Applicant Guide: Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Fund (WHVPF) – Call for Concepts (CFC) – Step 1

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This guide provides you with information to help you complete the Concept Application Form (EMP5688).

Please read the entire guide before you start completing your application. This guide contains important details on the information and supporting documentation ESDC requires to assess your application.

ESDC may refuse incomplete applications or that contain errors. We will contact you to request any mandatory information, if it is missing from your application. We will do this before we determine if your application is eligible. If you receive such a request, you must respond within five (5) business days of the date we sent the request. If you do not respond before the deadline, we will assess your application as is.

We may share your application with other departments and jurisdictions as part of the assessment of your concept.

Part 1: Organization

A. Organization information

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) uses the information you provide in this section to establish your organization’s identity. We use this information to verify the organization’s eligibility for funding based on a valid business or registration number.

Question 1: Legal Name

Please provide the legal name of your organization. Usually, this is the name associated with your registration with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), or the name that would appear on funding cheques.

Question 2: Operating (Common) Name (mandatory field if different from legal name)

Please provide the operating (or common) name of your organization if it is different from the legal name.

Question 3: Business or Registration Number

Please provide your 15-digit CRA business number. For registered charities and not-for-profit organizations, please provide your registration number.

Example: 123456789 RR 0001

For more information, please visit the Canada Revenue Agency website.

Note: You must submit with your application a copy of an official document from the CRA (or an excerpt thereof). This document must include your business or registration number (for example: tax-related documents, CRA correspondence).

Question 4: Organization Type

Your answer to this question must be one (1) of the following:

  • not-for-Profit
  • private
  • public

Note: Please refer to the eligibility section to confirm which organization types are eligible to apply for this funding.

Question 5: Organization Category

Please select the appropriate category from the following:

Not-for-profit sector

  • Local community, charitable, or voluntary
  • Provincial non-governmental organizations
  • National non-governmental organizations
  • Not-for-profit band councils
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) with a focus on encouraging employment
  • Unions
  • Associations of workers and/or of employers
  • Indigenous not-for-profit groups
  • Sector councils

Private sector

  • Businesses, bodies incorporated or unincorporated
  • Banks
  • Private universities or colleges
  • Indian band corporations (profit basis)
  • Private band councils

Public sector

  • Public degree school boards / school districts
  • Municipal public health
  • Municipal governments and agencies
  • Provincial governments and agencies
  • Territorial governments
  • Public community colleges and vocational schools
  • Public degree-granting universities
  • Public degree-granting colleges

For more information, please refer to the eligibility section to confirm which organization categories are eligible to apply for this funding.

Question 6: Year Established

Provide the year your organization was established.

Questions 7 to 11: Organization Address

Please write the address of your organization or business. Applicants must provide a complete address in the correct format recognized by Canada Post. Information is available on the Canada Post website.

Questions 12, 13, and 14: Telephone Number, Fax Number and E-mail Address

Please write the telephone number, fax number (if applicable) and the e-mail address of your organization or business.

Questions 15 to 19: Mailing Address

Please indicate the mailing address, if different from your organization or business’ address.

Questions 20 and 21: Telephone Number and Fax Number

Please indicate the telephone and fax numbers, if different from your organization’s address.

B. Organization contact

Please provide a main contact so that ESDC can communicate with your organization or business about the proposed project. This could be the president/organization leader/owner/manager or a delegate of their choice.

Primary contact

Question 22: Given Name and Surname

Please provide the name of the person in your organization who will be ESDC’s primary contact for the proposed project.

Question 23: Position Title

Please provide the title of the organization contact identified in Question 22.

For example, Business Owner, President, Executive Director.

Question 24: Preferred Language of Communication

Please indicate the preferred language of the organization’s main contact for written and spoken communication.

Questions 25, 26 and 27: Telephone Number, Fax Number and E-mail Address

Please indicate the telephone number, fax number and e-mail of the organization’s primary contact. Please note that this is where ESDC will send all correspondence.

Organization secondary contact

Please provide a second contact in case we cannot reach the primary contact.

Question 28: Given Name and Surname

Please provide the name of the secondary contact in case the main contact is not available.

Question 29: Position Title

Please provide the title of the organization’s secondary contact identified in Question 28. For example, Business Owner, President, Executive Director.

Question 30: Preferred Language of Communication

Please indicate the preferred language of the organization’s secondary contact for written and spoken communication.

Questions 31, 32 and 33: Telephone number, and Fax number and E-mail address

Please indicate the telephone and fax number and e-mail address of the organization’s secondary contact.

Part 2: Proposed concept

A. Concept identification

Question 34: Concept Title

Please provide a brief, descriptive concept title.

Questions 35 and 36: Planned Project Start and End Dates

Please indicate the planned start and end dates of your proposed project.

Proposed activities cannot begin before ESDC approves your project and both you and ESDC have signed a Funding Agreement. ESDC cannot reimburse any activities that occur before the signing of the Funding Agreement.

You should not assume any commitment on the part of ESDC until ESDC approves the funding and a representative of ESDC signed the Funding Agreement. ESDC will notify you in writing of the outcome of the review of your application.

Note: Concept duration cannot exceed 36 months and must end by March 31, 2026.

B. Concept description

ESDC uses the information you provide as part of the assessment in determining if your proposed concept is eligible for funding.

At this time, applicants may only provide answers to the following questions:

  1. Which sector(s) will be the focus of your proposed concept?
    • Banks
    • Marine shipping, ferry and port services
    • Air transportation, including airports, aerodromes and airlines
    • Railway and road transportation that involves crossing provincial or international borders
    • Canals, pipelines, tunnels and bridges (crossing provincial borders)
    • Telephone, telegraph and cable systems
    • Radio and television broadcasting
    • Grain elevators, feed and seed mills
    • Uranium mining and processing
    • Businesses dealing with fisheries protection as a natural resource;
    • First Nation managed organizations in First Nations communities such as band councils and
    • private businesses necessary to the operation of a federal act
  2. Which program outcome(s) will your proposed concept fulfill?
    • Increase awareness of sector-specific workplace practices that contribute to the development of positive workplace cultures
    • Improve the capacity of employers and unions to communicate the new harassment and violence prevention provisions in the Canada Labour Code and associated regulations; and
    • Improve dissemination, transfer, and application of knowledge and information among partners, stakeholders, employers, and unions

    The concept description needs to include:

    • how you will measure and evaluate the proposed outcomes; and
    • how you will disseminate project results to employers and industry at large
  3. What is the concept’s strategy for sharing knowledge, practices and tools with partners in federally regulated jurisdictions? (Provide a response to this in question 39)

    Please describe how you will share developed material with partners in federally regulated jurisdictions.

Note: Developed materials must be available to all Canadians free of charge for the project duration.

Question 37: Project Objectives

Please outline the objectives of your proposed concept. They must be clearly linked to the WHVPF objectives for this CFC.

This is Step 1 of the Call for Concepts. ESDC expects you to present your project idea. Concepts should provide an overview of clear and achievable objectives. You should describe the objectives in terms of quantifiable and measurable goals that the project will achieve. Multifaceted proposals should include major steps and sub-objectives.

Project objectives should:

  • be S.M.A.R.T.: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely
  • be consistent with the funding program’s objectives and linked to the program objectives
  • identify the specific outcome(s) or expected results that the project should achieve, for example:
    • number of clients served
    • number of clients trained
    • number of clients employed, etc.
  • ensure that these outcome(s) are measurable
  • identify who will benefit from the project
  • identify collaboration partners (if any) and
  • show how meeting the project objectives will help to achieve the identified outcomes
Question 38: Please provide a high-level overview of the key activities of the project

Please describe the proposed key activity(ies) of your proposed concept.

Project activities are the steps taken to meet the objectives of the project. Activities should be specific, measurable, realistic and relevant to the project objectives and demonstrate how to achieve the project outcome(s).

Note: You must develop at least one (1) of the identified types of eligible activities.

Your answer to this question must include details regarding only planned key activities. ESDC will request further details on all planned activities in the second step of the application process. Please refer to the Eligibility Section for examples and additional details on eligible projects and activities.

Provide a high-level overview, including the following:

  • describe each key activity
  • explain how each activity relates to the objective(s) of the project and the objectives of this CFC. There should always be a clear link between the project activities and the project objective(s) (refer to Question 37)
  • list the project activities in a logical sequence, including timelines and/or duration of each, and descriptions where needed. You must establish clear and feasible timelines
  • show clear links of how the proposed major activity(ies) address(es) the program funding priority areas
  • potential impacts on the sector; and
  • include details about how the project will be delivered. For example, will there be third-party agreements or will the organization deliver all aspects of the project?
Question 39: Please explain the expected results of the project

Please explain the expected results of your project. Describe how they clearly link to the project objectives identified in question 37 and activities identified in question 38. The expected results must also be specific, concrete and measurable (qualitative or quantitative). Define the results as outcomes. The expected results should also consider results in terms of both individual participants as well as organizational (e.g. service providers) capacity.

You must also describe the project’s strategy for sharing knowledge, practices and tools with partners in federally regulated jurisdictions.

Outcomes are the short-term and intermediate changes that are expected to occur as the result of the project more than one (1) outcome could directly relate to an objective. They answer the question, “How do we know the project has achieved its objectives?”

Outputs are tangible products, including goods and services that will be produced to generate the desired outcomes. Several activities could contribute to one (1) output.

Your concept must meet at least one (1) of these outcomes:

Short term outcomes:

  • increase awareness of sector-specific workplace practices that contribute to the development of positive workplace cultures
  • improve the capacity of employers and unions to communicate the new harassment and violence prevention provisions in the Canada Labour Code and associated regulations
  • improve dissemination, transfer, and application of knowledge and information among partners, stakeholders, employers, and unions

Intermediate outcomes:

  • enhance the use of sectoral tools and resources to address workplace harassment and violence
  • enhance the integration of sectoral best practices into tools and resources for employers, unions, and employees

Based on the list above, your concept must at least report on the following:

  • the number of sector-specific training programs, tools and resources developed
  • the number of events and information-sharing sessions delivered/facilitated; and
  • the number of tools and resources integrated into the organization’s programs, policies, and/or training

C. Priority areas

Question 40: Please describe how the proposed concept addresses the Call for Concept priority(ies)

Please indicate if your concept will be partnership based. Concepts that are partnership-based with industry participation are not mandatory. However, ESDC could give additional consideration to your concept if it is partnership-based.

D. Organizational capacity

Question 41: Please describe the organization’s capacity to undertake the project

This information provided here helps ESDC to determine the extent to which your organization is able to:

  • carry out the proposed project; and
  • achieve the expected results

Please describe:

  • how the project relates to the ongoing work of your organization
  • how the achievements and current activities and/or projects relate to your proposed project
  • if your organization has a strategic plan
  • how the proposed project aligns with your overall plan (high-level information)
  • any previous work done by your organization
  • your previous, current, and your potential partners
  • details as to how your project builds on, and does not duplicate previous work, and
  • include any previous experience with ESDC/Service Canada/Labour funding programs and the results of the project

ESDC expects applicants to create or build on partnerships that strengthen project outcomes through their:

  • reach
  • expertise
  • financial; or
  • in-kind support

List other organizations, networks or partners that will support the project. In this section, you must clearly:

  • describe how the industry will be participating in the proposed project
  • outline the roles of the applicant and partners, and the partners’ capacity to undertake the project; and
  • describe how you will select and include partners in the project

Note: Concepts that are partnership-based with industry participation are not mandatory. However, ESDC could give additional consideration to your concept if it is partnership-based.

Part 3: Funding

A. Anticipated sources of funding

ESDC’s funding programs generally encourage and/or require applicants to seek cash and/or in-kind contributions for their proposed project from other sources of funding. Each program has a “stacking limit”. The stacking limit is a maximum permitted amount of combined funding from federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments for any one (1) project or initiative. Contributions to the project cannot exceed 100% of eligible expenditures.

ESDC uses the information in this section to verify that your funding request conforms to:

  • any stacking limit; and/or
  • any requirement for funding from other sources

“Other sources of funding” includes any source of funding (including from your organization) other than the program to which you are applying for funding.

Note: Applicants may request up to a maximum of $2,000,000 in total funding for a project.

An in-kind contribution is when there is no money exchanged for the service or resource.

Each organization and/or partner may offer administrative or managerial services, facilities, or access to equipment. They may also lend staff to work on the project. Expertise, services, or facilities are examples of in-kind contributions.

A cash contribution is when money is exchanged to cover eligible project costs.

Question 42: Source Name

Please include the names of organizations that you expect will contribute in funds and/or in-kind contributions to this project. You should list ESDC as the first source name and list any other sources below.

Note: If a Concept is selected, ESDC will request a full list of all organizations that will contribute financially or in-kind to the project. In addition, ESDC will provide a mandatory partnership form at the full proposal stage. You will need to complete this form for each partner contributing in-kind and/or in cash to the project.

Question 43: Source Type

Please identify the types of organizations that are contributing funds to this project from the following options:

  1. crown corporation
  2. federal department or agency
  3. foreign governments
  4. not-for-profit
  5. private sector
  6. provincial/territorial government
  7. regional or municipal government
  8. sponsor/organization/recipient
  9. union
  10. other (please specify)
Question 44: Cash

Please include the amount of funding that each partner will provide.

Note: Applicants may request up to a maximum of $2,000,000 per project for this Call for Concepts.

Question 45: In-kind ($ value)

In-kind contributions are non-monetary goods or services that will not be requesting reimbursement.

They may be contributed to the project by:

  • your organization
  • other organizations; or
  • partners

In-kind support may include donated equipment, services or facilities necessary for the proposed project that would otherwise have to be purchased. For example, a donated room for where the project could take place or “donated workers” by some organizations to support project activities.

To be considered valid, in-kind contributions should contribute to the success of the project, and their monetary equivalent estimated at fair market value.

Part 4: Attestation

In order for your Concept Application Form (EMP5688) to be eligible for funding, it must be completed by the official representative(s) of the applicant organization in accordance with the organization’s by-laws or other constituting documents.

To be considered eligible, an official representative who has the capacity and the authority to submit proposals on behalf of your organization must confirm that:

  • they have the authority to submit the proposal
  • certify that the information provided is true
  • they have read and understood the program’s requirements

To do this, the official representative must:

  • agree with the attestation
  • provide his or her name, title and the date

As this is an attestation, no signature is required.

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