Opportunity to host Adaptation Canada 2026


This opportunity is to organize Adaptation Canada 2026, the third edition of Canada’s national conference on climate change adaptation. Adaptation Canada 2026 will take place in Toronto in fall 2026. The conference will build on the success of previous events. 

The conference will bring Canadians together to share solutions to shape a resilient future. 

Eligible applicants

The following list describes eligible applicants for the funding to host Adaptation Canada 2026:

To apply

Submissions are due via the Grants and Contributions Enterprise Management System (GCEMS) no later than 13:00 (1:00 p.m.), Eastern Daylight Time, on Monday, October 28, 2024. For more information, please consult the GCEMS portal.

Contact information

  1. All inquiries may be forwarded to: adaptation@ec.gc.ca
  2. For GCEMS (Grants and Contributions Enterprise Management System) technical assistance, contact the GCEMS Support Team: sgesc-gcems-sgesc-gcems@ec.gc.ca

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