Parties Providing Submissions
Submissions on the discussion paper were received from the following parties:
- Alberta Environment
- City of Toronto
- Health Canada
- Industry Canada
- Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec (MNR)
- Natural Resources Canada
- Northwest Territories
- Nunavut
- Ontario Ministry of the Environment
- Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers Association (CVMA)
- Engine Manufacturers Association
- Ford Motor Company of Canada (Ford)
- Canadian Petroleum Products Institute (CPPI)
- Consumers' Co-Operative Refineries Limited (CCRL)
- Imperial Oil
- Irving Oil
- Northern Transportation Company Limited
- Petro-Canada
- Shell Canada Products (Shell)
- Sunoco
- Ultramar
- Canadian Public Health Association
- Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA)
- Friends of the Earth
- Lung Association
- New Brunswick Lung Association
- Pollution Probe
- Saint John Citizens Coalition for Clean Air
- Tharby Technology Consultants
Copies of the submissions received (excluding the Lung Association submission, which was received late and mirrors the submission by Friends of the Earth) were distributed to stakeholders in July 2001. The July package also included additional correspondence with CPPI regarding addressing potential for flexibility provisions in the regulations.
A number of parties commented on issues specific to implementation of the regulations in northern regions of Canada. To address these concerns, Environment Canada prepared a short Discussion Paper on Development of the Federal Low-Sulphur On-Road Diesel Fuel Regulations in Relation to Northern Communities (see Appendix B). A teleconference was held on July 30, 2001 with parties that had commented on northern issues to further discuss the impact of the proposed low sulphur on-road diesel fuel regulations on northern communities. (The minutes from this call as well as comments received on the notes are included in Appendix B.)
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