Disposal at sea permit application guide: data requirements for excavated material, appendix D
1. Excavation site boundary
You are to submit to the Environment and Climate Change Canada Disposal at Sea Program a PDF file that identifies the boundaries of the area proposed for excavation, including the address and latitude and longitude coordinates of the location. The latitude and longitude coordinates should be formatted to decimal degrees to 5 decimal places in North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83)
- Acceptable format: PDF (.pdf)
2. Excavation activity and excavation volumes
You are to provide a written description of the nature of excavation that will be undertaken, including but not limited to:
- the total area (m²) to be excavated
- the proposed depth of cut (in metres), and
- the total place measure volume (m³) to be excavated for the purposes of disposal at sea
The volume estimates will be used in determining the total number of samples that will be required within the excavation area, in preparing the Disposal at Sea permit, and for calculating monitoring fees. You are encouraged to calculate volumes carefully as underestimating excavation volumes is a common error, one that may lead to avoidable permit revisions or regulatory compliance issues.
- Preferred format: as available
3. Proposed sample locations
The total number of required samples should be determined through consultation with Program staff. The list of proposed locations should be identified in the PDF file of the site plan. Following completion of the sampling, a list of the final sample collection locations (as recorded by Global Positioning System (GPS) in the field) is to be submitted to the Program.
- Preferred format: as available
4. Submissions of analytical results
Samples must be sent to an accredited laboratory for analysis and the resulting laboratory report, and quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) data is to be submitted to Program staff for review. In addition, a summary spreadsheet of the laboratory analytical results from the field sampling program must be submitted. The data loading spreadsheet template to be used is available from your nearest Disposal at Sea Program regional office. Please contact your regional office for the most up-to-date version. It is important that the format and structure of the template not be altered. Laboratory results may not be available for all parameters identified in the template; parameters for which there are no data should be left blank. To complete the template, field sampling personnel will be required to record and provide all the following information for each sample:
- site name
- name of sampling location, for example, “1234 Burrard St, Vancouver”
- location type, for example, “Excavation Load site”
- sample identification (ID)
- sampling station ID as per the sampling plan
- sample collection date (yyyy-mm-dd)
- sample type: surface or core
- identify whether the sample is a surface sample or a core sample
- sample depths
- identify the start and end depth of the sample relative to the surface
- identify whether or not the sample was a composite with with “Y” (yes) or “N” (no)
- latitude and longitude coordinates for each sample
- decimal degrees to 5 decimal places in NAD 83
- comments
- any comments regarding the sample, for example, if it was a composite sample, which stations were composited, and any other observations such as colour, odour, composition
- Acceptable format: spreadsheet (.csv)
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