Renewable Fuels Regulation - Industry Technical Advisory Group on the Federal Renewable Fuels Regulations

This document presents proposed approaches to address a number of the issues which have been raised by the Industry Technical Advisory Group on the Federal Renewable Fuels Regulations. The numbering of the issues in this document aligns with those set out in the Working Document for Consultation (Renewable Fuels Regulations) Discussion of Issues (June 10 and 11, 2009) sent to Advisory Group members by email on June 12, 2009.

1. Concern that black liquor might qualify as renewable fuel.

2. Concern that biodiesel might not meet the definition of renewable fuel.

3. Question as to whether fuel made for municipal solid waste falls under the definition [of renewable fuel].

8. Suggestion that level of denaturant should be consistent with federal tax Act.

29. Concern that B99-level blends do not meet the definition of renewable fuel. This may be a common product imported from the U.S. (given U.S. incentives).

"renewable fuel" means a liquid fuel that is produced solely from one or more renewable fuel feedstock types, and includes

"renewable fuel" means a liquid fuel, excluding black liquor, that is

[Explicitly excludes black liquor and includes biodiesel; also provides for additives and contaminants and encompasses B99-level fuel]

"biodiesel" means a liquid fuel that is

"black liquor" means a by-product of the Kraft cooking process that transforms wood into pulp, which is then dried to make paper, and contains wood lignin, hemicellulose from wood, and chemicals used in the process.

"denaturant" means a mixture of hydrocarbons that

"renewable fuel feedstock type" means …

"municipal solid waste materials" means …

19. (7) A person creating a compliance unit based on a volume of renewable fuel shall maintain a record demonstrating that the renewable fuel meets the definition of renewable fuel in subsection 1(1), including the maximum percentage of additives, alcohols, or substances that are not produced from a renewable fuel feedstock type.

7. Question as to how kerosene [jet fuel] volumes blended into diesel fuel downstream of refineries are accounted for.

21. Question as to how volumes of renewable fuel ultimately used for non-fuel purposes are handled. [Concern that the pools include substances that may not be used as fuels.]

24. Concern that the definition of "unfinished gasoline" is too broad.

27. Question as to how a batch is treated where part of the dispatched batch is for use in the excluded zone, with the rest being delivered elsewhere in Canada.

33. Concern that the wording regarding exports in subsection 9(3) is inconsistent with other regulations (re: "sold or delivered for")

9. (1) Subject to subsection (3), a primary supplier may, before dispatching a batch of gasoline, diesel fuel or heating distillate oil from a production facility that it owns, or importing a batch of gasoline, diesel fuel or heating distillate oil, identify and record the batch of fuel, as appropriate to the type of fuel, as

4. (12) Where a primary supplier has identified a batch under paragraph 9(1)(i), the primary supplier shall include the volume of the batch in its gasoline or distillate pool, as the case may be, but, provided that the primary supplier has a record that establishes that a portion of the batch was sold or delivered for use in the applicable area, the primary supplier may subtract from its gasoline or distillate pool, as the case may be,

4. (13) Where a primary supplier has identified a batch under paragraph 9(1)(j), the primary supplier shall include the volume of the batch in its distillate pool, but may subtract the volume of the portion of that batch that was sold or delivered for use in aircraft, provided that the primary supplier has a record that establishes that the portion of the batch was sold or delivered for use in aircraft.

13. (2)(d)(iii) a description of the primary use of the products resulting from blending at the facility,

9. (3) Every primary supplier shall maintain a record that establishes that each batch that it identified under any of paragraphs (1)(b) to (g) (j) was sold or delivered for the use appropriate to the identified type.

NOTE: Sulphur in Gasoline, subsection 5(3): "Every primary supplier shall maintain a record that establishes (a) that each batch it identified under any of the paragraphs (1)(b) to (f) was sold or delivered for the use appropriate to the identified type; and (b) …"
Where paragraph 5(1)(e) is: "gasoline for export;"

No differences noted.

11. Concern that compliance units should be validated before trading is allowed.

In order to provide the regulatee with more time for validation of compliance units it may wish to acquire from other parties, the date for the end of the "trading period" and the submission of reports has been changed from February 15 to March 31 in subsections 8(1), 20(1), 21(2) and 22(6).

"trading period" means, in respect of a gasoline or distillate compliance period, the period from the start of thea gasoline compliance period or distillate compliance period, as the case may be, to February 15March 31 of the year after the period ends.

8. (1) For each gasoline compliance period or distillate compliance period a primary supplier produces or imports gasoline, diesel fuel or heating distillate oil, the primary supplier shall submit to the Minister a report on or before February 15March 31 of the following year.

20. (1) For each gasoline compliance period and distillate compliance period in which a trading system participant created or in respect of which they exchanged a compliance unit created during that compliance period, the trading system participant shall submit to the Minister a report on or before February 15March 31 of the following year.

21. (2) For each gasoline compliance period or distillate compliance period in which a record is made under subsection (1), the person required to make a record under subsection (1) shall submit a report to the Minister on or before February 15March 31 of the following year.

22. (6) For each gasoline compliance period or distillate compliance period in which a person produced or imported renewable fuel, the person shall submit a report to the Minister on or before February 15March 31 of the following year.

As a corollary change to provide the auditor time after the new reporting date, the date for the submission of the auditor's report has been changed from May 31 to June 30 in paragraph 23(1)(b).

23. (1) A trading system participant and any person who produces or imports renewable fuel shall …

13. Suggestion that there should be provisions to restrict the risk of speculating (e.g., a person that imports one batch of fuel could acquire any number of compliance units).

15. (4) The maximum number of compliance units that a primary supplier can own at the end of each month shall not exceed the total compliance period-to-date volume of gasoline, diesel fuel and heating distillate oil produced and imported by the primary supplier, as recorded under section 10, multiplied by 6 compliance units per litre.

19. (8) At the end of each month during a compliance period, a primary supplier shall record

20. (2)(l) for each month of the compliance period, the total volumes and the result of the calculation, as recorded under subsection 19(8).

16. Concern that the timeline for the creation of distillate compliance units is unclear. [Suggestion that all distillate compliance units created in first gasoline compliance period be allowed to be used during first distillate compliance period.]

17. Concern that the carry-over (re-creation) provisions are unclear [as written, subsection 14(12) would not allow the re-creation of distillate compliance units at the beginning].

14. (12) The maximum number of distillate compliance units that may be created under subsection (11) is equal to,

14. (10) The maximum number of gasoline compliance units … is equal to (a) for a primary supplier, 0.2 compliance unit per litre multiplied by20% of the quantity, in litres, of renewable fuel …

18. Suggestion that there should be refinery-specific ratios for the number of gasoline vs. distillate compliance units created from use of bio-crude.

19. Suggestion that there should be bio-crude-specific factors for the number of compliance units created per unit of bio-crude feedstock (based on the ratio of bio-crude energy content to petroleum crude energy content).

14. (5) A trading system participant who solely or jointly uses bio-crude as a feedstock to produce a liquid fuel in Canada may create 36 distillate and 72 gasoline compliance units for each 10 litres of bio-crude used as feedstock, as recorded under paragraph 19(2)(b).

4. (4) Provided subsections (8) or (9) or paragraph (10)(b) do not apply, in calculating its gasoline pool, a primary supplier may either: …

4. (5) Provided subsections (8) or (9) or paragraph (10)(b) do not apply, in calculating its distillate pool, a primary supplier may either: …

6. (4) For the purposes of these Regulations, all volumes of bio-crude used as feedstock shall be measured on a dry basis.

Clarification to definition of "bio-crude" to differentiate a co-processing (bio-crude) facility from a bio-refinery, plus to correct typos and add clarification:

"bio-crude" means a liquid feedstock derived from a renewable fuel feedstock type that is used as feedstock, along with petroleum-derived feedstocks, in a refinery in Canada in the production of gasoline, diesel fuel, heating distillate oil or other liquid petroleum fuels.

26. Concern that Zone TNL is not defined by latitude, similar to Sulphur in Diesel Fuel Regulations.

"Zone TNL" means that part of Canada comprised of Newfoundland and Labrador, Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavutthe area corresponding to the following geographical areas:

Zone TNL - The area corresponding to the following geographical areas: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut; Newfoundland and Labrador, and the part of Quebec that is north of latitude 60°N.

9. Suggestion that compliance units should be created from use of B100 [FAME].

34. Concern that provisions do not provide for the creation of compliance units for renewable fuel produced at a bio-refinery.

"neat fuel consumer" means

"prescribed neat fuel" means a renewable fuel that is

14. (5.1) A trading system participant who solely or jointly owns a batch of prescribed neat fuel and sells it or delivers it for sale to a neat fuel consumer, or who combusts it themselves, may create

19. (9) A trading system participant who creates a compliance unit pursuant to subsection 14(5.1) shall make a record that establishes that the batch of prescribed neat fuel was either

19. (10) The record made under subsection (9) shall include:

14. (6) A compliance unit shall only be created under subsections (1) to (5.1) on or after September 1, 2010, and at the time when,

14. (8) If more than one person either owns or imports the batch of fuel referred to in subsections (1) to (4) or (5.1) … compliance units may only be created

13. (1) A person, other than a primary supplier, who …

(iv) is a neat fuel consumer,
may elect to participate in the trading system …

13.(2)(f.1) for each facility to which fuel described under subparagraph (1)(iv) is sold or delivered for sale, and for each type of such fuel,

18. (2) In the compliance unit account book, the trading system participant shall record…

20. (2) A report submitted under subsection (1) shall contain …

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