Digest of Benefit Entitlement Principles Chapter 10 - Section 1
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10.1.0 Authority
The primary purpose of the Employment Insurance plan is to compensate workers in case of involuntary unemployment. Simply having paid into the plan is not sufficient in order to be entitled to benefits. A claimant must prove there are no circumstances or conditions that exist that have the effect of disentitling or disqualifying the claimant from receiving benefits. There are three basic requirements in the legislation, in relation to a claimant’s availability for work, which must be met.
The legislation indicates that a claimant is not entitled to be paid benefits for any working day in a benefit period, for which the claimant fails to prove that on that day, the claimant was:
- capable of and available for work; and
- unable to obtain suitable employment.
In order to reinforce these two requirements, the necessity to personally seek employment was explicitly added in 1971, so that waiting passively for an offer of work is generally considered inadequate. Consequently the Commission may require the claimant to prove; - they are making reasonable and customary efforts to obtain suitable employment
These requirements are directly linked to the meaning of "suitable employment". Claimants are not required to be available for and seeking employment that is not considered suitable pursuant to the EI Regulations.
The legislation includes specific criteria that are used in determining whether an employment opportunity is suitable for a particular claimant.
- the claimant’s health and physical capabilities allow them to commute to the place of work and to perform the work;
- the hours of work are not incompatible with the claimant’s family obligations or religious convictions;
- the nature of the work is not contrary to the claimant’s moral convictions or religious beliefs;
These criteria will not vary during the course of a claimant’s benefit period. Neither the length of time the claimant is unemployed nor the number of weeks the claimant is receiving regular benefits will affect these criteria. Other factors such as previous occupation(s), wages, working hours and conditions, the terms of employment and commuting times along with labour market information, will also indicate what would be acceptable in regards to job search and suitable employment for a claimant.
Claimants are expected to make sustained job search efforts that are directed towards obtaining suitable employment. The legislation sets out specific criteria to be considered when determining whether the efforts the claimant is making to obtain suitable employment, are reasonable and customary. Those criteria include nine activities that can be conducted to assist in obtaining suitable employment:
- assessing employment opportunities;
- preparing a resume or cover letter;
- registering for job search tools or with electronic job banks or employment agencies;
- attending job search workshops or job fairs;
- networking;
- contacting prospective employers;
- submitting job applications;
- attending interviews; and
- undergoing evaluations of competencies.
[ July 2016 ]
[ January 2014 ]
10.1.1 Applicability
Every person claiming benefits must prove they are available for work except for claimants who are entitled to benefits because; they are pregnant, they are caring for one or more new born children of the claimant or for one or more children placed with them for the purpose of adoption, they are caring for or supporting a family member who has a serious medical condition with a significant risk of death, or they are providing care or support to a family member who is critically ill or injured.
- Employment Insurance Act 22(1);
- Employment Insurance Act 23(1);
- Employment Insurance Act 23.1(2);
- Employment Insurance Act 23.2(1).
Furthermore, some claimants are considered to be available for work even though they may not in reality be available: those attending a course or program of instruction or employment activity for which they were referred by the Commission or designated authority , and those working in work-sharing employment . A similar provision applies to some situations unique to the fishing industry .
- Employment Insurance Act 25(1);
- Employment Insurance Act 24(1);
- Employment Insurance Regulations 9(3) (fishing).
For individuals claiming sickness benefits, non-availability for work must stem solely from the incapacity.
[ January 2014 ]
10.1.2 Availability defined
Availability for work depends on a claimant’s willingness and ability to apply for, accept, take advantage of and actively seek all opportunities for suitable employment. It implies that the claimant is unable to obtain suitable employment and sincerely wishes to return to the labour market as soon as possible, as demonstrated by an active search for employment.
- Employment Insurance Act 27 (1)(a) and (b);
- Employment Insurance Act 18(a);
- Employment Insurance Act 50(8).
For the above principles to apply, an individual must first of all be capable of work. Ability to work refers to the physical strength and/or experience required to perform the duties of employment in an occupation that is considered to be suitable under the legislation.
While being available presupposes one sincerely wants to work, a willingness to work is not synonymous with being available for work. Availability for work is primarily a subjective matter which must be considered in light of a claimant's intention. This can be done by examining statements, actions and restrictions, as well as the concern shown by an individual towards finding employment. However, it must also be viewed objectively by examining a person's prospects of employment in relation to the objective circumstances, whether created deliberately or not. This includes any limitations caused by partial incapacity, transportation difficulties and personal or family constraints.
Clearly, a claimant is not required to accept a job which is recognized as unsuitable. To determine if a particular employment is suitable, reference should be made to the legislative criteria that define suitable employment.
[ January 2014 ]
10.1.3 Guiding questions
When determining whether availability for work has been proven, the following questions will be helpful:
- Does the claimant's attitude reflect a sincere desire to work or, conversely, the lack of concern of a person not really seeking employment?
- Are there any circumstances which obstruct the claimant's desire to work?
- Is the claimant's willingness to work subject to expectations which greatly reduce chances of obtaining employment?
- Has the claimant's inability to obtain suitable employment been tested through personal efforts to find work?
The circumstances surrounding a separation from employment, personal efforts made to find work and the interest shown when a new job opportunity arises, are all factors that must be considered in assessing a person's attitude toward accepting employment.
Circumstances which obstruct the desire to work include any circumstances beyond the claimant's control such as physical limitations or family constraints. These circumstances may be distinguished from other restrictions arising out of one's own choice, such as when a person is simply not prepared to accept certain working conditions which would be considered suitable. Claimants who do not prove they are available for work, will be disentitled from receiving benefits
10.1.4 Imposition of and duration of disentitlement
When a claimant fails to prove they are capable of and available for work, and unable to obtain suitable employment, including situations where the claimant fails to prove that reasonable and customary efforts have been made to obtain suitable employment, the claimant is disentitled from receiving benefits from that date until the claimant can prove these circumstances no longer exist. Such a disentitlement can be imposed concurrently with another disentitlement for a separate reason, and can also be imposed at the same time as a disqualification.
A disentitlement for non-availability, like any other disentitlement, commences and ends on one of the five working days between Monday and Friday. Any Statutory Holiday falling between Monday and Friday is still considered to be a working day. It is not possible to disentitle a claimant for a half-day, nor can extenuating circumstances reduce the length of a disentitlement.
- Employment Insurance Act 18(1);
- Employment Insurance Act 20;
- Employment Insurance Regulations 32;
- CUB 77075.
Once a condition of entitlement, such as availability for work, is not met, an indefinite disentitlement is imposed as of that working day. If the claimant is no longer available for work as of a Saturday or a Sunday, then the indefinite disentitlement is imposed as of the following Monday. For example, if a claimant leaves his home area for the purpose of a vacation on Saturday, May 28, 2016 the indefinite disentitlement would be imposed as of Monday, May 30, 2016.
An indefinite disentitlement can be terminated only as of the working day before the day the condition of entitlement is met. If the same claimant returns from his vacation and is available for work as of Wednesday, May 18, 2016, the disentitlement would be terminated as of Tuesday, May17, 2016.
A disentitlement for non-availability can also be imposed for a definite period of time if it is known when the condition of entitlement was again met.
No benefits can be paid for any working day of disentitlement. If this day occurs in the waiting period, one-fifth of the weekly rate of benefit is carried forward and deducted during the first three weeks in which benefits become payable. If the working day of disentitlement occurs outside the waiting period, one-fifth of the weekly rate of benefit is deducted from benefits payable for that week.
A disentitlement that covers a full Monday to Friday week is not considered to be a week of benefits paid and therefore does not by itself, reduce the potential number of weeks of benefits payable in a benefit period. Any week in which at least one dollar is paid, counts as a week of benefits paid.
[ January 2014 ]
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