Export Control List Notification Regulations (ECLNR) - Forms
A notice must be provided to the Minister for proposed exports of a substance specified in the Export Control List in a given year and must contain, for each export, the following information:
- the name, address and phone number of the exporter;
- the name of the substance set out in the Export Control List;
- the country of destination; and
- the expected date of export and quantity of the substance.
The notice must be sent by facsimile communication or registered mail at least seven days before the date of the first export indicated in the notice. The exporter must notify the Minister in writing of any corrections to be made to the information provided in the notice within 30 days after learning of them.
- Notice of Export, (PDF; 151 KB)
Every person who exports a substance specified in the Export Control List in a particular year must provide the Minister, on or before January 31 of the following year, with a report that contains for each export:
- the name of the substance as it appears in the Export Control List, the common name and trade name, if known, the CAS registry number of the substance if the number is specified in the Export Control List, the commodity code from the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, and the name of the preparation, if known;
- the date of export and the actual quantity of the substance exported;
- the country of destination; and
- the name and address of the importer.
- Annual Report, (PDF; 128 KB)
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