Approach to nanoscale forms of substances on the domestic substances list: chapter 7
7. Timelines and next steps
Stakeholders are invited to submit comments on the content of this consultation document and provide other information that would help inform decision making. Please submit comments to one of the addresses provided below prior to 60 days from posting. Environment Canada and Health Canada will respond to comments and adapt the proposed approach based on the feedback received on this document, as described in Section 1.2.
An information-gathering survey is planned for June 2015.
A stakeholder workshop is proposed for June 2015 to discuss the proposed approach and the information-gathering survey. Stakeholders are also invited to indicate their interest in receiving future information and communications regarding this approach, as well as their interest in participating in a stakeholder workshop.
Comments on this consultation document can be submitted to one of the following addresses:
By Mail:
Substances Management Information Line
Chemicals Management Plan
Gatineau QC K1A 0H3
By Email:
Please type “Consultation on Approach for Nanomaterials” in the subject line of your message.
By Fax:
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