Canadian Aerosol Baseline Measurement Program

The Canadian Aerosol Baseline Measurement (CABM) Program operates a network of stations that measure the properties of atmospheric aerosols. This observational program tracks long-term changes in aerosol concentration and composition over Canada.  Aerosols tend to influence the climate system through their impact on the radiative energy balance and the hydrological cycle. Changes in aerosol measurements are typically due to:

CABM measurements help scientists understand the connections between aerosol chemical composition, aerosol radiative properties, cloud formation, and precipitation. These measurements are also used to validate regional and global climate models.

Data is available at the World Data Centre for Aerosols. Detailed technical information on the instrumentation, sampling methodologies, calibration and data quality is available by request.

Services and information

Greenhouse gases and aerosols research and monitoring

Learn more about ECCC measurement networks, use of satellite observations, and special studies of climate processes relating to greenhouse gases and aerosols

Canadian Greenhouse Gas Measurement Program

Information on greenhouse gas measurements across Canada

Carbon Assimilation System

One of ECCC's tools for understanding the carbon cycle

Contact the Canadian Aerosol Baseline Measurement Program

Send your enquiries, comments and suggestions to:

Environment and Climate Change Canada
Climate Research Division
4905 Dufferin Street
Toronto, Ontario CANADA
M3H 5T4

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