Outline of the Regulations

This section provides the definitions that are used in the regulations.

The regulations set limits for sulphur in diesel fuel for use in on road vehicles. Section 2 outlines circumstances where the requirements of the regulations do not apply.

This section specifies the maximum level of sulphur in diesel fuel for use in on-road vehicles. The limits apply to diesel fuel produced, imported or sold for use in on-road vehicles.

This section specifies the methods for analysis that will be used by Environment Canada and the courts to determine compliance with the compositional requirements of the regulations.

This section specifies that every person who produces or imports diesel fuel (low-sulphur or regular) shall submit a quarterly report on diesel fuel.

This section also specifies the analysis methods that may be used for reporting the concentration of sulphur in diesel fuel and provides for use of methods that are demonstrated to be equivalent.

The section also requires the submission of the information set out in Schedules 1 and 2 of the regulations.

This section requires importers and producers to keep records on diesel fuel (low-sulphur or regular). These records have to be maintained for a period of five years at the production facility or place of business in Canada of an importer.

The Diesel Fuel Regulations (limiting sulphur in diesel fuel for use in on-road vehicles to 500 mg/kg) in effect since January 1, 1998 are repealed on the coming into force of the Sulphur in Diesel Fuel Regulations.

The regulations come into force on January 1, 2003.

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