Canada announces New Horizons for Seniors Program funding for projects in Prince Edward Island
The New Horizons for Seniors Program is a federal grants and contributions program that funds projects that empower seniors in their communities and contributes to improving seniors’ health and well-being.
Canada has announced an investment of $496,571 to fund 25 community-based projects to support seniors in Prince Edward Island. This funding was awarded through the 2022–23 New Horizons for Seniors Program call for proposals for community-based projects.
Hall Renovations to Support Senior Programming – $23,023 – Rural Municipality of St. Louis
The organization will repair their roof and outdoor stage, and purchase new speakers to allow seniors to continue to offer activities such as musical programming and entertainment.
Accessibility and Safety for Seniors – $16,846 – Stella Maris Roman Catholic Parish Inc.
The organization will purchase a heat pump, new stove and folding tables to allow seniors to continue to host dinners and support social participation
Pathway to Wellness – $25,000 – Riverview Manor Residents Council
The organization will build a walkway and four entryways to allow seniors to continue to participate in walks and be outdoors in a safe area.
Social Lunch for Seniors – $25,000 – Transportation West Inc.
Seniors involved with the organization will drive isolated seniors weekly to a bakery for a meal and entertainment to support social participation of seniors.
CNIB Hybrid Programs – $25,000 – Canadian National Institute for the Blind
Seniors involved in the organization will attend virtual and in-person events, such as peer support, art and music events, to allow for extended support for seniors with sight loss.
Healthy Seniors Part #4 – $9,726 – South Shore Community Organization
Seniors involved with the organization will organize and participate in fitness classes to promote a healthy lifestyle and combat social isolation and hold learning sessions about senior abuse.
The Great Outdoors – $15,029 – Tignish Community Member Relations
The organization will build a gazebo to allow seniors to continue to play music, visit with friends, and do crafting outdoors.
Apprendre, rassembler & partager! – $21,045 – Le Conseil Rév. S.-É.-Perrey Inc.
Seniors involved with the organization will conduct learning workshops and gatherings to allow seniors to volunteer, enjoy themselves and socialize.
Food and Friendship – $6,000 – Silver Threads Club of Souris
Seniors involved with the organization will offer four catered meals throughout the year for local seniors to promote mental health and to support social participation and inclusion of seniors.
Help to Age in Place – $7,667 – Aboriginal Women’s Association of PEI
A coordinator will guide seniors involved with the organization in navigating provincial services and attending gatherings to promote social participation and elder abuse awareness.
Reaching Out & Connecting with our Seniors – $22,800 – Sherwood Church of the Nazarene
The organization will purchase streaming equipment so they can live stream their services and events to seniors who cannot attend in-person to promote social participation and inclusion.
O’Leary Seniors Engagement Initiative – $23,600 – Town of O’Leary
The organization will purchase iPads to provide training and access social media, as well as plan monthly bus tours, bingo and gatherings to allow seniors to combat social isolation.
Pteway Teatime Social – $23,920 – Abegweit First Nation
Seniors involved with the organization will participate in weekly events and attend literacy training to allow seniors to combat social isolation and support their well-being.
Insulation, not Isolation – $23,978 – Lower Montague Women’s Institute
The organization will renovate the Community Hall to allow seniors to continue to offer social and educational events year-round, such as presentations, dinners, gatherings and special events.
Serving our Seniors – $25,000 – Crapaud Community Curling Club INC
The organization will purchase heat pumps to allow seniors to continue to attend curling and participate in social events offered at the club.
Safe Seniors, Healthy Seniors – $12,675 – Eastern Kings Community Center
Seniors involved with the organization will provide Lunch & Learn sessions and various painting, pickling and craft classes to allow seniors to combat social isolation.
Keeping Seniors Strong – $15,275 – Tracadie Community Centre
Seniors involved with the organization will organize exercise classes, card games and dinners to combat social isolation and have guest speakers to support the social participation of seniors.
Hands-on: iPad and Tablet Courses for Seniors – $25,000 – PEI Senior Citizens’ Federation Inc.
The organization will purchase 12 iPads and tablets to deliver courses to seniors about virtual literacy and safety to promote social participation and inclusion of seniors.
Get Busy! – $25,000 – Boys and Girls Club of Summerside Inc.
Seniors involved with the organization will take part in physical fitness activities such as chair yoga, various social activities and digital literacy sessions to promote health and inclusion.
Seniors Drop-in Centre – $19,500 – Rural Municipality of Crapaud
The organization will purchase equipment to create a drop-in centre to allow seniors to participate in activities such as ping pong, shuffleboard and exercise classes.
Upgrade Kitchen and Retreat – $23,017 – Community of Miminegash Inc.
The organization will purchase a dishwasher and build a storage unit to allow seniors to continue to host social events and offer social activities at the hall, such as crafts and senior programming.
PEI - Through the Years – $13,125 – Miltonvale Park Community
Seniors involved with the organization will organize workshops, talks, tours and lunches to reduce seniors’ isolation and provide opportunities for seniors to volunteer and mentor others.
Steel Cladding on Roof and Insulation in Attic. – $21,000 – Rustico Bay Club Inc.
The organization will replace and insulate their roof to allow seniors to continue to offer programming and activities, such as gatherings, exercise classes and parties.
Roof Replacement – $23,345 – Shamrock Seniors Club
The organization will replace the existing roof and insulation to allow continued support of social participation and inclusion of seniors through various programs.
Partnerships for Inclusive Dementia Education – $25,000 – Alzheimer Society of Prince Edward Island Ltd.
Seniors involved in the organization will participate in senior-led educational sessions on aging, financial management and dementia to expand awareness of elder abuse.
For more information, visit About the New Horizons for Seniors Program.
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