The Canadian Centre for Climate Services: An important commitment to helping Canadians become more resilient to climate impacts


In Budget 2017, the Government of Canada announced funding to create the Canadian Centre for Climate Services to help people across the country make decisions about adapting to climate change.

The Canadian Centre for Climate Services aims to help Canadians by

  • increasing resilience to climate change
  • improving understanding of how the climate is changing
  • providing a reliable source of information, which can help Canadians discover how these changes may affect their daily lives

The Canadian Centre for Climate Services also provides guidance and resources to help Canadians use this knowledge for making climate-smart decisions when planning for the future.

Deliver climate services driven by user needs

The Canadian Centre for Climate Services conducts outreach and engagement activities to assess the kinds of data, information, and tools Canadians need to incorporate climate change into their decisions. Services will be updated to reflect evolving user needs. Your feedback is welcome.

Provide access to climate information

The Canadian Centre for Climate Services provides access to climate data, such as changes in temperature and precipitation, tools, and information from across the country. The Canadian Centre for Climate Services strives to provide authoritative, timely, and relevant climate services. This is done by working in partnership with federal government departments, different levels of government, and regional climate organizations.

Canadians can access climate data and tools from various partners as well as other climate experts in Canada, when using our library of climate resources. Canadians can also contact the Canadian Centre’s Climate Services Support Desk to find and interpret climate data, information, or tools by completing and submitting the email form on the website or by calling 1-833-517-0376.

Build local capacity

The Canadian Centre for Climate Services works with regional climate organizations to provide locally relevant information to users. This helps build a strong network of climate service providers.

The Canadian Centre for Climate Services currently works with the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (in British Columbia) and Ouranos (in Quebec). This network will continue to grow.

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