Screening Assessment of Six Substances on the Domestic Substances List: conclusion
Based on available information, and until new information is received indicating that any of the substances are entering, or may enter the environment due to applications in Canada not registered under the PCPA, it has been determined that the above six substances are currently not entering, nor are they likely to enter, the environment from applications not registered under the PCPA. Therefore, it is concluded that trifluralin, atrazine, chlorothalonil, chlorophacinone, methoxychlor and pentachlorophenol do not meet the definition of toxic set out in section 64 of CEPA 1999.
As substances listed on the DSL, import and manufacture of these substances in Canada are not subject to notification under subsection 81(1) of CEPA 1999. Given the hazardous properties of these substances, there is concern that new activities for the substances (other than those covered under the PCPA), which have not been identified or assessed under CEPA 1999, could lead to the substances meeting the criteria set out in section 64 of the Act. Therefore, it is recommended that these six substances be subject to the Significant New Activity provisions specified under subsection 81(3) of the Act, to ensure that any new manufacture, import or application of these substances for uses other than the ones covered under the PCPA is notified and will undergo ecological and human health risk assessments as specified in section 83 of the Act, prior to the initiation of this activity in Canada.
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