Environmental Code of Practice for metal mines: additional resources
Additional Resources
Note: When available, Internet links to the resources below have been provided. These links were active as of the date of publication of the Code.
Government of Canada
Environment Canada
- An Approach to Assessing Risk to Terrestrial Biodiversity in Canada. (PDF Format, 3.7 MB). Environment Canada. 1999.
- Best Practices for the Use and Storage of Chloride-Based Dust Suppressants (PDF Format, 115 KB). Environment Canada. 2007.
- Environmental Code of Practice for Base Metals Smelters and Refineries: Code of Practice, Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. Environment Canada. 2006.
- Federal Policy Discussion Paper: Critical Habitat (PDF Format, 115 KB). Environment Canada. 2004.
- Federal Policy Discussion Paper: Residence (PDF Format, 795 KB). Environment Canada. 2004.
- Final Report of the Assessment of the Aquatic Effects of Mining in Canada (AQUAMIN). (PDF Format, 460KB) AQUAMIN Steering Committee. 1996.
- Guidance Document for Flow Measurement of Metal Mining Effluents (PDF Format, 494 KB). Environment Canada. 2002.
- Guidance Document for the sampling and analysis of metal mining effluents (PDF Format, 420 KB). Environment Canada. 2012.
- Guidance Document: Off-Road Compression-Ignition Engine Emission Regulations under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. Environment Canada. 2006.
- Guidelines for the Implementation of the Pollution Prevention Planning Provisions of Part 4 of the Canadian EnvironmentalProtection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999). Environment Canada. 2002.
- Implementation Guidelines for Part 8 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 -- Environmental Emergency Plans. Environment Canada. 2004.
- Metal Mining Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) Technical Guidance Document. 2012.
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
- Reference Guide: Determining Whether a Project is Likely to Cause Significant Adverse Environmental Effects. Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency. 2003.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Guidelines for the Use of Explosives in or near Canadian Fisheries Waters (PDF Format, 112KB). Department of Fisheries and Oceans. 1998.
- Operational Statements (http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/oceans-habitat/habitat/policies-politique/management-gestion_e.asp). Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 2007.
- Policy for the Management of Fish Habitat (http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/oceans-habitat/habitat/policies-politique/management-gestion_e.asp). Department of Fisheries and Oceans. 1986.
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
- Mine Site Reclamation Guidelines for the Northwest Territories. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. 2006 (http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/ai/scr/nt/ntr/pubs/MSR-eng.asp).
- Mine Site Reclamation Policy for the Northwest Territories. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. 2002.
- Mine Site Reclamation Policy for Nunavut. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. 2002.
Natural Resources Canada
NOTE: See also the separate listing below for publications of the Mine Environmental Neutral Drainage (MEND) Program
- Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: A Canadian Perspective. Natural Resources Canada. 2004. (http://adaptation.nrcan.gc.ca/perspective/index_e.php)
- Mining Information Kit for Aboriginal Communities (PDF Format, 2.4 MB). Natural Resources Canada. 2006.
Health Canada
- The Canadian Handbook on Health Impact Assessment, Volume 4: Health Impacts by Industry Sector. Health Canada. 2004.
Laws and Regulations
- Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. Statutes of Canada 2012, chapter 19.
- Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. Statutes of Canada 1999, chapter 33.
- Environmental Emergency Regulations. Statutory Orders and Regulations 2003-307.
- Fisheries Act. Revised Statutes of Canada 1985, chapter F-14.
- Metal Mining Effluent Regulations. Statutory Orders and Regulations 2002-222.
- Species at Risk Act. Statutes of Canada 2002, chapter 29.
Provincial, Territorial and Municipal Governments
- Fish Habitat Manual. Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation. [Currently under revision].
- Guidelines on Extreme Flood Analysis (PDF Format, 5.95 MB). Alberta Transportation. 2004.
British Columbia
- British Columbia Field Sampling Manual for Continuous Monitoring and the Collection of Air, Air-Emission, Water, Wastewater, Soil, Sediment, and Biological Samples. British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection. 2003.
- Draft Guidelines and Recommended Methods for the Prediction of Metal Leaching and Acid Rock Drainage at Minesites in British Columbia. British Columbia Ministry of Employment and Investment. 1998.
- Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA): An Approach for Assessing and Reporting Environmental Conditions (PDF Format, 667 KB). British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Land and Parks. 2000.
- Guidance for Assessing the Design, Size and Operation of Sedimentation Ponds Used in Mining (PDF Format, 88 KB). British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Land and Parks. 2001.
- Guidelines for Metal Leaching and Acid Rock Drainage at Minesites in British Columbia. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. 1998.
- Handbook for Mineral and Coal Exploration in British Columbia: A Working Field Guide (PDF Format, 3.15 MB). British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources and Ministry of Environment. Working Draft - 2006.
- Health, Safety and Reclamation Code for Mines in British Columbia. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. 2008.
- Mine Reclamation in British Columbia. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. 2005.
- Water Quality: General Best Management Practices. British Columbia Ministry of the Environment. 2007.
- Mineral Exploration Guidelines for Saskatchewan (PDF Format, 438 KB). Saskatchewan Mineral Exploration and Government Advisory Committee. 2005.
- Manitoba Mine Closure Regulation 67/99 - General Closure Plan Guidelines (PDF Format, 105 KB). Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines. 2006.
- The Manitoba Minerals Guideline: Building Relationships and Creating Opportunities - Guiding Principles for Success. Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines. 2000.
- Air Pollution -- Local Air Quality. Ontario Regulation 419/05. 2005.
- Effluent Monitoring and Effluent Limits -- Metal Mining Sector. Ontario Regulation 560/94. 1994.
- Extension Notes: Protecting Fish Habitat from Sediment (PDF Format, 282 KB). LandOwner Resource Centre and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 2000.
- Directive 019 sur l'industrie minière. Le ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs.2005.
- Guidelines for Preparing a Mining Site Rehabilitation Plan and General Mining Site Rehabilitation Requirements (PDF Format, 190 KB). Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec and the Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Faune du Québec. 1997.
New Brunswick
- New Brunswick Mining Act and other relevant legislation. Government of New Brunswick. M-14.1 - Mining Act
- Guide to Mine Approval Process in New Brunswick (PDF Format, 63 KB). Government of New Brunswick.
- Guide to the Development of a Mining and Reclamation Plan in New Brunswick (PDF Format, 50 KB). Government of New Brunswick.
- Environmental Impact Assessment Program in New Brunswick. Government of New Brunswick.
Nova Scotia
- Abandoned Mine Openings Hazards and Remediation Handbook. Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources. 1997.
- A Guide to Mineral Exploration Legislation in Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources. 2008.
- Guide to Preparing an EA Registration Document for Mining Developments in Nova Scotia (PDF Format, 197 KB). Nova Scotia Environment. 2008.
- Examination of Revegetation Methodologies for Dry Stack Tailings in Northern Environments (PDF Format, 484 KB). Prepared for the Government of the Yukon by Access Mining Consultations Ltd. 2003.
- Flying in Sheep Country -- How to Minimize Disturbance from Aircraft (PDF Format, 2.31 MB). Mining and Petroleum Environmental Research Group. Yukon Government.
- Flying in Caribou Country: How to Minimize Disturbance from Aircraft (PDF Format, 1.12 MB) -- Draft 2008 Guidelines. Yukon Government.
- Guidelines for Industrial Activity in Bear Country: For Mineral and Placer Mine Industries -- 2008 Guidelines (PDF Format, 530 KB). Yukon Government. 2008.
- Mine Site Reclamation and Closure Policy (PDF Format, 1.2 MB). Yukon Government. 2006.
- Guide to Hard Rock Prospecting, Exploration and Mining in Yukon. Yukon Government. 2007. Hard Rock (Quartz) Mining - Energy, Mines, and Resources - Government of Yukon
- Yukon Mine Site and Reclamation Closure Policy. Financial and Technical Guidelines (PDF Format, 385 KB). Yukon Government. 2008.
Northwest Territories
- Flying Low? Think Again (PDF Format, 6.78 MB, http://www.enr.gov.nt.ca/_live/documents/documentManagerUpload/Flying%20Low%20Brochure.pdf). Environment and Natural Resources. NWT. 2007.
- Guidelines for the Planning, Design, Operations and Maintenance of Modified Solid Waste Sites in the Northwest Territories (PDF Format, 1.65 MB). Northwest Territories Municipal and Community Affairs. 2003.
City of Calgary
- Guidelines for Erosion & Sediment Control (PDF Format, 2.1 MB). City of Calgary. 2001.
Australia -- Federal, State, and Territorial Governments
- Best Practice Environmental Management in Mining. Australian Government, Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources (PDF Format, 1038KB)
- Biodiversity Management (PDF Format, 4.37 MB). Australian Government, Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources. 2007.
- Community Engagement and Development (PDF Format, 4.72 MB). Australian Government, Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources. 2006.
- Environmental Notes on Mining: Care and Maintenance (http://www.dmp.wa.gov.au/836.aspx, PDF Format, 174 KB). Department of Minerals and Industry, Western Australia. 2001.
- Guidelines for Mining Proposals in Western Australia (PDF Format, 961 KB). Government of Western Australia, Department of Industry and Resources. 2006.
- Guidelines for the Protection of Surface and Groundwater Resources during Exploration Drilling (PDF Format, 4.37 MB). Government of Western Australia, Department of Mineral and Petroleum Resources. 2002.
- Guidelines on the Safe Design and Operating Standards for Tailings Storage (http://www.dmp.wa.gov.au/documents/Tailings_mgt.pdf , PDF Format, 461 KB). Government of Western Australia, Department of Industry and Resources. 1999.
- Heritage Council Guideline for the Conservation of Mining Industry Heritage in Western Australia (PDF Format, 422 KB). Heritage Council of Western Australia. 2002.
- Managing Acid and Metalliferous Drainage (http://www.dmp.wa.gov.au/documents/file_MAMD20070227104556.pdf. PDF Format, 874 KB). Australian Government, Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources. 2007.
- Mine Closure and Completion (PDF Format, 316 KB). Australian Government, Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources. 2006.
- Mine Rehabilitation (PDF Format, 355 KB). Australian Government, Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources. 2006.
- Mining Environmental Management Guidelines: Calculating Environmental Performance Bonds. Government of Western Australia, Department of Industry and Resources. 2007.
- Stewardship. Australian Government, Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources. 2006.
- Stewardship of Tailings Facilities. AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited, for Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development. 2002.
- Strategic Framework for Mine Closure. Australian and New Zealand Minerals and Energy Council and the Minerals Council of Australia. 2000.
- Strategic Framework for Tailings Management (PDF Format, 303 KB). Ministerial Council on Mineral and Petroleum Resources and the Minerals Council of Australia. 2003.
- Tailings Management (PDF Format, 959 KB). Australian Government, Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources. 2007.
United States -- Federal and State Governments
- Dust Control Handbook for Minerals Processing. U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration. 1987.
- Engineering Manual for Mining Operations. Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. 1999.
- Environmental Impacts of Cemented Mine Waste Backfill (http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/pubs/pdfs/ri9599.pdf). United States Bureau of Mines. 1996.
- Handbook for Dust Control in Mining. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 2003.
- Review of Technology Available to the Underground Mining Industry for Control of Diesel Emissions (http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/pubs/pdfs/ic9462.pdf). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 2002.
- Technical Report: Design and Evaluation of Tailings Dams (PDF Format, 327 KB). United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1994.
- The Human Factor in Mining Reclamation (PDF Format, 359 MB). United States Geological Survey. 2000.
European Commission
- Communication from the Commission - Promoting Sustainable Development in the EU Non-Energy Extractive Industry. Commission of the European Communities. 2000. SCADPlus: Promoting sustainable development in the non-energy extractive industry
- Communication from the Commission - Safe Operation of Mining Activities: A Follow-up to Recent Mining Accidents (http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/site/en/com/2000/com2000_0664en01.pdf). Commission of the European Communities. 2000.
- Management of Mining, Quarrying and Ore-Processing Waste in the European Union (PDF Format, 1.12 MB). Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières, European Commission. 2001.
- Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for Management of Tailings and Waste-Rock in Mining Activities (PDF Format, 8.9 MB). European Commission - Sustainability in Industry, Energy and Transport. 2004.
United Nations
- APELL for Mining: Guidance for the Mining Industry in Raising Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level. United Nations Environment Programme. 2001.
- Guidelines for Mining and Sustainable Development (Berlin II). United Nations. 2002.
- Joint Conference on Environmental Literacy in Minerals Education - Final Report. United Nations Environment Programme. 1999.
- Mining and Sustainable Development II: Challenges and Perspectives (PDF Format, 4.61 MB). United Nations Environment Programme. 2000.
- Public Involvement: Guidelines for Natural Resource Development Projects (http://www.unescap.org/esd/publications/energy/pi/index.htm). United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. 1997.
- Tailings Dams: Risk of Dangerous Occurrences -- Lessons Learnt from Practical Experiences (PDF Format, 1.14 MB). United Nations Environment Programme. 2001.
World Health Organization
- Air Quality Guidelines for Europe (PDF Format, 1 MB). World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe. 2000.
- Community Noise. World Health Organization. 1995 (http://www.who.int/docstore/peh/noise/Noiseold.html).
Other Government Publications
- Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in the Arctic (http://www.nepa.gov/nepa/eiaguide.pdf, PDF Format, 1.36 MB). Finnish Ministry of the Environment. 1997.
- Mine-water Management. Pages 157-167 in Knowledge Review 2001/02. South Africa Water Resource Commission. 2002.
Mining Association of Canada
- Developing an Operation, Maintenance and Surveillance Manual for Tailings and Water Management Facilities (PDF Format, 3.48 MB). Mining Association of Canada. 2005.
- Energy Efficiency Planning Guide (PDF Format, 258 KB). Mining Association of Canada. 1997.
- A Guide to the Management of Tailings Facilities (PDF Format, 553 KB). Mining Association of Canada. 1998.
- Towards Sustainable Mining - Guiding Principles (PDF Format, 21 KB). Mining Association of Canada. 2004.
Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada
- Environmental Excellence in Exploration. Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada. 2007.
Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia
- Mineral Exploration, Mining and Aboriginal Community Engagement: A Guidebook. Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia. 2005.
International Council on Mining and Metals
- Financial Assurance for Mine Closure and Reclamation. (PDF Format, 734 KB) International Council on Mining and Metals. 2005.
- Good Practice Guidance for Mining and Biodiversity. (PDF Format, 957 KB) International Council on Mining and Metals. 2006.
- Good Practice in Emergency Preparedness and Response. (PDF Format, 1.17 MB) International Council on Mining and Metals. 2005.
- Guidance Paper: Financial Assurance for Mine Closure and Reclamation. International Council on Mining and Minerals. 2006.
- Integrating Mining and Biodiversity Conservation: Case Studies from Around the World. (PDF Format, 1.84 MB) International Council on Mining and Metals. 2004.
- The Management of Cyanide in Gold Extraction. (PDF Format, 1.10 MB) International Council on Metals and the Environment. 1999.
Industry - Other
- Breaking New Ground - The Report of the Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development Project. International Institute for Environment and Development and World Business Council for Sustainable Development. 2002.
- Code of Practice for Exploration in Environmentally Sensitive Areas. The Chamber of Mines and Energy of Western Australia Inc. 1995.
- Public Participation Guidelines for Stakeholders in the Mining Industry. Consultative Forum on Mining and the Environment and the Chamber of Mines of South Africa. 2002.
- South African Guideline on Cyanide Management for Gold Mining. Chamber of Mines of South Africa. 2001. (http://www.goodpracticemining.org/documents/jon/CMSA-CyanideMment.pdf, PDF Format, 1.26 MB)
- Syntheses of Best Practices Road Salt Management - 8.0 Snow Storage and Disposal (PDF Format, 611 KB). Transportation Association of Canada. 2003.
Other Organizations and Publications
International Cyanide Management Institute
- Cyanide Facts: Cyanide Sampling and Analytical Methods for Gold Mining. International Cyanide Management Institute. 2002.
- International Cyanide Management Code. International Cyanide Management Institute. 2005.
- International Cyanide Management Code for the Manufacture, Transport and Use of Cyanide in the Production of Gold. International Cyanide Management Institute. 2008.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
- ISO 14000 Essentials. International Organization for Standardization.
- ISO 19011: Guidelines for Quality and/or Environmental Management Systems Auditing. International Organization for Standardization. Detailed documentation is available for purchase
Canadian Dam Association
NOTE: The following document outlines the principles of the Dam Safety Guidelines. Detailed documentation is available for purchase from the Canadian Dam Association
- Dam Safety Guidelines. Canadian Dam Association. 2007.
Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD)
NOTE: The International Commission on Large Dams has a large number of technical publications related to all aspects of dam design, construction, operation, monitoring and maintenance, including those listed below. These documents are available for purchase at http://www.icold-cigb.org/
- Risk Assessment in Dam Safety Management. A reconnaissance of Benefits. Methods and Current Applications. 2005.
- Tailings Dams Risk of Dangerous Occurrences - Lessons Learnt from Practical Experiences. 2001.
- A Guide to Tailings Dams and Impoundments - Design, Construction, Use and Rehabilitation. 1996.
- Dams and Related Structures in Cold Climate - Design Guidelines and Case Studies. 1996.
- Monitoring of Tailings Dams - Review and Recommendations. 1996.
- Tailings Dams and Environment - Review and Recommendations. 1996.
- Tailings Dams. Transport. Placement. Decantation - Review and Recommendations. 1995.
- Tailings Dams and Seismicity - Review and Recommendations. 1995.
- Tailings Dams - Design of drainage. 1994.
- Tailings Dams Safety - Guidelines. 1989.
- Selecting Seismic Parameters for Large Dams -- Guidelines. 1989.
Global Reporting Initiative
- Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, v. 3.0. Global Reporting Initiative (PDF Format, 2.01 MB). 2007.
World Bank
- Performance Standards on Social & Environmental Sustainability. International Finance Corporation. 2006.
Other Publications
- Adaptive Management and Ecological Restoration (PDF Format, 154 KB). Pages 417-428 in Ecological Restoration of Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forests. 2003.
- ARD Sampling and Sample Preparation. Bruce Downing, Gamah International. 2007.
- Best Management Practices in Support of Fish and Wildlife Habitat: Aquatic Plant Management. Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Foundation. 2005.
- Comparison of Predicted and Actual Water Quality at Hardrock Mines: The Reliability of Predictions in Environmental Impact Statements (PDF Format, 1.38 MB). James Kuipers, Kuipers & Associates, and Ann Maest, Buka Environmental. 2006.
- Design of Water Quality Monitoring Systems. Robert C. Ward, Jim C. Loftis, Graham B. McBride. Van Nostrand Rienhold. 1990.
- Engineering Guidelines for the Passive Remediation of Acidic and/or Metalliferous Mine Drainage and Similar Wastewaters (PDF Format, 2.72 MB). PIRAMID Consortium. 2003.
- Environmental Aspects of Mine Wastes; Short Course Series Volume 31. J.L. Jambor, D.W. Blowes, and A.I.A. Ritchie, editors. Mineralogical Association of Canada. Vancouver, B.C. 2003.
- Implications of Different Tailings Disposal Options on Future Rehabilitation (PDF Format, 86 KB). Gordon McPhail, Metago Environmental Engineers (Australia) Pty Ltd. 2006.
- Lightening the Lode: A Guide to Responsible Large-scale Mining (http://www.conservation.org/sites/celb/Documents/lode.pdf). Conservation International. 2000.
- Management of Sulfidic Mine Wastes and Acid Drainage: Handbook (http://www.acmer.uq.edu.au/publications/attachments/ManagementofSulfidicMineWastes.pdf). Australian Centre for Mining Environmental Research. 1999.
- Manual for Estimation of Probable Maximum Precipitation. World Meteorological Organization. 1986. Document available for purchase
- Passive in-situ Remediation of Acidic Mine/Industrial Drainage (PIRAMID) -- Final Report (PDF Format, 812 KB). PIRAMID Consortium. 2003.
- Putting a Price on Pollution: Financial Assurance for Mine Reclamation and Closure. 2003. Mineral Policy Center.
- Use of Financial Surety for Environmental Purposes (PDF Format, 465 KB). 1998. The International Council on Metals and the Environment.
- Wetlands for the Treatment of Mine Drainage. André Sobolewski. 1997.
- Website providing access to a library of good practice guidelines, standards, case studies, legislation and other relevant material. (http://www.goodpracticemining.org/)
Publications of the Mine Environment Neutral Drainage (MEND) Program
A complete list of all publications of the MEND Program is provided in Appendix 1. With the exception of the document listed below, MEND publications are available for purchase from the MEND website.
- List of Potential Information Requirements in Metal Leaching and Acid Rock Drainage Assessment and Mitigation. 2005. MEND.
Page details
- Date modified: