Appendix 5: Proposed Forms for Declarations of Preparation and Implementation for Environmental Emergency Plans - Subsection 199(6) Declarations

Parties required to prepare an environmental emergency plan pursuant to a notice issued under subsection 199(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, are required to submit two declarations under subsection 199(6) to the Minister of the Environment:

In addition, if at any time after filing, information contained in either of these declarations becomes false or misleading, an amended declaration must be filed within 30 days of that time.

Subsection 199(4) states that plans prepared or implemented in respect of environmental emergencies on a voluntary basis or pursuant to some other legal requirement may be used to meet some or all of the requirements of a subsection-199(1) notice. Subsection 199(5) states that where the other plan does not meet all of the requirements of the subsection-199(1) notice, the person shall either amend the plan or prepare an additional plan that meets the remainder of the requirements. Persons wishing to use a pre-existing plan are required to submit subsection-199(6) declarations, and to indicate on those declarations that they are using a pre-existing plan to satisfy the subsection-199(1) notice.

For persons or companies with several facilities or areas where toxic substances are located who are required to prepare and implement an environmental emergency plan, a plan specific to each location may generally be required. There may be instances however, where the prevention of, preparedness for, response to or recovery from a sudden, unplanned or accidental release of a toxic substance at that location is either covered under a larger plan (e.g., an area-wide environmental emergency plan) or under a company wide plan for all its facilities.

For each location for which an environmental emergency plan is required, a declaration of preparation and a declaration of implementation must be submitted. If the declaration being submitted covers multiple areas or facilities or sites or substance(s) of concern, detailed information for each location must be provided. A copy of the environmental emergency plan must be held at each location.

The attached documents are proposed forms for the subsection-199(6) declarations.

Head office information:

Facility/site information:

If the declaration being submitted covers multiple areas or facilities or sites or substance(s) of concern, please provide detailed information for each location.

Are you using an environmental emergency plan prepared on a voluntary basis or pursuant to some other legal requirement to satisfy the requirement in the subsection-199(1) notice?
Yes / No

If yes, indicate under what voluntary basis or legal requirement the pre-existing plan was prepared.

5.1 Have local authorities, along with community and interest groups, been involved in plan development?
Yes / No

5.2 Are the contents of the plan available to local authorities as well as community and interest groups?
Yes / No

For each substance or group of substances for which an environmental emergency plan has been required, state the name of the substance and complete the following subsections.

6.1 Nature of activities


Is the substance of concern (check ( )):

  1. manufactured ( )
  2. processed ( )
  3. stored ( )
  4. otherwise used ( )
  5. other ( )
    please explain:

6.2 Potential on-site environmental emergencies

6.2.1 Does the plan describe potential on-site environmental emergencies for the substance of concern?
Yes / No

6.3 Potential for off-site consequences or for entry into the environment

6.3.1 Does the plan describe the potential for the substance of concern to enter into the environment including potential impacts on human health and safety?
Yes / No

6.4 Environmental emergency measures

6.4.1 Does the plan identify environmental emergency prevention measures that are in place?
Yes / No

6.4.2 Does the plan identify environmental emergency preparedness measures that are in place?
Yes / No

6.4.3 Does the plan identify environmental emergency response measures that are in place?
Yes / No

6.4.4 Does the plan identify environmental emergency recovery measures that are in place?
Yes / No

6.5 Previous environmental emergencies

6.5.1 Does the plan describe environmental emergencies that have occurred related to the substance of concern over the last five years?
Yes / No

6.6 Employee training

6.6.1 Does the plan incorporate requirements for training?
Yes / No

6.7 Plan testing and review

6.7.1 Does the plan incorporate requirements for annual testing and review?
Yes / No

This declaration was completed by(employee's name, position) on (date).

This declaration was authorized by (Senior Company Manager's name, position) on (date).

Head office information:

Facility/site information:

If the declaration being submitted covers multiple areas or facilities or sites or substance(s) of concern, please provide detailed information for each location.

Publication date of the subsection-199(1) notice:

Reference number of the subsection-199(1) notice:

Substance(s) of concern identified in the notice:

Are you using an environmental emergency plan that was prepared on a voluntary basis or pursuant to some other legal requirement to satisfy the requirement in the subsection-199(1) notice?
Yes / No

Date of testing of the environmental emergency plan

Internal departments involved in the testing of the plan

External organizations involved in the testing of the plan

Substance(s) of concern used as part of the environmental emergency plan test

This declaration was completed by (employee's name, position) on (date).

This declaration was authorized by (Senior Company Manager's name, position) on (date).

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