Archived: Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy 2016-17, Environment and Climate Change Canada, chapter 4
Section 4. Theme IV - Targets and Implementation Strategies
This section presents ECCC’s 2016-17 planned commitments towards Theme IV - Shrinking the Environmental Footprint - Beginning with Government.
Goal 6: GHG Emissions and Energy
Target 6.1: GHG Emissions Reduction
The Government of Canada will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from its buildings and fleets by 17% below 2005 levels by 2020.
Departmental Target
17% below 2005 by 2020
Scope and Context
Targeted GHG emissions sources include facilities and fleet. Environment and Climate Change Canada monitors and reports annually, on GHG emissions from its entire fleet inventory and 15 of its custodial facilities, representing 93% of its floor space. In 2014-15, fleet emissions dropped 25% below 2005-06 levels, and facility emissions dropped 2% below 2005-06 levels. In 2016-17, the Department will continue its focus on reducing facility emissions. Site-specific, SMART targets have been set, focusing on the implementation of reduction opportunities in six categories. These categories are comprised of; operational improvements, maintenance procedures, occupant engagement, life cycle management, energy performance contracting, and other best practices.
ECCC will implement Real Property Environmental Performance, water management, and GHG reduction measures in all custodial buildings that are likely to remain in the portfolio after 2020, with a particular focus for buildings over 1,000 square meters. These buildings mainly include laboratories and are: the Canada Centre for Inland water (CCIW) in Burlington, ON; the River Road complex in Ottawa, ON; the Centre for Atmospheric Research Experiments (CARE) in Egbert, ON; the National Hydrometric Research Center (NHRC) in Saskatoon, SK; the Pacific Environmental Science Centre (PESC) in Vancouver, BC; the facility in Whitehorse, YT; and the Eureka Weather Station in Nunavut.
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Sub-Program 4.1.8: Real Property
Sub-Program 4.1.9: Materiel
Sub-Program 4.1.10: Acquisition
Performance Measurement
Expected result
Reduce the carbon footprint and energy consumption of federal operations.
Performance indicator | Targeted performance level |
Updated GHG reduction implementation plan in place by March 31, 2015. | Yes [January 31, 2016] |
GHG emissions (kt CO2 equivalent) in fiscal year 2005-06. | 22.7 kt |
GHG emissions (kt CO2 equivalent) in fiscal year 2016-17, not accounting for renewable power emission credits, if applicable | 21.45 kt |
Renewable power emission credits applied in fiscal year 2016-17 (kt CO2 equivalent). | 0 kt |
Percentage change in GHG emissions from fiscal year 2005-06 to fiscal year 2016-17, inclusive of renewable power emission credits, if applicable. | 5% decrease |
Adjustments made to base year GHG emissions. | Yes [ -0.08 kt] |
Goal 7: Waste and Asset Management
Target 7.1: Real Property Environmental Performance
As of April 1, 2014, and pursuant to departmental Real Property Sustainability Frameworks, an industry-recognized level of high-environmental performance will be achieved in Government of Canada real property projects and operations.
Scope and Context
ECCC will implement Real Property Environmental Performance, water management, and GHG reduction measures in all custodial buildings that are likely to remain in the portfolio after 2020, with a particular focus for buildings over 1,000 square meters. These buildings mainly include laboratories and are: the Canada Centre for Inland water (CCIW) in Burlington, ON; the River Road complex in Ottawa, ON; the Centre for Atmospheric Research Experiments (CARE) in Egbert, ON; the National Hydrometric Research Center (NHRC) in Saskatoon, SK; the Pacific Environmental Science Centre (PESC) in Vancouver, BC; the facility in Whitehorse, YT; and the Eureka Weather Station in Nunavut.
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Sub-Program 4.1.8: Real Property
Performance Measurement
Expected result
An industry-recognized level of high-environmental performance will be achieved in Government of Canada real property projects and operations.
Performance indicator | Targeted performance level |
Real Property Sustainability Framework in place to improve the management of energy, waste and water in departmental real property assets by March 31, 2015. | Yes [January 31, 2016] |
Total number of existing Crown-owned buildings (over 1000 m2) and new lease or lease renewal projects (over 1000 m2) where the Crown is the major lessee, assessed for environmental performance using an industry-recognized assessment tool, and total associated floor space (m2). | 6 Crown-owned buildings 89,438 m2 0 new lease or lease renewal projects 0 m2 Planned assessment tool to be used: BOMA BESt level1 |
Total number of existing Crown-owned buildings, new construction, build-to-lease projects and major renovations projects achieving an industry-recognized level of high-environmental performance, and total associated floor space (m2). | 3 Crown-owned buildings 27, 219 m2 Targeted performance level: 3 Green Globes 1 new construction projects 400 m2 Targeted performance level: 3 Green Globes 0 build-to-lease projects 0 m2 0 major renovation projects 0 m2 |
Number of fit-up and refit projects achieving an industry-recognized level of high-environmental performance. | 0 fit-up and refit projects 0 m2 |
Implementation strategy element or best practice | Targeted performance level | Achieve a level of performance that meets or exceeds the custodian's current commitment(s) to sustainable buildings using industry-recognized assessment and verification tool(s). | Seeking to reach “Achieved” | Develop plans to address environmental performance assessment recommendations for existing Crown-owned buildings. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” | Manage the collection, diversion and disposal of workplace waste in Crown-owned buildings in an environmentally responsible manner. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” | Manage construction, renovation and demolition waste in Crown-owned buildings in an environmentally responsible manner. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” | Develop an approach to improve performance of Crown-owned buildings via automation and commissioning. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” | Develop an approach to training for building operators of Crown-owned buildings. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” | Integrate the use of sustainable real property performance management indicators into the investment decision-making process for Crown-owned assets in the building portfolio (e.g., density, energy intensity, facility condition). | Seeking to reach “Achieved” |
Best Practice 7.1.2. Real property managers and functional heads responsible for new construction, leases or existing building operations will have clauses related to environmental considerations incorporated into their performance evaluations. |
Seeking to reach “Achieved” |
Target 7.2: Green Procurement
As of April 1, 2014, the Government of Canada will continue to take action to embed environmental considerations into public procurement, in accordance with the federal Policy on Green Procurement.
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Sub-Program 4.1.10: Acquisition
Performance Measurement
Expected result
Environmentally responsible acquisition, use and disposal of goods and services.
[In the following table, insert the targeted performance level for each performance indicator.]
Performance indicator | Targeted performance level |
Departmental approach to further the implementation of the Policy on Green Procurement in place as of April 1, 2014. | Yes [September 31, 2015] |
Number and percentage of procurement and/or materiel management specialists who completed the Canada School of Public Service Green Procurement course (C215) or equivalent, in fiscal year 2016-17. | 20 out of 25 (80%) |
Number and percentage of managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel whose performance evaluation includes support and contribution toward green procurement, in fiscal year 2016-17. | 3 of 3 (100%) |
Departmental green procurement target
By March 31, 2017, 90% of copy paper will contain a minimum of 30% recycled content and be certified to a recognized environmental standard to reduce the environmental impact of its production.
Performance indicator | Targeted performance level |
Percentage of copy paper purchases that contain a minimum of 30% recycled content and have forest certification of EcoLogoM or equivalent. | 90% [March 31, 2017] |
Departmental green procurement target
By March 31, 2017, 70% of office furniture purchases will include criteria to reduce the environmental impact associated with the production, acquisition, use and/or disposal of the furniture.
Performance indicator | Targeted performance level |
Dollar value or volume of purchases that meet the objective relative to total expenditures on all office furniture. | 70% [March 31, 2017] |
Departmental green procurement target
As of April 1, 2015, 90% of new contracts that include janitorial services will include the use of janitorial products, equipment and processes that minimize the environmental impact.
Performance indicator | Targeted performance level |
Number of new contracts awarded that include terms related to minimizing environmental impact, relative to the total number of contracts for janitorial services. | 90% [March 31, 2017] |
Implementation strategy element or best practice | Targeted performance level | Leverage common-use procurement instruments where available and feasible. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” |
Best Practice 7.2.3. Train acquisition cardholders on green procurement. |
Seeking to reach “Achieved” |
Best Practice 7.2.4. Increase awareness of the Policy on Green Procurement among managers. |
Seeking to reach “Achieved” |
Target 7.3: Sustainable Workplace Operations
As of April 1, 2015, the Government of Canada will update and adopt policies and practices to improve the sustainability of its workplace operations.
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Sub-Program 4.1.1: Management and Oversight
Sub-Program 4.1.7: Information Technology
Sub-Program 4.1.9: Materiel
Performance Measurement
Expected result
Departmental workplace operations have a reduced environmental impact.
Performance indicator | Targeted performance level |
Approach to maintain or improve the sustainability of the departmental workplace in place as of March 31, 2015. | Yes [March 31, 2015] |
Implementation strategy element or best practice | Targeted performance level | Engage employees in greening government operations practices. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” | Integrate environmental considerations into corporate policies, processes and practices in accordance with departmental refresh cycles. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” | Maintain or improve existing approaches to sustainable workplace practices (printer ratios, paper usage, and green meetings). | Seeking to reach “Achieved” | Minimize the ratio of information technology (IT) assets per employee. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” | Dispose of e-waste in an environmentally sound and secure manner. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” | Reuse or recycle workplace materiel and assets in an environmentally sound and secure manner. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” | Minimize all non-hazardous solid waste generated, and leverage service offerings to maximize the diversion of waste. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” | Increase the population density in office buildings, and increase space utilization in special purpose buildings. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” | Maintain or improve sustainable fleet management. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” |
Goal 8: Water Management
Target 8.1: Water Management
As of April 1, 2014, the Government of Canada will take further action to improve water management within its real property portfolio.
Scope and Context
ECCC will implement Real Property Environmental Performance, water management, and GHG reduction measures in all custodial buildings that are likely to remain in the portfolio after 2020, with a particular focus for buildings over 1,000 square meters. These buildings mainly include laboratories and are: the Canada Centre for Inland water (CCIW) in Burlington, ON; the River Road complex in Ottawa, ON; the Centre for Atmospheric Research Experiments (CARE) in Egbert, ON; the National Hydrometric Research Center (NHRC) in Saskatoon, SK; the Pacific Environmental Science Centre (PESC) in Vancouver, BC; the facility in Whitehorse, YT; and the Eureka Weather Station in Nunavut.
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Sub-Program 4.1.8: Real Property
Performance Measurement
Expected result
Water is managed sustainably in Government of Canada real property operations.
Performance indicator | Targeted performance level |
Approach to improving water management included in Real Property Sustainability Framework in place by March 31, 2015. | Yes [January 31, 2016] |
Amount and percentage of floor space in buildings over 1000 m2 that includes water metering, in fiscal year 2016-17 (where feasible). | 101,514 m2 existing Crown-owned 50% 0 m2 new Crown built-to-lease 0% 0 m2 major renovations 0% 0 m2 leases 0% |
Implementation strategy element or best practice | Targeted performance level | Conserve potable water. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” | Manage storm water run-off. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” | Improve the metering of water utility usage for existing Crown-owned buildings. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” | Meter water usage in new projects. | Seeking to reach “Achieved” |
Best Practice 8.1.2 Conduct potable water audits in Crown-owned assets. |
Seeking to reach “Achieved” |
Best Practice 8.1.3 Analyze the water consumption data collected to determine steps to improve water management in Crown-owned assets. |
Seeking to reach “Achieved” |
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