Nature, wildlife and conserved areas: Appearance before the Standing Committee – March 19, 2024

Global Biodiversity Framework (national strategy and legislation)

Q1. What is the Government doing to implement the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF)?

Q2. What is the purpose of the proposed nature accountability bill? How will the bill keep Canada accountable for commitments under the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF)?

Q3.What is the timeline for the nature accountability bill? Why is the bill needed?

Q4. Will the bill impact provincial laws or jurisdiction?

Nature-based climate solutions

Q1. What action is Canada taking to address the dual crises of biodiversity loss and climate change?

Q2. How is Canada encouraging Nature-Based Climate Solutions globally?

Protected and conserved areas

Q1. Why has the government committed to conserving 30% by 2030, and is achieving this commitment feasible?

Q2. What is Canada doing to support protected and conserved areas establishment?

Q3. What is the current status of protection of Canada’s terrestrial and marine areas?

Q4. How will Parks Canada contribute to the achievement of the Government of Canada target to conserve 25% of Canada’s land, inland waters, and marine areas by 2025 and 30% by 2030?

Land and Inland Waters

Marine Areas

Q5. How does Canada support Indigenous stewardship of the lands and waters within protected areas?

Species at risk

Q1. What is the Government doing to support species at risk?

Q2. What is the Government doing to respond to the spring 2023 reports of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development?

Q3. What is the government doing for caribou?

Q4. What is the government doing for caribou in Quebec?

Q5. What is the Government doing for Caribou in Ontario?

Q6. What is the Government doing for Western Chorus Frog?

Q7. What is the Government doing for old growth-dependent species in B.C., including Spotted Owl?

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