Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes: annex 13

Annex 13: engaging First Nations

There are many First Nations communities within the Great Lakes basin. First Nations value their spiritual and cultural relationship to the waters of the Great Lakes. They contribute to the protection of Great Lakes water quality and ecosystem health through the wise use and management of land and water in their communities. 

Canada and Ontario work with First Nations on a good governance basis on a wide range of environmental protection issues. Through this Agreement, there are numerous opportunities for First Nations, as members of the broader Great Lakes community, to participate in Great Lakes restoration, protection and conservation initiatives. The purpose of this Annex is to reflect the interests and important role of First Nations as participants in the restoration, protection and conservation of the Great Lakes. It will provide a framework for Canada and Ontario to engage First Nations during the implementation of this Agreement and to consider their traditional knowledge to assist in restoring, protecting and conserving Great Lakes water quality and ecosystem health.

This Annex supports commitments in the Canada-United States Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement and advances the environmental goals of Ontario’s Great Lakes Strategy. Goals within this Annex are intended to continue collaboration, strengthen relationships and to pursue opportunities to protect the Great Lakes.

Goal 1: Collaborate and build relationships with First Nations to assist in restoring, protecting and conserving Great Lakes water quality and ecosystem health.

Result 1.1 - Opportunities to collaborate with First Nations in the delivery of this agreement.

Canada and Ontario will:

Ontario will:

Goal 2: Enhance understanding and appreciation for the Great Lakes by considering traditional knowledge.

Result 2.1 - Opportunities to collaborate with First Nations on traditional knowledge.

Canada and Ontario will:

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