Passport program statistics

Most passport statistics are updated once a month. Our fiscal year runs from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025.

Current year to date values on this page are calculated from April 1 to June 30, 2024.

Applications received Footnote 1

Number of applications received (monthly)
Month 2024 to 2025 (fiscal year from April to March) 2023 to 2024 (fiscal year from April to March)
April 480,454 213,061
May 469,472 373,435
June 415,322 366,612
July 364,030
August 406,287
September 388,725
October 407,328
November 427,939
December 357,507
January 551,335
February 515,116
March 480,896
Total 1,365,248 4,852,271

Passports issued Footnote 2 Footnote 3

Number of passports issued (monthly)
Month 2024 to 2025 (fiscal year from April to March) 2023 to 2024 (fiscal year from April to March)
April 461,331 214,396
May 442,772 358,018
June 387,990 380,968
July 339,711
August 383,065
September 345,994
October 375,305
November 399,389
December 343,252
January 439,438
February 400,080
March 472,085
Total 1,292,093 4,451,701

Application processing

Month Applications received Passports issued
April 480,454 461,331
May 469,472 442,772
June 415,322 387,990
Year to date total 1,365,248 1,292,093
Last year’s application processing statistics, from April 2023 to March 2024
Month Applications received Passports issued Footnote 3
April 213,061 214,396
May 373,435 358,018
June 366,612 380,968
July 364,030 339,711
August 406,287 383,065
September 388,725 345,994
October 407,328 375,305
November 427,939 399,389
December 357,507 343,252
January 551,335 439,438
February 515,116 400,080
March 480,896 472,085
Year to date total 4,852,271 4,451,701

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