Summary of public comments received on the draft screening assessment for heptamethylnonane

Comments on the draft Screening Assessment for Heptamethylnonane, assessed under the Chemicals Management Plan (CMP), were submitted by an individual (D. Mukherjee, PhD) and a stakeholder association.

Summarized public comments and responses are provided below, organized by topic.

Additional information and data

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Additional technical information and sources of human exposure for heptamethylnonane should be considered in the screening assessment.

Screening assessments conducted under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA) are based on the available data.

These screening assessments focus on assessing risk to the general population.

The additional information submitted on the stability and reactivity and physical hazards of heptamethylnonane (HMN) may be more relevant to inform individuals who may come into contact with high concentrations of the substance regularly, which is not applicable for the general Canadian population. The concerns raised for inhalation, dermal, and acute effects have either already been considered in the assessment or have not been substantiated by additional substance-specific data or toxicity studies from the literature. These above-mentioned concerns were not considered to impact the conclusions of the assessment.

Consultations and stakeholder engagement

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Further assistance can be provided if additional information is needed. Noted.

Occupational exposure

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It is recommended that information on health effects from occupational exposures be included in the screening assessment.

Screening assessments conducted under CEPA are based on the available data. Under the Chemicals Management Plan (CMP), screening assessments focus on risks of exposure to the general population, rather than risks of exposures in the workplace. Hazards related to chemicals used in the workplace are defined within the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS).

The Government of Canada is currently working with the provinces and territories to explore ways to enhance the protection of workers from exposure to chemicals by integrating and leveraging the information, tools, and/or technical expertise of the CMP and Health Canada’s Workplace Hazardous Products Program.

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