Guide for reporting to National Pollutant Release Inventory 2001: step 3
Step 3: install the reporting software and upload data
Step 3 is to install and open the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) reporting software. Details of how to check for errors and export your data once you have completed your report are provided in Steps 6 and step7 of this guide.
You are encouraged to install and open the NPRI reporting software when you receive it to ensure that you do not have any technical difficulties that may result in late submission of your report. If you have questions about the reporting form or software, refer to this guide or use the "help" button in the bottom left-hand corner of each screen.
If you reported to the NPRI for 2000, you can upload the data from that report and update the information (see "Import data / maintain system").
The three components of this step are:
- install the software - see description of system requirements and installation procedure below
- open the software and familiarize yourself with the various screens and functions
- import data (optional) - use this function if you want to upload an NPRI report from 2000 or a 2001 report from another facility
Install and open/start the NPRI reporting software
Hardware and software requirements
The Windows-based reporting software is a 32-bit application that can only be used on computers running Microsoft Windows. The minimum requirements for using the electronic reporting form are:
- Intel Pentium II compatible personal computer
- Windows 9x (includes 95, 98, SE, ME) or
Windows NT (includes 2000 and XP - may also require Administrative privilege to install) - Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4 with service pack 5 (or higher) installed (IE5+)
- CD-ROM drive or a 3.5'' high-density disk drive, and
- a hard disk drive with 30 or more megabytes (Mb) of available space
Install the NPRI reporting software
- start Windows
- insert the NPRI CD into your CD-ROM drive. The NPRI CD browser will automatically launch if Autorun is enabled on your system. To install the NPRI reporting software, select "Install reporting software". This will start the installation process.
- if the NPRI CD browser does not appear, open the Windows/NT Explorer, select the CD-ROM drive, change to the directory "EDR" and double-click on the file EDR_Setup.exe
- follow the installation instructionsFootnote 2
Open the NPRI reporting software
To open the NPRI reporting software, use one of the following three methods:
- double-click on the NPRI-INRP icon on your desktop
- go to... Start, Programs, NPRI-INRP, 2001, and click on 2001 Reporting Software, or
- open the Windows Explorer, select the drive and directory in which the software was installed, and double-click on NPRI_WIN.exe
Using the NPRI reporting software
Opening screens
When you first open the software, you are required to select the language in which you want to work - French or English.
Select inventory program
The 2001 NPRI reporting software includes the annual reporting form for Ontario Regulation 127/01 (O.Reg.127/01) and the National Emissions Reduction Masterplan (NERM). These pollutant inventories are further defined below. You must select the inventory(s) to which you are reporting to activate the appropriate fields in the reporting form(s) and list(s) of substances.
You may return to this screen later if you choose to modify the inventory(s) to which you are reporting.
Warning: If you change your selection from "NPRI" (which includes O.Reg.127/01) to "O.Reg.127/01", you will not have access to previously-entered NPRI data other than for those substances listed in O.Reg.127/01, Table 2C.
- NPRI - National Pollutant Release Inventory
- facilities required to report to Environment Canada for the NPRI
- Ontario facilities required to report for BOTH the NPRI and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE) O.Reg.127/01
Select this button if you are required to report to Environment Canada for the NPRI. If you are reporting for a facility located in Ontario, select this button if you are required to report for both the NPRI and for Ontario Regulation 127/01.
If you are completing an NPRI report for multiple facilities, only some of which are in Ontario, select the "NPRI" button. The substances and fields for the O.Reg.127/01 reporting form will only appear for those facilities located in Ontario. Facilities outside Ontario will not see any of the fields required under O.Reg.127/01.
Refer to the help file or the Guide for reporting under O.Reg.127/01 Using the NPRI/MOE Software - 2001 for descriptions of the fields in the O.Reg.127/01 reporting form.
- MOE - O. Reg.127/01 - Ontario Regulation 127/01
- Ontario facilities ONLY required to report to MOE for O.Reg.127/01 (Tables 2A and 2B substances)
Select this button if you are required to submit an annual report to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment under Ontario Regulation 127/01, but ARE NOT required to report to Environment Canada for the NPRI. (Therefore the facility is only reporting for substances listed in O.Reg.127/01, Tables 2A and 2B.)
If you are also required to report for any substances listed in Table 2C of O.Reg.127/01, you must also report those substances to the NPRI. In this case, select the "NPRI" button above.
Refer to the Help file or the Guide for Reporting under O.Reg.127/01 Using the NPRI/MOE Software - 2001 for descriptions of the fields in the O.Reg.127/01 reporting form.
- NERM - National Emissions Reduction Masterplan
- facilities required to report to the Canadian Chemical Producers' Association (CCPA) for NERM
- this button enables reporting for NERM, NPRI and for Ontario facilities O.Reg.127/01
Select this button if you are reporting to both NERM and the NPRI. The reporting form for MOE O.Reg.127/01 will also be activated for facilities in Ontario.
NERM (National Emissions Reduction Masterplan) is an emissions reporting and reduction initiative of the Canadian Chemical Producers' Association (CCPA). A component of Responsible CareĀ®, NERM applies to all chemical manufacturing facilities operated by CCPA-member companies. For further information, contact the CCPA at 613-237-6215 ext. 237.
The NERM reporting form is similar to the NPRI reporting form. Refer to this Guide for a description of each field in the reporting form. A summary of the changes to the NERM substance list for 2001 is included on the NPRI reporting software CD.
Global contacts menu
You are required to identify whether there is a contractor or company coordinator completing the NPRI report.
C1. Independent contractor
A company or facility will often hire a contractor to complete its NPRI report. In this case, Environment Canada requires that the contact information for the contractor be provided. If you answer "Yes" to the question in field C1, enter the name, telephone number and address of the contractor.
C2. Company coordinator
Some companies may coordinate reports for several facilities through a central contact. If you are a company coordinator completing reports for more than one facility, you may enter your coordinates here, rather than repeatedly in each facility report.
If you answer "Yes" to the question in field C2, provide the name, position title, e-mail address, telephone and facsimile numbers for the company coordinator (see the description for fields A8 and fieldA9 for further details). Correspondence from Environment Canada will be addressed to the company coordinator.
Note: Editing this information will replace the information for all the coordinators (fields A8 and fieldA9) in this report. For this reason, you are required to press the "activate edit mode" button prior to being able to add to or edit company coordinator information.
Entering data / main menu
The NPRI reporting software uses a menu-based system for navigation. The "main menu" is the starting point for completing an NPRI report. A typical procedure is to first select "maintain system" and upload the data from your 2000 report. Next, choose "view / enter / edit data" and update the information on reporting facilities, substances and off-site facilities. Finally, choose "check errors / export data" to export an NPRI report to disk and submit it with a signed statement of certification to your regional NPRI office. Note that the "select inventory program" option should only be used if you need to change your original program selection.
Main menu
- select inventory program
- import data / maintain system
- view / enter / edit data
- check errors / export data
- print reports menu
Import data / maintain system
Import data / maintain system
- import data
- clear database tables
- change location of data directory
Importing data
You may import your data from the previous reporting year that are on disks or stored on your hard drive. If you import data, you are required to update the facility and substance information where required, verify that all information is accurate and complete the fields that were not imported through the use of this function.
NPRI reports from other facilities can also be uploaded. This feature is useful for company coordinators who wish to combine reports from several facilities into one report. The software will only upload reports from the 2000 and 2001 NPRI.
Go to the "main menu" and select the "import data / maintain system" option, followed by the "import data" button. At the prompt, choose the drive letter and path name of the NPRI data. The NPRI software can upload data from any drive or folder that contains a valid NPRI report. A status screen will indicate the year for which the data are being uploaded (2000 or 2001) and list the number of facilities, substances and off-site facilities that will be uploaded.
While the data are being uploaded, the program will display the number of records transferred and the number of duplicates found. The software will warn you if a duplicate facility is being uploaded and give you the option to:
- overwrite the existing record with the record on disk
- create a new facility with a different NPRI ID
- skip and not import the record on disk, or
- cancel all further imports
Clear database tables
This feature is designed to delete all data that are currently in the reporting software. Note: Once deleted, data cannot be recovered.
Change location of data directory
This feature allows you to store one or more NPRI reports in different folders. It is most useful for consultants who prepare reports for different clients or for company coordinators reporting for several facilities.
To use this feature, first use Windows Explorer to create a new folder(s) for the NPRI data. Then use the NPRI software to change the location of the data directory created. You have the option of creating a new empty database in the folder or opening an existing database.
Note: This function cannot be used to copy NPRI reports from one folder to another. You must use Windows Explorer to copy the NPRIDATA.MDB database file from one directory to another.
View / enter / edit data
The software requires that you enter the identification information for a facility prior to entering substance-related information.
From the "main menu", select "view / enter / edit data". From this screen, you can enter all the information required by the NPRI. At any time, you can save the information you have entered or abandon the changes you have made.
View / enter / edit data
- reporting facilities
- substances
- surface water bodies
- off-site facilities
- view global contacts
Reporting racilities
Information identifying the facility is entered in fields A1 to A17 of the "reporting facilities" section. The electronic reporting form allows NPRI reports for more than one facility to be entered. This is useful for company coordinators who are filing NPRI reports for several facilities. The "facility/substance summary" screen provides a concise summary of on-site releases and off-site transfers. This summary is also available immediately prior to exporting the NPRI report to a disk.
Note: You must have entered the data for at least one facility before you can enter substance-related information. Information on NPRI substances is entered in fields B1 to B40 of the "substances" report. The substance screen lists the facilities and their associated substance reports. Substance reports can be added, modified and deleted. The "facility/substance summary" screen provides a concise summary of on-site releases and off-site transfers. This summary is also available immediately prior to exporting the NPRI report to a disk.
If the pick-lists described below are incomplete or inaccurate, you can add or edit a surface water body name or an off-site facility. The following two sections describe a more direct way of identifying off-site facilities and water bodies.
Surface water bodies
Select this button to open the "Master Pick-list of Surface Water Bodies" table. The entries in this table become part of a pick-list available when in the "Water Bodies" column of field B12.3 of the substances report.
If you are reporting the release of an NPRI substance to surface waters (streams, rivers, lakes, bays, inlets, etc.), you must identify the receiving water body. To ensure that water bodies are consistently identified, the list of names in this table was assembled from data in the NPRI and from the Canada Gazette. The names in this initial list cannot be modified. However, if you cannot find the name of a water body, you can add a new geographic feature to the list.
Do not add a new surface water body name unless it will be associated with at least one discharge to surface waters identified in field B12.3, otherwise the software will generate an "orphan water body" error. There are two ways to edit the "master pick-list of surface water bodies" table:
- select "surface water bodies" in the "view / enter / edit data"menu, or
- select the button in the "# of Water Bodies" column in field B12.3, then select "add a new water body to the pick-list".
Once you have added a water body, you are required to report the quantity of the substance released to that water body.
Off-site facilities
Select this button to open "master pick-list of off-site facilities". The entries in this table become part of a pick-list which is available when in the "# of Off-sites" column of fields B22.1 and B25.1 of the substances report.
The NPRI identifies three different types of off-site facilities:
- facilities to which the reported substance is sent for final disposal or treatment prior to final disposal
- municipal sewage treatment plants (MSTPs) to which your facility discharges an effluent containing the reported substance, and
- facilities to which materials containing the reported substance are sent for recycling.
Discharges to sanitary sewers are reported as off-site transfers for disposal to an MSTP, regardless of the type or level of treatment offered at the MSTP.
If your facility transfers an NPRI substance off site for disposal or recycling, you must identify the receiving facility. To ensure that off-site facilities are consistently identified, a list of facilities was assembled from data in the NPRI. The information for the off-site facilities in this initial list cannot be modified. However, you can add a new off-site facility and its location to the list if you cannot find the name of the facility to which you transferred NPRI substances.
Do not identify an off-site facility unless it will be associated with at least one substance transfer, otherwise the software will generate an "orphan facility" error. There are two ways to edit the "facility off-site and MSTP listing" table:
- select "off-site facilities" in the "view / enter / edit data"menu, or
- select the button in the "# of off-sites" column in field B22.1 or field B25.1 and then "add an off-site facility to the pick-list".
Once you have added an off-site facility, you are required to report the quantity of the substance transferred to that facility.
Print reports
From this screen, you can set printer defaults, print all or part of your NPRI report and print a statement of certification for each of the programs to which you are reporting.
Note: It is not necessary to submit a printed copy of the NPRI report with your electronic copy. You are only required to submit the electronic copy and a signed statement of certification.
Print reports menu
- print facilities / substances
- print surface water bodies
- print off-site facilities
- print summary listings
- print reporting errors
- print statement of certification
- set printer defaults
Print facilities / substances
This report provides a detailed listing of all the information in the NPRI report. A series of check boxes allow you to select various options for printing. By default, the report will list all of the facilities and their substances. The offsite facilities and water bodies must be printed separately. You have the option of printing the facility information only, without the substance information, or printing specific sections of the facility and/or substance reports.
You may choose to print the report in the "language of entry". This allows those reports completed in English to be printed in English while reports completed in French are printed in French. Or, the report headings can be printed in either French or English; information entered in the report will remain in the language of entry.
Print surface waters bodies
This report provides a listing of all surface water bodies to which the facility reported the release of an NPRI substance.
Print off-site facilities
This report provides a listing of all off-site facilities and MSTPs to which the facility reported the transfer of an NPRI substance.
Print summary listings
This report provides a summary of the actual and anticipated releases and transfers reported for each NPRI substance.
Print reporting errors
This report provides a summary of all of the errors in the facility and substance reports which must be corrected before exporting the data.
Print statement of certification
A brief report summary is printed as part of the statement of certification. It lists the facilities, their substance reports and the total quantities released on site and/or transferred off site for disposal and recycling. The statement of certification includes the name and address of the company official identified in fields A16 and A17. A signed and dated statement of certification must be submitted with the NPRI report.
Set printer defaults
You can either print to a printer ("P") or to a file ("F"). The software can use any printer on your system or you can print to a file in cases where the printer is inaccessible. The resulting file is a simple text document that can be edited in Notepad, WordPad or any other PC-based word processing program. If you are having printing problems, try using the "print to a file" option and then printing from Notepad,WordPad or your preferred word processing program. HINT: For best results, use a fixed-pitch font such as 10-point Courier or New Courier.
Follow Steps 4 and step5 to complete your report, then Steps 6 and step7 to export and submit your report to Environment Canada.
The NPRI electronic reporting form, and Steps 4 and step5 of this guide, are organized as follows:
- Section A1: facility identification
- Section B1: substance information
- Section B10: on-site releases to the environment
- Section B20: off-site transfers for disposal or recycling
- Section B30: pollution prevention activities
- Section B40: production ratio and activity index
Please review the explanations provided for these sections before completing your NPRI report for 2001.
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