Summary of comments and responses: addition of precursors to particulate matter, chapter 7

7. VOC definition

Comment received

The exclusionary definition of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) given in the Order is confusing and cumbersome and is in contravention of the Cabinet Directive on Law-Making. A clearer definition specifying aspects such as vapour pressure is required.


The proposed wording for the definition of VOCs describes a class of substances, of which a certain number are excluded as they are believed to be less significant contributors to PM10 and ozone formation. VOCs which are excluded from the list given in the current Order may still need to be managed on an individual basis for other reasons, such as climate change or their own inherent toxicity to human health or the environment.

Canada and other countries around the world have considered VOCs as a class in managing ozone for many years. It is impractical to attempt to manage ozone by dealing individually with each of the contributing VOCs.

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