Environmental Code of Practice for metal mines: appendix 1
Appendix 1: MEND Reports Available
- Prediction
- Prevention and Control
- Treatment
- Monitoring
- Technology Transfer
- New Ideas
- International
- CD-ROM of Mine Environment Neutral Drainage (MEND) Reports
- MEND Case Studies
- Other Key Issues
- MEND Workshop Notes, 1994-1998
- BC-MEND Annual Metal Leaching (ML)/Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) Workshop Notes
- MEND Workshop Notes, 1999-2005
- International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD) Workshop Notes (Vancouver, May/June 1997)
* available on MEND 7.3 CD-1
** available on MEND 7.4 CD-2
*** available on MEND 7.5 CD-3
- 1.11.1
Critical Literature Review of Acid Drainage from Waste Rock, April 1991.* - 1.12.1b
Database for Acid Rock Drainage (DBARD) for Paradox: Developments in DBARD, the Database for Acid Rock Drainage (6 diskettes included), March 1996.* - 1.14.2b
Sampling and Monitoring Data from the Mine Doyon South Waste Rock Dump (1990 to 1995) (diskette included), March 1994 (revised September 1997).* - 1.14.2c
Heat Transfer during Acid Mine Drainage Production in a Waste Rock Dump, La Mine Doyon (Quebec), March 1994 (revised August 1997).* - 1.14.2d
Water Budget for the Waste Rock Dump at La Mine Doyon (Quebec), March 1994 (revised August 1997).*** - 1.14.2e
Diversité microbiologique dans la production de drainage minier acide à la halde sud de la Mine Doyon, mars 1994 (revisé août 1997).*** - 1.14.3e
Peer Review of MEND Studies Conducted from 1990 to 1994 on Acid Mine Drainage at Mine Doyon South Waste Rock Dump, November 1996.* - 1.14.3f
Revue technique des étude réalisées par Neutralisation des eaux de drainage dans l'environnement minier (NEDEM) de 1990 à 1994 sur le drainage minier acide de la halde sud de la mine Doyon, novembre 1996.* - 1.15.2a
MINEWALL 2.0 Users Manual (diskette included), September 1995.* - 1.15.2b
MINEWALL 2.0 - Literature Review and Conceptual Models, September 1995.* - 1.15.2c
Application of MINEWALL 2.0 to Three Minesites, September 1995.* - 1.16.1a
Investigation of Prediction Techniques for Acid Mine Drainage, November 1989.* - 1.16.1b
Acid Rock Drainage Prediction Manual, March 1991.* - 1.16.1c
New Methods for Determination of Key Mineral Species in Acid Generation Prediction by Acid-Base Accounting, April 1991. - 1.16.2a
Interlaboratory Measurement Program for the Standard ARD Material NBM-1, July 1994 (report only). Reference material available from the Canadian Certified Reference Material Program - 613-995-4738; fax: 613-943-0573 (copy of the report also comes with purchase of reference materials). - 1.16.3
Determination of Neutralization Potential for Acid Rock Drainage Prediction, July 1996.* - 1.16.4
Evaluation of Static and Kinetic Prediction Test Data and Comparison with Field Monitoring Data, December 1995.*** - 1.17.1a
Hydrogeochemical Investigation of Reactive Tailings at the Waite Amulet Tailings Site, Noranda, Québec - 1985 Program, July 1986. - 1.17.1b
Hydrogeochemical Investigation of Reactive Tailings at the Waite Amulet Tailings Site, Noranda, Québec, Phase 2 - 1986 Program, July 1987. - 1.17.1cV.1
Hydrogeochemical Investigation of Reactive Tailings at the Waite Amulet Tailings Site, Noranda, Québec, Phase 3 - 1987 Program, Volume I Report, May 1988. - 1.17.1cV.2
Hydrogeochemical Investigation of Reactive Tailings at the Waite Amulet Tailings Site, Noranda, Québec, Phase 3 - 1987 Program, Volume II - Appendices, March 1988. - 1.17.1c Sup
Hydrogeochemical Investigation of Reactive Tailings at the Waite Amulet Tailings Site, Noranda, Québec, Phase 3 - 1987 Program, Supplementary Report, March 1989. - 1.17.1d
Hydrogeochemical Investigation of Reactive Tailings at the Waite Amulet Tailings Site, Noranda, Québec, "Generation and Evolution of Acidic Pore Waters at the Waite Amulet Tailings - Final Report", April 1990.* - 1.19.1
Long Term Acid Generation Studies: Cinola Project British Columbia (includes diskette), March 1994.*** - 1.19.2
Scaling Analysis of Acid Rock Drainage, December 1995.* - 1.21.1a
Critical Review of the Reactive Acid Tailings Assessment Program (RATAP.BMT2), April 1990.* - 1.21.1b
Workshop on Modelling of Reactive Tailings Sponsored by the MEND Prediction Committee, Final Report, August 1990.*** - 1.21.2
Laboratory Studies of Pyrrhotite Oxidation, March 1998.* - 1.22.1a
Field Procedures Manual: Gas Transfer Measurements Waste Rock Piles Heath Steele Mines New Brunswick, March 1994.*** - 1.22.1b
Assessment of Gas Transfer-Ansto Model at Heath Steele Mines, July 1997.* - 1.25.1
Soilcover Users Manual Version 2.0 (includes diskettes), December 1996. (Version 1.0 also available). - 1.27.1a
Guide for Predicting Water Chemistry from Waste Rock Piles, July 1996.* - 1.32.1
Prediction and Prevention of Acid Rock Drainage from a Geological and Mineralogical Perspective, October 1993.* - 1.41.4
Whistle Mine Waste Rock Study (2 volumes), December 1997.* - 1.42.1
Critical Review of Geochemical Processes and Geochemical Models Adaptable for Prediction of Acidic Drainage from Waste Rock, April 1995.* - 1.44.1
History of Eskay Creek Mine's Waste-Rock Dump from Placement to Disassembly, May 1997.* - 1.51.1
Quantitative Analysis of Chemical and Biological Kinetics for the Acid Mine Drainage Problem, June 1994.* - 1.51.2
Nonlinear Modelling of Chemical Kinetics for the Acid Mine Drainage Problem and Related Physical Topics, October 1993.*** - 1.61.1
Roles of Ice, in the Water Cover Option, and Permafrost in Controlling Acid Generation from Sulphide Tailings, November 1996 (revised October 1997).* - 1.61.2
Acid Mine Drainage in Permafrost Regions: Issues, Control Strategies and Research Requirements, July 1996.* - 1.61.3
Column Leaching Characteristics of Cullaton Lake B and Shear (S) - Zones Tailings Phase 2: Cold Temperature Leaching (diskette included), June 1997.*** - 1.61.4
Covers for Reactive Tailings Located in Permafrost Regions Review, October 2004. - 1.61.6
Update on Cold Temperature Effects on Geochemical Weathering, October 2006. - 1.62.2
Acid Mine Drainage Behaviour in Low Temperature Regimes - Thermal Properties of Tailings, July 1998.* - 1.70.1
Investigations of Predictions for Acidic Drainage at the Vangorda Plateau, Faro Mine Complex (Faro, Yukon Territory), May 2008.
Associate Projects
- PA-1
Hydrogeology of Waste Rock Dumps, July 1995.* - PA-2
Metal Transport and Immobilization at Mine Tailings Impoundments, March 1997.*
Prevention and Control
- 2.11.1a
Subaqueous Disposal of Reactive Mine Wastes: An Overview, June 1989.** - 2.11.1a And
A Preliminary Assessment of Subaqueous Tailings Disposal in Anderson Lake, Manitoba, March 1990. - 2.11.1a Ben
A Preliminary Assessment of Subaqueous Tailings Disposal in Benson Lake, British Columbia, March 1990. - 2.11.1a Man
A Preliminary Assessment of Subaqueous Tailings Disposal in Mandy Lake, Manitoba, March 1990. - 2.11.1b
Geochemical Assessment of Subaqueous Tailings Disposal in Buttle Lake, British Columbia, March 1990. - 2.11.1b And
Geochemical Assessment of Subaqueous Tailings Disposal in Anderson Lake, Snow Lake Area, Manitoba, September 1990. - 2.11.1b Man
Geochemical Assessment of Subaqueous Tailings Disposal in Mandy Lake, Flin Flon Area, Manitoba, September 1990. - 2.11.1c
A Preliminary Biological and Geological Assessment of Subaqueous Tailings Disposal in Benson Lake, British Columbia, March 1991.** - 2.11.1c Keo
Chemical Diagenesis of Submerged Mine Tailings in Benson Lake and Natural Sediments in Keogh Lake, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, June 1992.** - 2.11.1d
A Critical Review of MEND Studies Conducted to 1991 on Subaqueous Disposal of Tailings, July 1992.** - 2.11.1e
Review of MEND Studies on the Subaqueous Disposal of Tailings (1993-95), May 1996.** - 2.11.2a
Literature Review Report: Possible Means of Evaluating the Biological Effects of Sub-Aqueous Disposal of Mine Tailings, March 1993.*** - 2.11.3abc
Geochemical Assessment of Subaqueous Tailings Disposal in Anderson Lake, Manitoba. 1993-1995 Study Program, August 1996.** - 2.11.4a
Geochemical Assessment of Subaqueous Tailings Disposal in Buttle Lake, British Columbia. 1993 Study Program, May 1995.** - 2.11.5ab
Shallow Water Covers - Equity Silver Base Information Physical Variables (diskette included), May 1996.** - 2.11.5c
Geochemical Assessment of the Equity Silver Tailings Pond, August 1996.** - 2.11.9
Design Guide for the Subaqueous Disposal of Reactive Tailings in Constructed Impoundments, March 1998.** - 2.12.1
Louvicourt Project CD-ROM - Evaluation of Man-Made Subaqueous Disposal Option as a Method of Controlling Oxidation of Sulphide Minerals - Contains 2.12.1a, 2.12.1b, 2.12.1c, 2.12.1d, 2.12.1e. September 2002. - 2.12.1a
Evaluation of Man-Made Subaqueous Disposal Option as a Method of Controlling Oxidation of Sulphide Minerals - Synthesis Report (Louvicourt), August 2002. - 2.12.1b
Evaluation of Man-Made Subaqueous Disposal Option as a Method of Controlling Oxidation of Sulphide Minerals - Background and General Description, July 2001.*** - 2.12.1c
Subaqueous Disposal of Reactive Mine Tailings Louvicourt Mine Test Cells Geochemical Sampling and Analysis, February 2001.*** - 2.12.1d
Reactivity Assessment and Subaqueous Oxidation Rate Modelling for Louvicourt Tailings, March 2001.*** - 2.12.1e
Evaluation of Man-Made Subaqueous Disposal Option as a Method of Controlling Oxidation of Sulfide Minerals: Column Studies (CD included), March 2001.*** - 2.12.2
Assessing the Long Term Performance of a Shallow Water Cover to Limit Oxidation of Reactive Tailings at Louvicourt Mine, July 2007. - 2.13.1a
Wet Barriers on Pyritic Uranium Tailings - Part I and II - Laboratory Lysimeter Studies of Oxidation and Limestone Neutralization Characteristics of Uranium Tailings and Waste Rock, January 1998. June 2001** - 2.13.1b
Wet Barriers on Pyritic Uranium Tailings - Part III - Laboratory Diffusion Lysimeter Studies of Uranium Tailings Deposited under a Shallow Water Cover, January 1998. June 2001** - 2.13.2a
Expérimentation de l'inondation du parc des résidus miniers - Solbec Cupra (Phase IV). Rapport sommaire, décembre 1993.** - 2.13.2b
Flooding of a Mine Tailings Site - Solbec Cupra. Suspension of Solids: Impact and Prevention, March 1994.** - 2.13.2c
Inondation artificielle du parc de résidus miniers Solbec Cupra: Études microbiologique et chimique - Rapport final, Mars 1994.*** - 2.15.1a
Flooding of Pre-Oxidized Mine Tailings: Mattabi Case Study, June 2000.** - 2.15.3
Laboratory Study of Particle Resuspension, Oxidation and Metal Release in Flooded Mine Tailings, November 1998.** - 2.17.1
Review of Use of an Elevated Water Table as a Method to Control and Reduce Acidic Drainage from Tailings, March 1996.** - 2.18.1
Review of Water Cover Sites and Research Projects, September 1997.** - 2.20.1
Evaluation of Alternate Dry Covers for the Inhibition of Acid Mine Drainage from Tailings, March 1994.** - 2.21.1
Development of Laboratory Methodologies for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Reactive Tailings Covers (diskette included), March 1992.** - 2.21.2
Field Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Engineered Soil Covers for Reactive Tailings: Volume 1- Laboratory and Field Tests & Volume 2 - University Contracts, October 1993.*** - 2.21.3
Review of Soil Cover Technologies for Acid Mine Drainage - A Peer Review of the Waite Amulet and Heath Steele Soil Covers, July 1997. - 2.21.3b
A Review of Non-Traditional Dry Covers, March 2002. - 2.21.4 CD
Design, Construction and Performance Monitoring of Cover Systems for Waste Rock and Tailings, July 2004. Five-volume manual available as CD-ROM. - 2.21.4a-e
Design, Construction and Performance Monitoring of Cover Systems for Waste Rock and Tailings, July 2004. Five-volume manual available in hard copy. - 2.21.5
Macro-Scale Cover Design and Performance Monitoring Manual. July 2007. - 2.22.2a
Évaluation en laboratoire de barrières sèches construites à partir de résidus miniers, mars 1996.*** - 2.22.2b
Études de laboratoire sur l'efficacité de recouvrement construites à partir de résidus miniers, avril 1999.*** - 2.22.2c
Études sur les barrières sèches construites à partir de résidus miniers, Phase II - Essais en place (inclus disquettes), novembre 1999.*** - 2.22.4ae
Construction and Instrumentation of a Multi-Layer Cover Les Terrains Aurifères, February 1999.** - 2.22.4af
Construction et instrumentation d'une couverture multicouche au site Les Terrains Aurifères Québec, Canada, février 1999.** - 2.22.4be
Field Performance of the Les Terrains Aurifères Composite Dry Covers, March 2000.** - 2.22.4bf
Suivi du comportement du recouvrement multicouche Les Terrains Aurifères, mars 2000.** - 2.23.2ab
Hydrologic and Hydrogeologic Evaluation of the Thickened Tailings Disposal System at Kidd Creek Division, Falconbridge Limited, October 1993.** - 2.23.2c
The Verification of Modelled Pore Water Movement within Thickened Tailings Using Tracers at the Falconbridge Limited Kidd Metallurgical Division, Timmins, Ontario, May 2000.** - 2.23.2d
A Geochemical, Hydrogeological and Hydrological Study of the Tailings Impoundment at the Falconbridge Limited, Kidd Creek Division Metallurgical Site, Timmins, Ontario, October 1995.** - 2.23.3
Investigation of the Porous Envelope Effect at the Fault Lake Tailings Site, May 1995.** - 2.24.1
Manual of Methods Used in the Revegetation of Reactive Sulphide Tailings Basins, November 1989.** - 2.25.1a
Reclamation of Sulphide Tailings Using Municipal Solid Waste Compost: Literature Review and Recommendations, July 1992. - 2.25.1b
Reclamation of Sulphide Tailings Using Municipal Solid Waste Compost: Laboratory Studies, June 1995.** - 2.25.3
Evaluation of the Use of Covers for Reducing Acid Generation from Strathcona Tailings, September 1997.** - 2.31.1a
Heath Steele Waste Rock Study, Phases I to III, March 1992.** - 2.31.1b
Engineering Design and Construction Phase IV - Composite Soil Cover Acid Waste Rock Study Heath Steele Mines, November 1994.** - 2.31.1b Mon
Monitoring Report Phase IV - Composite Soil Cover Acid Waste Rock Study Heath Steele Mines, March 1996.** - 2.31.1c
Monitoring Program 1995-96 Phase V - Composite Soil Cover on Waste Rock Pile 7/12 at Heath Steele, New Brunswick, February 1998.** - 2.32.3a
Injection de résidus miniers dans des stériles miniers comme moyen de réduction des effluents acides, janvier 1994.*** - 2.34.1
Evaluation of Field-scale Application of a Shotcrete Cover on Acid Generating Rock, September 1996.*** - 2.35.2a
Evaluation of Techniques for Preventing Acidic Rock Drainage: First Milestone Research Report, October 1993. - 2.35.2b
Evaluation of Techniques for Preventing Acidic Rock Drainage: Final Report, January 1997.** - 2.36.1
Review of In-Pit Disposal Practices for the Prevention of Acid Drainage - Case Studies, September 1995.** - 2.36.2a
Hydrogeochemistry of Oxidised Waste Rock from Stratmat Site, N.B., March 1999.** - 2.36.2b
Hydrology and Solute Transport of Oxidised Waste Rock From Stratmat Site, N.B., March 1999 (diskette included).** - 2.36.3
Assessing the Subaqueous Stability of Oxidized Waste Rock, April 1999.** - 2.37.1
Blending and Layering Waste Rock to Delay, Mitigate or Prevent Acid Rock Drainage and Metal Leaching: A Case Study Review, April 1998.** - 2.37.2
Methods for Delaying the Onset of Acidic Drainage - a Case Study Review Final Report, March 2001.*** - 2.37.3
Control of Acidic Drainage in Layered Waste Rock: Laboratory Studies and Field Monitoring, September 1997.** - 2.44.1
Microbial Plugging of Uranium Mine Tailings to Prevent Acid Mine Drainage - Final Report, December 1992.*** - 2.45.1a
Separation of Sulphides from Mill Tailings - Phase I, June 1994.** - 2.45.2
Separation of Sulphides from Mill Tailings - Field, September 1997.**
Associate Projects
- APC-1
Subaqueous Deposition of Tailings in the Strathcona Tailings Treatment System, September 1996.**
- 3.11.1
Treatment of Acidic Seepages Using Wetland Ecology and Microbiology: Overall Program Assessment, July 1993.* - 3.12.1a
Assessment of Existing Natural Wetlands Affected by Low pH, Metal Contaminated Seepages (Acid Mine Drainage), May 1990.*** - 3.12.2
Panel Wetlands - A Case History of Partially Submerged Pyritic Uranium Tailings under Water, February 1993.* - 3.14.1
Review of Passive Systems for Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage, May 1996 (revised 1999).* - 3.15.1
Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Mitigation of Mine Effluent and Acidic Drainage, October 2008. - 3.21.1a
Study on Metals Recovery/Recycling from Acid Mine Drainage, July 1991.* - 3.21.1b
Metals Removal from Acid Mine Drainage by Ion Exchange, June 1995.* - 3.21.2a
Metals Removal from Acidic Drainage - Chemical Method, March 1996.* - 3.22.1
Canada-Wide Survey of Acid Mine Drainage Characteristics, December 1994 (includes diskette).* - 3.32.1
Acid Mine Drainage - Status of Chemical Treatment and Sludge Management Practices, June 1994.* - 3.42.2a
Characterization and Stability of Acid Mine Drainage Treatment Sludges, May 1997.* - 3.42.2b
The Effect of Process Parameters and Aging on Lime Sludge Density and Stability, February 1999.* - 3.42.3
Review of Disposal, Reprocessing and Reuse Options for Acidic Drainage Treatment Sludge, January 2005.
- 4.1.1
Field Sampling Manual for Reactive Sulphide Tailings, November 1989.* - 4.2.1
Review of Canadian and United States Legislation Relevant to Decommissioning Acid Mine Drainage Sites, September 1993.* - 4.3.1
RTS-1, RTS-2, RTS-3 and RTS-4: Sulphide Ore Tailings Certified Reference Materials, April 1990
Reference materials available from the Canadian Certified Reference Material Project - 613-995-4738; fax: 613-943-0573; ccrmp@nrcan.gc.ca - 4.3.2
KZK-1 Acid base accounting material, March 2001
Reference material available from the Canadian Certified Reference Material Project - 613-995-4738; fax: 613-943-0573; ccrmp@nrcan.gc.ca - 4.5.1-1
Review of Waste Rock Sampling Techniques, June 1994.* - 4.5.1-2
Handbook for Waste Rock Sampling Techniques, June 1994.* - 4.5.4
Guideline Document for Monitoring Acid Mine Drainage, October 1997.* - 4.5.4App
Appendix A - Technical Summary Note: Guideline Document for Monitoring Acid Mine Drainage, October 1997.* - 4.6.1
Applications of Geophysical Methods for Monitoring Acid Mine Drainage, December 1994.* - 4.6.3
Application of Remote Sensing and Geophysics to the Detection and Monitoring of Acid Mine Drainage, September 1994.* - 4.6.5ac
A Survey of In Situ Oxygen Consumption Rates on Sulphide Tailings: Investigations on Exposed and Covered Tailings, November 1997.* - 4.6.5b
A Rapid Kinetic Technique for Measuring Reactivity of Sulphide Waste Rock: The Oxygen Consumption Method, December 1997.* - 4.8.2
Evaluation of an Underwater Monitoring Probe for Locating and Estimating the Impact of Groundwater Discharges to Surface Waters Adjacent to Potential Sources of Acid Mine Drainage, March 1994.*
Associate Projects
- MA-1
Environmental Monitoring of Uranium Mining Wastes Using Geophysical Techniques Phase 1 - A Comparison and Evaluation of Conductivity and Resistivity Methods to Monitor Acid Mine Drainage from Uranium Waste Rock Piles and Tailings Areas, February 1996.
Technology Transfer
- 5.4.2a
MEND Manual Volume 1 - Summary, February 2001. - 5.4.2b
MEND Manual Volume 2 - Sampling and Analyses, January 2001. - 5.4.2c
MEND Manual Volume 3 - Prediction, December 2000. - 5.4.2d
MEND Manual Volume 4 - Prevention and Control, February 2001. - 5.4.2e
MEND Manual Volume 5 - Treatment, December 2000. - 5.4.2f
MEND Manual Volume 6 - Monitoring, December 2000. - 5.4.2
CD-ROM: MEND Manual, July 2001. - 5.5.1
Reactive Acid Tailings Stabilization (RATS) Research Plan, July 1988. - 5.6.1
Proceedings - Second International Conference on the Abatement of Acidic Drainage, Montréal, September 16, 17 and 18, 1991 (4 volumes). - 5.7.1
1992 Revised Research Plan/Plan de recherche revisé 1992, August 1992. - 5.8 e
Report of Results of a Workshop on Mine Reclamation. Toronto, Ontario, March 10-11, 1994.* - 5.8 f
Résultats de l'atelier sur la réhabilitation des sites miniers. Toronto, Ontario, les 10 et 11 mars, 1994.*** - 5.8.1
Economic Evaluation of Acid Mine Drainage Technologies (includes diskette), January 1995.* - 5.9
Evaluation Study of the Mine Environmental Neutral Drainage Program (MEND), October 1996.* - 5.10 E
List of Potential Information Requirements in Metal Leaching and Acid Rock Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Work, June 2004. - 5.10 F
Liste des éléments d'information à connaître pour évaluer et atténuer les phénomènes de lixiviation de métaux et de drainage rocheux acide, juin 2004. - AR-95
1995 Annual Report, June 1996.
New Ideas
- 6.1
Preventing Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) by Disposing of Reactive Tailings in Permafrost, December 1993. * - 6.2
Polymer-Modified Clay as Impermeable Barriers for Acid Mining Tailings, April 1994.* - 6.3
A Critique of Japanese Acid Mine Drainage Technology. April 1994.*
- 7.1
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Abatement of Acidic Drainage, Pittsburgh, 1994. - 7.2
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, ICARD, Vancouver, 1997. - 7.2b
CD-ROM: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, ICARD, Vancouver, 1997 (includes plenary session).
CD-ROM of MEND Reports
- 7.3
CD-1 contains 59 reports on prediction, treatment, monitoring, technology transfer and new ideas, May 2001. - 7.4
CD-2 contains 47 reports on prevention and control, May 2001. - 7.5
CD-3 contains 51 MEND reports and workshop notes, June 2002.
- 8.1
Acidic Drainage Research and Technology Gap Analysis, February 2002. - 8.2
MEND3 Strategy Session, April 11-12 2002, Ottawa, Ontario. August 2002.
MEND Case Studies
- 9.1
CD Case Studies of Metal Leaching / ARD Assessment and Mitigation in British Columbia, August 2007.
Other Key Issues
- 10.1
Review of Water Quality Issues in Neutral pH Drainage: Examples and Emerging Priorities for the Mining Industry in Canada, November 2004. - 10.1.1
A Review of Environmental Management Criteria for Selenium and Molybdenum, February 2008. - 10.2
Paste Backfill Geochemistry - Environmental Effects of Leaching and Weathering, April 2006.
MEND Workshop Notes, 1994-1998
- W.001
Traitement chimique du drainage minier acide, Val d'Or, septembre 1994 - W.002
Chemical Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD), Val d'Or, September 1994 - W.003
Economic Evaluation of AMD, Sudbury, November 1994 - W.004
Évaluation économique des techniques de traitement du drainage minier acide (DMA), Sudbury, novembre 1994 - W.005
Economic Evaluation, "Implications of Long-Term Treatment" and "Chemical Treatment of AMD", Vancouver, February 1995 - W.006
Acid Mine Drainage Control in the Coal and Metal Mining Industries, Sydney, June 1995 - W.007
In-Pit Disposal Practices for AMD Control/Lime Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage, Sudbury, October 1995 - W.008
Selection and Interpretation of Chemical Prediction Methods and Mathematical Prediction Methods, Pointe-Claire, December 1995 - W.009
Acid Mine Drainage Technology Transfer Workshop, Winnipeg, March 1996 - W.010
Dry Covers Technologies Workshop, Sudbury, April 1996 - W.011
Monitoring and Waste Management for Acid Mine Drainage, Saskatoon, June 1996 - W.012
Water Covers to Prevent Acid Mine Drainage Workshop, Vancouver, September 1996 - W.013
The Prediction of Acid Rock Drainage Workshop, Vancouver, November 1996. - W.014
Managing Mine Wastes in Permafrost Zone, Edmonton, May 1997*** - W.015
Prevention Technologies for Acid Mine Drainage, Fredericton, November 1997 - W.016
Acidic Drainage Workshops, Fredericton, Moncton, March 1998
BC-MEND Annual ML/ARD Workshop Notes
- W.013
4th Annual BC Mines ARD Symposium. The Prediction of Acid Rock Drainage. Vancouver, November 1996. - BC.01
5th Annual BC Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) - MEND 2000 Metal Leaching and ARD Workshop. Risk Assessment and Management. Vancouver, December 1998. - BC.02
6th Annual BC MEM - MEND 2000 Metal Leaching and ARD Workshop. Case Studies, Research Studies and Effects of Mining on Natural Water Bodies. Vancouver, December 1999.
7th to 14th Annual BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources (MEMPR) - MEND Metal Leaching/ARD Workshop Proceedings are available from Bitech.
MEND Workshop Notes, 1999-2005
- ME.01
Assessment and Management of Risks Associated with Metal Leaching and Acid Rock Drainage at Mine Sites, Sudbury, September 1999. - ME.02
Case Studies on Wet and Dry Covers for Tailings and Waste Rock, Sudbury, September 1999. - W.017
Proceedings of the 2004 Ontario MEND Workshop, Sludge Management and Treatment of Weak Acid or Neutral pH Drainage, Sudbury, Ontario. May 2004. - W.018
Proceedings of the MEND Maritimes Workshop, Challenges in Acidic Drainage: Case Studies on Mitigation Technologies and Current Research, Halifax, Nova Scotia. May 2006. - W.019
Proceedings of the MEND Manitoba Workshop, Challenges in Acidic Drainage for Operating, Closed or Abandoned Mines, Winnipeg, Manitoba. June 2008.
ICARD Workshop Notes (Vancouver, May/June 1997)
- IW.01
Water Covers and Underwater Disposal. - IW.02
Chemical Prediction Techniques for Acid Rock Drainage*** - IW.03
Predictive Models for Acid Rock Drainage*** - IW.04
Dry Covers for Mine Tailings and Waste Rock*** - IW.05
Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage*** - IW.06
Bonding and Security*** - IW.07
Waste Rock and Tailings Disposal Technologies
Updated report list, executive summaries and other MEND information available from the MEND website.
To obtain any of these reports, please contact:
MEND Secretariat
555 Booth Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G1
Telephone: (613) 995-4681
Facsimile: (613) 947-5284
E-mail: mend_nedem@nrcan.gc.ca
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