Overview of Comments Received on the Notice of Intent to Develop a Federal Regulation Requiring Renewable Fuels

Overview of Respondents' Perspectives
Levels of Renewable Fuels and Timing
Basis to Apply Renewable Fuel Content Requirements
Renewable Fuels Recognized under the Regulation
Biases for Different Renewable Fuels
Renewable Fuels Quality Specifications
Credit and Trading System
Exclusions/Exemptions under the Regulation
Regional Issues
Labelling of Renewable Fuels at the Point of Sale
Implementation Issues at Retail Sites

The Notice of Intent (the Notice) to develop a federal regulation requiring renewable fuels (PDF 899 kB) was published in the Canada Gazette, Part I on December 30, 2006 (Vol. 140, No. 52)1 . The Notice sets out the Government's plans to implement a federal renewable fuels regulation and the intended key elements of a regulation.

The Notice indicates that the federal government plans to develop a regulation under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999) to require fuel producers and importers to have an average annual renewable fuel content of at least 5% of their volume of gasoline, starting in 2010. In addition, the Government intends to put in place an additional requirement for an average 2% renewable fuel content in diesel fuel and heating oil, upon successful demonstration of renewable diesel fuel use under the range of Canadian conditions. This requirement is intended to come into effect by no later than 2012.

The publication of the Notice of Intent was followed by a 60-day comment period. Twenty-seven written submissions were received on the Notice of Intent. Responses came from various organizations (representing agricultural trade, petroleum and renewable fuel producers, automobile manufacturers and truckers), individual companies (petroleum and renewable fuel producers, and a tank manufacturer), and environmental organizations. Only one provincial/territorial department submitted comments through the Notice of Intent process.

While parties have varied views on key features of a federal regulation requiring renewable fuels, which are summarized in relevant sections of this document, there is a consensus for the Government of Canada to develop and implement a national regulation. A provincial government, noting that fuel regulations are an area of shared federal/provincial jurisdiction, welcomes the proposed collaborative process to develop a framework for a national approach to the regulation of renewable fuels. In line with this comment, the petroleum industry supports a national approach but also emphasizes that it is critical to have provinces support a national mandate to avoid a patchwork of provincial and federal regulations.

A number of stakeholders from Atlantic Canada expressed concerns about the implementation timing of the requirements for renewable fuels, particularly given the lack of local feedstock available to produce such fuels. A province located in Atlantic Canada is requesting flexibility in the level and timing in order to allow the renewable fuels production and supply industry to develop (see the section on regional issues).

Average of 5% renewable fuel in motor gasoline starting in 2010

Stakeholders generally support the average annual renewable fuel content of at least 5% of the volume of gasoline. However, some stakeholders are advocating higher levels, generally an average annual renewable fuel content equal to 10% of the volume of gasoline, either in the short-or medium-term.

Some stakeholders consider an implementation date of January 1, 2010, to be achievable, while others have expressed concerns. The petroleum industry is requesting a 2 to 3 year lead time from the time a regulation is finalized to plan, construct and commission new infrastructure for renewable fuels.

Average two percent renewable content in diesel and home heating fuel, upon successful demonstration of use under the range of Canadian conditions, intended to come into effect by no later than 2012.

Stakeholders generally support a specific renewable diesel mandate within the renewable fuel regulation. Some renewable fuel producers advocate that the requirement be 5%.

A trucking association questions the environmental benefits of biodiesel, considering them small in comparison to the additional operating costs. Other technological avenues were suggested to reduce greenhouse gases (speed limitation, tire pressure sensors, etc.) before introducing renewable fuels.

There are two points of view on the timing to implement a biodiesel requirement. Assuming successful demonstration of the use of renewable diesel fuel under Canadian conditions, refiners consider 2012 implementation to be a challenge, given necessary changes to infrastructure and refineries. The renewable fuel industry and agricultural associations consider earlier implementation to be technically feasible and advocate a start date of 2010.

Many parties commented on requiring renewable fuel content in diesel fuel and heating oil “upon successful demonstration of renewable diesel fuel use under the range of Canadian conditions.” Some parties feel it is not clear what criteria will determine success in demonstration projects. Petroleum refiners have a detailed perspective on criteria for a successful outcome that include the following:

Some renewable fuel producers feel that demonstration testing is not necessary. They believe that there is considerable experience with the use of renewable diesel in Canada and that the testing program is to verify, not to prove, the all-season operability of renewable diesel.

Other parties are not convinced that the proposed testing is sufficient to address the issues. Refiners consider that the testing program needs to address the full slate of middle distillate applications, including on-road (long-haul trucks, light-duty vehicles and municipal fleets), off-road (agriculture, construction and mining), rail, marine, stationary and heating. The motor vehicle and engine industries requested the opportunity to be included in the review of the testing program’s findings.

The Notice sets out the intention to apply the renewable fuel content requirements (for both gasoline and middle distillate) on a company-wide basis, rather than on the basis of individual refineries or provinces of import. Grounds cited by parties in favour of a company-wide basis include:

On the other hand, grounds cited in opposition to a company-wide basis include:

The Notice also indicates the intention not to have any specific regional requirements for renewable fuel content. While some parties support this, others feel that the regulation should ensure an equal regional distribution of renewable fuels. Grounds cited in favour of having regional requirements include that the proposal:

The Notice explains the intention for the regulation to recognize a broad suite of liquid renewable fuels. This aspect received wide support as it provides flexibility in choosing the most practical way to comply, taking into consideration regional capabilities. Specific comments in this regard include:

Consideration is being given to include biases in the regulation for different renewable fuels such that a litre of one renewable fuel could count for more than a litre of another towards meeting the renewable fuel content requirement of the regulation.

Petroleum refiners generally support the use of biases. In support of biases, an Environmental Non-Governmental Organization (ENGO) points out that they can have a significant influence on the environmental and social impacts of renewable fuels by:

A majority of stakeholders favour an approach based on greenhouse gas life-cycle assessment to calculate the bias for each renewable fuel. One party expressed support for an energy content approach (similar to the U.S. EPA approach in their Renewable Fuel Standard). Stakeholders supportive of a bias system provided the following additional comments on its key features:

Renewable fuel producers generally oppose biases, considering that their use would:

The Notice indicates that quality specifications for renewable fuels or the final blended product would not be included in the regulation. There was both support and opposition to this statement.

Refiners consider that quality specifications for renewable fuels and renewable fuel blends should not be regulated, but should be left to the industry to address. They consider that the Canadian General Standards Board3 process should serve the function of developing product quality performance standards for such fuels.

A number of parties feel that the regulation should include quality specifications for renewable fuels and blends. The motor vehicle industry has very strong views in this regard. Grounds cited for regulating renewable fuels quality specifications include:

The Notice discussed a credit and trading system that would allow a company to obtain credits from others rather than actually having renewable content in its fuel. Parties supportive of including such a system in the regulation cited enhanced flexibility necessary to facilitate compliance and reduce the risk of unwanted supply problems. Those opposed to credit and trading were concerned about the resulting regional impacts. They consider that credit and trading does not resolve the disadvantage of regional refiners, but simply leads to a transfer of costs to consumers in some regions and subsidization of renewable fuels in other jurisdictions. There was also concern about the liquidity and transparency of a market for renewable credits in Canada as it was considered that there would only be a small number of credit generators.

General comments on the design of such a system include:

In regards to the renewable fuel content requirement, the Notice indicates that consideration is being given to allow for carryover of credits from one year to the next, as well as for deficit carryover.

The petroleum refining industry generally supports such provisions. There was also support from some other stakeholders, conditional on strict timeline and volume caps on credits and deficits that can be carried over into the future years.

Renewable fuel producers and some other stakeholders do not support such provisions, citing the following concerns:

The Notice indicates that consideration would be given to excluding fuels for some specific uses such as aviation, scientific research, competition vehicles, and for use in defined northern region from the pool of fuel that is subject to the renewable fuel content requirement.

Some parties support having exclusions for some regions of the country. It was asked that Newfoundland and Labrador be exempted from the requirement for renewable fuels because of the small size of that market. Parties cite the following reasons in support of having regional exclusions:

Others oppose such regional exclusions, citing as reasons that:

A number of parties support excluding aviation fuel from the requirements of the regulation. One ENGO, while recognizing that renewable content cannot be added directly to aviation fuel, considers that air transport is a growing source of greenhouse gas emissions and that the limitation can be addressed within the proposed company-wide flexibility provision.

The motor vehicle industry suggested exempting fuels used in research and testing or imported into Canada in the fuel tanks of vehicles.

The Notice indicated that consideration would be given to including an exemption for small-volume producers or importers such that they would not be subject to the renewable fuel content requirement. No party indicated support for such an exemption. Those opposing exemptions are of the view that:

A number of parties feel that the regulation should include explicit language to exempt exported fuels as some refiners export a large portion of their production.

A number of parties focused on impacts in Atlantic Canada. It was pointed out that there is limited agricultural capacity in Atlantic Canada to produce feedstocks for renewable fuels. Stakeholders from Atlantic Canada are therefore concerned about potential adverse impacts in the region. The concerns arise from a variety of factors, including the following:

There is recognition that the impacts in Atlantic Canada would be alleviated once second-generation renewable fuels, such as cellulosic ethanol, become competitive and widely available.

A number of suggestions to alleviate impacts in Atlantic Canada were provided and include:

Some stakeholders support requiring labelling of renewable fuel blends at the point of sale in the retail market. In their opinion, consumers need to be aware of what they are purchasing. One party noted that provincial requirements are not consistent and labelling provisions in a federal regulation would remedy this. On the other hand, an ENGO is concerned that labelling could be misleading to consumers as a fuel could be labelled as having a 5% average renewable fuel content while the actual purchased volume could have 0% renewable content.

Vehicle manufacturers raised a number of implementation issues that can arise with the introduction of renewable fuels at retail sites:

The petroleum industry is suggesting that a provision be included in the regulation to allow the minister to temporarily amend the requirements of the regulation in the event of either a regional, national or international emergency that impacts the fuel supply system.

1 https://www.canadagazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p1/2006/2006-12-30/pdf/g1-14052.pdf (PDF Format, 899 kB)
2 http://www.epa.gov/otaq/renewablefuels/
3 The Canadian General Standards Board is a government agency within Public Works and Government Services Canada, engaged in the production of voluntary standards through the media of standards committees and the consensus process.
4 http://www.epa.gov/oms/renewablefuels/420f06060.htm

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