Canada Education Savings Grant

Disclaimer: RESP promoters

The information contained on this page is technical in nature and is intended for Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) and Canada Education Savings Program promoters. For general information, visit the RESP section.

Official title: Interface Transaction Standards, version 4.4

Information Bulletin

January 4, 2008
Notice #282 - Interface Transaction Standards, version 4.4

This Information Bulletin provides information on the official amendments to the Interface Transaction Standards (ITS) version 4.4.

The following should be considered as amendments to the Interface Transaction Standards (ITS) version 4.4, dated March 1 2007 and should be noted therein. These amendments will be incorporated in a future release of the ITS.

Amendments to the English version of the ITS, effective immediately:

Section: Transaction Date

Page: 8

Currently: A noteworthy change as of release 4.0 is that any Financial Transactions requesting grant or bond money i.e. Record Types 11, 24 and 25 with a transaction date earlier than three (3) years from the processing date will not receive payment due to the tardiness of the transaction.

Amend to: Financial Transactions requesting grant or bond money i.e. Record Types 11, 24 and 25 with a transaction date earlier than three years, when compared to the date sent in the Header Record (001) of the file, will not receive payment due to the tardiness of the transaction.

Section: Transaction Type "11" - Contribution

Page: 13

Currently: As well, contributions with a transaction date earlier than 3 years from processing date will be processed but no grant or bond will be awarded.

Amend to: As well, contributions with a transaction date earlier than three years, when compared to the date sent in the Header Record (001) of the file, will be processed but no grant will be awarded.

Section: Transaction Type 21 - Grant, CLB, P-Grant Repayment

Page: 14


Amend to:


  • Other

Section: Transaction Type 24 - Request for Canada Learning Bond Payment

Page: 16

Currently: Please note that requests for CLB will not receive payment if they have a transaction date older than three years from the processing date due to the tardiness of the transaction.

Amend to: CLB requests will not receive payment if they have a transaction date earlier than three years when compared to the date sent in the Header Record (001) of the file due to the tardiness of the transaction.

Section: Transaction Type 25 - Request for P-Grant Payment

Page: 17

Currently: Please note that P-Grant Requests will not receive payment if they have a transaction date older than three years from the processing date due to the tardiness of the transaction.

Amend to: P-Grant Requests will not receive payment if they have a transaction date earlier than three years when compared to the date sent in the Header Record (001) of the file due to the tardiness of the transaction.

Section: 3.6 Record Type "400" - Financial Transaction

Page: 46

Data Element Name: Transaction Date

Currently: Effective December 31, 2007 grant or bond will not be awarded on transactions with a transaction date earlier than 3 years from the processing date.

Amend to: Effective Jan. 1, 2008, grant or bond will not be awarded on transactions with a transaction date earlier than three years when compared to the date sent in the Header Record (001) of the file they were submitted in.

Section: 3.11 Record Type "900" - Transaction Processing Report

Page: 73

Data Element Name: Reason

Currently: Effective Dec. 31, 2007 transactions with a transaction date older than 3 years of CES Program processing date will receive a Reason of D - Late Transaction.

Amend to: Effective Jan. 1, 2008, CES grant contribution transactions or CLB requests with a transaction date earlier than three years when compared to the date sent in the Header Record (001) of the file they were submitted in will receive a refusal reason of D - Late Transaction.

Section: 3.11 Record Type "900" - Transaction Processing Report

Page: 76

Data Element Name: Additional CES Grant Reason

Currently: Effective Dec. 31, 2007 transactions with a transaction date older than 3 years of CES Grant processing date will receive an Additional CES Grant Reason of D - Late Transaction.

Amend to: Effective Jan. 1, 2008, Additional CES grant contribution transactions with a transaction date earlier than three years when compared to the date sent in the Header Record (001) of the file they were submitted in will receive a refusal reason of D - Late Transaction.

Section: Appendix C - SIN / BN Validation

Page: 92

Currently: Same as the above Modulus "10" method except that the SIN cannot begin with "0", "3" or "8".

This does not apply to BNs.

Amend to: Same as the above Modulus "10" method except that the SIN cannot begin with "0" or "8". (PCG SINs can begin with 0)

Note: This does not apply to BNs

Amendments to the English version of the ITS, effective May 1, 2008:

Section: *NEW*

Page: 20

Amend to:


Record Type "920" - SIN Validation Report

CESP will verify all beneficiary Social Insurance Number (SIN) information with the Social Insurance Registry (SIR) on a monthly basis. As a result of this monthly SIN validation, certain beneficiary SINs will be identified (flagged) by SIR as "not useable". In order to help RESP promoters identify the "not useable" SINs, CESP will be sending out a new file to promoters called the SIN Validation Report (SVR) each month. This file will contain a new record type called the SIN Validation Report Record (920).

Section: 2.6.3 File Extension

Page: 29

Currently: The Quarterly SIN Validation Report, a .svr file, is returned to the Sender every three months.

Amend to: The SIN Validation Report, a .svr file, is returned to the Sender each month only if one or more record type 920 transactions were created.

Section: 3.5.1 Type "200" Validation Rules

Page: 44

Field: SIN


  • Must not be flagged by SIR if transaction type is 3.

Error Code: 7004

Amend to: Remove this statement and error code.

Section: 3.6.1 Record Type "400" - Financial Transaction

Page: 52

Field: Transaction Date


  • Transaction Date must be on or after Beneficiary Birth Date, if Transaction Type 11, 13, 14, 24, and 25. Transaction Date must be on or after Beneficiary Birth Date if Transaction Type is 21 and the CLB Amount is greater than zero.

Error Code: 2027

Amend to:

  • Transaction Date must be on or after Beneficiary Birth Date, if Transaction Type 11, 13, 14, 21, 24, and 25.

Error Code: 2027

Note: This change has been deferred. Please refer to the Information Bulletin #290, sent February 20, 2008.

Section: 3.6.1 Record Type "400" - Financial Transaction

Page: 54

Field: Specimen Plan ID


  • The beneficiary must be associated with the specimen identified in the Specimen Plan ID field if Transaction Type is 11, 13, 14, 24 or 25. The beneficiary must be associated with the specimen identified in the Specimen Plan ID field if Transaction Type is 21 and the CLB Amount is greater than zero.

Error Code: 7031

Amend to:

  • The beneficiary must be associated with the specimen identified in the Specimen Plan ID field if Transaction Type is 11, 13, 14, 21, 24 or 25.

Error Code: 7031

Note: This change has been deferred. Please refer to the Information Bulletin #290, sent February 20, 2008.

Section: 3.6.1 Record Type "400" - Financial Transaction

Page: 55

Field: Beneficiary SIN

Amend to:


  • Beneficiary accounts do not exist.

Error Code: 7032

Note: This change has been deferred. Please refer to the Information Bulletin #290, sent February 20, 2008.

Section: 3.6.1 Record Type "400" - Financial Transaction

Page: 55

Field: Beneficiary SIN


  • Mandatory if Transaction Type is 11, 13, 14, 24 or 25. Mandatory if Transaction Type is 21 and CLB Amount is greater than zero.

Error Code: 7005

Amend to:

  • Mandatory if Transaction Type is 11, 13, 14, 21, 24 or 25.

Error Code: 7005

Note: This change has been deferred. Please refer to the Information Bulletin #290, sent February 20, 2008.

Section: 3.6.1 Record Type "400" - Financial Transaction

Page: 58

Field: CLB Amount


  • Beneficiary must have a CLB account if Transaction Type is 21 and amount is greater than zero.

Error Code: 7032

Amend to: Remove this statement and error code.

Note: This change has been deferred. Please refer to the Information Bulletin #290, sent February 20, 2008.

Section: 3.9 Record Type "800" - Transaction Error Report

Page: 68

Field: SIN

Currently: 7006 or 7004

Amend to: Remove

Section: 3.11 Record Type "900" - Transaction Processing Report

Page: 74

Field: Reason

Amend to:


N - SIN has been flagged by SIR

Section: 3.11 Record Type "900" - Transaction Processing Report

Page: 76

Field: Additional CES Grant Reason

Amend to:


B - Invalid Beneficiary

Section: 3.11 Record Type "900" - Transaction Processing Report

Page: 77

Field: Additional CES Grant Reason

Amend to:


N - SIN has been flagged by SIR

Section: *NEW*

Page: 77

Amend to:

Record Type « 920 » - SIN Validation Report

The SIN validation report consists of:

  • A header record - Type "001"
  • A series of SIN validation report records - Type "920"
  • A trailer record - Type "999"


The Record Type "920" record reports SIN validation activity to the Sender.


Record Type "920"
Data Element Name Type Size Trxn Posn Description Notes
Record Type 9(3) 1-3 "920" - SIN Validation Report
Promoter BN X(15) 4-18 BN of the current Promoter of the specimen plan ID
Specimen Plan ID 9(10) 19-28 Specimen Plan approval number Assigned by CRA
Transaction Date 9(8) 29-36 Date the record was written to this file.
Beneficiary SIN 9(9) 37-45 Beneficiary SIN
SIN Issue X(1) 46
  1. SIN is not useable
  2. SIN is useable
  3. Linked SIN

Type "920" Validation Rules

Because Record Type "920" is generated by the CES Program system, validation rules are not applicable.

Section: Appendix A - Standard Code Tables

Page: 83

Code: 7004

Currently: SIN has been flagged by SIR

Amend to: Remove this statement and corresponding error code.

Section: Appendix A - Standard Code Tables

Page: 84

Code: 7032

Currently: Beneficiary is not associated to a CLB account.

Amend to: Beneficiary accounts do not exist.

Note: This change has been deferred. Please refer to the Information Bulletin #290, sent February 20, 2008.

Section: Refusal Reasons

Page: 85

Amend to: Add the following RT 900 code and refusal reason: N - SIN has been flagged by SIR

Section: SIR Validation

Page: 93

Currently: As a result, from this time forward, all SINs included on 200-03 records will be sent to SIR for validation including scrutiny for a status of fraudulent, expired, cancelled or deceased. In addition to the increased scrutiny for new beneficiary transactions, all beneficiary SINs in the CES Program database will be sent to SIR on a quarterly basis for validation. A beneficiary SIN returned from SIR with a status of fraudulent, expired, cancelled or deceased will result in an 'invalid' status in the CES Program database and a suspension of grant/bond payments until the issue is resolved.

Amend to: All SINs included on 200-03 records will be sent to SIR for validation including scrutiny for the existence of a 'not useable' flag. In addition to the increased scrutiny for new beneficiary transactions, all beneficiary SINs in the CES Program database will be sent to SIR on a monthly basis for validation. A beneficiary SIN returned from SIR with a 'not useable' flag will result in a 'not useable' status in the CES Program database and a suspension of grant/bond payments until the issue is resolved.

Comments and questions regarding this document may be addressed to:

  • Canada Education Savings Program
  • 140 Promenade du Portage,
  • Phase IV,
  • Gatineau, Quebec
  • K1A 0J9
  • Phone: 1-888-276-3632
  • Fax: 819-953-6500
  • E-mail:

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