specific PIB Labour Force Survey (StatCan PPU 015). Information may be shared with the Canada Revenue Agency for locating debtors to the Crown. This information is described in CRA institution-specific PIB Individual Tax Arrears - Collection Action (CRA PPU 050). Subject to a formal agreement, information may be shared with provincial and municipal governments for the administration and enforcement of their programs and the coordination of benefit payment and research. Information may also be shared with employers to assist them in fulfilling their responsibilities under the Employment Insurance Act.

Information may be shared with the Department of Justice Canada to administer the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act. This information is described in JUS institution-specific PIB Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance (JUS PPU 125). Information may be shared with Public Works and Government Services Canada for the issuance and management of benefit payments and entitlements. This information is described in PWGSC institution-specific PIB Receiver General Payments (PWGSC PCU 712). Information may be shared with provincial government departments and third parties administering programs when data-sharing agreements are in place to conduct research into the labour force, labour market, income support and other related fields, and it may be provided to academics, research groups or private sector firms under specific contract to the Department, or to other government or contracted agencies under terms of memoranda of understanding, for policy formulation, planning, statistics, research and evaluation purposes. Information may also be shared within ESDC with the Labour Market Information program for analysis, research, and evaluation purposes. Personal information may be disclosed to Statistics Canada for statistical and research purposes. The Statistics Canada Personal Information bank is under development.

Retention and disposal standards

Records for any claim are retained for 11 years. After 6 years, they are purged of information received from the Canada Revenue Agency. Basic claim information is retained on separate tapes for an additional 5 years, and then destroyed. Information for self-employment benefits is retained for 99 years after the first week for which Employment Insurance was paid.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Employment Insurance Bi-Weekly Claimant's Report (PIB)


Claimant reports received through either the Telephone Reporting Service or the Internet Reporting Service may include the following personal information: date, time and length of call or session, Social Insurance Number (SIN), dates covered, success or termination status of call or session, assistance level of call or session, the individual's confirmed responses, declaration of dates available for work, earnings, medical information, educational information, contact information and signature.


Individuals seeking access to records in this bank must specify the two- week period covered by the report card they wish to consult. This bank is now included in the Employment Insurance Claim Files (ESDC PPU 151) bank.

Class of individuals

Individuals on claim for Employment Insurance benefits and Unemployment benefits; and employers.


To provide a record of claimant eligibility for benefits during a two-week period.

Consistent uses

Information in this bank may be used for research, planning, evaluation, and statistics purposes, and for control and internal audit purposes. It may be disclosed to private-sector research firms for these purposes. It may also be shared with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for investigative purposes under the Criminal Code. This information is described in RCMP institution-specific PIB Operational Case Records (RCMP PPU 005).

Retention and disposal standards

Reports are retained for seven years and then destroyed.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Record of Employment (PIB)


This bank contains information on employment history provided in the Record of Employment, which is used to establish claims for Employment Insurances benefits. All requests for access must identify the period of employment covered by the Record of Employment.

The personal information may include:

Class of individuals

Individuals and employers.


Used in the administration and enforcement of the Employment Insurance Act, including for the prevention and detection of fraud and abuse. The personal information is collected pursuant to Department of Employment and Social Development Act (Part 4). The Social Insurance Number may be collected and used under the authority of the section 87 of the Employment Insurance Act.

Consistent uses

Statistical, planning and internal audit purposes. Subject to formal agreement, some information may be shared with other federal or provincial departments for planning, research and evaluation. Information pertaining to the employer and reason of layoff may be shared with the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) (ESDC PPU 440) for the purpose of the administration and enforcement of the outcome of the Labour Market Impact Assessment. Information may also be shared with the Department of Justice for the administration of the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act. It may also be released to the issuing employer in exceptional circumstances. Release of information is subject to Part 4 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act.

Retention and disposal standards

Record of Employment (Second Copy - paper) is destroyed after imaging. Imaged copies are retained for 11 years by Service Canada, Record of Employment National Services in New Brunswick and are then destroyed. Records of Employment stored in electronic format are kept 11 years and are then destroyed.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Employment Insurance Databank (PIB)


This bank may contain the following information on clients applying to and/or participating in Employment Insurance programs operated or funded by ESDC: Social Insurance Number, gender, date of birth, name, detailed information on periods of employment and unemployment, eligibility for Employment Insurance, training courses taken and other employment services received. Information is extracted from the following banks: Employment Insurance Program Investigation ESDC PPU 171, Benefit and Overpayment Master File ESDC PPU 180 and Social Insurance Number Register ESDC PPU 390.

Class of individuals

Employment Insurance beneficiaries who participated in ESDC employment programs.


Individuals who experienced a job loss and applied for Employment Insurance or participated in ESDC employment programs, administered by ESDC or third parties, and ESDC-funded services administered by provincial/territorial governments under labour market development agreements.

Consistent uses

Information may be shared within ESDC with Labour Market Information program for analysis, research and evaluation purposes. Information may be shared with provincial government departments and third parties administering programs when data-sharing agreements are in place to conduct research into the labour force, labour market, income support and other related fields. Information may be provided to academics, research groups, or private-sector firms under specific contract to the Department, or to other government or contracted agencies under terms of memoranda of understanding, for policy formulation, planning, statistics, research and evaluation purposes.

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Insurance Claim File (PIB)


This bank describes information related to Canadians applying for or receiving Employment Insurance benefits (regular, fishing, maternity, parental, sickness, compassionate care, family caregiver for children or for family caregiver for adults). It contains information that is used to support inquiries regarding clients who are involuntarily or voluntarily unemployed. It may also include information collected from the Canada Revenue Agency's Payroll Deductions Accounting and Collection System and Taxation Taxpayer Master Files. Personal information may include: name, Social Insurance Number, date of birth, gender, contact information, employment information, employee personnel information, biographical information, education information, financial information, medical information, preferred official language, appeals to boards of referees or to the Social Security Tribunal, disentitlement notices, disqualification notices, any interviews or investigations conducted by ESDC and Service Canada staff and penalties or criminal procedures undertaken for fraud under the Employment Insurance Act.


All requests for access must include the Social Insurance Number. The Benefit and Overpayment File (ESDC PPU 180), and this bank are now included in the Employment Insurance Claim Files (ESDC PPU 151) bank.

Class of individuals

Individuals who have applied for Employment Insurance benefits; individuals who share the benefits, when applicable; children or adults who are critically ill; family members who are gravely ill with a significant risk of death; and medical professionals who provide information when needed.


Personal information is used to administer the Employment Insurance program. The authority to collect the personal information is provided under sections 7, 10, 22, 23, 152.07, and 152.1 of the Employment Insurance Act, and section 8 of the Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to subsection 28.1 (1) of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act.

Consistent uses

Information may be disclosed for appeals to the Board of Referees or for appeals to the Social Security Tribunal. Information may be shared for the administration of Part II of the Employment Insurance Act. Information may be shared for program analysis, development and design of program policy options, adjustment strategies and emergency measures, and pilot projects related to the Employment Insurance program. Masked data is used to analyze the effectiveness of the Employment Insurance program and to develop policy options, including estimated impacts. Information may be shared with Public Works and Government Services Canada for imaging and storage of closed investigation files and for the issuance and management of benefit payments and entitlements. This information is described in the following PWGSC institution-specific PIBs: Document Imaging Solution (PWGSC PCU 709) and Receiver General Payments (PWGSC PCU 712). The accuracy of personal information is validated using personal information under the control of CRA. This information is described in the CRA institution-specific PIB Review and Control (CRA PPU 125). Information is used for statistical, internal auditing, and planning purposes. Selected information is provided to the CRA and Revenu Québec for taxation purposes. This information is described in CRA institution-specific PIB Individual Returns and Payment Processing (CRA PPU 005). It may also be shared with the CRA for locating debtors to the Crown. This information is described in CRA institution-specific PIB Individual Tax Arrears - Collection Action (CRA PPU 050). Information may be shared with Statistics Canada for statistical, analytical and planning purposes. This information is described in Statistics Canada institution-specific PIB Labour Force Survey (StatCan PPU 015). Information may be shared with the Department of Justice Canada to administer the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act. This information is described in JUS institution-specific PIB Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance (JUS PPU 125). Information may be shared with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for the investigation of alleged Employment Insurance fraud. This information is described in RCMP institution-specific PIB Operational Case Records (RCMP PPU 005). Information may be shared, subject to a formal agreement, with provincial and municipal governments for the administration and enforcement of their own programs, as with the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan, and the coordination of benefit payment and research. Information may be shared with employers to assist them with their responsibilities under the Employment Insurance Act. Some of the information may be provided to private-sector survey companies for evaluations, research, statistical and planning purposes.

Retention and disposal standards

Records for any claim are retained for 11 years. The information for self- employed special benefits is retained for 99 years after the first week for which Employment Insurance was paid.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Employment Insurance Claim Files (PIB)


This bank describes personal information collected about individuals who apply for or receive Employment Insurance (EI) benefits (Regular, Fishing, Maternity, Parental, Sickness, Compassionate Care, Family Caregiving for adults or children, or Special Benefits for the Self-Employed). This bank also describes personal information collected about individuals who received the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) through Service Canada, also known as the EI Emergency Response Benefit (EI ERB). Additionally, this bank describes personal information collected from the Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) Payroll Deductions Accounting and Collection (PAYDAC) System and Taxation Taxpayer Master Files.

Personal information may include:


All requests for access to information must follow the instructions in the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form and must include the SIN.

Benefit and Overpayment File (ESDC PPU 180), Insurance Claim File – Local Office (ESDC PPU 150), and Employment Insurance Bi-Weekly Claimants' Report (ESDC PPU 155) are now included in this bank.

Class of individuals

Individuals who have applied for or are receiving EI benefits; individuals who may share the benefits, when applicable; family members (adult or child) who are critically ill or injured; family members who are seriously ill with a significant risk of death; employers; and medical professionals who provide information when needed.


Personal information is used to administer the EI program and to determine eligibility and entitlement to benefits, including the CERB through Service Canada also known as the EI ERB. It can also be used to assess continued entitlement or to establish overpayment if new or updated information reveals that individuals have received amounts to which they were not entitled. The information can be used to respond to any enquiries from EI and EI ERB clients. The authority to collect personal information is provided in subsections 48 (2), 50 (1), 50 (5), and 153.8 (3) (4) of the Employment Insurance Act (EIA). The SIN is collected under section 138 and 153.12 of the EIA to validate the identity of the individual applying for benefits.

Consistent uses

Personal Information may be shared with federal government institutions listed below according to legislation and/or signed information-sharing agreements. This information may be shared for the administration of Part II of the EIA and for the following purposes:

Personal Information may be shared within Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). It may also be shared according to formal agreements and memoranda of understanding with provincial, territorial, municipal, and aboriginal governments, and their authorized third-party service providers. Information may also be shared with third parties such as academics, research groups, or private-sector firms under specific contract to the Department, or to other government or contracted agencies. This information is used for the following purposes:

Retention and disposal standards

Records are kept for 12 years. Information for self-employed special benefits is kept for 99 years after the first week for which EI was paid.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Last Updated


Interstate Employment Insurance Claims (PIB)


This bank contains statistics relative to liable and agent state claims. Personal information may include: name, Social Insurance Number, citizenship status, work permit, visa, date of birth, employment equity information, mother's maiden name, contact information, employee personnel information, education informational, financial information, medical information, preferred official language, biographical information and signature.


Individuals may gain access by supplying either their Social Insurance Number or social security number.

Class of individuals

Agent state claimants who are Canadians or non-Canadian residents; liable state claimants with working visas or American citizenship; and landed immigrants.


To facilitate the payment of Employment Insurance benefits to people in all American states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Canada residing outside the state in which their entitlement was earned, including to prevent fraud and abuse. To create, maintain, and control claim files when Canada is the agent state, and to provide administrative assistance to liable states concerned. To create, maintain, control, adjudicate and provide payment of benefits when Canada is the liable state. The authority to collect the personal information is provided under subsections 48. (2), 50. (1) and 50. (5) of the Employment Insurance Act. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant section 138 of the Employment Insurance Act.

Consistent uses

Information may be disclosed to the Social Security Tribunal for appeal processes. Information may be shared within ESDC for program analysis, development and design of program policy options, adjustment strategies and emergency measures, and pilot projects related to the Employment Insurance program.

Information may be shared with PWGSC for imaging and storage of closed investigation files and for the issuance and management of benefit payments and entitlements. This information is described in the following PWGSC institution-specific PIBs: Document Imaging Solution (PWGSC PCU 709) and Receiver General Payments (PWGSC PCU 712).

The accuracy of personal information is validated using personal information under the control of Canada Revenue Agency. This information is described in CRA institution-specific PIB Review and Control (CRA PPU 125).

Selected information is provided to the CRA and Revenue Quebec for taxation purposes. This information is described in CRA institution-specific PIB Individual Returns and Payment Processing (CRA PPU 005).

Information may be shared with the CRA for locating debtors to the Crown. This information is described in CRA institution- specific PIB Individual Tax Arrears - Collection Action (CRA PPU 050).

Information may be shared with Statistics Canada for statistical, analytical, and planning purposes. This information is described in Statistics Canada institution-specific PIB Labour Force Survey (StatCan PPU 015).

Information may be shared with the Department of Justice Canada to administer the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act. This information is described in JUS institution-specific PIB Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance (JUS PPU 125).

Information may be shared with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for investigation of alleged Employment Insurance fraud. This information is described in RCMP institution-specific PIB Operational Case Records, (RCMP PPU 005).

Information may be shared, subject to a formal agreement, with provincial and municipal governments for the administration and enforcement of their own programs, as with the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan, and the coordination of benefit payment and research.

Information may be shared with employers to assist them with their responsibilities under the Employment Insurance Act.

Information may be shared with all American states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands subject to the formal Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America for the administration, including for the prevention of fraud and abuse, of their own programs.

Some information may be provided to private-sector survey companies for evaluations, research, statistical, and planning purposes.

Retention and disposal standards

Records are retained for 12 years.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Listing of Employees by Nominal Roll (PIB)


This bank describes personal information received from employers involved in labour disputes. Personal information may include: name; Social Insurance Number; badge or clock number; information pertaining to a stoppage of work; first and last day worked; site location; reason for separation; return to work date; employee personal information; and financial information.

Class of individuals

Employees involved in labour disputes or related claims for Employment Insurance benefits or monies paid to individuals.


Personal information is used to administer the Employment Insurance program, including preventing fraud and abuse. The authority to collect the personal information is provided under subsections 87. (1), 88. (1) and 88. (5) of the Employment Insurance Act. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to section 138 of the Employment Insurance Act.

Consistent uses

Information in this bank is used to administer the Employment Insurance program and other employment programs. Information is used for statistical, planning, and internal auditing purposes, and may be shared with private-sector research firms for these purposes.

Information may also be shared with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for investigation of offences. This information is described in RCMP institution-specific PIB Operational Case Records (RCMP PPU 005).

Subject to a formal agreement, information may be shared with federal, provincial and municipal governments for the administration of their own programs.

Information may also be shared with employers to assist them with their responsibilities under the Employment Insurance Act.

Retention and disposal standards

Records are retained for 12 years and then destroyed.

RDA number

Under development

Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Registration for the Employment Insurance Measure for Self-Employed People (PIB)


This bank describes information about individuals who voluntarily registered for, or opted out of, the Employment Insurance Measure for Self-Employed People, which provides coverage for Employment Insurance special benefits, that is, maternity, parental, sickness, compassionate care, family caregiver for children or family caregiver for adults to self-employed individuals. Personal information may include: name, Social Insurance Number, contact information, opt-in date, termination date and signature.


In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's Personal Information request form, individuals who request information described in this bank must provide the Social Insurance Number. In some instances, correspondence may be filed in the name of the individual's representative. In these cases, the name and address of the representative should also be included on the Record Access Request Form. The subject matter and date of the requested correspondence are also required. Information may be stored in an Oracle database within the My Service Canada Account and is viewable by authorized Service Canada employees through a specialized administration application.

Class of individuals

Self-employed persons who have registered for or opted out of the Employment Insurance Measure for Self-Employed People.


Personal information is used for registration or termination processes related to coverage for Employment Insurance benefits for self-employed individuals. Registration for coverage into the program is voluntary for self- employed individuals. Therefore, Employment Insurance premiums on self-employment income are only collected from self-employed individuals who have entered into an agreement. The authority to collect the personal information is provided under subsection 152.07 (1) of the Employment Insurance Act. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to subsection 28.1 (1) of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act. The authority to disclose information is provided under subsections 34. (1) and 35. (2) of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act, as well as a memorandum of understanding (information-sharing agreement) between ESDC and the Canada Revenue Agency.

Consistent uses

Information may be used or disclosed within ESDC to process claims related to this measure. Information may be disclosed for appeals to the Board of Referees or for appeals to the Social Security Tribunal. ESDC will inform the Canada Revenue Agency about individuals who have registered for or opted out from the Employment Insurance Measure for Self-Employed People in the previous year, which will allow CRA to determine the amount of Employment Insurance premiums payable for those individuals. This information is described in CRA institution-specific PIB Individual Returns and Payment Processing (CRA PPU 005). Information may be used or disclosed under agreement for policy analysis and evaluation purposes. Information may be used or disclosed under agreement for auditing, research, or statistical purposes.

Some information may be used or disclosed for enforcement and for reporting (that is, for statistical reporting on the number of self-employed people registering for or opting out of the measure). Personal information may be accessed and used to prevent and detect fraud or for possible investigations. Information may be shared with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for investigation of alleged Employment Insurance fraud. This information is described in RCMP institution-specific PIB Operational Case Records (RCMP PPU 005). It might also be shared internally. This information is described in ESDC institution-specific PIB Employment Insurance Program Investigations (ESDC PPU 171).

Retention and disposal standards

The information is retained for 99 years after the opt-in date.

RDA number

Under development

Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Income Benefits (CoR)


Analysis of program effectiveness, development and design of program policy options, adjustment strategies and emergency measures, and pilot projects related to the Employment Insurance (EI) program.


Masked data is used for the purpose of analyzing the effectiveness of the EI program and in developing policy options, including estimated impacts.

Document types

Analyses of the impacts and effectiveness of the EI program, program policy development, policy recommendations, microsimulation modeling results, pilot projects that test the labour market impacts of proposed changes to the EI program, analyses of stakeholder positions and amendments to Employment Insurance Regulations and the Employment Insurance Act.

Record number


Additional Labour Market Initiatives (PIB)


Participant, employer, contractor and Official Language Minority Communities business information relating to Work-Sharing and the Enabling Fund for the Official Language Minority Communities. Participant information may include: name, contact information, SIN, employee personnel information, financial information and signature.

Class of individuals

Clients who have participated in the programs, and persons and legal parties contracted under an agreement to assist in the delivery of the programs.


To retain information on and to monitor clients and effectiveness of the programs.

Consistent uses

Client and agreement information is used by ESDC for program accountability and evaluation purposes and may be shared with other ESDC branches for statistical, planning, research, internal audit and evaluation purposes. Participants' and contractors' financial information for programs funded under Part I of the Employment Insurance Act is shared only with other internal branches for accountability and evaluation purposes.

Retention and disposal standards

Disposition under review. No record can be disposed of and must be retained in its entirety.

RDA number


Related record number

ESDC SEB 130 and 136

TBS registration


Bank number


Social Insurance Number Management Services (CoR)


Records relate to the administration, management, maintenance, security and integrity of the Social Insurance Number issuance process.

Document types

Briefing notes, presentations, research reports and studies, legal agreements (or contracts), correspondence documents (e-mails), policy guidelines, operational documents (including procedures), document(s) that confirm identity and legal status in Canada, proof of address, documents confirming the identity and coordinate information of entities (i.e. Public Trustee and/or Guardian, Department Administrator, etc.) with the legal authorization to request information in the SIR on behalf of an individual, and responses to audits concerning a variety of Social Insurance Number and Social Insurance Register-related topics.

Record number


Last Updated


Social Insurance Number Register (PIB)


This bank describes information related to individuals who apply to obtain a SIN, which is needed to work in Canada or to have access to government programs and benefits. Personal information may include: name(s), surname(s), other surnames previously used and current legal name; sex/gender contact information, proof of identity and legal status in Canada, proof of address, and country or city and country of birth if outside Canada; other identification numbers; citizenship status; employment equity information; type of birth; whether a twin or a triplet; date of birth; date and place of death; death registration number in Canada; father’s full name (if applicable); mother’s full name (maiden surname at her birth) parent’s name at birth; any cancelled SIN, issued, or reissued; date of application; effective or issue date; eligibility to work; document status (active or inactive and reason); signatures; e-mail addresses; relationship of representative to the applicant; expiry date for 900-series SIN; and account status and other annotations, such as administrative flags (such as death data) or notes. There may be situations (pre-1993 application forms) when the microfilmed copy contains marital status information and the name and address of the employer(s). This bank also describes personal information pertaining to entities (i.e. Public Trustees and/or Guardians, Departmental Administrators, etc.) with legal authorization to access information held in the Social Insurance Register (SIR) on behalf of an individual: name(s), surnames(s), work title, work coordinates (i.e. city and province of work, contact information), and attestation of identity.


All requests for access must include: SIN; name; place and date of birth; family name at birth of the individual's mother; and the same documentary proof of identity as is required when submitting an application for a SIN. Entities acting on behalf of an individual must provide their personal information every time they request information held in the SIR.

Class of individuals

Canadian citizens; Registered Indians; permanent residents; temporary residents and others who are authorized to work in Canada; mother and father of the applicant's parent's name at birth; representative of the applicant; and witnesses.


Personal information may be used to register persons pursuant to section 138 of the Employment Insurance Act, subsection 28.1 (1) of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act and section 98 of the Canada Pension Plan, and those on whose behalf a Social Insurance Number application has been received by the Canada Employment Insurance Commission (CEIC). Subsection 28.1 (2) of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act authorizes the CEIC to maintain a register containing the names of all persons registered and other information, as required, to accurately identify all persons so registered. Personal information may also be used in administering certain acts of Canada, such as the Employment Insurance Act and the Income Tax Act. Release of information from the Social Insurance Register is pursuant to the Department of Employment and Social Development Act for the accurate identification of individuals and for the effective use by those individuals of SINs.

Consistent uses

The information may be used for investigation purposes or to validate Social Insurance Registry Register (SIR) records for administration and program benefits eligibility purposes by Social Insurance Number-based programs. Information and documentation provided in support of a SIN application may be verified and/or shared with federal departments and agencies that are authorized users of the SIN and in accordance with the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's Directive on Social Insurance Number for the administration of benefits and services. Information may also be shared with provincial departments and agencies for the administration of benefits and services and/or with federal and provincial departments for the administration and enforcement of the legislation for which they are responsible. Information from the SIR may be shared with Fisheries and Oceans Canada. This information is described in the Department of Fisheries and Oceans institution-specific PIB Financial Relief for Fishers (DFO PPU 036). It might also be shared with the Department of Justice Canada. This information is described in the JUS institution-specific PIB Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance (JUS PPU 125). It might also be shared with Veterans Affairs Canada. This information is described in the following VAC institution-specific PIBs: Canadian Forces Income Support (VAC PPU 608); Earnings Loss (VAC PPU 607); and War Veterans Allowance (VAC PPU 040). It might also be shared with Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada. This information is described in the following IRCC institution-specific PIBs; Query Response Centre Records (CIC PPU 056) and Application and Assessment for Canadian Citizenship (CIC PPU 050). Information from the SIR may also be shared with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA PPU 1403). It might also be shared with the RCMP. This information is described in RCMP institution- specific PIB Operational Case Records (RCMP PPU 005). It might also be shared with the Canada Revenue Agency. This information is described in the following CRA institution-specific PIBs: Individual Returns and Payment Processing (CRA PPU 005); Criminal Investigations Program (CRA PPU 095); Disability Tax Credit Program (CRA PPU 218); Benefit Programs - Working Income Tax Benefit Program (CRA PPU 178); Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax Credit (GST/HST credit) (CRA PPU 140); and Canada Child Tax Benefit Data Bank (CRA PPU 063).

Retention and disposal standards

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Last Updated


Labour Market Information (CoR)


Administrative data and aggregate data tables from different surveys are obtained and used to produce labour market statistics, reports and analysis at the national, provincial and local level. The records are used to prepare occupational and industrial analysis (including: wages; employment outlooks; workers characteristics, such as gender and age distribution; and proportion of full-time/part time workers), economic scans and client segment profiles and to respond to requests for labour market information.

Document types

Statistical reports; data tables; data files; reports; agendas and minutes of meetings; work plans; contracts; notes; directives; guidelines; and correspondence.

Record number


Labour Market Development Agreements (CoR)


Records relating to the development, management, monitoring, and evaluation of Labour Market Development Agreements.

Document types

Cabinet documents; Treasury Board submissions; terms and conditions; federal-provincial/territorial agreements; policies; guidelines; legal opinions/advice; correspondence; memos, briefing materials, and presentations; terms of references; agendas; meeting records; communications strategies; media lines and backgrounders; photos, videos, and infographics; policy and program analyses; program and activity Descriptions; budgets; program expenditures; research reports; evaluations; work plans; annual reports and plans from provinces/territories; audited financial statements from provinces/territories; and individual and aggregate data on program participants, service delivery and results transmitted to Canada by the provinces and territories. Directives, operational policies, correspondence, briefing materials, methodologies, research, annual plans, performance reports; analyses, evaluations and information relating to similar programs and services under the Employment Benefits and Support Measures (EBSM).

Record number


Employment Benefits, Support Measures and Other Programs (PIB)


Employment Benefits and Support Measures currently include pan-Canadian programming, including elements of the National Employment Service. Programs similar to Employment Benefits and Support Measures are also delivered by provinces and territories under Labour Market Development Agreements, and Indigenous groups under Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Program agreements. The data in this bank is transferred to Canada for performance measurement and evaluation purposes. Data and information gathered for this PIB are maintained in a secure manner. Employees working with this information or data must undergo a security check. Personal information may include: name, contact information, biographical information, citizenship status, date of birth, educational information, employment equity information, SIN, official language of choice, employment status, activity and outcome information, youth at risk, Employment Insurance client status, social assistance recipient status, other identification numbers, and date record was last accessed.


ESDC PPU 501 EI Databank is now included in this PIB.

Class of individuals

Employment Benefits are available to individuals who are eligible for EI (both active and former EI clients and those who have made sufficient contributions to EI), while Support Measures are available to all employed and unemployed Canadians.


To monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the above-mentioned programs.

Consistent uses

The information may be used and/or disclosed for policy analysis, research and/or evaluation purposes and may be linked to various sources of information under the custody and control of ESDC. Information is disclosed to the Canada Revenue Agency for the purpose of administering the Income Tax Act. This information is described in the following CRA institution-specific PIB Individual Income Tax Return (CRA PPU 005). To conduct evaluation activities, the SIN is used to link employment and income information from ESDC and other sources (such as the Canada Revenue Agency for income level) with program participant data.

Retention and disposal standards

Disposition under review. No record can be disposed of, and records must be retained in their entirety.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Workforce Development Agreements (CoR)


Records relating to the development, management, monitoring, and evaluation of the Workforce Development Agreements.

Document types

Cabinet documents; Treasury Board submissions; terms and conditions; federal-provincial/territorial agreements; policies; guidelines; legal opinions/advice; correspondence; memos, briefing materials, and presentations; terms of references; agendas; meeting records; communications strategies; media lines and backgrounders; photos, videos, and infographics; policy and program analyses; program and activity descriptions; budgets; program expenditures; research reports; evaluations; work plans; annual reports and plans from provinces/territories; audited financial statements from provinces/territories; and individual and aggregate data on program participants, service delivery and results transmitted to Canada by the provinces and territories.

Record number


Workforce Development Agreements (PIB)


This bank describes the information that is collected by the provinces and territories about employment programs and services funded through Workforce Development Agreements. This information is transferred to Canada for performance measurement and evaluation purposes. Data and information gathered for this PIB are maintained in a secure manner. Employees working with this information or data must undergo a security check. Personal information may include: name, contact information, biographical information, citizenship status, date of birth, educational information, employment equity information, SIN, official language of choice, employment status, activity and outcome information, Employment Insurance client status, and social assistance recipient status.


This personal information bank includes the Targeted Initiative for Older Workers ESDC PPU 705. The Targeted Initiative for Older Workers program ended March 31, 2017.

Class of individuals

Services and programs delivered under Workforce Development Agreements are available to Canadian citizens, permanent residents and protected persons within the meaning the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act entitled to work in Canada.


To monitor and evaluate programs and services delivered under the Workforce Development Agreements.

Consistent uses

The information may be used and/or disclosed for policy analysis, research and/or evaluation purposes and may be linked to various sources of information under the custody and control of ESDC. To conduct evaluation activities, the SIN is used to link employment and income information from ESDC and other sources (such as the Canada Revenue Agency for income level) with program participant data.

Retention and disposal standards

Disposition under review. No record can be disposed of, and records must be retained in their entirety.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities (CoR)


Records relating to financial support for employers who hire persons with disabilities; supports for individuals with disabilities to obtain employment, improve their employability or return to school; projects that would enable individuals to access employment, skills or employment services. In addition, information and correspondence on social services and interventions tailored to meet the needs of individuals and to facilitate integration into employment.


This activity was duplicated under Social Development Partnerships Program and was removed.

Document types

Agreements, terms and conditions, policies, procedures, frameworks for evaluation, cash flow statements, payment history, asset inventory, recipient auditing, monitoring and reporting strategies.

Record number


Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities (PIB)


This bank describes information that relates to the Opportunities Fund (OF) for Persons with Disabilities. Personal information may include: name, contact information, biographical information, residency status, date of birth, level of education information, employment equity information, Employment Insurance eligibility information, employment intervention information (e.g. NOC, NAIC), financial information, medical information including type of disability, intervention language, intervention results (employed/self-employed, return to school, incompletion), signature and Social Insurance Number.

Class of individuals

Program applicants or claimants of the Opportunities Fund; individuals who apply or participate in OF-funded services.


Personal information is used to administer the OF and to determine eligibility. Personal information is also used to monitor the effectiveness of the OF through evaluation and accountability activities. The OF is delivered under the authority of section 7 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act. The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is collected in accordance with the Treasury Board Directive on Social Insurance Number which lists the Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities as an authorized user of the SIN.

Consistent uses

The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: policy analysis, research and/or evaluation purposes. Personal information may be shared with other ESDC or Service Canada programs to administer the Consolidated Revenue Fund for statistical, planning, research, internal audit and evaluation purposes. Personal information may be collected by organizations for ESDC, including: non-profit organizations, Indigenous organizations (band or tribal councils or self- government entities), municipal governments, for-profit organizations, provincial and territorial governments, institutions, agencies and Crown Corporations and individuals who may act as organizations who have contribution agreements with the OF to deliver the program. Information is used or disclosed to the Canada Revenue Agency for the purpose of administering the Income Tax Act. This information is described in the CRA institution-specific PIB Individual Returns and Payment Processing (CRA PPU 005). It may also be shared with the Department of Justice Canada for the purpose of administering the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act. This information is described in the JUS institution-specific PIB Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance (JUS PPU 125).

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Last Updated


Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (CoR)


Records relating to funding for employers who hire youth; projects that would enable youth to access employment, skills or employment services. In addition, information and correspondence on services and interventions tailored to meet the needs of youth and to facilitate integration into employment.

Records relating to various youth employment programs.

Document types

Contribution agreements; program terms and conditions; policies; directives and procedures; frameworks for performance measurement evaluation; cash flow statements; payment history; asset inventory; funding recipient auditing; financial and activity monitoring reports.

Record number


Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (PIB)


This bank describes information used in support of the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (YESS) that is delivered by 12 Government of Canada departments and agencies: Employment and Social Development Canada; Indigenous Services Canada; Agriculture and Agri- Food Canada; Canadian Heritage; the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation; Global Affairs Canada; Environment and Climate Change Canada; Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada; Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada; the National Research Council; Natural Resources Canada; and Parks Canada. The YESS is delivered through two programs; the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy Program (YESSP), and Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program.

ESDC collects program participant information from participating YESS departments and agencies for reporting and evaluation purposes.

Personal information collected may include: name; date of birth; contact information; Social Insurance Number (SIN); employee personnel information; biographical information; education information; official language preference; employment equity information; medical information; and citizenship status.

Class of individuals

Youth between the ages of 15 and 30.


Personal information is used for reporting and evaluation purposes. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 7 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act. The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is collected in accordance with the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's Directive on Social Insurance Number, which identifies ESDC's Youth Employment and Skills Strategy as authorized users of the SIN and is used to report case results; and evaluate YESS program streams.

Consistent uses

The information may be used or disclosed for the purposes of internal reporting and performance measurements. Within ESDC/Service Canada, personal information can be accessed by Service Canada and Program Operations Branch program officers working on contribution agreements.

Retention and disposal standards

Records are retained for a total of ten years; five years in the office and an additional 5 years in the archives. They are then destroyed.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Last Updated


Targeted Initiative for Older Workers (CoR)


Records relating to the initiative for unemployed older workers in vulnerable communities.


Program was de-activated in 2017-18 (March 31, 2018) and was replaced with the Workforce Development Agreements.

Document types

Policies, guidelines, correspondence, Treasury Board submissions, terms and conditions, briefing materials, reports, cash flow forecasts, program evaluations, federal-provincial/territorial contribution agreements, audits, recommendation formed financial statements, claims, participant information forms, participant follow-up feedback forms, participant follow- up survey information and monitoring reports.

Record number


Targeted Initiative for Older Workers (PIB)


This bank describes information that is collected by provinces/territories and transferred to the Government of Canada for the purpose of evaluating the Targeted Initiative for Older Workers (TIOW). The information is about TIOW participants and is collected through the mandatory completion of project intake and feedback forms as well as participant follow-up surveys. The personal information collected may include: name, contact information, date of birth, educational information, biographical information, gender, language, use of Employment Insurance, use of social assistance, reasons for participating in project, expectations of project and participant evaluation of the program (exit information form).


Program was de-activated in 2017-18 (March 31, 2018) and was replaced with the Workforce Development Agreements.

Individuals will need to provide their surname, given name and date of birth to be able to access their personal information.

Class of individuals

Canadian citizens who are unemployed older workers participating in the TIOW.


The information is used to evaluate the TIOW as per the agreements between the provinces/territories and the Government of Canada. Personal information is collected pursuant to paragraph 6. (a) of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act.

Retention and disposal standards

The information will be retained for five years after the completion of the evaluation, after which it will be destroyed.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Last Updated


Enabling Fund for Official Language Minority Communities (CoR)


Records relating to the Enabling Fund for Official Language Minority Communities. Information pertains to their economic and human resources-related needs and issues. Also includes information on relevant federal programs and other initiatives that are of relevance to Enabling Fund recipient organizations.

Document types

Funding proposals, action plans, policies, directives, strategies, guidelines, program evaluations, call for proposals, agreements, reporting and performance measurement information.

Record number


Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Program (CoR)


Records relating to the management and delivery of the Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Program.


The Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy ended March 31, 2019. It was replaced by the Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Program on April 1, 2019.

Document types

Briefing and correspondence, policies, procedures, directives and guidelines, meeting records, project assessment and monitoring documents, reports, program evaluations and reviews, research, program results, activity reports, annual reports, budgets, contracts, contribution agreements including service level agreements and program terms and conditions.

Record number


Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Program (PIB)


This bank describes information used in support of the management and delivery of the Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Program. Personal information may include: SIN, name, date of birth, employment equity information, contact information, biographical information, educational information, language(s) spoken, physical attributes, disability, agreement number, barriers to employment, Employment Insurance claimant status, applicant intervention information, photo and/or video of success stories and signature.


The Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy ended March 31, 2019.It was replaced by the Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Program on April 1, 2019.

Aboriginal Labour Market Programs ESDC PPU 101 is now included in this PIB. Individuals who request information described in this bank must provide their SIN.

Class of individuals

First Nations, Inuit, Métis, parents or guardians and witnesses.


Personal information is used to administer ISET, including program monitoring, accountability, evaluation, and reporting. Personal information is collected pursuant to paragraph 6. (a) of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act. The SIN is also collected pursuant to the Employment Insurance Act to verify client eligibility for, or entitlement to, Employment Insurance benefits while participating in ISET.

Consistent uses

The information may be used and disclosed for program promotion purposes, such as success stories including photos and/or videos.

Retention and disposal standards

Records are retained for 10 years after their last administrative use. Certain documents with archival or historical value are transferred to Library and Archives Canada at the end of the retention period.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Last Updated


Skills and Partnership Fund (CoR)


Records relating to the general management of the project-based program. Records relate to Indigenous, private-sector, and provincial/territorial partnerships, and support the development and testing of strategies to improve labour market services and employment outcomes for Indigenous people.

Document types

Briefing materials, correspondence, policies, procedures, directives and guidelines, meeting records, project assessment and monitoring documents, reports, program evaluations and reviews, research, program results, quarterly activity reports, quarterly financial claims, budgets, contracts, contribution agreements including program terms and conditions and labour market agreements.

Record number


Skills and Partnership Fund (PIB)


This bank describes information used to support the delivery and management of the Skills and Partnership Fund (SPF), and to demonstrate its success. Personal information may include: SIN, name, date of birth, employment equity information, biographical information, languages spoken, disability, contact information, agreement number, educational information, social assistance recipient status, barriers to employment, applicant action plan information, applicant intervention information, signature, consent and release forms and photo and/or video of success stories.


Indigenous Labour Market Programs ESDC PPU 101 is now included in this bank. Individuals who request information described in this bank must provide their SIN.

Class of individuals

First Nations, Inuit, Métis and witnesses.


Personal information is used to administer the SPF including program monitoring, accountability and evaluation reporting, and the posting of aggregate client results on the SPF webpage. Personal information is collected pursuant to paragraph 6. (a) of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act. The SIN is collected in accordance with the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's Directive on Social Insurance Number, which identifies ESDC's Indigenous programs (includes the SPF) as authorized users of the SIN. The SIN will be used for the following authorized activities: monitoring, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of assistance provided with government funding.

Consistent uses

The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: enforcement, reporting to senior management, evaluation, internal audit and operating the program.

Retention and disposal standards

Records are retained for 10 years after their last administrative use. Certain documents with archival or historical value are transferred to Library and Archives Canada at the end of the retention period.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Last Updated


First Nations Job Fund (CoR)


Records relating to the management and delivery of the First Nations Job Fund program.

Document types

Briefing and correspondence, policies, procedures, directives and guidelines, meeting records, project assessment and monitoring documents, contribution agreements, program terms and conditions, program evaluations and reviews, research, program results, quarterly activity reports, quarterly financial claims and budgets.

Record number


First Nations Job Fund (PIB)


This bank describes information used in support of the management and delivery of the First Nations Job Fund. Personal information may include: SIN, name, date of birth, employment equity information, contact information, biographical information, educational information, language(s) spoken, physical attributes, disability, agreement number, barriers to employment, financial information, photo and/or video of success stories and signature.


Aboriginal Labour Market Program ESDC PPU 101 is now included in this PIB. Individuals who request information described in this bank must provide their SIN.

Class of individuals

First Nations and witnesses.


Personal information is used to administer the First Nations Job Fund, including program monitoring, accountability, evaluation and reporting. Personal information is collected under paragraph 6. (a) of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act. The SIN is collected pursuant to Aboriginal Program (ESDC) for client tracking, monitoring and evaluation.

Consistent uses

The information may be used for program promotion purposes, such as success stories, including photos and/or videos. Information can also be shared with Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada for the administration of the Enhanced Service Delivery program. This information is described in the AANDC institution-specific PIB Income Assistance Reform (AANDC PPU 240).

Retention and disposal standards

Records are retained for 10 years after their last administrative use. Certain documents with archival or historical value are transferred to Library and Archives Canada at the end of the retention period. This program ended in 2017; records will be kept until 2027.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Job Bank (CoR)


Records are related to the administration of Job Bank services

Document types

Policy documents, memoranda, briefing material, agreements, statistical reports, evaluation reports, procedures, legal advice, meeting documents, planning documents, correspondence, research, analyses, project documents, communications documents, submissions, assessments, financial reports, performance reports, business requirements, process flows.

Record number


Job Bank (PIB)


This bank describes information required for the administration and enforcement of certain labour exchange services on Job Bank. Personal information may include: name, contact information, biographical information, mother's maiden name, date of birth, educational information, employment equity information, SIN, Express Entry credentials and business information.

Class of individuals

Individuals from the general public including job seekers, employers, and third party representatives, who register on Job Bank to use its labour exchange services.


Personal information is used to support the administration, delivery, and enforcement of the labour exchange services delivered through ESDC's Job Bank website. In particular, the information is used to create and authenticate a Job Bank user account, as well as a job seeker profile and/or an employer file for the purpose of connecting real job seekers with real employers. Personal information is collected pursuant to subsections60. (1) and 60. (2) of the Employment Insurance Act and supplemented by sections 58 and 59 of the Employment Insurance Regulations as well as subsection 34. (2) of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act. Certain personal information is used to determine eligibility for Job Bank for Job Seekers or Job Bank for Employers services. This information is authenticated by cross-referencing the Social Insurance Registry (ESDC PPU 390) in the case of Canadian users or the Express Entry system (CIC PPU 042) in the case of Express Entry users.

Social Insurance Numbers (SINs)

The SIN is used during registration of a Job Bank user account to confirm the user's identity and eligibility through a cross-reference check with the Social Insurance Registry. After this step, the SIN is erased from the system. It is not used for any other purpose and is not retained. The SIN is collected pursuant to the Employment Insurance Act, which is one of the authorized purposes for the collection or use of the SIN and is identified as such under the Treasury Board Directive on Social Insurance Number.

Consistent uses

The information may be used or disclosed for the purposes of enforcement, reporting and evaluation. In terms of enforcement, the information included on Job Bank may be used or disclosed to authenticate and cross-check business information provided to the Integrity Services Branch. It may be shared with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to support and facilitate the administration of federal and provincial immigration programs Personal information elements could potentially be cross-referenced to ensure program eligibility and integrity with the following ESDC institution-specific PIBs: Employment Insurance Databank (ESDC PPU 501); Temporary Foreign Worker Program (ESDC PPU 440); Employment Insurance Program Investigation (ESDC PPU 171); Insurance Claim File - Local Office (OPS) (ESDC PPU 150). Additionally, personal information may be shared with the RCMP and/or provincial governments for the administration and enforcement of federal, provincial, territorial or municipal legislation related to labour, employment, social benefits, immigration and occupational health and safety. This information is described in RCMP institution- specific PIB Operational Case Records (RCMP PPU 005).

Retention and disposal standards

Disposition to be decided. No records can be disposed of, and records must be retained in their entirety.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program (CoR)


Labour market information and recommending program investments to support matching workers' skills with jobs in key economic sectors. The records and information that are created, collected, and maintained relate to the design, development, delivery, management, performance measurement, and evaluation of contribution agreements and of the program as a whole, for ESDC's Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program.


The Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program replaced the Sectoral Initiatives Program (SIP). The SIP was folded into the SWSP in June 2021.

Document types

Policy documents, briefing materials, memoranda, correspondence, project concept papers, project proposals, agreements, project reports, studies, contracts, statements of work, evaluation criteria, evaluation reports, meeting agendas, presentations, business plans, skills profiles and labour market information products.

Record number


Sectoral Initiatives Program (PIB)


This bank describes information that is collected for the design, development, delivery, management, performance measurement, and evaluation of contribution agreements and the program as a whole for ESDC's Sectoral Initiatives Program (SIP).

Personal information may include:

Class of individuals

SIP proponents/applicants; signatories on the contribution agreements; full or part-time current and former employees of institutions that are or were recipients; and contractors and consultants (via Request for Proposal processes) engaged by recipients through SIP.


This personal information is collected and used in the delivery, management, performance measurement, and evaluation of SIP contribution agreements and the SIP program as a whole. The personal information is collected pursuant to the Employment Insurance Act and the Financial Administration Act.

Consistent uses

The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes:

Information may be shared with other federal institutions in cases of jointly supported agreements; with province(s) or (an) institution(s) in cases of jointly funded projects; and within ESDC for evaluation purposes.

Retention and disposal standards

If the contribution agreement has received prominent media coverage or required intervention by the Minister, the information will be retained for six years after the end of the agreement and then transferred to Library and Archives Canada as archival records.

If the contribution agreement has not received prominent media coverage or did not require intervention by the Minister, the information will be retained for six years after the end of the agreement and will be destroyed.

As per the Records Disposition Authority, certain information developed or collected by the SIP would be retained for 10 years and archived thereafter. Examples include: policy documents; program guidelines; decks and briefing notes for senior management; performance measurement, results and evaluation reports; etc.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship (Red Seal Program) (CoR)


Records relate to delivery of the Red Seal Program.

Document types

Directives, policies and procedures, correspondence, contracts, legal agreements, interdepartmental letters of agreement, terms of reference, presentations, research studies, project information and descriptions, briefing notes, reports, analyses, statistics, legal opinions, surveys, agendas, minutes and work plans.

Record number


Apprenticeship Grant (CoR)


Documents relate to an incentive program for Canadians wanting to pursue and complete apprenticeships in the Red Seal trades.

Document types

Directives; operational policies; correspondence; project information; briefing notes and materials; methodologies; reports; analyses; project descriptions; statistics and evaluations; memoranda; budgets; program expenditures; documents regarding implementation cost analyses, results and data evaluations.

Record number


Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (CoR)


Records relate to an incentive program for Canadians who successfully completed their first or second year/ level (or equivalent) of an apprenticeship program in one of the designated Red Seal trades.

Document types

Application forms, directives, operational policies, correspondence, project information, briefing notes and materials, methodologies, reports, analyses, statistics and evaluations, memoranda, budgets, program expenditures, implementation costs analyses, results and data evaluations.

Record number


Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (PIB)


This bank describes personal information related to eligible apprentices who apply for and/or receive funding through the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (AIG). Personal information may include: name; contact information; biographical information; citizenship status; financial information; educational information; Social Insurance Number; employment information; other identification numbers; date of birth; employment equity information; official language, and signature.

Class of individuals

Eligible apprentices who have made applications for the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant.


Personal information is used to determine eligibility for the Grant and to disburse funds to recipients and may be shared with the apprenticeship authority of the province/territory in which the applicant is registered as an apprentice. Personal information is collected under the authority of sections 5(1), 5(2) and 7 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act (DESDA) to administer and enforce the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant. The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is collected in accordance with the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's Directive on Social Insurance Number, which identifies the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant as an authorized user of the SIN.

Consistent uses

The personal information may be used and/or disclosed for policy analysis, research and/or evaluation purposes. Personal information may be disclosed to Statistics Canada for statistical and research purposes. This activity is described in Statistics Canada's Registered Apprenticeship Information System, StatCan PPU 083. Information, including Social Insurance Number, name, contact information, and payment amount, may be shared with the Canada Revenue Agency and Revenu Québec for administration of respective taxation acts. This activity is described in CRA institution-specific PIB Review and Control (CRA PPU 125). Information, including Apprenticeship Incentive Grant payment information and Social Insurance Number, may be shared with the Department of Justice Canada to administer the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act. This activity is described in JUS institution-specific PIB Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance (JUS PPU 125). Information may be shared with Public Works and Government Services Canada for the issuance and management of benefit payments and entitlements. This activity is described in PWGSC institution-specific PIB Receiver General Payments (PWGSC PCU 712).

Retention and disposal standards

Records will be retained for six years after all administrative actions are completed, and then destroyed.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Apprenticeship Completion Grant (CoR)


Records relate to an incentive program for Canadians who are registered apprentices and who have successfully completed an apprenticeship program and achieved certification as a journey person in one of the designated Red Seal trades.

Document types

Application forms, directives, operational policies, correspondence, project information and descriptions, briefing notes and materials, methodologies, reports, analyses, statistics and evaluations, memoranda budgets, program expenditures, implementation costs analyses, results and data evaluations.

Record number


Apprenticeship Completion Grant (PIB)


This bank describes personal information related to eligible apprentices who apply for and/or receive funding through the Apprenticeship Completion Grant. Personal information may include: name; contact information; biographical information; citizenship status; financial information; educational information; Social Insurance Number; employment information; other identification numbers; date of birth; employment equity information; official language; and signature.

Class of individuals

Eligible apprentices and journey persons who have made applications for the Apprenticeship Completion Grant.


Personal information is used to determine eligibility for the Grant and to disburse funds to recipients and may be shared with the apprenticeship authority of the province/territory in which the applicant is registered as an apprentice or has been certified as a journey person. Personal information is collected under the authority of sections 5(1), 5(2) and 7 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act (DESDA) to administer and enforce the Apprenticeship Completion Grant. The Apprenticeship Completion Grant was developed under the authority of subsections 5. (1) and 5. (2) and section 7 of the DESDA. The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is collected in accordance with the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's Directive on Social Insurance Number, which identifies the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant as an authorized user of the SIN.

Consistent uses

The personal information may be used and/or disclosed for policy analysis, research and/or evaluation purposes. Personal information may be disclosed to Statistics Canada for statistical and research purposes. This activity is described in Statistics Canada's Registered Apprenticeship Information System, StatCan PPU 083. Information including the Social Insurance Number, name, contact information, and payment amount, may be shared with the Canada Revenue Agency and Revenu Québec for administration of respective taxation acts. This activity is described in CRA institution-specific PIB Review and Control (CRA PPU 125). Information, including Apprenticeship Completion Grant payment information and Social Insurance Number, may be shared with the Department of Justice Canada to administer the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act. This activity is described in JUS institution-specific PIB Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance (JUS PPU 125). Information may be shared with Public Works and Government Services Canada for the issuance and management of benefit payment and entitlement. This activity is described in PWGSC institution-specific PIB Receiver General Payments (PWGSC PCU 712).

Retention and disposal standards

Records will be retained for six years after all administrative actions are completed, and then destroyed.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Foreign Credential Recognition (CoR)


Records relate to signed contribution agreements with federal and provincial partners and key stakeholders (such as national associations and regulatory bodies). In addition, they relate to engagement with provinces and territories to advance foreign credential recognition priorities through the Forum of Labour Market Ministers as well as commitments to domestic labour mobility as set out under Chapter 7 of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (certificate-to-certificate recognition.

Document types

Contribution agreements, frameworks, research studies, policy and program initiatives, correspondence, guidelines, evaluation reports, briefing materials, project information, policy and program guidelines, monitoring and evaluation reports, reports, analyses, project descriptions, memoranda, budgets, program expenditures, results, internal audits, meeting agendas, presentations, and common notes from federal, provincial and territorial engagement.

Record number


Temporary Foreign Worker Program (CoR)


Records are related to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program to process Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) applications submitted by employers that want to hire temporary foreign workers or support the permanent immigration of skilled workers.

Document Type

Bulletins; directives; policies; program guidelines; agreements; correspondence; LMIA applications and decision letters; appointment of representative forms; employer-employee contracts; questionnaires relating to advertising and layoffs; foreign academic recruitment summaries; review findings; accommodation description and medical disability certificates for the Live-in Caregiver Program; Canada Revenue Agency documentation (Business Number, PD7A, ePD7A, Notice of Assessment, T2, T2124, and T4 summaries); payroll statements and pay stubs; time sheets; medical disability certificate; physician's note; Old Age Security card; passport or birth certificate; long-form birth certificate; foreign birth certificate; adoption certificate of child; official guardianship documentation; worker's compensation clearance letter; copy of work permit; cancelled cheques and money transfers; travel itineraries and invoices; confirmation of coverage letter from insurer; workplace insurance clearance letter; report of interview form in Integrity Services Branch's – Integrity Case Management System; inspection decisions, penalties and bans; attestation by a lawyer, a notary public or a Chartered Professional Accountant confirming that the employer is engaged in a legal business that provides a good and/or service in Canada; business licenses; and commercial lease documents.

Record number


Temporary Foreign Worker Program (PIB)


This bank describes information used in support of the administration and enforcement of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. Personal information may include: name, contact information, biographical information, mother's maiden name, citizenship status, date of birth, employee identification number, employment equity information, employee personnel information, other identification numbers, place of birth, signature, work permit information, passport information, housing information, medical information, birth certificate, adoption certificate, employer identification number, business and legal name, credit information and Canada Revenue Agency Business Number.


Individuals who request information described in this bank must provide their 15-digit CRA Business Number and LMIA number. Information may be stored in the following internal systems or databases: Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) System; Integrity Case Management System.

Class of individuals

General public (spouse, common-law partner, and other relative); Temporary Foreign Worker Program; third parties (including employment agencies, immigration consultants, lawyers, or private individuals representing applicants to the aforementioned; employers; temporary foreign workers; Canadian/Permanent Resident employees.


Personal information is collected pursuant to sections 203 and 209 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations and subsection 30. (1.43) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. Personal information is used to enforce the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations and to administer and enforce the Temporary Foreign Worker Program by assessing LMIA applications from employers.

Consistent uses

The information may be used for enforcement, reporting to senior management and evaluation. Personal information elements are accessed by the Canada Border Services Agency to issue work permits at ports of entry. This information is described in CBSA institution-specific PIB Temporary Foreign Worker Program (CBSA PPU 050). Information may be shared with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for the administration and enforcement of immigration legislation. This information is described in IRCC institution-specific PIB Temporary Worker Records and Case File (IRCC PPU 054). Personal information may be shared with provincial and territorial ministries or departments responsible for labour, employment, and occupational health and safety legislation to assist with the administration and enforcement of that legislation. ESDC may receive personal information regarding the employer's history of violations under employment and occupational health and safety legislation. This information is described in ESDC institution-specific PIB Canada Labour Code Part II Occupational Health and Safety (ESDC PPU 024).

Personal information elements may be collected from federal partners to verify that employers seeking temporary foreign workers do not have an active work- sharing agreement. Personal information may be shared within the Transformation and Integrated Service Management Branch (TISMB) to use the employer personal information on a record of employment (ROE) to cross-check against an employer's LMIA application and verify whether the position requested on the application is the same position for which an ROE was submitted by the employer. It may also be shared with Integrity Services Branch to search for employer information under a Canada Revenue Agency Business Number. This information is described in CRA institution-specific PIB Review and Control (CRA PPU 125). Personal Information may be disclosed to Statistics Canada for analysis, research and evaluation purposes.

Retention and disposal standards

Records will be retained for seven years after all administrative actions are completed, and then destroyed.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Temporary Foreign Worker Program Employer Compliance Reviews and Inspections (PIB)


This bank describes information that is used to support Temporary Foreign Worker Program's (TFWP) employer compliance reviews and inspections. Personal information may include: name, contact information, biographical information, citizenship status information, criminal check and history, date of birth, educational information, employee identification number, employment equity information, employee personnel information, financial information, medical information, other identification numbers, physical attributes, place of birth, signature, travel itinerary, location of residence outside of Canada, accommodation information, transportation information, medical coverage, working conditions, inspection decisions, penalties and bans, work permit, tenancy agreement, immigration status, identification document, and National Occupational Classification. Information may also include opinions and views of, or about, individuals.


Individuals requesting information described in this bank must provide an LMIA number, Integrity Case Management System (ICMS) case number, or a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Business Number. Personal information may be stored in the following systems or databases: National Integrity Investigation System, Integrity Case Management System (ICMS), Quality Monitoring System, Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) system, and SharePoint database.

Class of individuals

General public; family members or other relatives; immigration consultants; applicants to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program TFWP; employers; employment agencies and employer representatives; consultants; lawyers; informants; and temporary foreign workers, and Canadian/Permanent Resident employees


Personal information is used to administer and enforce the Temporary Foreign Worker Program to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, through the conduct of reviews and inspections related to Labour Market Impact Assessments. Personal information is collected pursuant to paragraph 32. (d) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and subsections 203. (1) to 203. (5) and sections 209.1 to 209.9972 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations and through established information-sharing agreements.

Consistent uses

Personal information may be used or disclosed for policy analysis, research and/or evaluation purposes, and reporting to senior management. Information may be published on the ESDC website. Information may be shared with Citizenship and Immigration Canada for the administration of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. This information is described in the CIC institution-specific PIB Temporary Worker Records and Case File (CIC PPU 054). Information may be shared with the Canada Border Services Agency for the issuance of work permits at ports of entry in relation to Labour Market Impact. This information is described in CBSA institution-specific PIB Assessments Temporary Foreign Worker Program (CBSA PPU 050). It may also be shared with the RCMP for investigative purposes under the Criminal Code. This information is described in RCMP institution-specific PIB Operational Case Records (RCMP PPU 005). Information may be shared with provincial and territorial governments. Information may be shared with the Temporary Foreign Worker Program to render final decisions when employer compliance reviews or inspections result in non-compliance. This information is described in ESDC institution-specific PIB Temporary Foreign Worker Program (ESDC PPU 440).

Retention and disposal standards

Records will be retained for seven years after all administrative actions are completed, and then destroyed.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


International Mobility Programs Inspections (PIB)


This bank describes information that is used in support of International Mobility Programs (IMP) Inspections conducted by Service Canada/Integrity Services Branch (ISB) on behalf of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) formerly known as Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). Personal information may include: name; contact information; Canada Revenue Agency Business Number; biographical information; immigration status; citizenship status information; accommodation information, transportation information, medical coverage, working conditions, work permit; criminal checks/history; date of birth; educational information; employment equity information; employee personnel information; inspection decisions, penalties and bans, financial information; other identification numbers; physical attributes; place of birth; and signature. Information may also include opinions and views of, or about, individuals and photos.


In addition to the requirements specified on the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Personal Information Request form, individuals requesting information described in this bank must provide an employer name (legal and operating); employer identification number; employer location; National Integrity Investigation System (NIIS) or Integrity Case Management System (ICMS), National Integrity Investigation System (NIIS) case number; Canada Revenue Agency business number; legal authority for those acting on behalf of an account holder or estate; The personal information may be stored in the following systems/databases: NIIS, (ICMS), Business Expertise Support System (BESS) and ISB Quality Monitoring System.

Class of individuals

General public; foreign workers; contractors; accountants; third party representatives; immigration consultants; lawyers; employer(s)/business owners who apply to IMP; full or part time employees (Canadians and Permanent Residents) employed by the employer currently or in the past; employment agency employees; complainants.


The personal information is used to administer the International Mobility Program inspections on behalf of IRCC by collecting information and documents from IMP employers, interviewing employers, employees and foreign workers, conducting on-site inspections, and submitting summaries of fact findings to IRCC to render decisions of employer compliance or non-compliance. The International Mobility Program operates under the authority of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. IRCC has been authorized to leverage Service Canada's/ISB's existing inspection capacity to assist IRCC in conducting inspections on employers using the IMP.

The personal information is collected pursuant to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR), and the Privacy Act. The authority to disclose information is provided under subsections 34 (1) and 35 (1) of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act and through established Information Sharing Agreements.

Consistent uses

The personal information may be used or disclosed for enforcement purposes; reporting to senior management and the minister's office; and reporting to IRCC for rendering decisions. This activity is described in IRCC institution-specific PIB Temporary Foreign Worker Records and Case File (IRCC PPU 054). It may also be used or disclosed for safety of foreign workers and workplace; security of foreign workers and workplace; evaluation of employers' compliance with the IMP requirements; evaluation of program use and the compliance framework; research; policy analysis. The information may be published on the Employment and Social Development Canada and IRCC Internet Websites. The information may be shared with the Canada Border Services Agency for the purposes of issuance of work permits, confirmation of permanent residency, foreign workers departures from Canada, inspections/investigations and enforcement of IRPA and IRPR. This activity is described in CBSA institution-specific PIB Temporary Foreign Worker Program (CBSA PPU 050). It may also be shared with the City Police/Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) for investigative purposes. This activity is described in RCMP institution-specific PIB Operational Case Records (RCMP PPU 005). It may be shared with Provincial and Territorial Governments and with the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) to deter non-compliance and prevent misuse of the IMP and TFWP. This activity is described in ESDC institution-specific PIB Temporary Foreign Worker Program (ESDC PPU 440).

Retention and disposal standards

Records will be retained for 2 years after all administrative actions are completed and then destroyed.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Civil Service Insurance (CoR)


Records contain information on the administration of Civil Service Insurance policies and database that support the administration of the Civil Service Insurance (CSI) program.

Document types

Correspondence; operational procedures; payment requisitions; financial reports; T5 tax information slips; actuarial and administrative reports; and databank for policies, such as premium collection, related reports and statistical studies on the program.

Record number


Civil Service Insurance (PIB)


This bank describes information that is used to support the Civil Service Insurance (CSI) program. Personal information contained in this bank may include the following: the insured's name, Social Insurance Number, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, age of insured at date of policy issuance, preferred language, date of death, age at death, date of death notification, date and place of marriage, birth and/or baptismal certificate data, death certificate data, signature; the insured's policy number, policy terms and conditions, policy amount, date of issue, premiums information (amount paid, frequency, due date, last premium due date and pension number along with the Department's name where the insured worked), medical information and medical examiner's report conducted at policy issuance, taxation information, claim or surrender number if applicable, cash surrender value amount if applicable, type of annuity if this option is available (guarantee period, due date), table rate, interest rate; beneficiary information (name, date of birth, date of death, social insurance number, address, telephone number, preferred language, relationship with the insured); witness' information (name, address and signature); power of attorney or other legal representative documentation.


The bank may be accessed using the policy number or the name. Personal information may be stored in the CSI database and/or in a secure location as a paper file.

Class of individuals

Individuals who bought a civil servant insurance policy through the Civil Service Insurance program.


The personal information will be used by the Department of Employment and Social Development (Service Canada) to administer the CSI Program. Personal information is collected pursuant to sections 18 (b), (c), (d), (g), (h), (i) of the Civil Service Insurance Act. The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is collected pursuant the Income Tax Act.

Consistent uses

Personal information may be used and/or disclosed for policy analysis, research, evaluation and/or audit purposes. Information is shared with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and Revenu Québec to process individual income tax returns. This information is described in CRA institution-specific PIB Individual Returns and Payment Processing (CRA PPU 005).

Retention and disposal standards

Paper and electronic files are destroyed five years after all benefits have been paid. An archival file of the destroyed policies/files is then created for future reference.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Canada Student Loans (CoR)


Records relate to the administration of Canada Student Loans, which provides loans to students who have a demonstrated financial need to help them participate in post-secondary education.

Document types

Applications, loan information, repayment plans, student guides, reports, strategies, legislation, policies, procedures, studies, statistics, contracts, forecasts, publications and correspondence.

Record number


Canada Student Grants (CoR)


Records relate to the administration of Canada Student Grants, which provides non-repayable financial assistance to students who have a demonstrated financial need to help them participate in post-secondary education.

Document types

Applications, guidelines, policies, procedures, eligibility criteria and assessments.

Record number


Student Financial Assistance (PIB)


This bank describes personal information about individuals who have qualified for and/or have received student financial assistance through the Canada Student Financial Assistance (CSFA) Program. Personal information may include: name, citizenship status, contact information, credit information (e.g. borrower account status reported to credit bureaus), date of birth, educational information, financial information, medical information, , signature, electronic signature, Social Insurance Number, language, gross family income, employment information, profession registration number, designated community of employment, medical expense information, medical insurance information, exceptional expense information. The CSFA Program also collects the following data for the purposes of delivering student financial assistance: loan information (including tuition refund details, balance, interest rate, payments, and terms), employer information (for loans in collections), and existence of bankruptcy-related events (bankruptcy, orderly payment of debts, and consumer proposal).


Individuals who request information described in this bank must provide their name, Social Insurance Number and date of birth. Those acting on behalf of an account holder or estate must provide written authorization or proof of their legal authority. The personal information may be stored in the Canada Student Loans System and the service provider database Loan Servicing System.

Class of individuals

Full- and part-time students, students with permanent disabilities, students with Canadian citizenship or landed immigrant status, reservists (in the Canadian Forces Reserves), additional contact persons, parents/legal guardians or spouse/common-law partner of a borrower requesting eligibility for the Repayment Assistance Plan, and a borrower requesting eligibility to have a portion of his or her loan(s) forgiven under the Canada Student Loan forgiveness measure for doctors and nurses practicing in underserved rural or remote communities or under the Severe Permanent Disability Benefit


The personal information collected is used to administer student financial assistance through the CSFA Program, including: assessment of applications; determining eligibility to receive Canada Student Loans and Grants; management of the in-study/non-repayment period, student loan consolidation and repayment; and management if the repayment assistance plan, loan forgiveness under the Canada Student Loan forgiveness measure for doctors and nurses practicing in underserved rural or remote communities, loans forgiveness under the Severe Permanent Disability Benefit, and debt collections. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act and Regulations, and the Canada Student Loans Act and Regulations. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act and Regulations, and the Canada Student Loans Regulations.

Consistent uses

Personal information may be used or disclosed to provide a legal basis for collecting debts due to the Crown and to monitor activity on a defaulted borrower's account. The CSFA Program's service provider, the National Student Loans Service Centre, and participating provinces and territories shares data with the Canada Revenue Agency to manage debt collection processes and to collect debts due to the Crown. This information is described in the CRA institution-specific PIBs Individual Returns Payment Processing (CRA PPU 005) and Collection Action (CRA PPU 050). Aggregate personal information is used for program evaluation, policy research and analysis. Personal information may also be disclosed to Statistics Canada for statistical and research purposes. The Statistics Canada Personal Information bank is under development. Furthermore, personal information is provided to a credit bureau to do a credit check. The National Student Loans Service Centre shares data with the Department of National Defence to manage the reservist benefit in order to provide interest-free periods to students who meet the criteria.

This information is described in DND institution-specific PIB Unit Military Personnel Bank (DND PPE 836). Information such as Social Insurance Number, photo identification and a void cheque (when provided) is collected for the purposes of verifying identity and key elements on a student's Certificate of Eligibility/Student Loan Agreement/Grant document. In undertaking an investigation, the CSFA Program investigators submit a request for information to the Social Insurance Registry to verify the personal information of the individual holding the loan(s). This information is described in ESDC institution-specific PIB Social Insurance Number Register (ESDC PPU 390). This information may be shared with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to conduct a criminal investigation. This information is described in RCMP institution-specific PIB Operational Case Records (RCMP PPU 005). Information may also be shared with provinces/territories and other third parties for statistics, planning, internal audit, and research and evaluation purposes, as well as to provide benefits.

Retention and disposal standards

Records pertaining to legal matters and affidavits are retained for 12 years after the file closes. When the legal matter pertains to Aboriginal or Real Estate/Property/Land matters, the retention period is 25 years. Once these retention periods have expired, documents are sent to Library and Archives Canada. Other records are retained for a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 10 years, and then destroyed. Any litigation holds require the Program to keep documents until a decision is rendered on the litigation.

RDA number


Related record numbers

ESDC LB 110, ESDC LB 111

TBS registration


Bank number


Last Updated


Canada Apprentice Loans (PIB)


This bank describes personal information about individuals (apprentices) who have qualified for and/or have received a Canada Apprentice Loans (CAL) through the Canada Student Financial Assistance (CSFA) Program. CAL are awarded by issuing a loan to individuals who are registered apprentices in an eligible red seal trade and undertaking a technical training period with an approved training provider. The personal information may include: name, citizenship status, contact information, credit information (e.g. borrower account status reported to credit bureaus and credit checks completed by the NSLSC in advance of issuing a CAL) , date of birth, educational information, financial information, signature, Social Insurance Number, language, photograph, gross family income, employment information, profession registration number, designated community of employment, medical expense information, medical insurance information, exceptional expense information, employer information, loan information (including tuition refund details, balance, interest rate, payments, and terms) and existence of bankruptcy-related events (bankruptcy, orderly payment of debts, and consumer proposal).


Individuals who request information described in this bank must provide their name, Social Insurance Number and date of birth. Those acting on behalf of an account holder or estate must provide written authorization or proof of their legal authority. The personal information may be stored in the following Canada Student Loans System and the service provider database Loan Servicing System.

Class of individuals

Full- and part-time students, students with permanent disabilities, students with Canadian citizenship or landed immigrant status, reservists (in the Canadian Forces Reserves), additional contact persons, parents/legal guardians or spouse/common-law partner of a borrower requesting eligibility for the Repayment Assistance Plan.


The personal information collected is used to administer CALs, including determining eligibility to receive a CAL and processing loan disbursement, loan collection and loan forgiveness under the Severe Permanent Disability Benefit. The personal information is collected pursuant to the Canada Apprentice Loans Act; the Canada Apprentice Loans Regulations; and the Canada Student Financial Assistance Regulations. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to the Canada Apprentice Loan Regulations and is used for SIN validation.

Consistent uses

The information may be used and disclosed by ESDC and its service provider to produce statistical information, to report on program results, perform policy analyses, research and /or program evaluations. Personal information may also be disclosed to Statistics Canada for statistical and research purposes. The Statistics Canada Personal Information bank is under development. Personal information will also be provided to the Credit Bureau to do a credit check on first time borrowers and for reporting on loan repayment. Personal information may be used or disclosed to provide a legal basis for collecting debts due to the Crown and to monitor activity on a defaulted borrower's account. Learning Branch and the CSFA Program Service Provider administers CAL and shares data with the Canada Revenue Agency to manage debt collection processes and to collect debts due to the Crown.

This information is described in the CRA institution-specific PIBs Individual Returns Payment Processing (CRA PPU 005) and Collection Action (CRA PPU 050). If an investigation is undertaken, CSLP investigators submit a request for information to the Social Insurance Registry to verify the personal information of the individual holding the loan(s). This information is described in ESDC institution-specific PIB Social Insurance Number Register (ESDC PPU 390). This information may be shared with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to conduct a criminal investigation. This information is described in RCMP institution-specific PIB Operational Case Records (RCMP PPU 005).

Retention and disposal standards

Records are retained for 6 years after the last administrative action on the account.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Last Updated


Canada Education Savings Program (CoR)


Records relate to the Canada Education Savings Program whose clients include subscribers and beneficiaries of Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP).

Document types

Agreement, correspondence, reports, studies, policies, procedures, briefing materials, project plans and statistical information.

Record number


Canada Education Savings Program (PIB)


This bank describes personal information required to process an application for education savings incentives, including the Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG), the Canada Learning Bond (CLB), and any federally administered provincial education savings incentives. This bank also describes personal information received as part of an Education Savings Referral Service (ESRS) for the promotion of RESPs and federal education savings incentives. The personal information may include: name; contact information; sex/gender; date of birth; Social Insurance Number (SIN); date of death; country of residence; language preference; financial information related to RESPs; and post-secondary information, including academic year, type of program and postal code of the institution.


Individuals who request access to information described in this bank must provide their SIN. Additional information including address and contract identification number of the RESP may be requested of individuals before access is granted. All personal information is stored in the CESG system. British Columbia residents should contact the British Columbia Ministry of Education and Child Care when seeking access to the information used by the province for the British Columbia Training and Education Savings Grant (BCTESG).

Class of individuals

Subscribers; primary caregivers and their cohabitating spouse or common-law partner, beneficiaries of RESPs, individuals potentially eligible for incentives, and parents of newborns participating in the ESRS through their province's or territory's birth registry.


Personal information is used to administer the Canada Education Savings Act (CESA) and to deliver funds for federally administered provincial education savings incentives. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Department of Employment and Social Development Act, the CESA and the Canada Education Savings Regulations, which govern the payment and administration of the CESG and the CLB held in RESPs. Through the ESRS, the provincial and/or territorial government collects personal information through a newborn registry or similar service on behalf of ESDC for the promotion of RESPs and the federal education savings incentives, pursuant to subsection 3.1 of the CESA. Personal information is also collected on behalf of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for the administration of subsection 146.1 of the Income Tax Act, which governs the use of the RESPs into which the Government of Canada may deposit the CESG and CLB. The SIN is collected pursuant to section 7 and sub-section 12.1 of the CESA and is used to assess eligibility for the CESG and the CLB, and to register an education savings plan with the CRA for tax purposes.

Consistent uses

Personal information may be shared to register education savings plans with the CRA. This activity is described in the institution-specific CRA PIB Deferred Income and Savings Plans [CRA PPU 226]. It may be used to validate the identities of beneficiaries with Service Canada. This activity is described in the institution-specific ESDC PIB Social Insurance Number Register [ESDC PPU 390]. The information is used to validate eligibility for the CESG and the CLB. This activity is described in the institution-specific CRA PIB Canada Child Benefit Data Bank [CRA PPU 063]. The information is also used to inform primary caregivers of eligible children about the availability of education savings incentives to which they may be entitled and for operational mailings to existing clients which may be carried out through an approved third party contractor. Specific personal information relevant to federally administered provincial education savings incentives may be made available to the relevant provincial ministry. This information is used for promotional purposes by a provincial program and is used in a non-aggregated manner for Policy Analysis, Research and Evaluation (PARE) activities. Through the ESRS, personal information is shared with RESP promoters with the consent of the parent of the newborn. The chosen RESP promoter contacts the parent to provide information about RESPs and federal education savings incentives. Personal information is also used to produce aggregate statistical information to report on results, perform policy analysis, research and/or program evaluations. Personal information may also be used or disclosed for promotional activities. Promotional activities may be done with third parties. Personal information may be disclosed to Statistics Canada for statistical and research purposes. This activity is described in the institution-specific Statistics Canada PIB Post-Secondary Education Savings, Grants and Loans [StatCan PPU 144].

Retention and disposal standards

Records are retained for a minimum of two years and a maximum of the latest of six fiscal years following the RESP termination or the last administrative action.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Last Updated


Working conditions and workplace relations

Workplace Dispute Prevention and Resolution (CoR)


Records relate to labour, industrial relations, and collective bargaining with particular reference to the federal jurisdiction. Information also includes records related to services and tools offered to employers and unionized employees that permit them to reach a mutual agreement. It also includes records on additional services to prevent disputes before they occur. In addition, information may include grievance mediation.

Document types

Collective agreements; procedures; workshops; practices; legislation; and processes.

Record number


Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (PIB)


This bank describes information that relates to recipients of a service from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. Personal information contained in the automated file may include: names and contact information of mediation and arbitration professionals available to be appointed as grievance arbitrators, conciliation commissioners and conciliation board members under Part I of the Canada Labour Code and the Status of the Artist Act, and of employees, employers or unions who have been the recipients of a service from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service.


Information may be stored in Integrated Labour System.

Class of individuals

Arbitration/Mediation professionals, representatives for employers, unions and employees.


Personal information is used to maintain an up-to-date mailing list of clients and to administer the provisions of Part I of the Canada Labour Code and the Status of the Artist Act with respect to Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service's dispute and prevention services. Portions of the list may be shared with external research suppliers, and/or research or evaluation consultants for the purpose of policy analysis, research, and evaluation. Personal information is collected under the authority of Part I of the Canada Labour Code and the Status of the Artist Act.

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number

Under development

Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Last Updated


Unjust Dismissal, Genetic Testing and Wage Recovery Adjudication (CoR)


For Unjust Dismissal and Wage Recovery: records relate to information that has been collected and stored for the provision of adjudicators to non-unionized workers with the right to file a complaint if they believe they have been unjustly dismissed from their employment, and/or records related to the provision of referees to hear wage recovery appeals.

For Genetic Testing: records relate to information that has been collected and stored for the provision of adjudicators to all workers with the right to file a complaint if they believe they have been disciplined for refusing to undergo a genetic test, refusing to disclose the results of a genetic test or on the basis of the results of a genetic test.

Document types

Correspondence; complaints; legislation; processes; and procedures.

Record number


Unjust Dismissal and Genetic Testing Adjudicators, Grievance Arbitrators and Wage Recovery Referees (PIB)


This bank describes information that relates to individuals available to be appointed as adjudicators and referees. Personal information may include: names, contact information, and biographical information of individuals available for ministerial appointment as unjust-dismissal and wage recovery referees. Prior to July 2019, these persons could also be appointed as adjudicators to hear complaints under the Wage Earner Protection Act.


Information may be stored in the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Information Systems (FMCSIS).

Class of individuals

Arbitration professionals.


Personal information is used to assist the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service in recommending suitable persons to act as unjust- dismissal adjudicators and wage recovery referees, and is collected pursuant to the Canada Labour Code, Part III.

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number

Under development

Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Last Updated


Workplace Information (CoR)


Records relate to the provision of wage settlements and collective agreement information, as well as information on work stoppages on a Canada-wide jurisdictional, industry and sectoral basis.

Document types

Collective agreements; wage settlements; union coverage reports; labour organizations information including affiliations; monthly calendar of collective bargaining and reports relating to strikes, and lockouts.

Record number


Workplace Information, Collective Bargaining and Labour Organization Contacts (PIB)


This bank describes contact information of parties involved in the collective bargaining process as well as unions across Canada. Personal information may include: names and contact information.


Information is stored in the Industrial Relations Information System (IRIS).

Class of individuals

Canadian Citizens.


The personal information is used solely for the collection of data on collective bargaining and union coverage statistics across Canada pursuant to paragraph 6(a) and section 18.2 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act.

Consistent uses

Personal information is used for the collection of data on collective bargaining and union coverage statistics across Canada. The names of union Presidents are published as part of the Labour Organizations in Canada web page.

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number

Under development.

Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Last Updated


Occupational Health and Safety (CoR)


Records relate to statistical information on work-related injuries and on the costs of proposed amendments to occupational health and safety regulations obtained through surveys or from administrative records.

Document types

Representations; revisions; developments; reports; surveys; inspection agreements; studies; committee minutes; guidelines; amendments; and general information regarding Part II of the Canada Labour Code (Occupational Health and Safety).

Record number


Canada Labour Code Part II - Occupational Health and Safety (PIB)


This bank contains information that relates to the promotion of safe workplaces within the federal labour jurisdiction. The program collects, disseminates, and analyzes workplace information, and ensures compliance with occupational health and safety requirements under the Canada Labour Code, Part II. Personal information may include: name, contact information, biographical information, biometric information, citizenship status, criminal checks/history, date and place of birth, date and place of death, educational information, employee identification number, employment equity information, employee personnel information, medical information, other identification numbers, physical attributes, signature and autopsy reports.


Individuals who request information from this bank must indicate the nature of the incident and where it took place, and provide a legal authority if they are acting on behalf of the account holder or estate.

Class of individuals

General public; full- and part-time employees from private and public sectors falling under federal or provincial jurisdictions; contractors and consultants to whom employers provide access to their workplace (or if services are retained by the Labour Program); a family member as employer or as witness during a health and safety investigation; other types of employees (employer's workforce is comprised of various types of employees); employees or employer representatives during an incident or death investigation conducted by health and safety officers.


Personal information is used to administer Part II of the Canada Labour Code (the Code), Occupational Health and Safety; establish an inventory of high-risk employers and of non-compliant employers under Part II of the Code; obtain views and opinions on the incident or fatality investigated under Part II of the Code (fact-finding); provide services for the program or activity under Part II of the Code, such as the occupational health and safety counselling program or enforcement activities; and determine jurisdiction and/or employee-employer relationship before initiating an investigation or inspection under Part II of the Code. Personal information is collected pursuant to Part II of the Code.

Consistent uses

The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes, in accordance with relevant legislation: enforcement; inventory of high-risk employers and of compliant and non-compliant employers under Part II of the Canada Labour Code; reporting to senior management; safety; security; and evaluation. Per memoranda of understanding, information may be shared with Transport Canada and the National Energy Board, which are respectively responsible for the application and enforcement of Part II of the Canada Labour Code on behalf of the Minister of Labour for on-board employees in an aircraft, a vessel, or rolling stock on a railway, and for employees in the federal oil and gas (pipeline industry) and in the frontier oil and gas sectors, excluding employees in those sectors in head and regional offices. This information is described in the following standard PIBs; Occupational Health and Safety (TC PSE 907) and (NEB PSE 907).

The information may also be shared with the provincial or territorial ministry of labour, police authorities, or the office of the chief coroner/medical examiner of the jurisdiction where a hazardous occurrence took place and only in accordance with Part 4 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act. This information (except the autopsy report or other third-party information) can be communicated to the Occupational Health and Safety Tribunal Canada when necessary so that it can exercise its mandate to hear and determine appeals from decisions pursuant to subsection 129. (7) of the Canada Labour Code and appeals of directions submitted under section 146 of the Code in all sectors under jurisdiction of Part II, such as the air, rail, marine, and oil and gas sectors, the federal public service, and businesses such as international and interprovincial road transportation, banks, ferries and grain elevators.

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number


Record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Last Updated


Federal Workers' Compensation (CoR)


The records relate to the administration of the Government Employees Compensation Act, the Merchant Seamen Compensation Act, the Public Service Income Benefits Plan for Survivors of Employees Slain on Duty, as well as the death and disability benefits under the Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations. Records also relate to the administration of claims and the provision of compensation for services such as medical and rehabilitation, and loss of earnings that are processed by provincial workers' compensation boards.

Document types

Accident reports; federal legislation and regulations; guidelines; policies; procedures; terms and conditions; provincial agreements; claim data from provincial workers' compensation boards.

Record number


Government Employees Federal Worker's Compensation (PIB)


This bank describes information about individuals for whom a federal employer has reported an occupational injury or illness to the Labour Program under the Government Employees Compensation Act. Personal information collected may include: name, contact information, biographical information, employee identification numbers, employment equity information, employee personnel information, financial information, medical information, other identification numbers (such as health card number), date and place of birth, date and place of death, signature, Social Insurance Number, marital status and return to work schedules.


Information is stored in the National Injury Compensation System and the Internet National Injury Compensation System (employers have access to data on their compensation claims only).

Class of individuals

Federal department and agency employees; interviewers; some Crown corporation employees; contractors/consultants; other types of employees (such as casual and term); employers; members of provincial workers' compensation boards; third parties; witnesses; spouses; dependants; beneficiaries, and representatives acting on behalf of individuals (such as lawyers and holders of a power of attorney).


Personal information is used to determine the validity of claims, identify third parties responsible for occupational injuries or illnesses, identify treatment plans, facilitate return to work, determine monetary entitlement to compensation benefits as well as to the recovery of damages from a third party. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Government Employees Compensation Act. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to subsection 237.1 of the Income Tax Act.

Consistent uses

Workers' compensation claims from federal employers are processed by the workers' compensation board (WCB) of the province in which the worker is usually employed. The Labour Program has a service agreement with each WCB to administer these claims. Accident reports for occupational injuries or illnesses are submitted by federal employers to the Labour Program, which subsequently submits them to the provincial workers' compensation board for adjudication. As prescribed by the Income Tax Act, an information slip "Statement of Benefits T5007" is also issued for the individual, and a copy is sent to the Canada Revenue Agency to declare workers' compensation benefits received in the taxation year. This information is described in the institution-specific CRA PIB Individual Returns and Payment Processing (CRA PPU 005). Documentation obtained as a result of a compensation claim, such as a claim's decision, medical report and appeal decision, may be shared between the WCB and ESDC, and the employer and employee, when applicable. When a third party is deemed responsible for an occupational injury or illness and the Crown is subrogated to the right of an individual, ESDC may take action against the third party, and information is shared with the third party or his/her representative (such as insurance companies) to negotiate a settlement in or out of court. Aggregate information may be used or disclosed for program development purposes in accordance with ESDC protocols for policy, analysis, research and evaluation activities.

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Last Updated


Compensation Program for Survivors of Employees Slain on Duty (PIB)


This bank describes information about individuals who have submitted a claim pursuant to the Public Service Income Benefit Plan for Survivors of Employees Slain on Duty. Survivors of a federal government employee killed by a violent act at work may be eligible for a guaranteed supplementary income benefit. The employer applies for this benefit on behalf of survivors, and the Labour Program administers the claims and pays benefits on behalf of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. Personal information collected may include: name, contact information, biographical information, citizenship status, date and place of birth, date and place of death, employment equity information, employee personnel information, medical information, signature and Social Insurance Number.


Information is stored in the Workers Injury Compensation System (internal to the Federal Workers' Compensation Service).

Class of individuals

Federal department and agency employers and employees; spouses; dependants; and representatives acting on behalf of individuals (such as lawyers and holders of a power of attorney).


Personal information is used to administer claims and to make benefit payments to eligible survivors and dependants. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Government Employee's Compensation Act and the Public Service Income Benefit Plan for Survivors of Employees Slain on Duty. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to subsection 237.1 of the Income Tax Act.

Consistent uses

As prescribed by the Income Tax Act, an information slip "Statement of Benefits T5007" is issued for the individual, and a copy is sent to the Canada Revenue Agency to declare workers' compensation benefits received in the taxation year. This information is described in CRA institution-specific PIB Individual Returns and Payment Processing (CRA PPU 005). Aggregate information may be used or disclosed for program development purposes in accordance with the ESDC protocols for policy, analysis, research, and evaluation activities.

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Last Updated


Compensation Program for Inmates of Federal Penitentiaries (PIB)


This bank describes information about individuals who have submitted a worker's compensation claim pursuant to the Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations because of an occupational injury or illness. The Labour Program is responsible for the assessment of the disability on behalf of Correctional Service Canada, which pays benefits to eligible inmates of federal penitentiaries who are injured while registered in an approved program. The Labour Program receives and assesses all claims, makes recommendations related to permanent disability impairments and forwards them to Correctional Service Canada, which in turn uses that assessment to determine benefit entitlement and make payments. Personal information collected may include: name; contact information; biographical information; citizenship status; criminal checks/history; date and place of birth; date and place of death; financial information; medical information; other identification numbers; signature; and Social Insurance Number.


Information is stored in the Workers Injury Compensation System (internal to the Labour Program).

Class of individuals

Federal inmates; witnesses; spouses; dependants; beneficiaries; and representatives acting on behalf of individuals (such as lawyers and holders of a power of attorney).


Personal information is used to assess claims pursuant to the Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations and to make recommendations related to permanent disability impairments on behalf of Correctional Service Canada. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 127 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations and section 18 of Department of Employment and Social Development Act. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to subsection 237.1 of the Income Tax Act.

Consistent uses

Inmate applications for compensation are submitted to the Labour Program, which is responsible for evaluating occupational injuries and illnesses as per a memorandum of understanding with Correctional Service Canada. After assessing an injury, the Labour Program submits to Correctional Service Canada all documentation obtained in administering the claim, including the disability assessment report, for review. As prescribed by the Income Tax Act, an information slip "Statement of Benefits T5007" is issued for the individual, and a copy is sent to the Canada Revenue Agency to declare workers' compensation benefits received in the taxation year. This information is described in CRA institution-specific PIB Individual Returns and Payment Processing (CRA PPU 005). Aggregate information may be used or disclosed for program development purposes in accordance with the ESDC protocols for policy, analysis, research and evaluation activities.

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Compensation Program for Merchant Seamen (PIB)


This bank describes information about individuals who have submitted a worker's compensation claim pursuant to the Merchant Seamen Compensation Act, which provides that certain merchant seamen injured in work-related accidents can receive compensation for occupational injuries and illnesses. The Act also provides financial assistance for surviving dependants if a work-related injury results in the death of a seaman. Personal information collected may include: name; contact information; biographical information; citizenship status; date and place of birth; date and place of death; employment equity information; employee personnel information; medical information; signature; Social Insurance Number; and return to work schedule.


Information is stored in the Workers Injury Compensation System (internal to the Labour Program).

Class of individuals

Merchant seamen; employers; witnesses; spouses; dependants; beneficiaries; and representatives acting on behalf of individuals (such as lawyers and holders of a power of attorney).


Personal information is used to process claims and to determine monetary entitlement to compensation benefits. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Merchant Seamen Compensation Act. The Social Insurance Number is collected pursuant to subsection 237.1 of the Income Tax Act.

Consistent uses

Information relevant to a compensation claim submitted under the Merchant Seamen Compensation Act is shared with the individual's employer, except for medical information, unless the authorization to release such information is obtained from the individual. As prescribed by the Income Tax Act, an information slip "Statement of Benefits T5007" is issued for the individual, and a copy sent to the Canada Revenue Agency to declare workers' compensation benefits received in the taxation year. This information is described in CRA institution-specific PIB Individual Returns and Payment Processing (CRA PPU 005). Aggregate information may be used or disclosed for program development purposes in accordance with the ESDC's protocols for policy, analysis, research, and evaluation activities.

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Non-smokers' Health Act (CoR)


This program activity oversees the development, revision, general information, and activity reports regarding the Non-smoking Health Act.

Document types

Legislation and regulations; revisions, developments, amendments and interpretations; reporting and investigation of complaints; enquiries made by employees, employers and/or the general public; promotional/counseling activities; enforcement.

Record number


Non-smokers' Health Act (PIB)


This bank describes information that is about inspections, investigations, and counseling/promotional activities. Information contained in this bank includes reports and records dealing with matters related to the application of the Non-smokers' Health Act in workplaces under federal jurisdiction. The files contain information obtained during the course of inspections, investigations and counseling/promotional activities and/or the service of a ticket or prosecutions.

Class of individuals

Employees and employers under federal jurisdiction as well as members of the public in workplaces under federal jurisdiction.


Record, enquire into and resolve various issues in connection with the application of the Non-smokers' Health Act. To determine if a violation exists under the Non-smokers' Health Act, if the violation can be resolved by the employer, or if legal action is necessary. The information is used for statistical and planning purposes.

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number

Under development.

Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Labour Standards (CoR)


The records contain information on minimum standards of employment for employees and employers under federal jurisdiction. They also provide information on hours of work, payment of wages, overtime pay, access to general holidays, annual leave, sick leave protection, maternity and parental leave, death and disappearance leave, critical illness leave, bereavement leave, personal leaves, leave for victims of family violence, leave for traditional aboriginal practices, leave for court or jury duty and individual and group terminations protections and genetic testing protection.

Document types

Enquiries; complaints; applications for permits; permits; correspondence; reports; ministerial orders; letters of determination; payment orders; notices of voluntary compliance; notices of unfounded complaint; orders to debtor; order to debtors of director of corporation; payment orders to directors; requests to refer complaints to the Canada Industrial Relations Board (Board); Board decisions and orders; legal documents; parliamentary and ministerial submissions; memorandums; regulations; records of decision; policy papers; briefing notes; presentations; audits and evaluations; proposals; recommendations; program design models; procedures; forms and letters; operational directives; and guidelines.

Record number


Canada Labour Code, Part III - Labour Standards (PIB)


This bank describes information that is related to the Labour Program's activities in the enforcement of Part III of the Canada Labour Code. The files contain information collected from complaints and respondent employers that are collected during investigations, inspections, and counselling activities. Personal information may include: names; business address; contact information; citizenship status; financial information; official language and salutation of the parties (Mr. or Ms.); the nature of the complaint and the employer response including employee personnel information.

More information about the employer may include: findings on compliance, payroll and banking information, as well as collective agreement provisions.


Information may be stored in the LA 2000 database.

Class of individuals

Employers, applicants and their representatives, and respondents and their representatives addressing investigations or inspections.


The personal information is used to administer, register and investigate an unjust dismissal, genetic testing, and a monetary or non-monetary complaint against an employer. This information is collected pursuant to section 240, 247.99 and 251.01 of the Canada Labour Code, Part III.

Consistent uses

The information collected may be used and/or disclosed for policy analysis, research and/or evaluation purposes. Employer compliance information may be shared within Employment and Social Development Canada for administration and enforcement of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. This information is described in ESDC institution-specific PIB Temporary Foreign Workers Program (ESDC PPU 440). Employee and employer (including Director of the employer) information may be shared within ESDC for the purpose of administrating the Wage Earner Protection Program. This information is described in ESDC institution- specific PIB Wage Earner Protection Program (ESDC PPU 035).

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Workplace Equity – Legislated Employment Equity Program (CoR)


This bank contains records related to the administration of the Legislated Employment Equity Program (LEEP). These records may: include information related to research, analysis, evaluation and development of the program; and relate to the assessment of annual employment equity reports submitted by employers for consistent and uniform application of policies and procedures.

Document types

Forms; evaluation criteria; operational procedures; processes; policies; legal opinions; statistical reports; narrative reports; memoranda; briefing materials; correspondence; supporting documents; training and educational materials; legislations and regulations.

Record number


Workplace Equity – Federal Contractors Program (CoR)


This bank contains records related to the administration of the Federal Contractors Program (FCP). These records may: include information related to research, analysis, evaluation and development of the program; and relate to compliance assessments conducted one year after award of an eligible contract and every three years thereafter for consistent and uniform application of policies and procedures.

Document types

Forms; agreements; evaluation criteria; operational procedures; processes; policies; directives; legal opinions; statistical reports; assessment reports; memoranda; briefing materials; correspondence; supporting documents; training and educational materials.

Record number


Workplace Equity (PIB)


This Personal Information Bank (PIB) describes employment equity-related information about employers and their employees that are reported to the Labour Program through the Legislated Employment Equity Program (LEEP) and the Federal Contractors Program (FCP). For the LEEP, employers' workforce records are reviewed, consolidated and analyzed into an annual report that is made available to the public. For the FCP, employers' workforce records are assessed at pre-determined intervals (one year after award of an eligible contract and every three years thereafter) to ensure compliance with the program. Personal information may include: name, contact information and signature of employer/vendor and its representatives; identification number, work location, occupation, sector, employment status, salary, weeks worked, hours worked, bonus pay, overtime pay, overtime hours, employment equity designated group membership and work history of employees; Agreement to Implement Employment Equity number, procurement business number and size of vendor; award date, description, number, type and value of contract; and other administrative information related to conducting FCP compliance assessments such as dates, type of assessment, results, gaps and goals to increase designated group representation.


Individuals who request information described in this bank must provide their employee identification number. Information is stored in the Workplace Equity Information Management System (WEIMS).

Class of individuals

Full-time, part-time, casual and temporary employees of private-sector employers; current and former employees; representatives acting on behalf of private-sector employers; and private-sector employers (sole proprietors) including vendors and suppliers of goods and services to federal government departments and agencies.


Personal information is used to administer the LEEP and FCP to determine whether employers are meeting their legal obligations. Personal information is collected and used pursuant to: The Department of Employment and Social Development Act sections 18 and 34; Employment Equity Act sections 18, 19 and 42; Employment Equity Regulations sections 1 to 6 and 15 to 31; and Order in Council SI/96-94.

Consistent uses

Information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: enforcement; reporting to senior management; evaluation; research; and meeting legal obligations. As per subsection 18(10) of the Employment Equity Act, the following personal information from the LEEP may be shared with the Canadian Human Rights Commission: name and contact information of employer and its representatives. Both LEEP and FCP personal information may also be shared with Strategic Policy, Analysis and Workplace Information Directorate within the Labour Program to conduct research (Workplace Information (ESDC LAB 100) and Workplace Information, Collective Bargaining and Labour Organization Contacts (ESDC PPU 728)). Subject to sections 19 and 20 of the Employment Equity Act, individual statistical forms and aggregate annual employment equity reports filed by the LEEP employers are shared with the public. In addition, LEEP and FCP employers' contact information may be used or disclosed for mailing list purposes; included with regular program emails; and published on the Internet/Intranet.

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number

RDA 2015/002

Related record number

ESDC LAB 092 and 096

TBS registration


Bank number


Last Updated


Wage Earner Protection Program (CoR)


Records relate to the development and administration of the Wage Earner Protection Program (WEPP). These records include: legislation and policy documents establishing or amending the WEPP; records relating to the administration of reviews and appeals; legal opinions and counsel; program recommendations; program analysis and evaluation reports; internal/external and stakeholder correspondence; operational and system-related forms, letters, and processes; and materials and records of services that support delivery of the WEPP.

Document types

Parliamentary and ministerial submissions and memorandums; legislation; regulations; records of decision; press releases and announcements; policy papers; briefing notes; presentations; program funding criteria; audits and evaluations; agreements, internal/external contracts, and statements of work; correspondence; proposals; recommendations; legal opinions; program design models; process flows; procedures; forms and letters; financial statements; operational directives; applicant request forms relating to reviews and appeals; and case notes.

Record number


Wage Earner Protection Program (PIB)


This bank describes information about individuals involved in the Wage Earner Protection Program (WEPP). Personal information may include: SIN; name; contact information; preferred official language; biographical information; financial information; incorporation; registration and business numbers.


To access records about the status of an application, a determination or a review, and appeal processes or decisions, the applicant must provide his or her SIN and name. Trustees must provide bankruptcy/receivership identification when requesting information from Service Canada. Information may be stored in the Common System for Grants and Contributions (CSGC) - Client Module and Interactive Fact Finding System. The CSGC (ESDC PPU 298) is now included in this PIB.

Class of individuals

Individuals whose employer is subject to bankruptcy or a receivership and who apply for the WEPP, as well as trustees, receivers, adjudicators, legal counsel, and other parties required to assist in the delivery of the WEPP.


Personal information is used to administer and report on the WEPP, to determine applicant and employer eligibility, to support the review and appeal process, to disburse funds to individuals, trustees, and receivers, and to provide services that will support participation of, or payment to, other parties required to assist in the delivery of the WEPP. The authority to collect personal information is pursuant to the Wage Earner Protection Program Act and Regulations. The authority for the WEPP is provided in chapter 47 of the Statutes of Canada, 2005, as amended by chapter 36 of the Statutes of Canada, 2007. The authority to collect personal information and SIN for the purpose of administration of the WEPP is provided by sections 8 and 21(1)(d) of the WEPPA, and sections 15(1) of the WEPPR.

Consistent uses

Information may be shared with the Canada Revenue Agency for the administration of the Income Tax Act. This information is described in the institution-specific CRA PIB Review and Control (CRA PPU 125). It is also shared with Revenu Québec for the administration of its taxation act. Information may be shared with the Department of Justice Canada to administer the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act. This information is described in the institution-specific JUS PIB Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance (JUS PPU 125). Information may be shared with Public Works and Government Services Canada for the issuance and management of benefit payments and entitlements. This information is described in PWGSC institution-specific PIB Receiver General Payments (PWGSC PCU 712).

Information may be shared with the provincial and territorial ministries of labour to administer and deliver their respective employment standards programs. Information is shared in accordance with the Employment and Social Development Act for the purpose of administering Part III of the Canada Labour Code. Information may also be used for policy analysis, research, evaluation, audit, or statistical purposes, and may be provided to contractors or other parties to undertake these activities. Most reporting on the WEPP consists of aggregated data, but some personal information such as a SIN may be released for activities such as audits.

Information may be shared with the Canada Industrial Relations Board in accordance with s.15 of the Wage Earner Protection Program Act, which requires the Minister to provide to the Board a copy of any document that the Minister relied on for the purpose of making a decision that is being appealed.

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


International Labour Standards (CoR)


Records relate to the collection of information relating to international forums, negotiations and the implementation of multilateral and bilateral initiatives, capacity building programs, promoting internationally recognized labour standards, and managing partnerships and consultations with stakeholders. Other records pertain to the International Labour Organization and its committees, as well as labour activities at the United Nations.

Document types

Agreements; correspondence; standards; positions; reports to Parliament; reports to the International Labour Organization; and briefing binders.

Record number


Bilateral and Regional Labour Cooperation (CoR)


Records relate to program activities that promote respect for international labour standards.

Document types

Labour cooperation agreements or labour chapters; reports and documents pertaining to cooperative programs and public communications; correspondence; academic research and analyses on labour issues; declarations, plans of action, and reports; and terms and conditions.

Record number


Information delivery and services for other departments

Veterans Affairs Canada Program Delivery (PIB)


This bank describes information about individuals applying to various programs administered by Veterans Affairs Canada. Applications and supporting documents are received and reviewed by citizen service officers in Service Canada Centres and forwarded to Veterans Affairs Canada for processing. Personal information may include: name; surname at birth; contact information; dates and places of birth and death; year of marriage; surname of spouse; gender; number and expiry date of other identity documents; serial number of proof of citizenship document; passport number and date of issue; biographical information (such as aliases and language); other identification numbers; military or other service information; witness statements; quality-of-life assessments; financial information; medical information; marital status; dependent information; citizenship status; physical attributes; signature and photos.


Individuals who are acting on behalf of an account holder or estate and who are requesting information described in this bank must demonstrate legal authority to do so. Some information may be stored in the local web database.

Class of individuals

Program applicants; guarantor and representatives legally acting on behalf of an applicant.


Personal information is used to validate an individual's identity and support the application process and is forwarded to Veterans Affairs Canada to administer the program. The authority to collect personal information is provided in section 5.1(1) of DESDA.

Consistent uses

The personal information may be shared with Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) for the administration of their programs and to determine eligibility, client needs, funding levels and to disburse funding for different benefits. This information is described in VAC institution-specific PIBs Disability Awards (VAC PPU 603); Disability Pensions (VAC PPU 601); Non- departmental Institutions - Veterans Independence (VAC PPU 618); Veterans Independence Program - Home Care Benefits & Services (VAC PPU 616); and Veterans Independence Program Other Services (VAC PPU 617); and Pain and Suffering Compensation (VAC PPU 717). The data elements are stored and may be shared with ESDC's Innovation, Information and Technology Branch. This information is accessed only if applications are lost in transit by Canada Post. The information would be used by Veterans Affairs Canada to contact and inform applicants.

Retention and disposal standards

Under development

RDA number

Under development

Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Citizen-Centred Research and Feedback (CoR)


Records relate to research and analysis conducted to inform continuous improvements in service delivery strategy and policy. These activities provide insights into current state of service delivery from a client-centric perspective and inform future directions.

Document types

Contracts, surveys and research studies.

Record number


Office for Client Satisfaction (CoR)


Mandate, procedures and reports.

Document types

Policies, procedures, briefing materials, correspondence, analyses, operational and statistical reports, and public opinion research reports.

Record number


Service Delivery Partnerships (CoR)


Records relate to program information delivered through Service Canada to Canadian citizens for partners, including federal institutions, provinces, territories, municipalities, non-profit corporations or public bodies, and specified indigenous organizations.

Document types

Publications, directives, policies, procedures, application forms, client profiles, service strategies, reports, and client surveys.

Record number


Registration and Authentication (CoR)


Records relate to the client identification and data verification process to complement the program safeguards and security features of cyber authentication systems.

Document types

Agendas; briefing materials; business requirements; correspondence; directives; legal opinions; minutes from meetings; supporting documents; presentations; policies; privacy impact analyses; procedures; processes; research and reviews of best practices: system specifications; statistical reports; training manuals and application forms.

Record number


My Service Canada Account (CoR)


Records relate to the administration of My Service Canada Account (MSCA) service including secure internet access for users to view and update their information for the Employment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security programs.

Document types

Electronic records; applications; correspondence; records of decisions; system specifications.

Record number


My Service Canada Account (PIB)


This bank describes information that is related to My Service Canada Account (MSCA), which provides a single point of entry for individuals to access their information held by the Employment Insurance (EI), Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS) programs. Personal information may include name, contact information, email address, citizenship status, date of birth, financial information, other identification numbers, signature, employer and employment information, Social Insurance Number (SIN), user identification, password, recovery questions including answers and hints, parent’s family name, parent’s family name at birth, and official language preference. Individuals can also access the Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) My Account for individuals by using the secure Access CRA button on the MSCA welcome page. Personal information collected during the registration of MSCA will be shared with CRA should individuals access CRA My Account via MSCA.


Individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide their Social Insurance Number and a combination of their date of birth, name, parent’s family name at birth, province/territory of residence, phone number, financial institution login credential or Personal Access Code (PAC).

Class of individuals

Individuals who apply for or receive benefits under the following programs: EI; CPP; or OAS.


The personal information is used to administer MSCA, to validate the identity of the client and for multi-factor authentication. The personal information is collected pursuant to the Canada Pension Plan, the Old Age Security Act and the Employment Insurance Act. The authority to use and collect the SIN is pursuant to the Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security Act and the Employment Insurance Act.

Consistent uses

Personal information may be used for data matching against databases and for mapping purposes to determine if it’s a new or returning user and for the creation of an MSCA. It may also be used in the operation of the MSCA-CRA Link for bridging authorized users between ESDC and CRA platforms. Personal information may be used, upon subscription, for the operation of the “Alert me” electronic notification service. Information may also be used or disclosed for evaluation and reporting to senior management as well as for research or statistical purposes.

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number


Related record number

ESDC CCS 003 and 014

TBS registration


Bank number


Last updated

2022 (To be reviewed by TBS)

My Service Canada Business Account (CoR)


Records relate to the administration of My Service Canada Business Account (MSCBA) service including secure internet access for users to register and update their data in order to use the Record of Employment on the Web (ROE Web) and Grants and Contributions Online Services (GCOS) programs and the Labour Electronic Access Form (LEAF).

Document types

Electronic records; correspondence; and system specifications.

Record number


My Service Canada Account (PIB)


This bank describes information that is related to My Service Canada Account (MSCA), which provides a single point of entry for individuals to access their information held by the Employment Insurance (EI), Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS) programs. Personal information may include name, contact information, email address, citizenship status, date of birth, financial information, other identification numbers, signature, employer and employment information, Social Insurance Number (SIN), user identification, password, recovery questions including answers and hints, parent’s family name, parent’s family name at birth, and official language preference. Individuals can also access the Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) My Account for individuals by using the secure Access CRA button on the MSCA welcome page. Personal information collected during the registration of MSCA will be shared with CRA should individuals access CRA My Account via MSCA.


Individuals requesting information described by this bank must provide their Social Insurance Number and a combination of their date of birth, name, parent’s family name at birth, province/territory of residence, phone number, financial institution login credential or Personal Access Code (PAC).

Class of individuals

Individuals who apply for or receive benefits under the following programs: EI; CPP; or OAS.


The personal information is used to administer MSCA, to validate the identity of the client and for multi-factor authentication. The personal information is collected pursuant to the Canada Pension Plan, the Old Age Security Act and the Employment Insurance Act. The authority to use and collect the SIN is pursuant to the Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security Act and the Employment Insurance Act.

Consistent uses

Personal information may be used for data matching against databases and for mapping purposes to determine if it’s a new or returning user and for the creation of an MSCA. It may also be used in the operation of the MSCA-CRA Link for bridging authorized users between ESDC and CRA platforms. Personal information may be used, upon subscription, for the operation of the “Alert me” electronic notification service. Information may also be used or disclosed for evaluation and reporting to senior management as well as for research or statistical purposes.

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number


Related record number

ESDC CCS 003 and 014

TBS registration


Bank number


Last updated

2022 (To be reviewed by TBS)

Service Processing (CoR)


Records relate to the collection of data regarding service interactions with clients to create various corporate reports and data-centric models used for resourcing.

Document types

Products produced during routine collection, management of the application (working group), and while using tabular data, including: in- person points of service resourcing plans, statistical reports, agendas and minutes of meetings, proposals, evaluations, memoranda, procedures, policies, project plans and surveys.

Record number


Channel Performance Tracking and Reporting (CoR)


Data is collected and stored in the course of normal online, in-person, and telephone front-line service interactions. This data is used to track performance trends, ensure accountability and manage operational resource requirements. Data collected from in-person, telephone interactions and non-secure web interactions are anonymous and no personal identifying information is collected or stored.

Document types

Database records; web analysis tool records; summary databases and spreadsheets; and statistical summary reports.

Record number


Common Experience Payment (PIB)


This bank describes personal information that is used in support of the Common Experience Payment, a component of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. Personal information on former residents may include: name, including other name(s) known at residential school or traditional name(s); contact information; date and place of birth; language preference; signature; full name of mother, father, guardian(s), and/or caregiver(s), and the relationship to the guardian or caregiver; group to which applicant belonged while attending a residential school (Registered Indian; non-status Indian; Métis; Inuit; Inuvialuit; or non-Aboriginal); scanned copies or photocopies of birth certificate, certificate of Indian status, driver's licence, health card, passport, marriage certificate/registration, divorce decree, legal change of name document and adoption papers. Information may also include residential school(s) resided at, including location and dates attended; date of death; proof of death; medical information; financial institution information; other identification number; payment details, including amount, cheque number, issue date and mailing date; and information about the Alternate Dispute Resolution and/or the Independent Assessment Process.


Individuals who request information described in this bank must provide the date of birth of the former resident.

Class of individuals

All former residents included in the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement who were alive on May 30, 2005; former students of the Mohawk Residential Boarding School in Brantford, Ontario, between 1922 and 1969, who were alive on October 5, 1996; legal representatives of former residents and former students; estates acting on behalf of the former resident; witnesses; guarantors; former residents and former students' parents, guardians and caregivers.


Personal information is used to determine eligibility for Common Experience Payment and to issue a payment.

Consistent uses

Information may be used for reporting to senior management, evaluation, research, and/or statistical purposes. This information is described in Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) institution- specific PIB Management of Indian Residential Schools Records (AANDC IRS PPU 040). Information may be shared with Public Works and Government Services Canada for the issuance and management of benefit payments and entitlements. This information is described in PWGSC institution-specific PIB Receiver General Payments (PWGSC PCU 712). Information may also be shared with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) for administration and enforcement. This information is described in RCMP institution-specific PIB Operational Case Records (RCMP PPU 005). Information may also be shared with the Department of Justice Canada for legal advice and for enforcement. This information is described in JUS institution-specific PIBs: Civil Proceedings and Legal Services (JUS PPU 010) and Prosecution and Related Criminal Matters (JUS PPU 015). Information may be shared, with consent, with CIRNAC for eligibility purposes. This information is described in CIRNAC institution-specific PIB Indian Register and Departmentally Administered Band Lists (AANDC PPU 110). Information may also be shared with Health Canada to determine eligibility. This information is described in HC institution-specific PIB Status Verification System (HC PPU 017). Information may be shared with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for the purpose of administering the Income Tax Act. This information is described in CRA institution-specific PIB Individual Income Tax Return (CRA PPU 005). Information may be shared with Correctional Service Canada. Information may be shared with provincial/territorial governments for the purpose of confirming information provided by the applicant.

Retention and disposal standards

The retention and disposal standards associated with this PIB are currently under development. The information associated with this PIB will be retained in line with the Privacy Act and Employment and Social Development Canada’s minimum retention standards, and all information will be kept until the final standards associated with this PIB are established.

RDA number

Under development

Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Passport Service (CoR)


Records relate to information on the issuance of passports to Canadian citizens in Canada.

Document types

Reports; statistics; procedures; training manuals; agreements; legislation and regulations; memoranda; correspondence; studies; documents regarding information activities and public relations; proof of citizenship, fee collection and control and passport accountability; application forms; documents relating to entitlement, issuance, lost or stolen passports and security precautions.

Record number


Passport Program (PIB)


This bank describes information related to processing applications for regular passports. Personal information may include: name (current and previous); date and place of birth; biographical information; photos; physical attributes; contact information; signature; payment information; proof of citizenship number; relationship status; proof of parentage; date and place of death; travel information; language; other identification numbers, including (numbers on proof- of- identification documents); Social Insurance Number (SIN); and supporting documentation (such as child custody court records, power of attorney or legal documents related to personal information); personal information of the guarantor which include name, date of birth, contact information, valid passport number, issue date and expiry date of the guarantor's passport.


Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) (and the former Passport Canada) collected the SIN in the past when it was provided as a document to support an individual's identity. That practice has ceased and the SIN is no longer collected; however, historical collections of the SIN may remain in records under the control of the Department.

Service Canada is responsible for domestic passport delivery on behalf of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. It provides both intake and processing functions for the Passport Program.

Class of individuals

Canadian citizens applying for passports; individuals who are guarantors or personal references; emergency contacts; parents, guardians, or the person who is authorized to apply for a passport for a child, representatives (e.g. holders of a power of attorney, legal representative for individuals requiring assistance, or a third party that acts on behalf of a guarantor); and photographers.


Personal information is used to determine an applicant's entitlement to a Canadian passport and to administer passport services. Personal information is collected pursuant to the Canadian Passport Order (SI 81-86) and the Department of Employment and Social Development Act, as amended from time to time.

Consistent uses

Pursuant to the Canadian Passport Order, and as authorized by IRCC, ESDC and GAC provide domestic and international passport service functions. In support of passport program delivery, information may be disclosed between the three departments. This information is described in the institution-specific PIBs; Regular and Official Passports, Certificates of Identity and Refugee Travel Documents (IRCC bank under development) and Consular Affairs-Assistance to Canadians (DFATD PPU 010). All personal information collected is subject to verification to authenticate identity and citizenship. In performing this verification, information may be disclosed to and collected from provincial and territorial institutions that issue identity documents and IRCC that issues citizenship documents. This information is described in the IRCC institution-specific PIB Application and Assessment for Canadian Citizenship (CIC PPU 050). Personal information collected may be used to determine if there are grounds to refuse or revoke a passport, or to refuse passport services, and to perform security queries. This information is described in the IRCC institution-specific PIB Regular and Official Passports (IRCC bank under development). Personal information collected may be used for investigative or intelligence-gathering purposes. This information is described in the IRCC institution-specific PIB Passport Program Integrity (IRCC bank under development). Photographs of passport applicants are shared with IRCC so that facial recognition technology can convert an applicant's photo into a biometric template and compare it to IRCC's facial recognition database. Personal information printed on passports, including the photograph but not the signature, are also stored electronically on a chip embedded in the passport booklet. Information on lost or stolen passports is disclosed to IRCC. This information is described in the IRCC institution-specific PIBs Regular and Official Passports (IRCC bank under development) and Passport Program Integrity (IRCC bank under development). Information may be used or disclosed for evaluation, reporting, and verification purposes.

Retention and disposal standards

Electronic passport applications and all documentation will be retained until the bearer has reached 100 years of age. When the applicant holds a valid Canadian passport that will not expire until the bearer exceeds their 100th birthday, the passport application and all documentation will be retained for one additional period that is equivalent to the validity of the passport issued. Microfilmed passport applications and all supporting documentation will be retained for 75 years.

Note: IRCC remains the Office of Primary Interest and owns all records. ESDC follows IRCC retention and disposition rules.

RDA number


Related record number


TBS registration


Bank number


Service Canada Compliance Verification Service for the Public Health Agency of Canada during COVID-19 Pandemic (CoR)


Records relate to the Service Canada Compliance Verification Service for the Public Health Agency of Canada during COVID-19 Pandemic, operating under the Quarantine Act. Records may include information on travellers returning to Canada.

Document Types

Correspondence, electronic database records and statistical reports

Class of Records Number


Service Canada Compliance Verification Service for the Public Health Agency of Canada during COVID-19 Pandemic (PIB)


This bank describes information that is related to the Service Canada Compliance Verification Service for the Public Health Agency of Canada during COVID-19 Pandemic, operating under the Quarantine Act. In support of Health Canada’s Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), Designated Screening Officers (DSOs) call and collect information from travellers returning to Canada by phone to ensure compliance with new measures announced by the Government of Canada.

The service provided by Service Canada on behalf of PHAC from May 2020 to July 2020, is referred to as PHAC 1.0. During PHAC 1.0, it was identified that a longer-term solution would be needed as Service Canada call agents delivering PHAC 1.0 would not be available after July 19, 2020. On July 20, 2020, PHAC 2.0/3.0 launched, with Service Canada employing a contractor to provide call centre services including inbound Interactive Voice Response (IVR), robo promo dials, and live agent outbound calls. Service Canada agents no longer make outbound calls. Service Canada is now the contracting authority and performs vendor management services. PHAC 4.0, introduced on December 18, 2020, sees Service Canada continue to provide the PHAC Call Centre technology and call centre officers (referred to as Designated Screening Officers (DSOs)) by the Minister of Health under the Quarantine Act). DSOs make calls to travellers to ensure compliance with applicable Order(s) and to follow-up with federal quarantine-related requirements. Service Canada provides also the capability for automated telephone messaging to facilitate traveller education. Additionally, Service Canada continues to provide Inbound Quarantine Verification and Symptom Reporting through the use of Interactive Voice Recognition (IVR) through the PHAC Call Centre. PHAC 5.0, also introduced on December 18, 2020, sees Service Canada providing an Outbound Robo IVR to ensure compliance with applicable Order(s) and to follow-up with federal quarantine-related requirements.

• Personal information collected from travellers may include: COVID identification number, date of file creation, name, surname, contact information, date of birth, preferred official language, medical information (COVID symptom status, occupation status, end of isolation date, etc.), travel history, source of information collected, Compliance Rating, call type (e.g. verification call) and sub type (number between 1 to 4 that determines the action undertaken based on the outcome of the call), PHAC caller ID, call start/end time, confirmation that contact was made between the caller and the traveller, cumulative dial attempts per call, confirmation that a message was left to the traveller if applicable, confirmation of traveller ID, date and start time in IVR, date and end time in IVR, question results, survey type and survey complete flag, quarantine compliance information and additional notes made by the caller and positive test report.

Class of Individuals

General public, specifically travellers returning to Canada.


Personal information is used to: (1) Monitor, verify and/or enforce compliance with the Mandatory Isolation Order, (2) Provide asymptomatic travellers returning to Canada with information to promote compliance with the Mandatory Isolation Order, and (3) Follow up on public health.

The personal information is collected pursuant to section 5.1(1) of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act (DESDA).

Consistent Uses

The personal information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: enforcement, inventory of travellers’ information returning to Canada and safety.

The personal information is shared with Health Canada’s Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). This information is described in PHAC institution-specific PIB Quarantine Program – PHAC PPU 071.

Retention and Disposal Standards

Records will be retained for 2 years after the last administrative use before deletion.

Records Disposition Authority (RDA)


Related Class of Records Number


Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) Registration


Personal Information Bank Number


Last updated


Internal services

Online Learning (CoR)


Documents relate to the design, delivery, coordination, and management of learning solutions to help ESDC and Service Canada employees excel in their current positions and further their careers.

Document types

Internal service agreements; reviews of specifications and best practices; contracts; learning roadmaps; blended learning strategies; learning assessment tools; catalogue; correspondence; design and development records; decision records; evaluations; licences; memoranda of understanding; performance monitoring tools; plans; policies; procedures; quality assurance assessments; reports; standards; statements of work; statistics; strategies; tools; and minutes of working group meetings.

Record number


ESDC Training and Development of Non-ESDC Employees (CoR)


Includes records related to formal and informal training received by non-ESDC employees to develop their knowledge, skills and competencies, maximize their potential, increase their productivity and support their assistance in delivering Service Canada service offerings. Records may include information related to special development programs, university fellowships, language training, training requirements, professional development, leadership development programs, learning and training policies, monitoring and reporting requirements, continuous learning and career counselling. May also include records related to liaison with training providers.

Document Types

Annual training reports, individual learning plans, employee orientation information, educational leave criteria, training and skills needs analysis documents, knowledge assessment criteria and results, performance level descriptions, criteria, assessments and agreements, institutional policies on membership fees, and second language training requirements.

Record number


Saba Learning Platform for Non-ESDC Employees (PIB)


This bank describes information that is related to the training and learning completed by employees of external partners (federal institutions; provincial, territorial and municipal governments; specified indigenous organizations; and non-profit corporations or public bodies performing functions for these entities) who through a partnership agreement, deliver Service Canada services. Personal information on non-ESDC employees may include name, work contact information that is limited to work postal information, work email address, work telephone number and training-related personal information that is limited to training and development course applications taken and learning results.

Class of Individuals

All employees of external partners who deliver Service Canada services through a partnership agreement.


To provide training and maintain a record of training completed by employees of external partners who deliver Service Canada services through a partnership agreement. Personal information is collected pursuant to section 5 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act.

Consistent Uses

The information may be used or disclosed for the following purposes: reporting to regional ESDC management and learning results may be shared with the management of respective external partners whose employees deliver Service Canada services through a partnership agreement.

Retention and Disposal Standards

Records will be retained for two years after a service delivery arrangement between an external partner and ESDC has been terminated. After the two-year period, the records are then destroyed.

RDA Number


Related Record Number


TBS Registration


Bank Number


Professional Development Training (CoR)


Records relate to the administration and management of programs for ESDC and Service Canada employees wanting to advance in their careers.

Document types

Internal service agreements; reviews of best practices; contracts; learning roadmaps; blended learning strategies; conferences; correspondence; course delivery reports; curriculum design and development records; decision records; evaluations; events; memoranda of understanding; performance monitoring tools; plans; quality assurance assessments; reports; research; statements of work; statistics; strategies; tools; and training materials.

Record number


Essential Training Curricula (CoR)


Documents relate to mandatory training curricula (including all courses in each curriculum) delivered to all existing and new employees, managers (with and without signing authority) and executives of ESDC. Records may relate to creating, coordinating, designing, administrating, managing, and monitoring of these curricula; planning; research and best practices; partnerships and liaisons; and online assessment tools.

Document types

Agreements; reviews of best practices; contracts; correspondence; course agenda; curriculum learning materials; learning strategy; decision records; evaluations; guidelines; memoranda of understanding; performance monitoring records; plans; quality assurance; reports; research; statements of work; statistics; strategies; and summaries.

Record number


Page details

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