Ethylene glycol final content: appendix B
Appendix B: Literature Search Strategy -- New Information for the Human Health Assessment
The critical information for the hazard characterization was obtained from the rat dietary studies conducted by the Ethylene Glycol Research Task Force of the American Chemistry Council; this information was submitted under Section 71(1)(c) of CEPA 1999. The critical information related to exposure assessment among the general population in Canadawas obtained from a letter issued by the Canadian Consumer Speciality Product Association (CCSPA). Additional information was obtained from a study report prepared for the American Chemistry Council; the report consisted of an assessment of estimated human exposure to ethylene glycol in the vicinity of an ethylene glycol manufacturing facility and was used to quantify the level of ethylene glycol to which the people living close to manufacturing facilities were exposed.
A comprehensive literature search was conducted of monitoring data in Canadaand/or elsewhere (from January 2000 to January 2009) and toxicological studies in animals and humans (from January 2000 to January 2009) to identify critical new data for the assessment of the human health risk. A search was conducted by chemical name or CAS registry number in the following databases: HSDB (Hazardous Substances Data Bank), TOXLINE, Pubmed, Current Contents (SilverPlatter database), ChemIDplus, IRIS (Integrated Risk Information System), TERA (Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment), CCRIS (Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System), GENE-TOX, DART/ETIC (Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology / Environmental Teratology Information Centre), IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer), IUCLID, US EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency), WHO (World Health Organization) database, Patty’s Toxicology database, BIBRA International, OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) database, NPRI 2005 (National Pollutant Release Inventory), Syracuse Research Corporation’s Environmental Fate Database, NAPS (National Air Pollutant Surveillance) database, Dow Chemical website, Shell Chemicals website, MEGlobal website, Camford Information Services Product Profiles (2003), and the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (Health Canada) website. A general search was also conducted using the Google search engine.
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