Appendix 6: Notification and Reporting of Environmental Emergencies

  1. Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999 - Section 201 Verbal and Written Report Information Requirements
    1. Verbal Notification
    2. Written Report
  2. Notification and Reporting of Environmental Emergencies
Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act
Accidental Release Reporting Requirements
Primary Classification Amount Emission Level
Class 1 Any quantity that could pose a danger to public safety or 50 kilograms
Class 2 Any quantity that could pose a danger to public safety or any sustained release of 10 minutes or more
Class 3 At least 200 litres
Class 4 At least 25 kilograms
Class 5.1 At least 50 kilograms or 50 litres
Class 5.2 At least 1 kilogram or 1 litre
Class 6.1 At least 5 kilograms or 5 litres
Class 6.2 Any quantity that could pose a danger to public safety or 1 kilogram or 1 litre
Class 7 Any quantity that could pose a danger to public safety An emission level greater than the emission level established in section 20 of the "Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations"
Class 8 At least 5 kilograms or 5 litres
Class 9 At least 25 kilograms or 25 litres

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act: Clear Language Regulations - Part 8

For purposes of section 9 of the Environmental Emergency Regulations, environmental emergencies:

The verbal report should include as much of the following information as is known at the time of the report:

  1. the reporting person's name and telephone number at which the person can be immediately contacted;
  2. the name of the person who owns or has the charge, management or control of the substance immediately before the environmental emergency;
  3. the date and time of the release;
  4. the location of the release;
  5. the name/UN number of the substance released;
  6. the estimated quantity of the substance released;
  7. the means of containment (from which the substance was released) and a description of its condition;
  8. the number of deaths and injuries resulting from the environmental emergency;
  9. the surrounding area/environment affected and potential impact of the release (mobility of release and weather or geographic conditions at the site);
  10. a brief description of the circumstances leading to the release;
  11. the cause of the release (if known);
  12. details of the actions taken or further actions contemplated (to contain, recover, clean up and dispose of the substance involved);
  13. the names of agencies notified or on-scene; and
  14. other pertinent information.

The following information should be included in the written report:

  1. the name and address of the person who owns or has the charge, management or control of the substance involved in the environmental emergency and the telephone number, including the area code, at which the person may be contacted;
  2. the date, time and exact location of the release;
  3. the name/UN number of the substance released;
  4. the composition of the substance released showing, with respect to each substance involved, its concentration and total weight;
  5. the estimated quantity of the substance released and the total quantity of substance in the means of containment before the release;
  6. the duration of the release of the substance and its release rate;
  7. the means of containment (from which the substance was released) and a description of its condition;
  8. the number of deaths and injuries resulting from the environmental emergency;
  9. the surrounding area/environment affected and potential impact of release (mobility of release, weather or geographic conditions at the site, long-term environmental impacts);
  10. a complete sequence of events before and after the environmental emergency (including the cause of the release, if known);
  11. the names of agencies notified or on-scene at the time of the release;
  12. all measures taken pursuant to CEPA 1999 paragraph 201(1)(b) and (c) (regarding protection of the environment and public safety and notification to any member of the public adversely affected by the environmental emergency); and
  13. all measures to be taken to prevent similar releases.

Verbal Notification/24-hour telephone line:
(416) 346-1971

(this telephone number is forwarded to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment Spills Action Centre)

Written Report/Designated person:
Director, Environmental Protection
Ontario Region
Environment Canada
4905 Dufferin Street
Downsview, ON
M3H 5T4

Verbal Notification/24-hour telephone line:
(866) 283-2333

Written Report/Designated person:

Director, Environmental Protection
Québec Region
Environment Canada
4th Floor, 105 McGill St.
Montréal, QC
H2Y 2E7

Verbal Notification/24-hour telephone line:
(902) 426-6030
(within Halifax area)
(800) 565-1633 (outside Halifax area)

Written Report/Designated person:
Director, Environmental Protection
Atlantic Region
Environment Canada
16th Floor, Queen Square
45 Alderney Drive
Dartmouth, NS
B2Y 2N6

Verbal Notification/24-hour telephone line:
(800) 565-1633

Written Report/Designated person:

Director, Environmental Protection
Atlantic Region
Environment Canada
16th Floor, Queen Square
45 Alderney Drive
Dartmouth, NS
B2Y 2N6

Verbal Notification/24-hour telephone line:
(204) 944-4888
(call collect outside Winnipeg)

Written Report/Designated person:
Director, Environmental Protection
Prairie and Northern Region
Environment Canada
Twin Atria No. 2
210 - 4999 98th Ave.
Edmonton, AB
T6B 2X3

Verbal Notification/24-hour telephone line:
(800) 663-3456

Written Report/Designated person:

Director, Environmental Protection
Pacific and Yukon Region
Environment Canada
#201 - 401 Burrard
Vancouver, BC
V6C 3S5

Verbal Notification/24-hour telephone line:
(800) 565-1633

Written Report/Designated person:

Director, Environmental Protection
Atlantic Region
Environment Canada
16th Floor, Queen Square
45 Alderney Drive
Dartmouth, NS
B2Y 2N6

Verbal Notification/24-hour telephone line:
(800) 667-7525

Written Report/Designated person:

Director, Enforcement and Compliance Branch
Saskatchewan Environment
63-12th Street East, Box 3003
Prince Albert, SK
S6V 1B3

Verbal Notification/24-hour telephone line:
(780) 422-4505
(800) 222-6514
(accessible within province)

Written Report/Designated person:
Director, Enforcement and Monitoring Branch
Alberta Environment
11th Floor, Oxbridge Place
9820 106th Street
Edmonton, AB
T5K 2J6

Verbal Notification/24-hour telephone line:
(709) 772-2083
(800) 563-9089
(accessible within province)

Written Report/Designated person:
Director, Environmental Protection
Atlantic Region
Environment Canada
16th Floor, Queen Square
45 Alderney Drive
Dartmouth, NS
B2Y 2N6

Verbal Notification/24-hour telephone line:
(867) 667-7244

Written Report/Designated person:

Director, Environmental Protection
Pacific and Yukon Region
Environment Canada
#201 - 401 Burrard
Vancouver, BC
V6C 3S5

Verbal Notification/24-hour telephone line:
(867) 920-8130

Written Report/Designated person:

Director, Environmental Protection
Prairie and Northern Region
Environment Canada
Twin Atria No. 2
210 - 4999 98th Ave.
Edmonton, AB
T6B 2X3

Verbal Notification/24-hour telephone line:
(867) 920-8130

Written Report/Designated person:

Director, Environmental Protection
Prairie and Northern Region
Environment Canada
Twin Atria No. 2
210 - 4999 98th Ave.
Edmonton, AB
T6B 2X3

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