Registered Disability Savings Plan video gallery

Welcome to Employment and Social Development Canada’s Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) video series.

Disclaimer: RDSP issuers

The information contained on this page is technical in nature and intended for the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), Canada Disability Savings Grant (CDSG) and Canada Disability Savings Bond (CDSB) issuers. For general information, visit the RDSP section.

The following laws and regulations take precedence over information contained in these videos in the event of discrepancies:

  • Income Tax Act
  • Canada Disability Savings Act
  • Canada Disability Savings Regulations


It is recommended to follow the order in which the videos appear.

Step 1: 6 RDSP overview videos

  1. Introduction to the Registered Disability Savings Plan
  2. Registered Disability Savings Plan beneficiary, holder and primary caregiver
  3. Registered Disability Savings Plan contributions and rollovers
  4. Registered Disability Savings Plan, Canada Disability Savings Grant, Canada Disability Savings Bond and carry forward
  5. Registered Disability Savings Plan withdrawals, repayments and plan closure
  6. Registered Disability Savings Plan forms, transfers and shortened life expectancy

Step 2: 4 RDSP videos for a closer look

  1. Registered Disability Savings Plan, Canada Disability Savings Grant
  2. Registered Disability Savings Plan, Canada Disability Savings Bond
  3. Registered Disability Savings Plan application form and its annexes
  4. Registered Disability Savings Plan carry forward of entitlements

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