Importation declaration form for marine spark-ignition engines, vessels or off-road recreational vehicles
Pursuant to subsection 37(1) and section 39 of the Marine Spark-Ignition Engine, Vessel and Off-Road Recreational Vehicle Emission Regulations (regulations), any person importing an engine, vessel or vehicle into Canada must submit, prior to importation, a declaration to the Minister, signed by that person or their duly authorized representative. When completed this form can act as an importation declaration. Below are explanatory notes for the fields of this form.
Upon completion, please return to the Regulatory Administration Section, Transportation Division, Environment and Climate Change Canada by
- email:
- fax: 819-938-4197
- mail: 351 St-Joseph Blvd Gatineau QC K1A 0H3
A) Name of importer/company
B) In the case of a company, the business number assigned to the company by the Minister of National Revenue
C) Civic address of importer
D) Mailing address of importer (if different from civic address)
E) Please fill out the following table for all marine spark-ignition engines, vessels, and off-road recreational vehicles that will be imported. If a vessel with an installed engine is imported, please provide the information for the engine in the row below the vessel. See reverse for an explanation of the declaration statements and indicate the corresponding number (e.g. 2) under “Applicable Declaration”.
Make and manufacturer | Model name | Model year | Class | Quantity | Date of importation (e.g. 01-Jan-2017) |
Applicable declaration |
(Please use additional forms if necessary)
Signature of importer or authorized representative
Name of signee
Contact email address
Explanatory notes
Under subsection 37(1) of the Marine Spark-Ignition Engine, Vessel and Off-Road Recreational Vehicle Emission Regulations (regulations), any person importing a prescribed class of engine, vessel or vehicle into Canada must submit a signed declaration to the Minister prior to importation.
Classes of engines, vessels and vehicles:
- Outboard engine
- Inboard engine (without emission control technology/catalyst)
- Catalyzed inboard engine
- PWC (personal watercraft engines)
- Vessel (designed to be propelled by a prescribed engine, in which a fuel line or fuel tank is installed)
- Snowmobile
- OFMC (off-road motorcycle)
- ATV (all-terrain vehicles)
- UV (utility vehicles)
Note: This declaration does not apply to diesel powered engines, or portable fuel tanks.
For fields A, C and D, indicate your name, name of the company if applicable, civic address and mailing address, if applicable. For field B, indicate the business number assigned by the Minister of National Revenue, if applicable. For field E, indicate the manufacturer, make, model and model year for each unique model imported on a given date. Also include the class and quantity of the imported product. The next column is for the date of importation. To determine the applicable statement, please see below. If a vessel with an installed engine (packaged boat) is imported, complete the information for the installed engine in the row directly below the vessel.
Applicable statements (for the last column of the table in field E)
In the case where the importer is a company, statements 1-3 refer to the statements made in sub-paragraph 37(1)(d)(ii) of the regulations. You must identify the applicable statement for each engine, vessel, and vehicle.
- Each engine, vessel and/or vehicle bears the national emissions mark.
- The engines, vessels or vehicles are covered by EPA certificate(s) of conformity, are sold concurrently in Canada and the U.S., bear the EPA emission control information label, and the company can produce the evidence of conformity referred to in subsection 35(1) upon request.
- The company has already submitted evidence of conformity in accordance with subsection 35(2) of the regulations indicating that all engines, vessels and vehicles conform to the regulations.
Statements 4 - 37(1)(e)(i)(A), 5 - 37(1)(e)(i)(B), 6 - 37(1)(e)(i)(C), and 7 - 37(1)(e)(ii) apply to any person who is not a company and imports more than 10 units of any combination of engines, vessels or vehicles in any calendar year.
Under section 39 of the regulations, statement 8 applies for those who are importing an engine, vessel or off-road recreational vehicle in reliance on subsection 153(2) of CEPA (i.e. an incomplete engine, vehicle or vessel)
- I have a statement from the manufacturer of the engine, vessel, or vehicle that when the engine, or the main assembly of the vessel or the vehicle, is completed in accordance with instructions provided by the manufacturer, it will conform to the standards prescribed under the regulations. The manufacture of the engine, or the completion of the main assembly of the vessel or vehicle, will be completed in accordance with the instructions from the manufacturer.
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