4. Summary of Company Fleet Average NOx Emission Performance for the 2006 Model Year

Table 3 presents a summary of the companies that submitted a fleet average NOx report for the 2006 model year in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations, including the vehicle divisions and the number of test groups7 covered by the company reports.

Company Divisions Number of Test Groups
Total 308
BMW Canada Inc. BMW, Mini, Rolls-Royce 13
DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc. Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep 31
Ferrari North America, Inc. Ferrari 2
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited Ford, Lincoln, Mercury 39
General Motors of Canada Limited Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, Hummer, Pontiac, Saab, Saturn 44
Honda Canada Inc. Acura, Honda 15
Hyundai Auto Canada Hyundai 14
Jaguar Canada Jaguar 6
Kia Canada Inc. Kia 13
Land Rover Canada Land Rover 2
Lotus Cars USA, Inc. Lotus 1
Maserati North America, Inc. Maserati 1
Mazda Canada Inc. Mazda 16
Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. Mercedes, Smart 10
Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Canada, Inc. Mitsubishi 11
Nissan Canada Inc. Infiniti, Nissan 17
Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. Porsche 7
Subaru Canada, Inc. Subaru 7
Suzuki Canada Inc. Suzuki 4
Toyota Canada Inc. Lexus, Toyota 23
Volkswagen Canada Inc. Audi, Bentley, Lamborghini, Volkswagen 28
Volvo Cars of Canada Corporation Volvo 4

A total of 22 companies8 submitted reports covering 2006 model year vehicles in 308 test groups.

Tables 4 and 5 summarize the total number of vehicles and average NOx values for each company's fleets of LDV/LLDT and HLDT/MDPV, respectively.

Company Total Number of Vehicles Average NOx Value (grams/mile)
Note: Fleet average NOx values are rounded to the same number of significant figures that are contained in the total number of vehicles in the fleet used in equation [1].
BMW Canada Inc. 25 386 0.13152
DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc. 138 393 0.113105
Ferrari North America, Inc. 119 0.0816
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited 121 717 0.0907298
General Motors of Canada Limited 319 032 0.0866673
Honda Canada Inc. 151 722 0.0692996
Hyundai Auto Canada 62 390 0.11126
Jaguar Canada 774 0.0786
Kia Canada Inc. 30 231 0.093899
Lotus Cars USA, Inc. 181 0.0700
Maserati North America, Inc. 94 0.30
Mazda Canada Inc. 61 102 0.084330
Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. 16 231 0.29763
Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Canada, Inc. 13 203 0.18767
Nissan Canada Inc. 64 811 0.077356
Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. 1 326 0.2287
Subaru Canada, Inc. 16 571 0.083314
Suzuki Canada Inc. 10 476 0.10133
Toyota Canada Inc. 146 801 0.0794576
Volkswagen Canada Inc. 52 314 0.31752
Volvo Cars of Canada Corporation 11 766 0.070000
Company Total Number of Vehicles Average NOx Value (grams/mile)
Note: Fleet average NOx values are rounded to the same number of significant figures that are contained in the total number of vehicles in the fleet used in equation [1].
BMW Canada Inc. 2 461 0.3806
DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc. 33 255 0.33577
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited 64 481 0.22970
General Motors of Canada Limited 55 878 0.27135
Honda Canada Inc. 6 300 0.07000
Land Rover Canada 3 221 0.2000
Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. 4 497 0.2000
Nissan Canada Inc. 3 156 0.2065
Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. 1 002 0.2403
Toyota Canada Inc. 4 690 0.2000
Volkswagen Canada Inc. 380 0.293

The company average NOx values ranged from 0.0692996 grams/mile to 0.31752 grams/mile for the fleet of LDV/LLDT and 0.07000 grams/mile to 0.3806 grams/mile for the fleet of HLDT/MDPV. The calculated average NOx values for 6 of the 21 companies' LDV/LLDT fleets are above the average NOx standard of 0.13 grams/mile. The calculated average NOx values for 2 of the 11 companies' HLDT/MDPV fleets are above the average NOx standard of 0.33 grams/mile. Average NOx values above the applicable average NOx standard for a given fleet are generally attributed to one or more of the following reasons:

  1. Fleet contains a very limited number of vehicles. The EPA exempts "small-volume" manufacturers from the requirements of the fleet average NOx program during the phase-in period. For example, a small-volume manufacturer's fleet of light-duty vehicles and light light-duty trucks is subject to a fleet average NOx standard of 0.3 grams/mile for 2004–2006, and then subject to a fleet average NOx standard of 0.07 grams/mile in 2007. In Canada, there is no such provision. However, a company can elect to exclude EPA-certified vehicles that are sold concurrently in both countries from the mandatory fleet average standard in Canada.
  2. Fleet includes a substantial number of diesel-fuelled vehicles. It is recognized that achieving low NOx levels, particularly pending the availability of low-sulphur diesel in 2006 that will enable the use of sophisticated emission control technologies, represents a greater technical challenge for diesel-fuelled vehicles. Diesel engines, however, typically produce lower emissions of non-methane organic gases (NMOG), carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) relative to comparable gasoline-fuelled vehicles.
  3. Average NOx value of only one of the fleets (LDV/LLDT or HLDT/MDPV) is above the average NOxstandard. A company can average values from the LDV/LLDT and HLDT/MDPV fleets to satisfy the requirements of the average NOx emission program in Canada.
  4. A company obtained NOx emission credits by achieving better than average NOx values in previous model years. A company can carry forward NOx emission credits to offset a deficit in a subsequent model year.

Ferrari North America, Inc., Lotus Cars USA, Inc., Maserati North America, Inc., Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Canada, Inc., and Volkswagen Canada Inc. elected to exclude their group of vehicles sold concurrently in Canada and the U.S. from compliance with the fleet average NOx standard. For Ferrari North America, Inc., Lotus Cars USA, Inc., and Maserati North America, Inc. the election effectively applies to their entire fleets of 2006 model year vehicles. As all of their groups of vehicles satisfy the applicable restrictions and none of the companies reported credits, fleet average NOx values for these companies were reported here for information purposes only, and generate no emission credits/deficits in Section 4.3 of this document.

Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Canada, Inc. and Volkswagen Canada Inc. reported vehicles that do not satisfy all conditions for the election, resulting in a number of vehicles that can not be excluded from compliance with the mandatory fleet average NOx standard. While the same restrictions regarding NOx emission credits apply to both companies and though fleet average NOx values are reported in this section for information purposes only, Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Canada, Inc. also reported a fleet average NOx value for the group of vehicles not subject to the election above the applicable fleet average NOx standard. Consequently, Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Canada, Inc incurred a NOx emission deficit for the 2006 model year. The deficit was calculated on the basis of the group of vehicles not subject to the election, as reported in Section 4.3 of this document. Volkswagen Canada Inc.'s fleet average NOx value for the group of vehicles not subject to the election was below the applicable fleet average NOx standard and therefore did not incur a deficit.

Table 6 summarizes the emission credits/deficits obtained by each company for the 2006 model year. Companies that elected to exclude their group of vehicles from compliance with the fleet average NOx standard, including the calculation of credits, or that did not report vehicles for a particular fleet are assigned "0" credits/deficits.

Company LDV/LLDT HLDT/MDPV Total MY 2006 Credits


A negative sign (-) indicates a deficit.
NOx emission credits/deficits are rounded to the nearest whole number.
The company elected to exclude its group of vehicles from compliance with the fleet average NOx standard and/or did not report credits.
The company's fleet did not have any vehicles for the applicable class.
3The company reported a fleet average NOx value for the group of vehicles not subject to the election above the applicable fleet average NOx standard.
Accordingly, the company incurred a deficit based on the group of 2 228 vehicles not subject to the election and having a fleet average NOx value of
0.3000 grams/mile.

BMW Canada Inc. -39 -125 -164
DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc. 2 338 -192 2 146
Ferrari North America, Inc. 01 02 0
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited 4 780 6 467 11 247
General Motors of Canada Limited 13 825 3 277 17 102
Honda Canada Inc. 9 210 1 638 10 848
Hyundai Auto Canada 1 169 02 1 169
Jaguar Canada 40 02 40
Kia Canada Inc. 1 091 02 1 091
Land Rover Canada 02 419 419
Lotus Cars USA, Inc. 01 02 0
Maserati North America, Inc. 01 02 0
Mazda Canada Inc. 2 791 02 2 791
Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. -2 721 585 -2 136
Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Canada, Inc. -3793 02 -379
Nissan Canada Inc. 3 412 390 3 802
Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. -131 90 -41
Subaru Canada, Inc. 774 02 774
Suzuki Canada Inc. 300 02 300
Toyota Canada Inc. 7 420 610 8 030
Volkswagen Canada Inc. 01 01 0
Volvo Cars of Canada Corporation 706 02 706
Total 44 586 13 159 57 745

A total of 57 745 credits were obtained for the 2006 model year. Four companies incurred an overall deficit with respect to their combined 2006 model year fleets.

Table 7 shows all activities relating to credits/deficits for the 2006 model year.

Company Initial Balance Total 2006 MY Credits New Balance Credits Transferred End of Model Year Balance
Notes: A negative sign (-) indicates a deficit.
BMW Canada Inc. 965 -164 801 0 801
DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc. 39 078 2 146 41 224 -2 200 39 024
Ferrari North America, Inc. 0 0 0 0 0
Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited 24 602 11 247 35 849 0 35 849
General Motors of Canada Limited 53 620 17 102 70 722 0 70 722
Honda Canada Inc. 7 901 10 848 18 749 0 18 749
Hyundai Auto Canada 1 534 1 169 2 703 0 2 703
Jaguar Canada 86 40 126 0 126
Kia Canada Inc. 3 435 1 091 4 526 0 4 526
Land Rover Canada 160 419 579 0 579
Lotus Cars USA, Inc. 0 0 0 0 0
Maserati North America, Inc. 0 0 0 0 0
Mazda Canada Inc. 12 087 2 791 14 878 0 14 878
Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. 49 -2 136 -2 087 2 200 113
Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Canada, Inc. 0 -379 -379 0 -379
Nissan Canada Inc. 14 530 3 802 18 332 0 18 332
Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. 411 -41 370 0 370
Subaru Canada, Inc. 1 832 774 2 606 0 2 606
Suzuki Canada Inc. 890 300 1 190 0 1 190
Toyota Canada Inc. 14 825 8 030 22 855 0 22 855
Volkswagen Canada Inc. 0 0 0 0 0
Volvo Cars of Canada Corporation 2 832 706 3 538 0 3 538
Total 178 837 57 745 236 582 0 236 582

As shown in the table, in 2006, a limited number of companies used credits earned in previous model years or exchanged credits with another company to offset a deficit in the current model year. One company reported a negative balance at the end of the 2006 model year and is required to offset the deficit no later than the date on which the company submits its 2009 end of model year report.

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