Solicited Call for funding for organizations to support development and enhance community vitality under the Enabling Fund for Official Language Minority Communities (EF-OLMC)
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Application period
Current status: Closed
Applications from solicited organizations will be accepted between November 2, 2022 to November 30, 2022 at 11:59 pm Pacific standard time (PST).
Only organizations invited by Employment and Social Development can apply for, and receive, funding.
We expect that projects will begin April 1, 2023.
Note: Only organizations solicited by Employment and Social Development can apply.
The Enabling Fund aims to enhance the development and vitality of Official Language Minority Communities (OLMCs) across Canada. They do this by addressing gaps in employment for Francophones outside of Quebec or English-speaking residents of Quebec. This support is part of an integrated approach to growth, sustainability and well-being. The program focuses on local solutions for local economies.
Fourteen organizations will receive funding.
The successful projects will begin in spring 2023 and end by March 31, 2028.
This funding supports projects that:
- strengthen capacity in the areas of human resource development and community economic development, and
- promote collaboration at all levels, including with federal partners
Funding is provided to not-for-profit organizations that provide leadership in economic and human development matters on behalf of the OLMCs in their respective province or territory. This is a solicited funding process. Groups with specific experience related to program objectives have been invited to apply.
These organizations are part of 2 networks:
- the Réseau de développement économique et d’employabilité (RDÉE), composed of RDÉE Canada (the national coordinating body) and 12 provincial/territorial organizations in Francophone and Acadian communities, and
- the Community Economic Development and Employability Corporation (CEDEC) for English-speaking communities in Quebec
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