Canadian Environmental Protection Act annual report for April 1995 to March 1996
Table of contents
- Minister's message
- Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA)
- CEPA Part I: Environmental Quality
- CEPA Part II: Toxic Substances
- CEPA Part III: Nutrients
- CEPA Part IV: Controls on Government Organizations
- CEPA Part V: International Air Pollution
- CEPA Part VI: Ocean Dumping
- CEPA Part VII: General Information
In accordance with section 138 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), I am pleased to present to Parliament the report on the administration and enforcement of CEPA for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1996.
In addition to our ongoing environmental protection activities, this has been a year of introspection, of reviewing what we do and looking at how to do it better. Some major strides have been made in both endeavours, including:
- Release of the federal Toxic Substances Management Policy and the federal Pollution Prevention Strategy;
- Release of the first National Pollutants Release Inventory Report;
- Design of a computerized tracking system for transboundary movement of hazardous wastes;
- Publication in Part I of the Canada Gazette of the second Priority Substances List CEPA;
- Tabling of the Report of the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development respecting its review of CEPA;
- Tabling of the Government's Response to the Standing Committee's recommendations; and
- Solicitation and addressing of public input to the Government's proposal.
The coming year will see the development of a renewed and strengthened CEPA, based on our experience with its current provisions. I am confident that this revitalized strategy, which emphasizes pollution prevention and builds on partnerships with all sectors of society, will better enable CEPA to contribute to the prosperity and well-being of both the present and future generations of Canadians.
I would like to expressly thank the numerous individuals, across the country, in Environment Canada and in Health Canada, whose efforts over the past year contributed to the success of CEPA's mission to protect and preserve the environment. Their strong support and guidance is gratefully acknowledged.
Christine Stewart
Minister of the Environment
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