Residential wood combustion, particulate matter 2.5 sampling project, Whitehorse: acknowledgements


This sampling program for residential wood combustion in Whitehorse was collaboratively funded and operated by a multi-agency air quality project working group. Members of the project working group contributed a considerable amount of their time to the planning of this study.

Environment Canada:

City of Whitehorse: Wayne Tuck

Health and Social Services Yukon: Eric Bergsma

Yukon Environment: Catherine Henry, Shannon Jensen, Janine Kostelnik

The project working group is grateful for the efforts of: Yukon Highways and Public Works Property Management Division for assisting with site selection and preparation; Steve Arrell (Environment Canada) for assisting with site selection and set-up; Gregory Hammond and Neil Rolinson (Environment Canada) for the installation, operation and maintenance of the meteorological instrumentation; Harry Benders (Alberta Environment) for providing one of the samplers on loan; and Mark Graham (B.C. Ministry of Environment) for loan of sampling equipment and provision data for the report.

The authors wish to thank reviewers Corinne Schiller, Brian Wiens and Gilles Morneau from Environment Canada for their helpful comments.

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