Letters concerning the Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem: appendix
Whereas Article XI of the Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Ecosystem (the “Agreement”) allows Canada and Ontario to amend the Agreement after conducting public consultations;
And whereas Canada and Ontario have conducted public consultations concerning proposed amendments to the Agreement, and have agreed to amend the Agreement by extending the term to June 24, 2012 and by adding six new commitments to the Annexes, namely commitments related to:
Harmful Pollutants;
Spills Prevention and Response;
Nearshore Framework;
Implement Binational Cooperative Monitoring Programs;
Stewardship Activities; and
Implement the Aquatic Invasive Species Complete Prevention Plan;
And whereas Canada and Ontario have therefore agreed as follows:
- Canada and Ontario agree to amend the Agreement by deleting “March 31, 2011” from Article XIII and inserting in its place “June 24, 2012”.
- Canada and Ontario agree to further amend the Agreement by the addition of the following:
- Under Annex 2, Goal 2, Result 2.3
“(a.1) Share information from their respective chemical management programs to improve joint coordination of efforts in reducing harmful pollutants in the Great Lakes Basin;” - Under Annex 2, Goal 2, Result 2.3
“(d.1) Strengthen their combined effectiveness for spill prevention, preparedness, response and recovery, including reviewing capabilities, roles and responsibilities. This will include assessing opportunities for enhancements to capabilities to respond to significant incidents or spills to air, land or water that could potentially impact the Great Lakes Basin ecosystem;” - Under Annex 3, Goal 1, Result 1.3
“(e.1) Develop options and engage stakeholders and Aboriginal communities on a Canadian framework to assess and protect the aquatic and ecosystem health of Great Lakes’ nearshore.” - Under Annex 3, Goal 1, Result 1.4
“(f.1) Undertake an intensive monitoring year for Lake Superior; and coordinate Canadian, and U.S. federal, Ontario, and state monitoring and research initiatives based on research and monitoring priorities.” - Under Annex 3, Goal 2, Result 2.2
“(d) Undertake an evaluation of the environmental and economic effectiveness of agricultural non-point source best management practices, including an assessment of action at the farm and watershed scale.” - Under Annex 3, Goal 4, Result 4.1
“(d.1) Initiate the implementation of the “Aquatic Invasive Species Complete Prevention Plan” to address aquatic invasive species issues in Lake Superior.”
- Under Annex 2, Goal 2, Result 2.3
- Canada and Ontario agree that the amendments set out above shall have an effective date of March 31, 2011 and that the other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.
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