2019 to 2020 Report on key compliance attributes of the internal audit function at Environment and Climate Change Canada

From Environment and Climate Change Canada

The Treasury Board Secretariat Directive on Internal Audit requires that departments with an internal audit function publish departmental internal audit performance results in the form of key compliance attributes. The objective of publishing these results is to provide pertinent information to stakeholders, such as Canadians and parliamentarians, on the professionalism, performance and impact of the internal audit function in departments. As well, it is important that the public be aware that heads of government organizations are receiving independent assurance on the effectiveness and soundness of departmental activities.


This report presents the state of compliance of the internal audit function at Environment and Climate Change Canada’s (ECCC) on attributes determined by the Office of the Comptroller General of Canada (OCG). These attributes address questions that stakeholders may have related to the sound management and the oversight of public resources.

The attributes examined in this report relate to the internal audit function at ECCC for fiscal year 2019 to 2020. Compliance in relation to these attributes has allowed the internal audit function to play its assurance and advisory role to the Deputy Ministers and senior management. ECCC is the federal lead on environmental issues, including action on clean growth, carbon pricing and climate change.

Compliance attributes

The internal audit function at ECCC was assessed on the following four key compliance attributes:

Internal audit training and team

These key attributes answer the following questions that stakeholders may have about the oversight of public resources:

ECCC results – April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020
  1.  - % of staff with an internal audit or accounting designation ⁅Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA)⁆: 33%
  2. - % of staff with an internal audit or accounting designation (CIA, CPA) in progress: 42%
  3. - % of staff holding other designations (CGAP, CISA, etc.): 50%

Conformance with international standards

These key attributes answer the following question that stakeholders may have about the oversight of public resources:

ECCC results – April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020
  1.  Date of last comprehensive briefing to the Departmental Audit Committee on the internal processes, tools, and information considered necessary to evaluate conformance with the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Code of Ethics and the Standards and the results of the quality assurance and improvement program (QAIP): June 6, 2019
  2. Date of last external assessment:  March 31, 2019. The internal audit function received a rating of “generally conforms”.

Implementation of the Risk-based audit plan

These key attributes answer the following questions that stakeholders may have about the oversight of public resources:

ECCC results – April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020
RBAPs and related information: see table 1 for details

Table 1: status of audits planned for tabling from 2019 to 2021 and status of audits with outstanding management action plans
Note: additions and adjustments were made to the timing of the internal audits included in the Risk-based audit plan 2019 to 2021, to address emerging risks and departmental priorities. In addition, as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Risk-based audit plan 2020 to 2022 was delayed beyond March 31, 2020. Modifications to the plan will be included as part of the mid-year update to Table 1.
Internal Audit Title Audit Status Report Approved Date Report Published Date Original Planned MAP Completion Date Implementation Status as of March 31, 2020
Audit of business continuity planning Published - MAP fully implemented December 8, 2017 January 19, 2018 December 31, 2018 100%
Audit of expenditure management and controls Published - MAP fully implemented March 7, 2019 April 16, 2019 December 31, 2019 100%
Audit of enforcement management and operations Published - MAP not fully implemented December 7, 2018 March 5, 2019 March 31, 2020 100%
Audit of the management of grants and contributions Published - MAP not fully implemented March 26, 2019 June 26, 2019 September 30, 2021 88%
Assessment of pay-related controls Approved – Not published July 18, 2019 N/A March 31, 2020 94%
Audit of infrastructure renewal within the Meteorological Service of Canada Published – MAP not fully implemented October 17, 2019 January 14, 2020 January 31, 2021 45%
Audit of Occupational Health and Safety Published – MAP not fully implemented December 17, 2019 March 11, 2020 June 30, 2021 27%

Projects in progress or planned for tabling in fiscal year 2020 to 2021:

Credibility and value-add of internal audit

These key attributes answer the following question that stakeholders may have about the oversight of public resources:

ECCC results – April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020
Average overall usefulness rating from senior management (ADM-level or equivalent) of areas audited:

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