The Climate Trends and Variations Bulletin celebrates 30 years

CTVB 30, 1992-2022

In 2022, the Climate Trends and Variations Bulletin (CTVB) celebrated 30 years of providing quality seasonal and annual climate information to Canadians. The Bulletin is one of Environment and Climate Change Canada’s (ECCC) longest-serving platforms that highlights how Canada’s climate has changed over the past few decades, covering the period of national weather observations.

Read more about the Climate Trends and Variations Bulletin

The first edition of CTVB

A look back at the first hard copy of the Climate Trends and Variations Bulletin published in 1992.



A timeline of the major milestones of the Climate Trends and Variations Bulletin.


Related links

Anniversary announcements

Our anniversary celebration announcements can be found on social media using the hashtags #CTVB30

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