The Government of Canada's Response to Comments: IV. Harmful Pollutants Annex

Sound Management of Chemical Substances in the Great Lakes Basin: Comments received asked for details on the development of the Sound Management of Chemical Substances in the Great Lakes Basin:


Revisions to Annex 2: A number of suggested revisions and new goals, results and commitments were provided, with a particular focus on the Sound Management of Chemicals (Result 4). These include:

Response: Careful consideration went into developing the goals, results and commitments outlined in Annex 2.

Result 4 demonstrates a commitment to develop and initiate a program for managing toxics in the basin with input from stakeholders. Consultation meetings with environmental non-governmental organizations and industry sector representatives were initiated in mid-May to ensure continuing dialogue and participation of stakeholders in the development and initiation of the program that will consider and address the comments received.

Human Health: A commenter asked how human health will be linked to environmental quality

Response: COA would place a greater emphasis on understanding and addressing human health risks from harmful pollutants in the Great Lakes Basin. Initiatives include: the development of a Health Science Framework which will help guide researchers and facilitate health science activities; environmental public health networks which will facilitate the sharing of health related information amongst the public health community within the Great Lakes Basin; and, implementation of Canada's Chemical Management Plan which will help to reduce human health risks due to toxic substances in the Great Lakes Basin.

Virtual Elimination - Targets and Timelines: A comment received suggested more emphasis should be placed on the objective of virtual elimination, including specific timelines and targets for reductions.

Response: Canada and Ontario have overseen significant reductions in the releases of Tier 1 substances compared to the base-year of 1988: mercury 86%, dioxins and furans 89%, and PCBs 89% (1993 baseline). The remaining Tier 1 substances are often from many dispersed sources such as small residential burnings or from locations outside the Basin. COA would continue to pursue the reduction of Tier 1 substances toward the goal of virtual elimination and expect to achieve further reductions in the Tier 1 substances by 2010. At the same time, depending on the implementation and outcomes of the CMP there may be other substances proposed for virtual elimination.

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