9. Government operations and federal and Aboriginal land

Part 9 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999) provides the authority to regulate departments, boards, and agencies of the Government of Canada, federal works and undertakings, federal land, Aboriginal land, persons on that land and other persons insofar as their activities involve that land, and Crown corporations. These entities are commonly referred to as the “federal house.” It also requires the Minister to establish objectives, guidelines, and codes of practice for the purpose of carrying out the Minister’s duties and functions under this Part related to the quality of the environment.

Since 1995, the Federal Committee on Environmental Management Systems has provided an interdepartmental forum for discussing and coordinating crosscutting issues related to environmental management systems. The committee promotes sustainable development within the federal government by providing ongoing advice as it relates to setting priorities and strategic directions for greening government. In 2002-03, the activities of the committee and its subcommittees were reviewed by the newly created Environmental Management System Task Group under the Sustainable Development in Government Operations initiative. The committee officially ceased its activities, but most of its subcommittees are being taken over by the Task Group.


Key results in 2002-03 included:

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