Forward Regulatory Plan 2018 to 2020, Environment and Climate Change Canada, chapter 1

Air Emissions and Greenhouse Gases

Proposed Regulatory Initiatives

Revisions to the Federal Halocarbon Regulations, 2003

Enabling Act

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999


The proposed revised regulations would repeal and replace the current Federal Halocarbon Regulations, 2003.

The Regulations aim at minimizing releases of halocarbons to the environment from refrigeration, air conditioning and fire-extinguishing systems. The proposed revisions would address administrative, operational and enforcement issues.

The proposed revisions would apply to systems containing halocarbons that are owned by federal departments, boards and agencies, Crown corporations, or federal works or undertakings; or are located on federal or Aboriginal lands.

The proposed revisions would affect certain businesses under federal jurisdiction in the refrigeration, air conditioning and fire extinguishing sectors.

Indication of business impact

There may be business impacts. The "One-for-One" Rule and/or the Small Business Lens may apply.


Electronic and face-to-face consultations took place in 2013. Additional consultations regarding the administrative burden of the Federal Halocarbon Regulations, 2003 and its proposed revisions were held in spring 2015.

A second round of electronic consultations on the proposed revisions concluded on December 19, 2017.

The proposed revised regulations are targeting publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I, in 2019 for a 60-day public comment period.


Nicole Folliet
Director, Chemical Production Division
Telephone: 819-420-7708
Fax: 819-938-4218

Regulations Amending the Ozone-depleting Substances and Halocarbon Alternatives Regulations

Enabling Act

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999


The proposed Regulations Amending the Ozone-depleting Substances and Halocarbon Alternatives Regulations would revise the Canadian HFC consumption baseline value currently in the Regulations.

The Department has obtained new and corrected data from industry stakeholders that demonstrate that the Canadian HFC consumption baseline value currently in the regulations is not accurate. Revising the value will avoid excess HFC emissions to the environment that could occur if the original baseline value contained in the regulations is used.

The proposed amendments will also ensure Canada meets its international obligations under the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.

These amendments must be made within 2 years following the interim order to modify the Ozone-depleting Substances and Halocarbon Alternatives Regulations.

Indication of business impact

There are no expected business impacts.


A Notice of Intent will be published in the Canada Gazette, Part I in Fall 2018.

A consultation document outlining the regulatory proposal will be published by the end of 2018 or early 2019.

The publication of the proposed amendments in the Canada Gazette, Part I, is targeted for Spring 2019 for a 75-day public comment period.


Nicole Folliet
Director, Chemical Production Division
Telephone: 819-420-7708
Fax: 819-938-4218

Off-Road Compression-Ignition (mobile and stationary) and Large Spark-Ignition Engine Emission Regulations

Enabling Act

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999


The proposed regulations would replace the existing Off-Road Compression-Ignition Engine Emission Regulations. The new regulation would reduce air pollutant emissions from both off-road mobile compression-ignition (diesel) and large spark-ignition (gasoline, propane and natural gas) engines by establishing emission standards and test procedures that are aligned with those of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

The proposed regulations would also reduce air pollutant emissions from stationary compression-ignition (generally diesel-fueled) engines by establishing emission standards and test procedures that are aligned with those of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

The proposed regulation would affect manufacturers and importers of:

  • off-road mobile large spark-ignition engines and equipment such as forklifts and ice resurfacers
  • off-road mobile compression-ignition engines and equipment, such as construction, farming and forestry equipment
  • stationary compression-ignition engines

Indication of business impact

There may be business impacts. The "One-for-One" Rule and/or the Small Business Lens may apply.


Targeted pre-consultations for Off-Road Mobile Compression-Ignition and Large Spark-Ignition Engines are being held from 2014 to 2018 to provide stakeholders with an early opportunity to provide input on the proposal. 

Pre-consultations for Stationary Compression-Ignition Engines began in April 2017 to provide stakeholders (importers, manufacturers, end users, NGO, Indigenous peoples) with an opportunity to provide input on the proposal. 

The proposed regulations are targeting publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I, in late 2018 for a 75-day public comment period. The publication of the final regulation in the Canada Gazette, Part II, is targeted for 2020.


Stéphane Couroux (off-road mobile compression-ignition and large spark-ignition engines)
Director, Transportation Division
Telephone: 819-420-8020
Fax: 819-938-4179

Paola Mellow (stationary compression-ignition engines)
Director, Electricity and Combustion Division
Telephone: 819-420-7761

Passenger Automobile and Light Truck Greenhouse Gas Emission Regulations

Enabling Act

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999


Environment and Climate Change Canada will conduct a mid-term evaluation of the Regulations and will engage in consultations on whether changes to Canada’s greenhouse gas emission standards for light-duty vehicles are required.

Indication of business impact

There may be business impacts. The “One-for-One” Rule and/or the Small Business Lens may apply.


A discussion document was released during the week of August 20, 2018 to solicit views from provinces, territories, Indigenous Peoples, and stakeholders regarding factors to inform Canada’s mid-term evaluation of the standards set for the 2022 to 2025 model years.  The mid-term evaluation aims to determine whether the established greenhouse gas emission standards for the 2022 to 2025 model years remain appropriate for Canada.


Stéphane Couroux
Director, Transportation Division
Telephone: 819-420-8020
Fax: 819-938-4179

Regulations Amending the Regulations Prescribing Circumstances for Granting Waivers Pursuant to Section 147 of the Act

Enabling Act

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999


The regulations to be amended specify the circumstances under which federal environmental fuels regulations can be temporarily waived. The proposed changes would amend text to ensure that provincial emergency measures are appropriately referenced.  The proposed amendments are in response to comments received in 2013 from the Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations.  All changes are administrative in nature. The functioning of the regulations would not be altered. 

Indication of business impact

There are no expected business impacts.


The proposed amendments were published in the Canada Gazette, Part I on December 9, 2017 for a 60-day comment period.

An offer to consult with provinces, territories, and Indigenous peoples through the CEPA National Advisory Council was sent out on December 8, 2017.

The publication of the final regulations in the Canada Gazette, Part II, is targeted for late 2018.


Cam Carruthers
Executive Director, Oil, Gas and Alternative Energy Division
Telephone: 819-938-5711
Fax: 819-420-7410

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Concentration Limits for Certain Products Regulations

Enabling Act

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999


The proposed regulations would establish volatile organic compound (VOC) concentration limits for approximately 130 product categories/sub-categories including personal care, automotive and household maintenance products; adhesives, adhesive removers, sealants and caulks; and other miscellaneous products. These products are used by household, institutional and commercial consumers, and contribute to Canadian VOC emissions. 

It is estimated that there would be 1950 manufacturers and importers potentially affected by the proposed regulations. Key associations whose members would be impacted are: Cosmetics Alliance Canada (CAC), the Canadian Consumer Specialty Products Association (CCSPA), the Adhesive and Sealants Manufacturers Association of Canada (ASMAC), the Canadian Paint and Coatings Association (CPCA) and the Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association (CVMA).

Indication of business impact

There may be business impacts. The "One-for-One" Rule and/or the Small Business Lens may apply.


A consultation document outlining the regulatory proposal was published in January 2013. A public meeting was also held in February 2013.

The proposed regulations are targeting publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I, in Spring 2019 for a 75-day public comment period.


Tracey Spack
Director, Products Division
Telephone: 819-938-4201
Fax: 819-938-4179

Regulations Respecting Reduction in the Release of Volatile Organic Compounds (Petroleum Sector)

Enabling Act

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999


The proposed regulations would limit releases of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including petroleum and refinery gases, from Canadian petroleum refineries, upgraders, and certain petrochemical facilities.

Indication of business impact

There may be business impacts. The "One-for-One" Rule and/or the Small Business Lens may apply.


The proposed regulations were published in the Canada Gazette, Part I for a 60-day comment period on May 27, 2017.

The publication of the final amendments in the Canada Gazette, Part II, is targeted for 2019.


Cam Carruthers
Executive Director, Oil, Gas and Alternative Energy Division
Telephone: 819-938-5711
Fax: 819-420-7410

Regulations Amending the Contaminated Fuel Regulations

Enabling Act

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999


Canada is bound by the World Trade Organization Agreement on Trade Facilitation which modernizes and simplifies customs and border procedures for all WTO members. Legislative amendments were made to CEPA under Bill C-13 in December 2016 to enable Canada to ratify the Agreement. The proposed Regulations Amending the Contaminated Fuel Regulations would ensure consistency with Canada’s international obligations under this Agreement by exempting contaminated fuels in transit from the prohibition on imports and exports of contaminated fuels.

The original Regulations prohibit the import and export of contaminated fuel except for the purpose of destruction, disposal and recycling.

Indication of business impact

There are no expected business impacts.


The proposed amendments were published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on March 31, 2018 for a 75-day public comment period. The publication of the final amendments in the Canada Gazette, Part II, is targeted for Spring 2019.


Cam Carruthers
Executive Director, Oil, Gas and Alternative Energy Division
Telephone: 819-938-5711
Fax: 819-420-7410

Regulations Amending the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations

Enabling Act

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999


The proposed amendments would require all coal-fired units to meet the performance standards by no later than December 31st, 2029.

Indication of business impact

There may be business impacts. The "One-for-One" Rule and/or the Small Business Lens may apply.


The proposed amendments were published in the Canada Gazette, Part I in on February 17, 2018 for a 60-day comment period.

The publication of the final regulation in the Canada Gazette, Part II, is targeted for December 2018.


Paola Mellow
Director, Electricity and Combustion Division
Telephone: 819-420-7761

Regulations Limiting Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Natural Gas-Fired Electricity Generation

Enabling Act

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999


The proposed regulations would establish performance standards for new natural gas-fired combustion engines and converted boilers

Indication of business impact

There may be business impacts. The “One-for-One” Rule and/or the Small Business Lens may apply.


The proposed amendments were published in the Canada Gazette, Part I in on February 17, 2018 for a 60-day comment period.

The publication of the final regulation in the Canada Gazette, Part II, is targeted for December 2018.


Paola Mellow
Director, Electricity and Combustion Division
Telephone: 819-420-7761

Equivalency Agreements with interested provincial and territorial governments – Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

Enabling Act

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999


Under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, the federal government may negotiate equivalency agreements with provinces that have regulations that can achieve equal-or-better emission-reduction outcomes to the federal regulations. These agreements would establish conditions under which the federal regulations would stand down and provincial or territorial regulations would apply.

Indication of business impact

There are no expected business impacts.


A formal consultation period will be held upon publication of each of the proposed equivalency agreements in the Canada Gazette, Part I.


Paola Mellow
Acting Director General, Energy and Transportation Division
Telephone: 819-420-7761

Regulations to Implement the Federal Backstop Carbon Pollution Pricing System

Enabling Act

Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act


The Government of Canada is developing and implementing a federal carbon pollution pricing backstop system. This system will apply in any province or territory that requests it or that does not have a carbon pollution pricing system in place that meets the federal benchmark.

A notice requiring industrial facilities in backstop provinces or territories to register in 2018 and an order requiring facilities to begin gathering information when the federal carbon pricing backstop comes into effect are targeted for publication in fall 2018. 

The Regulations are targeted for publication in spring 2019 and may address aspects of the system such as: output-based standards; reporting and verification requirements; compliance mechanisms and administrative penalties.

Indication of business impact

There may be business impacts. The “One-for-One” Rule and/or the Small Business Lens may apply.


Public consultation is ongoing.

Draft regulations are targeted for publication in Fall 2018.

On May 28, 2018, a paper outlining compliance options under the federal output-based pricing system was published for comment until July 6, 2018.

A Regulatory Framework paper on the output-based pricing system was released January 15, 2018, with public comment and stakeholder engagement underway until early April 2018.

This is in follow up to an earlier technical paper on the proposed design of the federal backstop carbon pollution pricing system released for comment May to June 2017.


Kate Teeple
Director, Carbon Pricing System
Telephone: 819-938-5721

Clean Fuel Standard

Enabling Act

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999


New regulatory requirements will be developed under CEPA. The standard will incent the use of lower carbon fuels and technologies, such as electricity, renewable natural gas, hydrogen, and renewable fuels. It would address a broad suite of fuels, including liquid, gaseous and solid fuels, and would go beyond transportation fuels to include those used in industry, homes and buildings.

Indication of business impact

There may be business impacts. The "One-for-One" Rule and/or the Small Business Lens may apply.


Consultations commenced in January 2017. A discussion paper was published February 24, 2017. A summary of comments on the discussion paper was published in November 2017. The regulatory framework was published in December 2017.

Further consultations on the framework and regulatory design will continue through 2018.

The proposed regulations for the liquid fuel stream will be published in the Canada Gazette, Part I for a 75-day public comment period in Spring 2019. A consultation period will be held following publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I. The publication of the final regulations in the Canada Gazette, Part II, is targeted for 2020.

The proposed regulations for the solid and gaseous streams will be published in the Canada Gazette, Part I for a 75-day public comment period in Fall 2020. A  consultation period will be held following publication in the Canada Gazette, Part I. The publication of the final regulations in the Canada Gazette, Part II, is targeted for 2021.


Cam Carruthers
Executive Director, Oil, Gas and Alternative Energy Division
Telephone: 819-938-5711
Fax: 819-420-7410

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